Chapter 4: Duality

New York City

Naruto had never left Mystic Falls, so it was somewhat of a surprise to see the city that never sleeps with his own eyes, it was so overwhelming, the amount of people that were walking to and fro work, all unaware of the shadows that lurked throughout the city. It was the perfect hiding place for a vampire, enough people that it made easy to function as a vampire without ousting yourself. Still, even in a city this large, there had to be some hiding posts and supernatural only clubs, the only problem is that he had to find a vampire.

And what better way to find a vampire than some live bait, so here he was, in the middle of Brooklyn way past midnight jogging. It was essential that he appeared unaware about his surroundings, heavy music blasted through his ears as he ran the streets at a comfortable pace.


He stopped in the middle of the street, eyes narrowed as he took of his headphones and looked around the empty street in faux confusion. There was a sudden shift in the wind, and then another before he could hear the rapid footsteps behind him. His eyes glowed golden as he turned around in time to see a hooded woman.

He said, "Who are you?"

The woman grinned, "Didn't your parents teach not to stay out too late at night. It's when all the demons come out to play." And before he could react, he felt her bite into his neck drinking his blood until he crumbled onto the floor dead. She dragged his body into an alleyway and dumped it into the trash. She gave one look at the body and she pouted, "Maybe, I should have kept him…" Licking the blood of her lips, "…His blood was so tasty." But there were rules in the city that she had to follow. She disappeared in a burst of speed, never seeing the body simply vanish in a wisp of air.

The greatest thing about illusions were there ability to intrude upon a person's senses, not just twist them but to shape them into whatever way you wished. Naruto had learnt a small little trick whilst playing with Damon's vervained body, the ability to cast a persistent illusion, one that played upon someone's subconscious. He could be right beside this woman and she'd have no idea that he was there, but it had a significant downside, it required him to be within a range, the further away he was, the less power he had to control it. Damon more than likely figured out that part of his illusion by now, he wondered if the vampire would become immune to it and whilst he'd worry about the implications, Stefan's plan for his brother ensured that he'd more than likely never see the outcome of his little experiment.

Naruto was running behind the vampire, barely keeping up with her, she was faster than Damon and he assumed her to be much stronger so getting into any physical altercation with her was out of the question. She arrived in a bar; it was located somewhere off of 9th Street. Naruto raised an eyebrow at her destination, the bar in question was filled with people all entrapped by the Jazz band playing music on the stage.

She moved throughout the seats towards the back, Naruto moved with her under the guise of his illusion. He halted as she slipped into a corridor leading to a door and hid himself from the man that opened the door for her. "Thank You, Seti." She muttered as she entered the room, and then as the door shut closed, he found himself unable to hear anything going on inside the room. There had to be some sort of magic cloaking the room from any prying ears.

He frowned, he'd have to go in blind and if he had learnt anything since being a hunter, it was that going in without a plan would surely end up getting you killed. Still, his plan was still somewhat successful, he had found one of their nests. It made a lot sense that vampires who had made the city their permanent residence worked in tandem to ensure that their own safety whilst maintaining the secrecy of the supernatural world from prying eyes. It wouldn't do to have the police arming themselves with guns loaded with wooded bullets.

"You're not supposed to be here." A male voice spoke from behind him.

Naruto grinned, as he turned towards the man, "I've always wondered what it is you folk do down here."

The man's features bled, "You know about us then…" He froze as Naruto disappeared in front of his eyes. Naruto's eyes glowed, this vampire was young, far younger than any that he had ever encountered. His mind was almost as frail as that of a human, so easy for him to twist and manipulate.

The man watched in confusion as Naruto made his way to the door, and it opened for him. He rushed towards the door, banging on it, the bouncer opened it and asked, "Aren't you meant to be looking out."

"I...I swear I saw another enter." The man muttered to the bouncer. The bouncer shook his head and pushed him out, never seeing as Naruto emerged from behind the young vampires back, eyes glowing a hellish gold and triggering another illusion. The bouncer didn't even flinch as Naruto simply walked past him, Naruto grinned, illusion were so much fun. He headed down the stairs and found himself in what he could only describe as a mirror world.

