Here it finally is, my CSI/MacGyver crossover! Ya'll know how much I love a good crossover, and I'm hoping that ya'll love it as much as I do! A huge thanks to HelloNurse for the beta work, it is much appreciated! If you like, don't hesitate to leave a review! Now on with the story!


Nick Stokes sat in his office in the Las Vegas Crime Lab enjoying his early morning doughnut. It was his second week back at work, where he was currently a day shift supervisor. He hadn't realized how much he had missed home until Catherine had called, saying that she had a place for him. It wasn't much of a demotion, and Catherine had said that she probably would be retiring in a couple of years so he would be a shoo-in for Director of the Crime Lab. So he had jumped on the offer. This morning they already had three callouts, and he was the only CSI left in the crime lab.

When his phone rang on the desk, he hurriedly stuffed the last two bites into his mouth before picking up the receiver. "Di…" He stopped himself from saying 'Director Stokes', swallowed the last morsels of his doughnut, and tried again. "CSI Stokes."

"Yeah, we need a CSI." The male voice sounded bored. Nick could hear care noise in the background, so he must be calling from the crime scene.

That much was obvious, "All right, what is the issue?" He needed to know if it was something he could handle himself, or if he needed to pull someone off one of the other cases.

"Well, it's a dead body in a trunk." The man answered, still sounding like he wanted to be anywhere but there.

"All right, I'm rolling right after you give me the address." Once the officer gave Nick the address he grabbed his kit, the keys, and was rolling to the location. Thankfully this time of morning traffic was light, and he made it to the scene in record time. He pulled over beside the patrol car which was parked beside a late model sedan with its trunk popped. Grabbing his kit he walked over to where the officer was leaning against his patrol car playing something on his phone. As Nick approached the officer stuffed the phone in his pocket and turned to him.

"Officer Daniels." Nick shook his hand.

"CSI Stokes, nice to meet you."

Officer Daniels looked at Nick, "You're the new dude!"

Nick cringed inside, "Well the new old dude." He joked, but the Officer didn't seem to get it. Oh well, win some lose some. "So tell me about how you found the body." Nick glanced in at the body, before setting down his kit and taking the gloves out.

"I noticed it as I was doing my routine patrol. We don't usually have cars abandoned here, so I thought it might be worth a look, maybe two lovers wanting a little solitude or a druggie wanting to find a nice quiet place to get high. When I didn't see a driver it made me suspicious. Then I saw the blood under the car." Officer Daniels paused long enough that Nick looked at him. He had his phone out again.

"You saw the blood," Nick prompted, not wanting to have to tell the officer how to behave at a crime scene.

"Oh yeah, so I figured it was coming from the trunk. So I popped the trunk, and found the body." Nick pulled on his gloves, then crouched down the get photos of where the blood had leaked into the sand.

"Is there anything else?" Nick asked as he stood up, knees popping. His knees weren't what they used to be.

"Naw, I checked for a pulse. When I didn't get one, I called for you guys." The officer hesitated a second fiddling with his phone. "Is it ok if I go stand over there?" He pointed to a bit of shade a few feet away, away from the dead body.

Nick rolled his eyes. "If it's the dead body that's getting to you; you can stand on the other side of your patrol car."

"Thanks, man." The officer stepped over and left Nick to work alone.

Shaking the soreness out of his knees he decided to photograph the body next. Nick assumed it was a man in his mid to late twenties, with long blonde hair. He was curled up on his right side, and if you ignored all the blood it was almost peaceful. He was wearing an old grey shirt and some running pants. Most of the bottom of the trunk was covered in the man's blood, with the majority of it around his abdomen and head. Looking at the scene there was something familiar about the whole thing, but he couldn't put his finger on it. Was it the crime scene in general or was it the positioning of the dead body, he couldn't tell. He took a couple more pictures of the exterior and then moved in for the closer pictures. He then realized that it was the body, that was so familiar to him. He shot a couple more close-ups, then seeing something on the body's forehead he leaned in, it was sweat. Dead bodies don't sweat, that meant the guy was alive!

Nick plunged his fingers into the man's neck not daring to breathe. Then he felt it, the faint rapid heartbeat of someone who's lost too much blood.

"Officer Daniels! He's alive! Call an ambulance!"

Nick head a cut off explicative, then the man calling for an ambulance.

Nick hadn't wanted to move the man before until the coroner had gotten there, but now he needed to, hopefully saving this guy's life. When he turned the young man over to better see the wounds he immediately knew why this guy seemed familiar, it was his cousin's friend MacGyver. They were scheduled to take a tour of the Crime Lab later that day, so what was MacGyver doing in this trunk, and where was his cousin Jack?

"Ambulance should be here in five to ten minutes." Officer Daniels informed Nick as he jogged over, "I can't believe that I missed a pulse. What can I do to help?"

Nick was busy pulling up the blood-soaked shirt to find out exactly where all the blood was coming from. He paused in his ministrations, "Grab a first aid kid out of one of our units. I need all the bandages you can find!" He then turned back to find the wounds that had spilled all this blood. 'How was he even still alive?' He finally found two wounds that looked like they were made by a knife. One was high up on MacGyver's right side and the other one was a couple of inches lower. Where the top wound was located at Nick was worried that the liver might have been punctured, which would account for the massive amounts of blood.

Officer Daniels ran back carrying a large black duffle bag that had the medical insignia on it. In the distance, Nick could hear the high wail of the ambulance sirens. While Officer Daniels grabbed the bandages Nick looked over the wounds, they had mostly clotted. But he still pressed the gauze pads that Daniels had handed him into the wounds.

