Here is episode three

Disclaimer:I DO NOT OWN WWE! Vince McMahon does!

Note: A major storyline starts in this episode

FBI Agents: Season Two Episode Three

Synopsis: the team is called Yankton, South Dakota when people are being injured in random car accidents. The driver of one car is injured while the other is dead. After an autopsy is done the driver of the other car was already dead by the time the car accident happened. Meanwhile, Eric's boss forces Brianna to work for them and deliver drugs for them or they'll kill Eric


Roman Reigns-Senior Supervisory Special Agent/Unit Chief

Dean Ambrose-Senior Supervisory Special Agent

Seth Rollins-Supervisory Special Agent

Brianna Reigns-Supervisory Special Agent/Acting Unit Chief

Diamond Ambrose-Supervisory Special Agent

Tianna Rollins-Supervisory Special Agent/Communications Liaison

Jessica Martinez-Hardy-Technical Analyst

Sasha Banks-Special Agent

Yankton, South Dakota

"Better have that umbrella handy its gonna be another wet one." The meteorologist said. "Mom, I'm going to the store. You need anything?" A woman asked. "Pick me up some chips and dip." She said. "Will do. Be back in a few minutes." She said and walked out. She gets into her car and pulls out of the driveway and drives to the store. She pulls up to a stoplight and sits there for a few minutes watching as the light turn greens, she starts heading through the intersection when a car going 100 miles per hour comes speeding through the intersection and t-bones her car. Her car flips over several times before landing on the roof of it, even though she's in and out of unconsciousness she can see people running towards her and people screaming. "Somebody call 911!" A man said. Another man runs over to the other car and sees the driver dead, "this guy's dead!" He said.

Brianna is sitting at the bar watching the other dancers when a guy walks up to her, "my boss wants to see you. He wants to talk to you." He said. "Well tell your boss I don't have time to talk. I need to get to work." Brianna said leaving a dollar bill on the bar. "Well do you want your little boyfriend?" He asked. Brianna stopped but doesn't turn around, "he wants to see you. He wants you to do something for him." He says. Brianna clenches her jaw and turns around, "and what's that?" She asked. "That's why he wants to talk to you." He said. Brianna lets out a sigh, "fine. Where's his office?" She asked. "This way." He said. Brianna follows the guy to the back office, he knocks on the door and someone from inside says come in

He opens the door and walks in, "sir, I have Brianna." He said. "Oh great bring her in." He said. He opens the door further and lets her in, Brianna walked in and looked around. "Make this quick because I gotta get to work." She said. He sits up in his chair, "we know you work for the FBI." He said. "Yeah I do." She said. "Have a seat Brianna." He said. "How do you know my name?" She asked. "I know everything about you. Now have a seat." He said. Brianna looked at the two guards on either side of the room, "don't worry about them. Just pretend its just me and you." He said. Brianna clenches her jaw again and sits down, "okay what do you want me to do for you?" She asked. "I want you to deliver drugs for me." He said. "What?" She asked. "You heard me." He said. "So you think because I'm a FBI Agent that I'm gonna deliver drugs for you? Hell no." She said. "I knew you'd so that. Bring him in." He said. The door opens and another guard brings in Eric who's been beat up, "oh my god." Brianna said starting to get up but the guard stops her from getting up. "What do you want?" She asked. "Here's what gonna happen. You're gonna deliver these drugs for me or else." He said. "Or else what?" She asked. "Or else your little boyfriend here will be killed." He said. Brianna looks at Eric then back at his boss, "fine. Whats your name?" She asked. "I don't give names." He said. "Well I need to know who I'm working for." She said. "Jose and you're gonna keep me out of jail." He said.

