Thanks to popularcypher and hermonine for reviewing! At least this didn't take a month? Also, this chapter did not want to be written at all which is mainly the reason why it hasn't even got an update.

Chapter 17

Carmen grabbed her small bag that she brought with her. She took out her anxiety meds, grabbed two identical, white pills before popping them in her mouth. She took a sip of water from the glass she asked the guards, and felt the effects of the medication instantly. She was grateful that her dose was finally working properly and helped her, but there were days-where it felt like it wasn't manageable and it was hard.

Fortunately, today wasn't one of those days and she was free from her mind. Carmen sighed and grabbed her phone out of habit. She saw a text from Alice saying that she was at a nearby cafe, about a five minute walk from the clocktower.

That was a relief. At least it wasn't too far, and from the directions that Alice sent wasn't that complicated. She did not want to ask any locals for directions due to the language barrier.

Carmen stood up, swallowing any doubt that lingered in her head before she headed out of her room. Passing the guards that were stationed at her door, she asked a quick question.

"Where are the kings at?"

"They're in the library… I could take you there, my queen, if you wish," The tall guy-Felix if she remembered correctly.

"Thank you," Carmen murmured. "Err, what's your name?"

"Felix, my queen," He said, motioning her to follow. She sighed in relief, she was glad that she remembered his name correctly. She always had a weakness when it came to her names. Names always seemed to escape her, unless she memorized them by appearance or she knew them for a while.

Soon, they arrived at the library. Felix pushed the door opened and she walked in. She froze as soon as she saw all three of them. Marcus was reading a book and looked disinterested, while Aro and Caius looked like they were in a heated match of chess.

They both looked up at the same time as soon as she approached.

"Erm, hi," Carmen said weakly. Aro instantly approached her, and his red eyes were filled with pain as he stood there in front of her.

"I'm sorry, il mio amore… I didn't realize how much pain that would cause you," He murmured.

Carmen blinked. She was not expecting that at all, not after what happened last night. Her mind raced as she tried to think of something to say. She almost wanted to forgive him, but honestly there was no way she was going to do that. She trusted too many people, and they all betrayed her.

Besides, she barely even knew him. Carmen wasn't going to forgive them right away. Just because they say, she was their mate; that didn't mean that was going to fall head over heels for them quickly.

"It's fine… No one really seems to care when they hurt me in one way or another," Carmen said bluntly.

"Still, mia cara, we really shouldn't have pressed on with the matter," Aro said, sorrow filling his voice.

This time, it was Caius who spoke, "No one should take advantage of you like that, or hurt you like that."

Carmen blinked. Perhaps, she was being too sensitive or maybe she just wasn't used to people in general especially guys. Or maybe she just couldn't handle this since everything happened too quickly. She spun on her heel, and ran out.

The cafe was right where Alice said it was. It wasn't too hard to find. She didn't know how she managed to get out of the castle, but she wasn't worried about that. Right now, all she wanted to do is get out of this stupid town and try and figure things out.

Carmen approached them. She made sure to keep her stoic facade up, and made sure that nothing looked wrong. The last thing she really needed was people asking questions and making things worse.

"Thank god you're here," Carmen murmured, once she sat down across from them. She noticed Alice looking concerned, and Jasper also giving the same expression. Whatever she may have been feeling was gone, and she knew that was porbably jasper trying to calm her down, which she never really noticed.

"I saw your fight… What happened?" Alice inquired.

"Being too insensitive," Carmen shrugged. "After last night, I just can't deal with them. I need to leave this place."

"You do realize, this is not going to end well for either?" Jasper said. "When mates are separated, they often go through effects away from missing their presence. Physical effects will happen almost immediately… Rejecting the bond is worse."

"What happens?" Carmen piqued up, curious. She never really heard too much things about being a mate or whatever.

"It kills the other person, or in your case, the kings when you reject. They often perish, and because you're human-it's unlikely you'll notice, but you'll feel the emptiness."

