Hi......I unfortunately don't own any of the characters....if I did I'd be a millionaire.....and I'm not.

Hermione the Vampire Slayer

Chapter 1

She turned around to look behind her, nothing. She stopped. While getting back her breath she kept a close eye on her surroundings. There she saw it, a figure move to take cover behind a wall. She couldn't stop, her feet were carrying her to the place where the figure hid. Knowing the figure was behind the wall, she gathered up her strength and jumped over the wall, to the surprise of the creature. She landed delicately then spun into a kick knocking it to the ground. Then she realised-it was a vampire. It jumped up and pushed her back, she banged her arm against a tombstone. Yet again she spun into a kick then drove her first into its face, knocking it to the ground. Instinctively she pulled out a stake from her pocket and drove it through the heart of the vampire dusting it.

Hermione woke up. The dream had seemed so real. She got up and walked to her bathroom. She washed her face wiping away the sweat. She slowly turned off the tap and pulled her arm away from it, banging her elbow against the sink.

" Oww", Hermione pulled up her sleeve to see a bruise that could not of been a result of her banging her arm on the sink, but maybe, from banging it against a tombstone. Where the dreams real? She had to research in the morning. Now she just needed sleep.

This is my first chapter ever! Pwetty please review?