Naruto stared at the sight before him, it looked like a complete copy of the bar upstairs right down to the music being played. Except this was an underground club that was seemingly composed of vampires instead of humans, his senses were going haywire, every muscle in his body was telling him to run. There had to be at least a hundred vampires, he was sure that he was completely out of his depth. Still, he was here for recon, he just needed to get some information and he would be out of this hellhole soon thereafter.

He moved to the bar, still anxious and in desperate need of something to dull his nerves enough that he wouldn't stand out like a bull in a china shop. The bartender was a woman, of African American decent, she peered at him with inquisitive eyes before she smiled. "The new ones always are so anxious."

Naruto gave her a jittery smile, "Well, I'm new to town and a friend recommended this spot to me."

"Perhaps a drink to quell those nerves." Naruto's eyes widened as he saw a woman slid into the seat next to him. Naruto was stunned by her appearance, she had long redhair and stormy grey eyes. Her character seemed to extol a noble countenance that he hadn't seen any vampire. Though what stunned him the most was not her beauty but her power, she had moved from her so fast that he didn't even hear her reach her seat.

Naruto nodded and asked, "Do you have some Sake." The bartended simply gave him a look that said, do you really have to ask.

The redhead woman smiled, "The name's Val." Naruto didn't care, everything in his body was roaring for him to kill her right now, he sneaked a sideway glance at her and found her smirking to herself, he wondered why.

Naruto breathed in slowly and replied, "My name is Naruto."

"Explains the Sake, I take it your half Japanese." Naruto nodded.

"Here you go." The bartender said as she slid him a cup of sake. Naruto drank it without hesitating, he could feel his body burning through the alcohol effects almost immediately. "Keep them coming."

"So, tell me, what brings you to the city." Val asked. Her eyes piqued in curiosity as he shifted nervously, "You don't seem like the type of guy who enjoys being in the presence of too many people."

Naruto chuckled as the bartender slid him another shot glass of Sake. "I'm here for business."

Val grinned, "Well, I'd say that you came to the wrong place." She turned around and gestured to all of the vampires feeding on human servers, losing themselves to the taste of blood and the ironic jovial tone of the music playing in the background despite the carnage that was taking place. "Vampire come here to relax and have some fun." She raised her hand, showing off her daylight ring, "Because unlike I and a few others, most of our kind only come out to play at night."

Naruto thought, 'Like a pack of rodents.' The smell of blood was getting to him, it was dizzying and was throwing his senses into a frenzy. Val stared at him with a smirk, "So tell me Naruto, why come to this bar if not to play." Her vampiric features seemed to bleed out, "Was it perhaps for something far more devious."

Naruto didn't even flinch under her gaze, his hands itched for the stake stuffed in his sleeve in preparation for an attack. "Enough." Val froze when she heard the Bartender's voice. "The boy is new here, there is no need to treat him as such."

Val merely tipped her glass at him, "Seems like Imani has taken a liking to you." She stood up with a smirk, "Care to join me on the dance floor." Her voice turned silky and baritone as she stared at the young man in front of her.

"I'm good." He decided.

Val shrugged, "Suite yourself…But as Imani will soon tell you, I'm very well aware of all the inner workings in this little city." She smiled cockily at him, "And if say somebody was looking for someone."

Naruto didn't like asking a vampire for help, but it was necessary, his time in New York whilst short remained wholly uneventful, unlike mystic falls, Naruto got the impression that vampires in the city weren't just roaming creatures but part of a carefully established system. His suspicions seemed to have been answered when Val talked about the daylight rings.

He grunted, "What's your price?"

Val raised her hand, "Merely a dance." Naruto raised an eyebrow in slight surprise, he had expected her to ask for far more.

"I'm not a good dancer." He warned her as he reluctantly gave her his hand, Val used her strength to reel him in, Naruto gulped as he realised just how close she was, he could feel her body contour against his own and her breath teasingly against his ear.

"We have all night." She whispered into his ear, and the poor Uzumaki found himself unable to supress a shiver.

Naruto pushed her away slightly, though he assumed not before she had gotten the reaction that she had wanted from him. He was quickly dragged onto the dance floor and was quickly stunned by the sheer debauchery that was occurring, vampires were waltzing with humans, feasting on them as they liked.

Val held onto Naruto as she led the dance whilst Naruto clumsily tried to follow. He grunted, "I don't understand what you're trying to gain from this."

