Thank you!

No one perfect

Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.

Please, I am trying to encourage you. But, there are such glaring grammar and educational errors it is difficult to follow your plot. I will give you an example. A person who is a personal teacher is a tutor, not a Tudor. A Tudor is a person of a particular bloodline who is related to English royalty of the 16th century. (Google War of the Roses). If I were to grade a paper with these particular types of errors, they would not pass a composition class. If nothing else, you need to realize and correct your errors.
Writing for fun is an excellent way to improve writing skills. Being able to communicate effectively anything, not just technical writing, is an important and necessary skill. I encourage you to continue.

You have written that you do not want help with your writing and I can appreciate this but can I suggest that you read your chapters out loud before posting or better still as you most likely write as you speak, have one of you friends read to you.This might help you with the flow of your chapters. Also with some words that are wrong, I know spell check only picks up wrong spelling and not wrong words so proof readingwill help. Keep writing your story as we are doing our best to follow it and if you really want to write and I hope that you do, please do not be too stubborn or too proud to ask for or accept help. This is how we all learn.

:As others have said your sentence structure as well as your grammar is so bad it worse than aten year old child. You claim to be a native English speaker, being from the US, but not a writer, something we can all agree with in our attempt to read and understand what you have written. This is not an easy task when much of it is a series of disjointed sentences, which jump around from place to place and nonsensical situations.

error; two fused sentences, add punctuation

writing, add comma

this, add comma

you replace with your

This unclear antecedent- who or what

also, add a comma

so, add a comma

proofreading not proof reading

it, add a comma

This unclear antecedent

said, add a comma

well, add a comma

ten-year-old add hyphen

within not with in