Hey guys! It's been a while since my last upload, and unlike last time, I don't exactly have a great reason for it. The main reason is lack of will to actually put the effort in. My interest in Warframe has been slowly dwindling, and after a few months, I have lost all interest in Destiny 2. While I'd love to write, I just don't think I want to do this specific storyline anymore, as the universes have kinda been meh to me. I love the story for Warframe and Destiny, but my interest in the games themselves are the lowest they've ever been.

Perhaps I'll revisit this story at some point, but right now I'd like to explore other avenues for writing instead of forcing myself to write a story I really don't want to for now. The chances are, I will come back to this story once I've gotten a few others out and out of my head. I just can't focus on this one singular story when there's so many others I'd like to write.

Thank you for your time, and support, and I really wish I didn't have to do this.