Val chuckled in amusement, "Entertainment, I guess but I'd also like to get to know the person who attracted Iman's attention as soon as he arrived." She spun Naruto around, hearing his heart beat thump loud enough that it surely attracted all the other dancing vampires. "You shouldn't be so nervous, it may attract so unwanted attention." She murmured not his ear.

"I've given you your dance, I want answers." Val had taken to simply resting her head on his shoulders, her fascination only began to grow as she took note of his scent, the smell of foxes, ocean and earthy notes like sage. It made her unduly curious, whilst vampires as a whole didn't smell exactly the same, their scent was always intermingled with blood, they wore it like a king wore a mantle.

'How very interesting.' She thought, drawing her head back she took a look at Naruto's intense expression. He was a having a hard time being in her presence, it was beginning to feel less flattering and more threatening. "What can I help you with."

Naruto whispered, "You were right. I'm looking for someone, no something in particular." He fished out his phone and presented a picture to the vampire, "Do you know what this is?" In all her eyes, Valorie didn't think she would see that symbol again, it frightened her to her absolute core and that was saying something.

She said weakly, "I cannot give you what you seek."

"What I seek isn't the symbol, look closely…" Naruto pointed at a pendant in the background, "I want that pendant." Val looked at the pendant with interest, it seemed like an ancient trickent, rusted to the very core and unworthy of any attention beside perhaps some recollection of its history.

"And why do you need this…pendant."

Naruto shrugged, "It'll guide me towards what I seek." Val didn't enjoy the riddled answer but accepted it nonetheless, assuming that it likely belonged to his family.

"Pendants usually involve magic, if you wish to locate it, you'll need a witch." She answered and Naruto seemed to pick up on the nervousness in her voice.

"I'm curious, this symbol, does it mean anything to you." He lied.

Val shook her head, "It just reminded me of a time I'd like to forget." Naruto frowned as Val stepped away from him, her gaze settled onto him for a moment before she said, "If you're looking for a witch, Imani's your girl." She walked away from him, Naruto heard her shout, "It was nice meeting you, Mr Uzumaki." And before the crowd could part, she was already gone. Naruto felt conscious immediately of his surroundings, he headed over to the bar in a slight hurry.

Imani said, "I take it your talk went well."

Naruto shook his head, "Seems like vampires are useless when it comes to matters of magic."

Imani smirked, "As one should expect." Her brown eyes looked into the boy's own, "I was going to go on my break anyway, let's see what we can do about your problem." Naruto watched as she turned to a much younger woman, barely in her twenties, he saw the girl nod and Imani simply took of her apron.

"Come…We must speak in private." Imani whispered. She gazed over at the vampires in silent disdain, perhaps like hunters, witches also carried a less obvious hatred for the bloodsucking creatures. Naruto followed her to a room behind the bar, he heard her utter a simple spell and a soft wind wrapped around the room.

He gave her an inquisitive look to which she simply smiled, "My my…I knew you were young but to be this inexperienced. It's a surprise that you even found this place."

"You know of me."

"I'd be surprised if any witch in this city didn't sense your presence, you've yet to learn that little trick I presume." She said.

Naruto was getting frustrated by lack of advice these witches seemed to always be giving him, but he decided that he had wasted enough time on talking tonight. He passed the witch his phone with the picture. She grimaced like Val at the sight of the owl, "I'm here for the pendant."

Imani narrowed her eyes, "That pendant belongs to some people, you'd rather not be acquainted with."

Naruto grinned, his eyes flashed a sickening yellow, "I think you'll find that it's the other way around."

Imani sighed, "If you are talking about those little illusions, you possess neither the innate talent nor the psychic capability of fooling any of these vampires." She saw the raw hatred in his eyes, she knew from the beginning that this boy had some sort of vendetta against vampires. What it was, wasn't her concern but it was her duty to ensure his safety as it were his. "I can track it for you." A locator spell was mere child's play for a witch of her calibre, especially now that she was in his presence. She placed the phone on the table, "Give me your hand." Naruto did, Imani let out a breathy sigh as she felt an impossible influx of nature energy seep into her body.

