Hi agen. I just like to say thanx for the reviews. Well enjoy!




Chapter 21

" Hermione……we haven't found anything and it's already 10:10." Giles slammed his book shut, placed it on his desk, and then walked over to a bored Hermione.

She didn't even seem to acknowledge his presence. " Hermione?" Hermione woke with a start. So much so that she jumped, causing her chair to fall backwards.

" Yea?" She looked up at Giles from the floor, with a look of total bewilderment on her face.

" It's 10:10 we-" Hermione just realised.

" I have detention at 10! I'm late…again." Hermione quickly grabbed her bag, then ran to the great hall.

Slightly out of breath, she reached the great hall. None was in there. The hall was dark, only the sapphire colour of the night sky outside, and the old, ancient, yellow moon, illuminated the room.

" This is not good." Hermione concluded as she looked around, moving her bag, which was slipping off her shoulder back up.

" Well…… you'd better go find them." Hermione nodded, not realising that the voice wasn't hers.

" Yea that's what I'll do I'll- hey…who was that?" Hermione turned on her heel. Behind her stood a very weary looking Dumbledore. He smiled thinly at Hermione. His face showed his age. Small wrinkles had developed around his tiny blue eyes. They had the same twinkle they always had.

" I must say miss Granger……I am surprised at you. Late for a detention. Not like you. But lately, you have changed dramatically. Like for example not wearing the proper uniform." Hermione looked down at her 'stylish' clothes.

" Well……..I'll wear the other tomorrow. Anyway time for a change. Can't stand being the perfect, know it all. It's old." Hermione felt a little guilty. She didn't want to coma across ungrateful, or like she hated the school.

" Hmm….well….I think we need to talk. After your detention come to my office. Bring Harry and Ron too. I believe it concerns all of you. By the way. Your detention is in the forbidden forest. You're looking for a potion ingredient. Snape needs it to help Harry with his headache problem. His scar's been hurting a lot lately I believe." Hermione nodded. Only today at dinner, did he complain before falling to the floor squirming, in the common room.

He's not the only one Hermione thought to herself. Dumbledore looked curiously at her, as if reading her thought.

" Well……they are waiting for you outside, by Hagrid's cabin." Hermione smiled before turning to leave. One thing she remembered caused her to face Dumbledore again.

" Professor…." Dumbledore looked at Hermione. Her face lit up only by the moonlight. " Everyone knows Sirius was innocent. They've even seen him in his human form. So why do you make him transform?"

Dumbledore chuckled. " I wondered when you were going to ask that. Well…….I'm afraid the answer concerns Sirius. He has to know before anyone else. It's only fair." Hermione smiled before exiting the great hall.

It was cold outside. Hermione hugged her self. Her hair blowing wildly in the breeze. Ahead of her she could see five figures. As she drew closer to them, she recognised them as Harry, Ron, Lupin, Sirius, and Hagrid. She grinned weakly at them.

" Hermione! You're late." Ron said as he approached the disgruntled Hermione. She just rolled her eyes.

" Well done!" Ron just ignored her last comment.

Harry now walked to her, bent down and whispered something in her ear. " You ok…….me and Ron were worried. Yu ran off in DADA."

" Yea…..I'm fine thanks. Sorry for being a bit off with you these last few days. I had a lot on my mind." Hermione spoke quietly to Ron and Harry. They both looked touched. Hermione wrapped her arms around them both. They returned the favour.

Lupin, Sirius, and Hagrid, watched, smiling. Lupin was glad to see Hermione still was close to Harry and Ron. The three broke apart.

" Oh…..Dumbledore wants to give us the 911 on Voldey. Something to do with headaches, Snape and of course death. Always is." Hermione was slouched and spoke to the group, clearly and bored. The adults gave each other a worried stare, while Ron and Harry looked slightly excited.

" Well……lets get on with it shall we?" Lupin said. " We are looking for a rare ingredient. It can be found somewhere in this forest. We must be careful. It has a white glowing flower, and small thorns. Be careful when you try to get it."

" We'll be splitting into groups. Harry you're with Me." Sirius pointed to himself, happily before winking at Harry.

" Ron…..you can come with me." Lupin walked over to Ron.

" Mione wiv me" Hermione looked over to Hagrid. She was really pleased she had Hagrid. She hadn't even spoken to him yet. Happily she went to him.

" Now in tha forest ya gotta bi careful." Hagrid said holding his crossbow close.

" yea…….we don't want any accidents. If anyone needs help fire red sparks out of your wand. Someone will come." Sirius and Lupin both looked to Hermione. She just raised her eye brows, and shrugged.

