10. March. 2020


"Language in Camelot"

"Modern English"



Leon: "I understand. I won't tell the king about it." Arthur nods.

Arthur says: "Merlin. Start with the preparations. You can watch your son later. And MerIin. You have a son." Arthur smiles.


Merlin smiles and says: "I have a son."

The other knights return and Merlin prepares the food, while Arthur tells the knights an edited story about Merlin's son. They eat and go to sleep. Two knights stay up on watch and later wake up the next two knights.

Merlin and Arthur are having a good sleep when a scream wakes them abruptly up. There is shouting. Arthur and MerIin look to the noise. One knight is shouting at Merlin's son who is now awake and shouting not understandably back. The other knight stands in his way, stopping running away. "What do you want magic user? What spell did you cast? Start talking and stop your spell casting.", shouts the knights. Merlin's son shouts back: " Who are you? Where are we? Put the sword away. Why did you kidnapped me? What do you want?" , shouts the boy back, panicky. After Arthur and MerIin woke up, they jumped up and ran over to them. Arthur shouts at the knight: "What are you doing? I told you to wake me up, when he wakes up. Not to attack or interrogate him. Knight Owen" The other knights start to wake up, Arthur makes a note on how slow they are. Merlin understands the 'different' language and says to his son: "You are in Camelot. We didn't kidnap you; your mother send you to me with a spell." "My mother is bodily-dead. She can't use magic. Who are you?", shouts the boy, confused and angry. Before Merlin can reply, Owen takes a step forward and attacks the boy with his sword. The knight thrusts his sword downward. Clang! A sword stops Owen's sword. While Owen took the step forward and his arm up, Arthur draw his sword and stopped Owens sword. The next moment Arthur has Owen disarmed. Everything in the camp stops.

Merlin's son looks at Arthur's back, surprised. He relaxes; perhaps they can talk. Merlin relaxes; it feels so good to have Arthur protect them. Knight Owen is completely shocked and doesn't move. He is frozen. The other knights are confused and wait what will happen next.

Arthur stops this silence when he shouts: " I just now told you not to attack. Why are you attacking? We will have a talk without attacking anyone. Why didn't you wake me?"

Owen says: "He is a magic user. Why shouldn't I attack? He woke up and started saying magic spells in a different language."

Arthur says: "I told you not to attack. That was an command. I told you that he grew up in a different country with a different language. He didn't understand what you were asking him. Did he actually do a spell or did you just think that the different language is a spell. No. Don't answer it." He points at the knight behind the boy and Merlin. Arthur: "You. Did you see him do an actual spell?"

"No. Prince Arthur. I didn't see any magic. He was talking like this and started to get very panicked.", says the knight who was on watch with Owen. The prince nods and says: " Owen. Do you have something to add?" Owen: "No. Prince Arthur."

Arthur: "He isn't a magic user. He is the victim. He probably woke up and wanted to know where why he isn't where he was. Merlin! Talk to him and find out what you can."

Merlin nods and turns to his son. He says: " Hello. My name is Merlin. This is Arthur Pendragon. We didn't kidnap you. There was a magical something and you appear. We took you with us and made camp. Do you know what happened before you woke up with us?" The boy says: "I'm Harry. Harry Potter. I was in my room when something happened. What did you mean about my mother? And did I have something with me?" Merlin says: "We found two letters and some things with you. The letters have my and your name on it. In my letter Lily explained that she used a spell that takes time. The magic slowly builds until it send you to me when you are around 13 or 14 years old. She did it when you where around a year old. The letter is around the same time." Harry asks: "Can I see the letter and my letter? And can I have my things back?" Merlin hands him his letter and says that he will get the other things back later and than asks Arthur: "Where is the other letter?" Arthur pulls a letter out and hands it to the boy who takes it. While he reads the letters, the others talk. Arthur asks: "What did he say?" Merlin says: "His name is Harry. He was in his room when something happened and he woke up with us. He thought that we did the magic and kidnapped him. His mother bodily-died. I didn't get more. He wanted to read the letters." Knight Leon says: "He must have been afraid." "You can go back to sleep. Merlin and I will take a watch and find out what we can.", Arthur says. Leon says: " I will stay up too. If I'm already awake, I can keep another watch." The knights go to sleep again and some fall asleep fast. Knight Owen is asleep. The others keep quite.

Harry starts reading Merlin's letter but than stops to read the one with his name on it.