She began her incantation, Naruto's eyes grew cloudy as several flashes erupted throughout his mind, flashes pertaining to the object that he had been seeking. He could feel it calling out to him even now, like he did when he saw it as he scrolled through the pictures on the computer. Both Imani and Naruto separated at exactly the same time, Imani found herself panting, she wasn't used to having this magic, it wasn't just intoxicating, it was impossible to control. She felt like she could explode at any given moment.

Naruto muttered, "I'm sorry."

Imani gave him a weak smile, "It's alright, I guess I underestimated your power. You should go, I'm sure even the vampires sensed what I just did." Naruto nodded and quickly escaped, just as he heard the familiar swish of vampire speed as two vampires entered Imani's room.

He heard, "Are you okay?"

"Yes, Seti…I'm just fine, I was attacked." Imani said with some reluctance.

"By who? I don't know, someone was trying to breach this place with magic." Imani lied. They couldn't know about the Uzumaki, he was too young, too vulnerable and she feared greater repercussions would occur if another Kitsune died in such a short amount of time. Unfortunately, Naruto had waited too long to eavesdrop on her conversation and his gaze caught onto another, he recognized her immediately. It was that girl that had 'fed' on him.

Naruto gave her a mock salute as he sped out of the room, he could hear the rapid steps behind him, the bouncer couldn't respond as he was once more affected by Naruto's enchanting illusion, he grinned as the bouncer stopped the vampire. "Where do you think you're going?" She looked at the bouncer with a wicked grin, moving so fast that he couldn't see her and breaking his neck with an upward snap of her hand.

But by the time she reached outside, she found an empty street, the boy was surely long gone.

Bang Bang

She gasped in shock as two gunshots rang throughout the street, her body unable to move in time to dodge the two bullets that pierced into her chest. Blood seeped out of her mouth as she saw the silhouette of the man that she had attacked. "That's for trying to eat me."

"Get away from her." Naruto jumped back as another vampire sped towards him in anger.

"N-No, Seti." The woman gasped, trying to warn her friend of what was to come. Still the vampire attacked, his hand plunged straight into Naruto's heart but to his surprise, he found Naruto simply crack like a piece of glass, and as the shards of glass seemed to dissipate, Naruto fired the rest of his clip straight into the vampire.

Seti fell to the ground, he could feel the wooden bullets scraping against his heart. Naruto got ready to finish them off but was forced to retreat as he heard two dozen rapidly approaching footsteps. He looked at them with disdain, "You got lucky." And with that, he was gone, this time for good. As foolish as that may have been, Naruto had gotten what he had wanted and backed up Imani's story. Still, he needed to complete his business and get out of the city before the vampires could figure out who he was. He had disillusioned his face with his illusions, but that effect would wear out in time.

Next Day

Naruto had found the location of his vision, and sadly he seemed to have lucked out. It was located in a museum, and not a small one either, the magic led him straight to the Asian section in the Met. He took out of his phone and gazed at the room, finding it to be the exact same as the one in the picture, all with the exception of the stand containing the pendant.

"Can I help you sir?" He heard from one of the museum guides.

"Hi…Yes, I was wondering if you could help me with a slight problem. What happened to the object that used to be there?" He showed the man the picture and the man seemed to recognize it.

"Ah yes, the museum had borrowed it for a curator for a short period of time."

"And this curator's name." Naruto asked.

"I'm afraid, I'm not at liberty-"Naruto's eyes flashed yellow, constructing an elaborate illusion to get the man to utter the name. The guide's eyes glazed, not knowing what was happening in the real world as he uttered.

"Takahashi Fukuda." By the time the man returned to reality, he had found the boy had disappeared. Confusion settled throughout his mind, but he shrugged it off as a weird occurrence.

Naruto had found this man's information with a quick search on the internet, apparently a wealthy curator of art and the like, he was well known for his collection of ancient Japanese art. A deeper dive and he found a picture of where the man supposedly lived, and a reverse image search found him the address. He lived in an expensive house in the Upper East side of the city, Naruto had easily found it, it's bright white walls and marble steps contrasted the rusty red walls of the other homes on the street.

Either this vampire wanted to be found or he didn't seem to fear any kind of attention. Naruto believed it was the latter, he proceeded with caution, scaling the wales with his sharp claws and entering the house through the glass roof. He breathed in slowly, using his enhanced senses to see if there were any people in the home. Thankfully, he found the house to be empty, which meant that he could explore the house at his own leisure and if a camera did pick up his presence, they wouldn't be able to see passed the white mask that he had adorned on his face.