"Fine." She said. "Good." He reached down and grabbed a duffel bag, "I'll text you the address. Get going." He said. Brianna grabbed the duffel bag and got up looking at Eric then walking out, Brianna pulls up a stoplight as her phone dings, she grabs it and looks at it seeing a text from Jose. She opens the text and sees the address, "2412 Barnes Avenue. Knock on the door and tell them Jose sent you."-Jose. She then gets a text from Roman. "You're late."-Roman. Brianna ignores his text and heads to the address, she pulls up to a house and grabs the bag and gets out of the car. She walks up to the door and knocks, a guy opens the door and looks her over. "Jose sent me." She said. "Lets see the product." He said. Brianna opens the bag and shows him, "come in." He said walking away from the door. Brianna walked in and shut the door, "did he tell you how much he sent?" He asked. "No." She said. He nods and takes the bag dumping the bag out and looking at the stuff, Brianna recognizes it as a cocaine and she covers her nose at the smell. The guy grabs another duffel bag and hands it to Brianna, "there's 20 grand." He said. "Okay. I'll Jose know." She said. Brianna walks out of the house and calls Jose, "I got the money." She said. "Great. Put it in the back and drive to a gas station on Rogers Street and wait in the parking lot. One of my guys will come pick up the money." He said. "Okay." Brianna puts the bag in the trunk then drives to the gas station. She pulls into a parking space and waits, a matte black jeep pulls and a guy gets out. "Pop your trunk!" He said. Brianna opens the trunk and watches the guy get the bag out and closes the trunk, "Jose will be in touch." He said and got in. She watches pull out of the parking lot and she hits the steering wheel, "fuck!" She said. Brianna starts the car and heads to the BAU

Roman stands at Brianna's desk as she walks in, "you're 3 hours late." He said. "I know. I overslept, my alarm didn't go off." She said. "Sure." He said and goes to his office, Brianna sits at the desk and signs in to her computer. She looks around before looking up Jose, she sees he was once charged with running a narcotic ring but the charges were dropped because witnesses came up missing. "What have I gotten myself into?" She said to herself. "Jose Mendoza." Brianna prints out his rap sheet then goes to Jessica. "Come in." Jessica said hearing someone knock on the door. She turned around as Brianna came into the room, "to what do I owe this pleasure?" She asked. "I need everything on a Jose Mendoza." She said. "Okay." She said and looked him up. "Okay well he's got a long rap sheet. Been in out of jail since he was 17 mostly for drug dealing." She said. "Print me out everything." She said. Jessica prints everything out on Jose and watches Brianna grab all the papers, "what's going on?" She asked. "He's a new neighbor and the property manager wanted me to look into him." She said. "Okay." Jessica said. Brianna put everything into a file and put it in her bag

Diamond walks over to Brianna when she sits down, "why were you late?" She asked. "My alarm didn't go off." Brianna said. Tianna comes into the bullpen, "where we going Ti?" Diamond asked. "Going to Yankton, South Dakota." She said walking into the conference room. Roman grabs his phone and dials Maryse's number, "oh hey Roman whats up?" She asked. "Hey Maryse I need you to measure Jessica's ring finger when you get the chance." He said. "For what?" She asked. "I'm thinking about asking Jessica to marry me." He said. He pulls away the phone from his ear as Maryse screams making Brianna who just walked up to the door give a weird look, "is that Maryse screaming?" She asked. "Yeah. I just told her I'm gonna ask Jessica to marry me and to measure her ring finger. Are you done screaming?" He asked. "Yeah sorry. I just got excited, I'll find a way to measure her finger somehow. Good luck." She said. "Thanks. Just text me the measurement." He said and hung up. "We got a case." Brianna said. "Be right there." He said

"34 year old Monica Lopez, she was injured in a car crash earlier this morning." Tianna said. "Why do they need us for someone who was injured in a car accident?" Sasha asked. "Well one victim is dead and was previously killed prior to accident. Our deceased victim has been identified as 45 year old Charlie Mitchell, he was reported missing two weeks ago when he didn't come back from a blind date." Tianna said. "Are there any other victims?" Dean asked. "Yeah. 67 year old Joseph Stark. He's in a coma and Monica is currently in surgery for internal bleeding. Our first deceased victim is 21 year old James Fernandez." Tianna said. "So they have a gender preference on who their killing but not who their injuring in these car accidents." Diamond said. "James was taking night classes on photography and never returned home after the class was over." Tianna said. "Jessica get me everything you can on these victims." Roman said. "Yes sir." She said and walked out. "Monica was going to the store and Joseph was heading home after his grandson soccer game." Tianna said. "Witnesses say a red sedan hit Monica's car and a black crown Vic hit Joseph's car." Brianna said. "Turns out those cars belong to our deceased victims." Tianna said. "This is the second car crash in two days." Tianna said. "Two car crashes in two days they're moving fast." Dean said. "And quickly." Dean said. "The more we sit here the more time they have of getting their next victim. Wheels up in 30." Roman said getting up. A woman sits on a bench at the mall watching a guy at the store in front of her work

"Do not take life to seriously. You will never get out of it alive."-Elbert Hubbard