"Oh." Carmen's mouth turned into an O, before she said, "Well, I'm not rejecting the bond or whatever. I just need to clear my head, and get my life organized before I can even procross to even understand what happened."

"Better warn you, before you fully reject it," Jasper added.

"Thank you… I appreciate it," Carmen said. "What time are we leaving?"

"We have a flight scheduled in a couple of hours… We've figured we'd let you get some rest before we get on our flight."

Carmen nodded. She stood up from the table and went to the counter to order a latte. All she wanted was caffeine in her system, and just needed something to relax her. It helped her, and made her body function more, and plus-she was past due for caffeine in her system.

She got lucky that the cashier understood her English, and she got her latte. Taking a sip, she smiled softly as the sweetness and the sugar met her taste buds.

Carmen plugged in her headphones, and listened to 'Nobody's Home' by Avril Lavigne as she waited for the plane to take off. It was nearing the late afternoon already as it took Alice and her crazy driving skills, a little over an hour-mostly due to the airport traffic.

She hated Alice's driving. She really hoped that vampires didn't drive this recklessly, because she really didn't like feeling that she could die in any minute. But ever since they hit Rome, the emptiness in her soul grew and it was so strange, to feel the hollowness. The emptiness.

Even after living a life without much emotions, theis new experience was quite new to her. It just felt odd, but she wasn't going to say anything. She had to get out of town-clear her head.

She took a deep breath to help relax her, and just let the music take hold of her.

Be strong, be strong now

Too many, too many problems

Don't know where she belongs

Where she belongs

Avril Lavigne's voice came through for one last time, before she got sick of the music. She loved listening to songs on repeat, but she'd been playing this song for what it seemed like for a month.

Carmen let herself relax, and let her eyes droop, and before she knew it, she fell asleep. The day's worth finally caught up to her and last night's events transpired.

Hours later, Carmen woke up with a start when Alice softly shook her awake. She yawned groggily, grabbing her carry-on and managed to walk straightly out of the airplane and into the tar-mac.

She didn't know, nor did she care where Alice got the car, or maybe it was hers-but she was too tired. It was the middle of the night, and as soon as she bucked in her seatbelt. She leaned her head against the window and watched the blurry surrounding for a few minutes before sleep caught up with her.

Carmen didn't know how long the car ride was, but the next thing she knew-she was walking up to Lila's porch, and she unlocked the door with her keys. She let out a yawn, and waved goodbye to Alice and Jasper. She was a little tired, but with the sleep she had-it would help her last for the few hours.

It was near 6:15, by the time she looked at the clock. She made herself a coffee, before sitting down on the couch and turning on the TV. It was really dusty-mostly due to the fact that she hadn't been here in months, and no one to take care of it.

She had less than an hour before visiting hours. She switched through channels, praying there was something good before she eventually settled on Disney channel, playing something unfamiliar to her.

2 twenty TV shows later, Carmen let out another yawn before she locked the door behind her, heading to the hospital. The rian gently poured on the ground-luckily it wasn't raining hard nor was it hailing as she hated those two types of rains. She started the car, feeling the gentle hum of the engine beneath her before she headed to the hospital.

It was a blur, but she eventually got to Lila's room and almost wanted to collapse onto her knees and cry. After so long, she saw her friend sitting up, and talking to one of the nurses. She prayed so hard to even her friend's voice again, and now that moment came.

She knocked on the door, and Lila's wide brown eyes looked at her. She burst into a smile, and Carmen couldn't help, but smile as she approached her.

"Hey!" the same bubbly voice of Lila exclaimed. She gave her a huge hug, as soon Carmen moved a chair closer to the bed.

Took a while, right? I'm going to try and get somewhere with updates, but school is starting in exactly 3 weeks or so, and I have a hybrid schedule. I'm a little worried with school, but I won't know more until orientation about this. I hope everyone is safe, and trying to stay sane! Anyways, drop a review down below and tell me what you think!