After carving through three stories of the seven-floor mansion, Naruto was beginning to think that this property existed as some sort of distraction. It was empty, and by the looks of it, nobody had lived here for quite a while. He gripped his gun tighter as he walked through the wooden corridor, approaching each door with caution, he opened the door and found what he had been looking for. A large collection room containing famous paintings such as Raphael, a single painting from this collection could make Naruto rich enough that he wouldn't have to work again. Still, he hadn't come here for that nor did he seek the infamy that such an act would surely bring.

He had found the pendant in the middle of a cabinet containing ornamental objects. "All of this for a piece of string and some commas." He muttered to himself, it looked something that a child would make in class so why was something so rudimentary calling to him.

He heard a faint whisper echo throughout his mind as he began to feel subject to a growing desire to put it on. Before he could grab the necklace, Naruto heard the shattering of glass occur all throughout the house. He clicked his tongue in annoyance, he had been found out, still, he hoped that his traps would help.

Clap Clap

Or not. Naruto grabbed the necklace just as he was forced to dodge an incoming blade, "Most thieves at least have honour." A Japanese man walked into the room, in his hand, he held Naruto's small mine contraptions, "But you would rather destroy some of histories greatest treasures just so you could hide what you were stealing."

Naruto grinned, "I believe the expression was honour among thieves. I'm not sure that applies to you creatures, Takahashi."

"Ah I see you know my name." The Japanese vampire bowed, "I assure you it will be your last." He placed the explosives onto the table. He drew his Katana and gestured at the sword that pierced the wall, "Take your blade, I will not face an unarmed foe." Naruto shrugged and turned around, walking towards the blade whilst simultaneously drawing his semi-automatic pistol. "Drop it." Naruto grimaced as he felt a sword touch against his back.

He dropped the pistol onto the ground, and simply grasped the blade, "You can't be killed by metal, I think this is an unfair advantage." Naruto sneered as he swiped against Takahashi's sword. They clashed, dancing in a circle, neither having used any of their enhanced attributes thus far as they simply tested each other's capability with the sword.

"You are skilled." Takahashi complimented. Naruto jumped backed in time to dodge a thrust to his heart and Takahashi was forced to recoil his sword to block one aimed against his neck. This boy's style was incredibly unorthodox, like a mix of fencing and kendo but he could tell that Naruto possessed mastery of neither, instead the boy fought by complimenting his inexperience with raw instinct. It was the type of instinct that reminded Takahashi of his time as a Samurai during the Sengoku period. Naruto grunted as he felt Takahashi blade sweep across his navel, grazing it just enough for him to bleed a little. Takahashi's vampiric features began to bleed forwards, and he gave the boy a demonic smile. "Any last words."

His blade rocketed forwards at a speed that Naruto couldn't barely perceive, the teenager gasped in pain as the sword pierced into his chest. Blood gurgled out of his mouth, Naruto had tried to trigger an illusion before the vampire could reach him but to no avail, this man's mind was like stone, hardened and impossible to penetrate. Takahashi drew his sword back and whipped the blood from it onto the marble floor. "You fought well young one." But before he could put the boy out of his misery, he was blown back by a powerful wave of energy, Naruto's eyes glowed a distinct red, his teeth bared in a snarl and Takahashi froze when he saw the demonic visage that hung over Naruto like a cloak of blood. He muttered in fear, "Nogitsune."

"I should be asking you the same question." Naruto said with a demented grin. Takahashi rushed towards Naruto with a single intent but to kill the dark spirit, Naruto simply grabbed the man and threw straight threw the door. Takahashi landed painfully against the wall, the vampire quickly got up to avoid a claw swipe to his neck. "I'm going to rip your beating heart out of your chest and feed it to your little band of vampires."

Takahashi sneered, "For a one tail, you are arrogant." Two swishes erupted from around Naruto but they both froze before they could even touch him. Naruto watched as they raised their daggers and began to swipe at their own necks, blood sprayed all over the boy who simply grinned bloodthirstily at the Samurai in front of him.

Takahashi raised his blade, "Come…I will never succumb to your illusions." The boy took a turn to look at each of the bleeding vampires and Takahashi was forced to watch his peers try to stab themselves with their blades as they tried to carve their own hearts out.