"Put some gloves on. I'm going to need you to apply pressure on this second stab wound, ok?" Nick looked at the younger officer who was struggling to catch his breath and pull the gloves on at the same time. "Is this your first emergency?" Nick asked trying to establish a rapport with the guy to get him to calm down.

"Is it that obvious?" Daniels looked embarrassed and incredibly young at that moment.

Nick shook his head. "Press your hand here, and press hard, Mac's lost enough blood as it is."

"Wait? You know this person?" Incredulity leaked from every pore of Officer Daniel's face.

"Weirdly enough, yes." Since Daniels was holding pressure on the lower wound, he provided pressure on the top stab wound but was worried that Mac hadn't groaned at the pressure on his wounds or anything. "He's a friend of my cousin." By that time Nick could hear the crunch of the gravel as the ambulance pulled up next to them. He continued his visual inspection as he listened to the progress of the EMS personnel. Finally, he saw a long furrow right above MacGyver's right ear. That must be the reason he hasn't responded, at least Nick hoped it was because the alternative was that MacGyver was too far gone.

"What do you have?" A low male voice came from behind Nick. He turned around recognizing the Paramedic as Jason Long. "Hey, Nick I heard you were back!"

"Hey, Jase. This is MacGyver, he was stabbed twice in the right side and has lost a LOT of blood. I believe he also has a head wound." Nick rattled off what he knew, glad that EMS was there.

"Hi MacGyver," Jason addressed the unconscious patient, after accessing the situation he called for his partner to bring the stretcher. "We're doing a scoop and run. He has lost too much blood." Once the stretcher was behind the three men Jason address the other two. "Officer if you could grab his ankles, I'll grab his head and Nick you're in charge of the middle. On three, one, two, and three." The three men shifted MacGyver on the gurney, Nick helped strapped him down, and they took off for the ambulance. Jason's partner was already in the driver's seat radioing in Mac's condition. "You riding with us?" Jason asked when Nick started climbing in.

"Yea, I know him."

Jason nodded, "We'll treat him like one of our own. I'll make sure of it."

There wasn't another paramedic that Nick trusted more than Jason, so a promise like that meant a lot to him. Jason handed him a tourniquet, "if you could get this tied tightly, I'll get the oxygen going, and then I'll try to get an IV going." Jason also slapped the BP cuff on Mac's arm and the pulse ox on his finger. After looking at the readings he shook his head, "If you are a praying man, I might suggest you start praying right now. It's a miracle that he's lasted as long as he has."

Every time Nick talked to his Granny Dalton she always ended the conversation by letting him know that she was praying for him and his friends. Jack had always joked that the pew that she preferred had her butt imprint on it after so many years of sitting in the same spot. Right now Mac could use every single one of those prayers.

"Holy shit! I got the IV started." Jason seemed genuinely surprised. "He is one tough dude, your friend." Nick smiled, he didn't know MacGyver very well, but from the stories that his cousin had him, he was indeed a tough guy. Thankfully the ride was a quick one, and the ambulance was soon backing up to Desert Valley Hospital.

"Once we get in if you want to go wait in the staff lounge, it'd probably be more comfortable, and once I get him transferred over I'll come let you know," Jason offered.

Nick nodded his thanks, and things moved quickly after that. As soon as the ambulance came to a stop the back doors were flung open and the stretcher pulled out of the bay. Jason followed relaying MacGyver's name, his vitals, and what injuries he had. Nick stopped in the corridor and watched the medical personnel wheel him into a room. With a sigh, Nick made his way to the lounge, he had a call to make to his cousin and was not looking forward to it. When he arrived in the staff lounge the first thing we did was strip off the blood -soaked gloves he had been wearing and inspected his vest to see how much blood had gotten onto it. When he saw that it was smeared all over, he decided that removing it would be the best.

He then grabbed a cup of the hot coffee and sat in one of the chairs crowded around a small table. Taking his phone out of his pocket he laid it on the table, drawing out the inevitable. He sat there staring at it long enough that Jason came in to write up his report.

Pointing at the phone Jason asked, "Need to call someone? My patient's family?"

Nick thought for a second about how to explain exactly who Mac was. "He and my cousin served together, and currently work together so that's how I know him. They were supposed to have a tour of the crime lab later today but…" He bit his lip. "But now I've got to call said cousin to tell him where his friend is at, and knowing Jack he won't take it well."

Jason looked up from the paperwork, "Are they?" He let the question trail off.

Nick chuckled remember all the questions that had been flowing around the first time Jack had brought Mac to a family get together until Aunt Shirley had put a stop to it, 'You all know how Jackie likes to collect strays. Heck, he's been doing that ever since the boy could talk.' That had put a stop to the talk. "No, Jack's like the big brother the kid never had."

Jason nodded his understanding, "If it helps any, I let them know he was one of us. His vitals were looking a tiny bit better, but as I said earlier he is one tough hombre." Jason stood up, made a copy of the run sheet he had just filled out, and handed Nick the copy. "I'm assuming that you will be the CIS on this case."

Nick had taken a sip of the coffee, set it down to take the report. "You know it."

Jason hesitated at the door, "I'll keep him in my thoughts and prayers. Let me know the outcome?"

Nick nodded, "Thanks."

With a nod, Jason left. Gathering up his courage Nick decided that it was time to make the call.