"What do we know about our victims?" Diamond asked as Brianna sat down. "We know James was taking night classes on photography but he worked as a janitor at the local hospital and lived with his mom while he went to these classes." Dean said. "Doesn't seem to be any connections between our victims. All lived different lives." Sasha said. "Well James and Monica both lived with their mother. Monica's mother as dementia so she had her move in so she could take care of her." Jessica said. "Was James in trouble with the law?" Roman asked. "He had a few traffic violations but nothing major." Jessica said. "Monica wasn't either. Charlie was arrested for grand theft auto when he was 19 and served 30 days in jail and that was it. Joseph served 10 years for armed robbery." She said. "Why are these men being targeted?" Brianna asked. "Could be a number of reasons." Seth said. "Two car accidents with two days of each other this unsub doesn't have a cooling off period." Dean said.

"No they don't. They killed Charlie, injured Joseph. Grabbed and killed James then injured Monica." Diamond said. "Officers say Charlie's car hit Joseph's car between 120 and 130 miles per hour and he flipped at least 8 times." Tianna said. "James hit Monica at exactly 100 miles per hour and she flipped 5 times." Sasha said. "Okay lets go over victimology." Roman said. "James' father was in the army and was killed overseas when James was only 2 months old." Jessica said. "He's a very private man and has no social media. His mom never remarried." She said. "Now Monica on the other hand. Her mom was a single parent and she posted on Facebook like every 5 minutes and 30 minutes before the accident she posted that she was going to the store." She said. "I couldn't find anything on Charlie and Joseph always shared pictures of family and friends on Facebook." Jessica said. "The only thing these victims have in common is that this unsub try to kill them on even though they killed two of them." Seth said. "Okay when we get there. Brianna, Diamond, and Seth go to the crime scene. Dean and Sasha go to the hospital and talk to Monica's mother and see if you can talk to Joseph's family." Roman said. "Me and Tianna will sit up at the police station." Roman said.

Yankton Police Department

Roman and Tianna stepped off the elevator and are met by the chief, "Chief Galloway. Agent Tianna Rollins, we spoke on the phone." She said. "Ah yes." He said. "This is Agent Roman Reigns." She said. "Where's your whole team?" He asked. "Their out in the field." Roman said. "Oh well we're set up in here." He said walking towards the conference room. "You know when the first accident happened I thought it was just something random but when this one happened that's when I knew we had something on our hands." He said. "Well we're here to stop it." Roman said. "Is James' mother here?" Tianna asked. "Yeah. She's in the lounge area. Gave her some coffee to calm down, she came in she was hysterical." He said. "Most mothers are. I'll talk to her." Roman said.

"Did you get the autopsy results on James Fernandez?" Tianna asked. "Yeah. Right here." Galloway said handing her the file. Tianna opened it and read it, "he had sex before he was killed." She said. "Yeah that was the ME found. They also found he was poisoned as well but they couldn't find what type it was." He said. "Yeah I see that." She said. "Ms. Fernandez?" Roman asked. "That's me." She said. "I'm with the FBI. I need to ask you a few questions about your son." He said. She wiped her eyes and nodded, Roman sat down across from her. "First of all I wanna say I am so sorry for your loss." He said. "Thank you." She said. "Now did your son have any enemies?" He asked. "No but he did have a problem with this Jason at his class. He didn't know his last name." She said. Tianna comes in and hands him the autopsy report on James and then walks out, Roman opens the file and reads it. "What's that?" She asked. "The autopsy report on your son. Ms. Fernandez, was your son seeing anybody?" He asked. "No not that I know of. He was working two jobs just to put himself through school. He wanted to be a photography, didn't have time for relationships." She said sniffing. "Your son had sex for he was killed." He said. "He did?" She asked

Roman nodded, "when was the last time you spoke to your son?" He asked. "Just before he went to class. I came home from work and he was getting ready, he left that was the last time I saw him, but he did send me this text at about 12AM." She said grabbing her phone. She pulled up the message and showed him, "he said he was crashing with a friend and he'd see me in the morning." She said. "Do you know who that friend was?" He asked. "No. Ever since his granddad passed away we haven't been close as much, he got really distant. I woke up the next morning and he wasn't there. He never came home so I called the police and filed a missing persons report." She said. "Well you did the right thing by doing that." Roman said. "Police said he was already dead by the time the accident happened right?" She asked. "Yeah he was. The medical examiner found poison in his system but we don't know what kind." He said. "You're gonna find who this?" She asked. "We're gonna do our best. If you remember anything else you give me a call." Roman said handing her his card. "Thank you." She said. Roman gets up and walks out, "what you get?" Tianna asked. "Not much. Her and James haven't been as close since his granddad passed away. Though she did get a text from saying he was gonna stay with a friend but when she got up the next morning he wasn't there and he never came home so she filed a missing persons report." Roman said. "Yeah I remember when she came in. We looked into everything and he phone was still online and everything." Galloway said. "Well he met someone." Tianna said. "Question is who?" Roman asked.