"Oooh this is quite fun…Which do you think will be the first person to die." Naruto pondered as he looked at them, "I think it's going to be the pretty little brunette." Before such a thing could happen, Takahashi charged towards Naruto with anger, his blade glinted against the sun as he brought it down to cut the young Kitsune's head off.

Naruto's tail wagged for a moment in anticipation, Takahashi couldn't avoid what was about to happen. He muttered, "Kitsune-Bi." Red fire erupted from the boy's mouth, Takahashi screamed in pain, the fire burned hot enough to vaporize him in a matter of seconds. Naruto grinned as he saw the ashes that slowly descended to the ground.

He peered towards the other two vampires that had also been consumed by his fire in slight disappointment. "Seems like they all fled…" His smile turned into an angry frown, "I was hoping I could test this new body." Thankfully, it seemed there were two people who were foolish enough to stay.

"You need to let him go." He heard from the voice behind him.

"And why should I do that. The boy was foolish enough to hold my medallion." He sneered as he turned. "You think a lowly witch can beat me…"

Her eyes grew golden in response, and Naruto frowned in anger as she raised her hand. He released a powerful wave of fox-fire but as a one tail it was weak enough that it was easily subdued by a simple barrier charm. "Symbole du masque et de l'ombre, embrace-toi. Embrace-toi. Symbole du masque et de l'ombre, embrace-toi. Embrace-toi. Symbole du masque et de l'ombre, embrace-toi. Embrace-toi. Symbole du masque et de l'ombre, embrace-toi." Naruto gasped, his eyes grew cloudy and he was forced on his knees.

He barely ground out, "You channelling bitc-" They saw a white spirit rip out of the unconscious boy, it headed quickly towards the witch's companion. The white spirit tried to enter her but before it could enter, the witch muttered second incantation to subdue it. The spirit let out a howl before it was forced straight into a pot.

"Did we get it, Imani."

Imani didn't pay her companion any head, as she stared at the young boy on the ground. She grabbed the necklace and placed it over his head before casting a third spell.

Her companion asked, "What did you do?"

Imani simply replied, "What I was told." She gave one last look towards Naruto's still body before she said, "Come we must go before he wakes."

Naruto found himself in front of a gate of rough wood, the entirety of the gate and fence had been completely overtaken by ivy. He opened the door and found himself in a garden, with blossoming Sakura trees and grass long enough that it reaches his knees. He walked through the rocky path till he reached the fountain where upon the edge sat a woman with white hair.

"Hello." He said. "Who are you? Where are we?"

The woman gazed at him with a soft smile, "I'm sure you have many questions my child, and they will answered in time." She transformed into her half-Kitsune state, allowing Naruto to see her nine golden tails.

He gasped, "You are like me."

She nodded, "You are more like me than any of my children, young one." She said. Naruto wondered for a moment as to who this woman was and why she spoke as if he were her child. The woman having sensed his thoughts quickly assuaged, "I'm not your mother but in many ways, I am the mother of all Yokai."

Naruto's eyes widened as he realised who he was talking to, "I-Inari." Inari smiled, it twisted into something more reminiscent as she recalled the likeness of Kushina's reaction to her sons. Her gaze fell upon the necklace that he now adorned on his neck, a symbol of power that had once belonged to another that she'd rather forget. "How is this possible."

Inari frowned, "Normally, you would only be able to visit me when you're ability to plane walk activated but my daughter tried to banish you to this plane after he tried to possess you." Naruto recalled an immense darkness after he had been stabbed and then a cruel laughter echoing throughout his mind before he found himself here.

"Your daughter?"

Inari sighed. "Sadly there will always be evil no matter where you look, my daughter fell to temptation, I can no longer reach her."

Naruto asked, "She's a Nogitsune?"

"Yes, they are also called Yako. They are no longer bound to me; they're power is drawn from the same thing that powers that necklace you now wear." Naruto reached over to touch the necklace but found his hand was burned by its touch.

"What is this?" He could feel a sickening darkness ripple from the necklace.

