Space Over Caprica
Day One of the Attack

Crew Count - Unknown

To say that the Number One humanoid Cylon, often referred to simply as Cavil, was displeased was a gross understatement. Despite the Cylons' overwhelming success against Colonial defenses, scattered groups of surviving ships had escaped from their grasps, including a handful of Colonial Fleet warships. While his brothers and sisters were already declaring victory, Cavil was plotting for the continued pursuit of these pockets of survivors.

"Cavil, the Number Five aboard Arcadia has failed. He was intercepted while attempting to detonate the ship's munitions," one of the Number Fours, or a 'Simon' model, reported from beside Cavil. The duo stood in the control center of this particular Cavil's personal basestar, which was mostly crewed by a mixture of First Cylon War era Centurions and the newer models, both models working in tandem to ensure precise operation of his flagship.

This particular Cavil was the closest the Cylon had to a Fleet Admiral, possessing a more tactically sound mind than even the others in his line, leaving him as the mastermind behind the majority of ship movements conducted by the Cylon Fleet. Now, he was merely the commander of a cleanup operation, a task that annoyed him more than anything else. "An unfortunate setback, but not exactly an unforeseen one. The Fives never possessed much in terms of intelligence," Cavil muttered, turning to face his counterpart. "Send all but my group and the occupation forces in pursuit of Galacatica and her civilian fleet. We'll destroy Arcadia ourselves," he explained, arms crossed over his chest.

"You know we must reach a consensus before you can send an order like that," the Four countered, with Cavil rubbing his eyes in a mixture of annoyance and frustration. His model was always patient with his younger brothers and sisters, but the need for consensus and a majority rule in the decision making process usually caused a major delay in action.

"Be that as it may, I see no reason as to why any of our counterparts would disagree with that course of action. Let that Five, Six, and Eight run their little love experiment on Caprica, your line can continue your reproduction experiments, and I will lead the assault against Arcadia," Cavil stated, waving his hand dismissively.

Simon's face remained clear of any emotion. "And Pegasus?" he questioned.

"We have a Six on board; have her lure them into one of our staging areas. Have her tell them it's a communications relay or some other undefended target, I don't frakking care. She's a smart one, she'll figure it out. Pegasus is as good as destroyed, but we don't have anyone aboard Arcadia now that the Five has failed. I was so sure I could get that Eight aboard before they finished their refit, but I misjudged. That won't happen again," Cavil promised, though his tone of voice came off more threatening than anything.

Just as he finished speaking, one of the blonde haired Threes appeared and interjected. "We have a problem. The Rycon escaped," the accented Three stated, causing Cavil to whip his head towards her with a scowl plastered onto his aged face.

"What? How the frak did that happen?" he exclaimed in anger.

"Congratulations are in order, brother," the Three began teasingly, before continuing. "We have our first traitor to our righteous caused," she finished with a smug smile.

Cavil's brows narrowed in anger as he realized the implications of what his sister model had just revealed. "A Four betrayed us," he seethed, his eyes shifting accusingly towards the Four that stood beside him. Once more, the model's face remained blank. "This complicates matters, but it shouldn't blind us. Mistakes occurred, as they often do in war. Even our metallic brethren made mistakes in the First War, it was unlikely that we would conduct this attack with no issues of our own. Add Rycon to my list of responsibilities, other than that, the plan remains unchanged," Cavil said with a firm nod, before he turned to exit the command center of his flagship.

Two rogue battlestars were the least of his worries, especially when he was dealt the misfortune of having to deal with the blundering fools he called brothers and sisters.