Crime scene

"Witnesses say the car turned the corner down there and sped down the street. Monica was coming through the intersection when she was hit and her car flipped several times." Seth said. "Yeah a guy said he thought the car flipped about 5 or 6 times. He thought it was never gonna stop flipping." Diamond said. "Hey guys look at this." Brianna said. "What you got?" Seth asked. "This. Its a remote control chip, a chip that he control something from a remote location." Brianna said. "That was in the car?" Diamond asked. "Yeah. Its like our suspect was controlling the car. Our victim had his hands on the steering wheel to make it look like he was driving even though he wasn't." Brianna said. "I feel like these victims that were injured in the car accident were targeted somehow. I don't know how though." Seth said. "The way they were injured would make it seem like they were." Diamond said. "Yeah lets get back to the precinct." Brianna said putting the chip in a evidence bag

Over at the hospital Dean and Sasha talk to the doctor, "how is Monica?" Dean asked. "Well for one she had internal bleeding but they were able to stop it. She had some swelling on the brain so we put her in a medically induced coma to decrease the swelling. Her mother is over there in the waiting room. Mr. Starks Family is in his room down the hall from Monica's room." He said. "I'll talk to Joseph's family." Sasha said. Dean nodded and walked over to Monica's mother who was staring out the window, "Mrs. Lopez?" Dean asked. She turned and looked at him, "yes?" She asked. "I'm Dean Ambrose with the FBI. I need to ask a few questions about this morning." He said. "Okay." She said sitting down. Dean walked over and sat on the table in front of her, "did your daughter have any enemies?" He asked. "No. She didn't really have any friends either, she was a loner. She pretty much stays in the house only leaving to go to work or go to the store which is where she was going this morning." She said. "She have any problems with anybody?" He asked. "Not that I know of. She didn't really speak about her job or anything." She said. "Although a few weeks ago she had a customer threaten her. Said he was gonna kill her and do anything he could think of to her all because she didn't get his order right." She said. "Where does your daughter work?" He asked. "McDonalds. She's a cashier." She said. "Alright." He said. "Was the guy in the other dead when the accident happened?" She asked. "Yeah that's why were here. To find out who killed them and injured your daughter. Mrs. Lopez if you remember anything you let me know." Dean said. "I will." She said. Dean got up to walked down the hall stopping to look at Monica who was hooked up all kinds of wires, he sighed and walked down the hall to Sasha who was talking to Joseph's family

"We're gonna find who did this but I need you guys to be straight with me." Sasha said. "Now did your father have any problems with anybody?" She asked. "No he was a good guy. People loved him, he always helped out, always tried to be friends with people I just don't know who would have done this." Joseph's daughter said. "That's why were here." Sasha said. "A few months ago he had an argument with this neighbor. I don't know what all happened, he wouldn't say." She said. "Did he say what the neighbors name was?" Sasha asked. "No and I asked but he changed the subject." She said. "Okay." Sasha said writing it down. "The cops said the drive of the car that hit my dad was already dead. Is that true?" She asked. "Yes." Sasha said. "But how did they drive the car if they were already dead?" She asked. "That is a very good question." She said. "Okay if any you remember anything give us a call. The smallest detail helps." Sasha said. Sasha hands them her card and walks over to Dean, "what did you get?" She asked. "Monica didn't have any enemies. She was a loner, didn't really have any friends. Although her mother said a customer threatened her a few weeks ago." Dean said. "Joseph had an argument with a neighbor a few months ago but he wouldn't say what it was about. Every time she asked he'd changed the subject." She said. "Something fishy is going on." Dean said. "Yeah I'm getting the same feeling." She said. "Come on. Roman wants us to head to the Medical Examiner's office." He said.