Inari muttered, "All things had to have been created from something, it is in essence the only rule that even us supernatural creatures must obey, nothing cannot create something. Long ago, a celestial event affected earth, imbuing the planet with a form of energy that would later be known as magic. The world was affected as such, in particular, something completely unnatural was created by the magic. A tree so large that it was said to pierce the very sky, it stood upon the place where all magic met. It is said that from this tree, all supernatural creatures were born. From this we were born, the Yokai. Once there was enough us to populate an entire nation." She smiled sadly, "When a Kitsune gains their second tail, they gain access to their domain. Each domain is intrinsically linked to an aspect of nature, earth, fire, wind, water and lightning. However, in very rare cases, a Kitsune is born that has access to a domain that transcends even nature. The ability to access powers interictally linked to reality such as space, time, life and death."

"Are you one of those." Naruto asked.

Inari nodded briefly, she held her hand and light seemed to flow all around her, Naruto could feel everything around her grow in response to her power. "They come at a great cost, Nature has an vicious propensity to find a way to return balance back to the world. And thus, the witches were born. Sentinels that acted for nature, unlike us, there power was tied on to the earth."

Naruto muttered, "It wasn't nature was it. It was this tree that was causing it. Because unlike the witches, we are born from this tree, they are capable of feeling empowered in my presence."

"Very good, young one." Inari said impressed at Naruto's ability to read between the lines, "The tree is present in many different mythos, the norse called it Yggdrassil, we called it the Shinju, the Christian's called it the tree of life. It's power came ironically from the magic that had seeped into the very earth, like a leech it instinctively absorbed the magic from the world but unlike a parasite it's function was to simply ensure that the delicate balance between magic and the world wasn't disturbed." Inari's eyes grew golden like his own and Naruto watched in amazement as fire, and wind wrapped around her like a cloak. "Magic is like a mixture of oil and fire, capable of generating a small flame but the more of it that is used the higher the likelihood it is cause a cataclysmic explosion." Naruto stepped back as the wind spread forwards with enough forced to uproot a tree. Inari's power eventually tamed and she returned to her normal self.

"I'm sure you've grown bored of learning about our history, but it essential if you are to become stronger." Naruto felt the earth begin to shake, Inari frowned as she realised that their time in this plane was beginning to wane. "Our time is almost over." She said.

Naruto asked in a worry, "Wait….How is this related to my power."

Inari smiled, "That feeling when you call upon your illusions, it is your power. Call upon it, and you'll find your true self." Naruto wanted to ask something else but it died in his throat as he felt he was once more consumed by darkness.

Inari stood on the field, her power lashed out in a pure fury as she heard a voice echo through the plane. "You cannot keep him from me, Inari." The voice cackled loudly, "He does, after all, possess the blood of my sons."

A darkness crept throughout the garden, corroding the very earth around it, Inari's power leapt forward and clashed against the darkness eventually pushing it right back to whence it came from. Inari looked towards the moon with red eyes, "He shall never know of your existence."

"He already does." And like a hurricane, Inari found herself getting thrown straight out of the astral plane. The Nine Tailed Kitsune frowned as she stared at the horizon, she could feel it, something was happening.


Naruto awoke to the charred carpet floor in Takahashi's mansion, he could see the blood splatter all over the wall, dripping onto the ground. As his other senses quickly returned to him, he became aware of the harsh smell of burning wood around him and the faint sound of sirens in the background. He grunted as he rose from the ground, gazing one last time at the pile of ash that no doubt belonged to Takahashi. Naruto walked over to the sword with interest, how had it survived the fire without a single scratch.

It seemed to Takahashi had found himself in company of a mystical weapon, Naruto grabbed it and balanced the delicate blade in his hand. Naruto grinned, whilst smoke began to settle around him and the flames began to lick the walls around him, consuming the entire house in a blazing fury. He decided that since the owner of the home was otherwise permanently indisposed, he might as well borrow some of his collection.

The fire brigade soon arrived, but as the fire exploded outwards, literally setting the very air above them on fire. They began to try and stop the fire but it raged on and on, the fire seemed to feed on everything that they set upon it. It was only by the fortune of a witch that the mystical flames were finally quenched.

"Are you sure?" The silhouette of a man stood in front of the charred remains of the home.

"Fire that is unaffected by water. Witches growing more powerful. I have no doubt…" Another figure walked out of the shadows. "This was the doing of a Kitsune."

"So, they've returned…" The man contemplated, "What should we do?"

"We hunt." The other said with a grin.

Chapter End

R&R =)