Quickly, in view of every one she ran into Hagrid's hut. Inside she dumped her bag, and with drew a stake, hiding it in her holder, on her thigh, under her skirt. She also grabbed a dagger, and hid it in her sock, which she rolled up to look like a catholic school girl. As she came out, she smiled at Lupin and Sirius, knowingly.

" Well….let's go!" Hermione watched as the other two groups left, before following Hagrid.

Hagrid and Hermione

Hagrid and Hermione were walking through the thick over growth of the forest.

" So……Mione. Wha ya bin doin' ?" Hagrid asked still clutching his crossbow.

" Erm….nowt much. You?" Hermione stopped to stare into the dark. They had been walking for half an hour. Hermione was sure something was following them. Occasionally she would look behind her.

" Well tha's a secret. But…. I have bin lookin' af'er Fluffy. He go' hurt a while back." Hermione had totally forgotten about Fluffy.

" So……do you know if we are anywhere near this flower?" Hermione asked Hagrid, while looking around.

" Dunno……Why do ya keep lookin' round?" Hermione shook her head hopelessly.

" Nothing….really. Its just…..do you get the feeling we're being followed?" Hermione pushed hair out of her eyes. She looked to Hagrid, frowning. Hagrid then looked around.

" I do get tha feelin' we av been followed." He held his crossbow out. Just then Hermione remembered that she had left her wand. Groaning aloud, she turned to face the surrounding darkness.

Hagrid, who was much taller than Hermione, let out a howl. Hermione turned. He was pointing the way she had been looking. Red sparks were flying everywhere. Quickly, Hermione, followed by Hagrid, ran through to where the sparks were originating from.

When they reached the place, they saw, the two other groups, and a dark figure. Sirius was on the floor, struggling to get up. Harry was stood in front trying to threaten the figure, Ron and Lupin stood in awe.

" What's going on?" Hermione asked dazed. Everyone turned to face the two.

" This person won't let us pass. He's just knocked Sirius to the floor. He's some kinda-" Ron didn't have time to finish. Hermione did that for him.

" Vampire?" She was trying not to sound like she was laughing, but it was hard.

" You are very clever." He said smoothly.

" Pro's….why don't we just get out of here? I can see the flower behind you." Hermione asked walking forward.

" Leave…. But you only just got here. I'll be alone. " He said coolly. Hermione rolled her eyes. Some how she recognised the voice.

" Well………you'll get over it! I'm sure. Just be careful nothing attacks you. I'd hate to think that you might get hurt."

The figure walked into the light. Lupin and Sirius were pushing Harry and Ron away. Hermione nodded for them to stay a bit away from the scene, but not to leave.

As they left, none noticed Hermione's absence.

" So………you're the slayer. Sifen's done well." The vampire began to circle Hermione.

"Hey! What is that supposed to mean?" she asked angrily, her head following him around.

" Simply that he is doing well. He seems to be doing well out here. Well……of course he is just a lowly vampire. No worth anything to anyone. Not even the other vampires."

Hermione's eye's flashed dangerously. " SHUT UP! He is worth something to me! He's saved my life. And just because he doesn't kill like you murdering scum, dun't mean he's 'lowly'! SO STOP PISSING ME OFF".

The man just simply laughed. " I take it he didn't tell you."

Hermione's face was showing confusion. " Tell me what?"

" Ask him!"

" I will you stupid annoying…….. asshole"

" You won't have chance"

The vampire's smile broke into an angry snarl. He ran forward to Hermione. Hermione quickly dodge, causing the vampire to turn around.

Before he had chance to think, Hermione punched him straight in the face. Then, when he bent down, covering his nose with his hands to stop the blood dripping, she kicked his stomach sharply.

He fell backwards. Hermione was stood in front of his feet. The vampire backward rolled, then got up. Behind him was a tree, with a broken branch sticking out. Bending her knee's, she sprung into the air. Hermione stuck out her leg, knocking the vampire back onto the branch.

25 seconds earlier

"Where's Hermione?" Harry asked out of breath. Everyone turned around.

" She must have fallen behind. Just stay here. We'll go get her", said an apprehensive Lupin. Ron and Harry immediately looked at each other, nodded, then began to run back to where they had just run from.

" Why can't they just listen for once?" Lupin asked groaning.

" Well……..we never did!" Sirius said, running after them.


Just as the vampire's heart was stabbed by the branch, he kicked Hermione powerfully, in the chest, then exploded to nothing.

She was instantly flung back, through the air.

" HERMIONE !" Shouted Ron. Everyone was stood watching Hermione fly through the air.

Hermione closed her eyes, preparing for the impact. Luckily, her friends did not see her enemy explode.