Back at the precinct Seth, Diamond, and Brianna walk into the conference room, "find anything?" Roman asked. "This." Brianna hands him the bag. "Its a remote control chip. Meaning you can remotely control something from any location and its got a tracker on it." She said. "We thinking this is how our suspect controlled the cars?" He asked. "Possibly." She said. "Let me see that." Galloway said. "Wait we found that in Charlie's car." He said. He walked over to a box and pulled the chip out and showed them, Brianna looked at the chip, "same model." She said. Diamond and Seth look at the chips, "their remotely controlling these cars." Seth said. "But why?" Galloway asked. "Could be a number of things. They could be trying to get our attention, or Monica and Joseph's car meant something to them." Diamond said. "But what?" He asked. "That's the question we need to find the answer too." Roman said. Jessica popped up on the computer screen, "what you got for us baby?" Roman asked. "I did some digging and it turns out that both Monica and Joseph drove the same car. Same make, same model but different colors." She said. "And a few weeks ago Monica was threatened by a customer at her job and Joseph had an argument with a neighbor a few months ago." She said.

"James' mother said he was having problems with a Jason in his class. See who all was in his photography class." Roman said. Jessica brings up a list of students that was in James photography class, "there are about 15 students in the class and there's a Jason Harrison in it." She brings up his student information, "and he's been written up for starting fight with other students half a dozen times just this year." Jessica said. "I sent the security footage of Monica's argument to your tablets." She said. "Do you have a name on the customer that threatened Monica?" Brianna asked. "Tyrone Johnson. I sent his work and home address and a picture." She said. "Okay Brianna, Seth go to his work address." Roman said. "And from what I can tell is that the neighbor that Joseph got into an argument with a few months ago passed away two months later. He had brain cancer but I'm looking to see if anyone is still at the house. I'll let you know what I get something." She said. "Thanks baby." Roman said.

Diamond looks over James' autopsy report, "he had sex before he was killed and then was poisoned." She said. "Was it consensual?" She asked. "Dean and Sasha are going to the ME's office to find out." He said. Chief Galloway comes in, "Charlie's sister is here." He said. "I'll talk to her." Tianna said. Over at the medical examiners office the ME hands Dean the autopsy report on Charlie, "he had sex before he was killed." Dean said. "Consensual?" Sasha asked. "Yeah. Same with James as well, I found fluids from a female around their groin area." He said. "Female." Dean said. "They were also poisoned. I haven't found what type of poisoned was used. I'm still looking into it." She said. "So poison was the COD?" Sasha asked. "Yeah." He said. "How long do you think they were dead?" He asked. "The first victims I estimated about 12 hours and the second victims 8 hours. They drank red wine just before they were they died which makes me think the poison was in the wine making it hard to find out what kind it was." He said. "Covering their tracks." Dean said. "They both had sex before they were killed, poison, you found fluids from a female. Were dealing with a female here." Sasha said. "We are. Let us know if you find what kind of poison it was." Dean said. "Will do." He said.

A woman walks by a pizza restaurant and sees her coworker talking to some girl, she stands there and watches for a minute before heading back to work. The woman at the table noticed her and got angry but didn't show it. "Thanks." Brianna said to a worker who showed her and Seth where Tyrone was. Tyrone had his back to them as he loaded crates on top of each other, "Tyrone Johnson, FBI." Brianna said. Tyrone dropped a crate and took off running, "of course." Brianna said and chases after him. Tyrone pulls down crates to try and stop Brianna but Brianna jumps over them, Tyrone start running on a runway as Brianna parallel to him. He runs out a door and runs across the parking lot with Brianna hot on his tail, he slides across the hood of a car that stopped and Brianna does the same thing. Tyrone looks behind him seeing Brianna still chasing after him and runs into a car that stopped, "oh!" He said. "Put your hands behind your back." Brianna said turning him over. "Get off me bitch." Tyrone said. "Call her a bitch one more time." Seth said pointing his gun at him. "Why you running?" Brianna asked. "I didn't do anything." He said. "Well running makes me think you did and I'm gonna find out what you did. Get up." She said getting him up. "We're going for a little ride." She said putting him the back of the car

"Lisa when was the last time you talked to your brother?" Tianna asked. "Just before he left for his blind date." She said. "Had a blind date?" Tianna asked. "Yeah. Some girl he met through one of those dating sites." She said. "I told him it was bad idea but he didn't listen." She said. Tianna nodded, "did you get a text from him?" She asked. "Yeah. He said he was gonna stay the night with the girl and he'd see me in the morning but I knew something was up and I should have called the police then but I didn't." She said starting to cry. "Please tell my you are gonna find who did this?" She asked. "We will. Can you show me the texts?" She asked. She grabbed her phone and showed Tianna the text and wrote it down, "okay. Lisa if there's anything else you remember you call." Tianna said. "I will." She said. Tianna gets up and walks into the conference room, "Charlie's sister also got a text. She said he had a blind date that he met online." She said laying the text on the table.