Hermione was flung back into a tree trunk. The impact, would have broken anybody else's back, but Hermione just dropped quickly on the floor, to land on the balls of her feet. Her legs were bent, and spread apart, either her hand resting on the floor, one in between, while the other was at her side, of her.

She quickly got up, and looked to her friends. " What? And OWW!" she asked calmly as if nothing had happened.

School- outside dumbledores office

Harry and Ron had of course pestered Hermione on the way back as to what had happened. Sirius had covered her by saying that he had cast a spell, when they were running back, that made the thing leave, but Hermione was unfortunately blown back.

They seemed to buy the idea. So eventually left her alone.

" So, do you think Dumbledore will tell us about Voldemort…or just the usual crap?" Harry asked bluntly.

" Probably the usual crap. I'm guessing the conversation will be. ' Hi Harry. Voldemorts taking over. I just thought I'd warn you then, not let you do anything about it!" Ron was speaking annoyed.

" Hey…. go easy on him. He is only trying to do what's best for us! Anyway…he tells us bit's so we get intrigued and want to find out more." Hermione was looking at Ron and Harry depressed. She was still wondering about Sifen. Worried for him-but also scared of what the man was talking about.

Just as they reached the statue outside, Hermione and Ron, literally bumped into Professor Snape. Hermione walked straight into him, forcing him back, she just lost her balance, but was caught by Ron, who then lost his balance. Ron and Hermione fell lying on the floor in front of a very nasty looking Snape, who was towering above.

" Erm…sorry professor" said Ron shaking slightly.

Snape looked straight past Ron, who was standing up, helping Hermione up. He gave Hermione, who was dusting herself off, a vicious stare. Harry noticed this. He was feeling very defensive of his female friend.

" Well……. I'm sorry Professor, but we have been asked to see professor Dumbledore."

Snape's lips broke to a small smile. " Ah", He walked up to the statue, " Midget Gems" Harry and Hermione started to a laugh. Ron and Snape looked confused at them. Hermione deciding not to attract too much attention from Snape, shut up almost instantly. She was still surprised that he hadn't shouted at her for missing his lesson.

Once the statue had finished revealing the hidden steps, the four climbed. As they entered Dumbledores office they were surprised to see, almost everyone.

Lupin, Sirius, Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape, Giles, Flitwick, Ginny, the twins, Malfoy, and Moody. All the professors were sat behind a table, where as the students were sat on chairs in front.

" well…….. there goes my, ' Hi Harry. Voldemorts taking over. I just thought I'd warn you then, not let you do anything about it!', theory." Ron said looking at the congregation.

Harry and Hermione looked to Ron, with a look of agreement on their faces.

" Welcome. Sit down, please", Dumbledore spoke cheerfully, drawing up three more chairs.

" So….. what's the big?" Hermione asked ignoring Snape's disgusted glare.

" Miss Granger……. Please speak English." Snape was leaning on the desk, not taking his eyes away from her.

Everyone looked to Hermione. She was about to come out with a witty reply, but decided against it. She would only get another detention. Snape would make sure she had him for it too.

" Anyway……to answer your question, you are all here to discuss extra classes." All the students looked to Dumbledore, as if he was mad. " Before you say no….let me explain. These lessons will help to protect you. Extra defence lessons. However, you will learn charms, transfiguration, DADA all in one. It will help you defend your selves. You lot were selected because you will probably need it most in the next few years.

Hermione sighed and looked to Giles who seemed just as bored. She shot him a quick smile. He returned the favour. Interested to see how Draco was taking this, Hermione's gaze focused on him. He too seemed totally thrilled at the idea of extra lessons.

Draco noticed Hermiones fixating stare. He saw her roll her eyes, dramatically, realising that she too wasn't too keen on the idea. He nodded his head, understandingly.

The others however looked way too enthusiastic. The twins both had mischievous smiles across their face's, where as Ginny looked happy to be included in something. Harry and Ron were already asking when the first lesson would be.

Hermione contented herself by looking out of the window. Outside she could see the forbidden forest. Hagrid's hut was lit up with the same yellow light as always. She smiled. The warm yellow looked inviting to anybody. The cosy little cabin just outside the forest was where Hagrid would be now, trying to fix something up.

Hermione smiled, painfully. It was hard for her to think. Inside she was being ripped apart. She didn't even know why. Just her life in general. Everything had been happening so suddenly. She didn't really have anytime to herself. She needed to see Sifen. When she was with him, she felt she could spill her heart out. Everything was just a blur. Life seemed so simple and she felt like everything could happen and she wouldn't need to care. She felt safe.

" Mione?" Hermione turned her head away from the window. Ron had been asking her something. He looked at her strangely.

" Yea?"

" You ok? You look upset." Harry was looking reassuringly at her. Hermione looked to the people in the room. She didn't want to talk. She wanted to sleep.

She needed to do so much. Research the Brugens, she had just remembered from a dream. Try and help the girl she had seen. Figure out why she was having so many weird dreams. Fight. Work. And talk to Sifen. To break it down she was going to get Giles to work on the Brugens. She would try to help the girl, and do her work, and just leave the dreams.

" I'm ok. Just thinking." Hermione looked to Draco and Giles. Giles looked worried and tiered, Draco smiled guiltily at her. She couldn't take anymore. She had to leave. She grabbed her bag, then stood up.

" I think I'm gunna go. I ….. I just wanna go to bed." Hermione felt tears well up inside her. Her eyes began to water. She wasn't going to let them see. Quickly she ran out of the room. Hoping no-one would follow.

Hermione's dormitory

Hermione had reached her room. She dumped her bag, and then slowly began to change into her pyjama's. She wore a white spaghetti strap top, that stopped at her waist and baggy white trousers.

Sighing she crawled into bed. She rested her head down on the soft feathered pillow, before pulling her thick, warm duvet. Slowly her eye lids became too heavy to keep open. Hermione, silently fell asleep. Her last thought was Sifen.

One week later –Saturday 6:23 am

Hermione had been training, while Giles researched Brugens. Since last Friday she hadn't spoken to Sifen, or got anything on the girl. She groaned as she punched the punch bag effortlessly. Her hands were weak from the hours of training. Hermiones thoughts wondered.

The past week had been excellent. She had gained 35 points for Gryffindor, and only lost 10 for being late to Moody's DADA lesson. Malfoy had actually complimented Hermione on her dress sense. Then there was the fact that she had completed all her homework. Giles made sure she had. Everything was pulling its self together.

The teachers however were very wary of Hermione. Although they left her too herself, especially in class, they had been watching her closely. They would always seem to appear as she was walking down a hallway. They had been doing to same to Harry and Ron.

Harry had taken the potion made for his headaches too. The detention was point as it had not worked. Harry was still having them.

Another thing that cheered Hermione up, was that she had not had to go out as often in the last week. The vampires hadn't been showing their faces at all. Hermione had only killed two.

" here. I found it. Look. The symbol you drew was from the Brugens. I have all the information we need." Giles was sat in the other room shouting to Hermione.

Hermione walked over to Giles. She was still tired. " So what you got?" She was now holding the book in her hand. It was a thick volume. Sun shone on to it. The sun had just risen. The room was lit by it.

The wooden beams and dusty bookcases were brought to life by the light. The desk was bathed with the light as was the wooden floor. In the bottom left corner of the room was a huge metal box, which contained a few weapons. Mostly axes. The creamy metal was made lighter.

Hermione looked at the information Giles had found and read aloud. " Brugens : Brugens can only be found in dark, dank areas, such as sewers, underground, ruins. Darkness is essential to their survival. On their arm is the mark of the group. It is different for each faction. They feed on human organs, hence the sharp, dagger like teeth. In combat Brugens are strong fighters, though slow and hesitant. They are not very independent. Brugens like to stay with their kind in a pack. A pack of Brugens will only take orders from something higher, like a human, or others like."

Hermione finished reading and put the book down. " So, they were sent to kill me. They are allergic to light and have a serious saliva control problem." Giles looked confused at the slayers last statement.

" What?"

" Well…… when they were attacking me, their mouths had saliva literally pouring out of them." Giles pulled a face showing disgust.

" So …. What do we do?" Hermione asked looking again at the picture in the book.

" Well…… we wait till they come to us. That's all we can do." Both let out a short sigh. " So …. Got any work you need to do? You've been training since 4. You know…..the times some people get up to, just to have a fun day." Hermione shook her head smiling.

Today was Hogsmead. Hermione had been looking forward to visiting Hogsmead in the hope of getting some stuff from Zonko's. Fred and George had given her the things she asked for last week. Hermione hadn't really had time to try them out.

" Well…….I gotta go Giles. Sorry, but the shower calls. What are you going doing all day?" Hermione asked walking toward the door.

" I'm taking professor Trelawney to Hogsmead." Hermione turned slowly.

" WHAT?!" she was in shock.

" Well… yesterday dinner time she came to my office. She wanted to talk. Apparently I wasn't like the other teachers. She could talk to me. Also she needed some company. I agreed to take her to Hogsmead. She doesn't go out much you see. I think that she is very nice." Hermione cracked up laughing, as she walked back to her dorm.

Well I hope you like. I would just like to thanks to EVE, cause she is the best beta reader. So thanx, and thanks for the reviews.

Cyas Sassy