"She's sending these texts." Roman said. "She's making these family members think they'll see them in the morning when in reality she's murdering them." Dean said. "Okay Tyrone's alibi checks out. He was at work at the time of the accident." Brianna said. "Okay so far we have no leads." Roman said. "We need to go over some things." Dean said. "Okay lets get to work. Lets try and find a connection with these victims." Roman said. An hour later Roman hangs up the phone, "that was the school apparently Jason killed himself in the showers last week. He was addicted to Heroin and the security guard found him with the needle stuck in his arm." Roman said. "Well there goes our lead." Dean said.

Later that night the girl and the guy walk across the parking lot to his car, "say why don't we go to my house and relax." She said. "Okay lets go. Let me just tell my dad that I'm gonna spend some time at a friends house and I'll see him later." He said grabbing his phone. He texted his dad that he was gonna go spend time with a friend and he see him later, the rest of the night is a blur as the two have sex. An hour later she looked over at him to see if he was asleep, when she saw that he was asleep she got up and walked over to a table and grabbed a needle off a table and walked back over to the bed. She decided to change her MO to try and throw off the cops and the FBI, she stuck the needle in his arm and injected him with poison. She waited half an hour and checked for a pulse, when she couldn't find one she smirked and grabbed his car keys and the remote control chip and walked out to his car. She got into the car and installed the chip then parked the car in the garage, when the sun came up she dressed him then carried him out to the car and put him in. She buckled him in and put his hands on steering wheel to make it look his he was driving and started the car, she walked back into the house and grabbed her controller and started controlling the car

A woman and her 5 year old daughter were driving down the street singing along to the radio, "mommy can we get some McDonalds breakfast?" She asked. "Of course we can." She said. When the girl found the car she was looking for she smirked and began tracking the car, the woman started passing through the intersection when she was by the car at 160 miles per hour and she flipped several times, the girl smirked and turn the car off putting up her controller and goes to take a shower. Chief Galloway walked into the conference room, "we just had another accident. This time a woman and her 5 year old daughter were hurt." He said. "Lets go." Roman said.

"The victims names of Victoria Watson and Tracy Watson. Our deceased victim is Oscar Strong." Jessica said. "Tracy and Victoria are at the hospital now." She said. "Brianna and Sasha are heading there now." Roman said heading towards the crime scene. Brianna and Sasha walked into the hospital, "doctor hows Victoria Watson and her daughter?" Brianna asked. "I'm sorry they didn't make it." He said. "This just went from murder to vehicular homicide." Sasha said. Brianna grabs her phone and calls Roman, "Yeah Roman. Victoria and her daughter didn't make it." She said. Roman sighed, "okay head to the ME's office." He said. "Yeah." He said

"Mr. Strong, did your son have any problems with anybody?" Tianna asked. "He never told me anything about his job. Ever since his mother passed we don't talk much." He said. "Did you get a text from him last night?" She asked. "Yeah I did. He said. "He said he was gonna go spend some time with a friend and he'd see me later. I didn't think much of it." He said. "Well were gonna find whoever did this." Tianna said. "Here's my card. If you think of anything else give us a call." She said and walked out. "Same MO except this time. She injected him with the poison but I still can't figure out what type of poison it is." He said. "I've put it through every test we have and nothing." He said. "Did he have sex before he was killed?" Sasha asked. "Yeah he was. Like I said same MO." He said. "Okay thank you." She said

"Same MO except this time she injected with the poison buy the ME can't find what poison it is." Brianna said. "Jessica couldn't find any family for Victoria. She was a single parent." Dean said. "Victoria drove the same car our injured victims were driving." Diamond said. "Guys I found something." Jessica said. "What you find?" Seth asked. "Well about 6 six years ago a man was in a car accident and from that accident he was killed." She said. "What does that have to do with this?" Sasha asked. "Slow your role there. The other driver was the same car our injured victims were driving." She said. "A 2008 Mercedes Benz." She said. "What was the drivers name?" Roman asked. "Taylor Montgomery. He fell asleep at the wheel and hit Carlos Wilson head on. Carlos didn't make it through surgery, Taylor was killed on impact." She said. "She's not targeting the drivers, she's targeting the cars." Tianna said. "Carlos has a daughter. Jamie Wilson, and get this. Monday was the 6 year anniversary of his passing, the day of the first accident." Jessica said. "That's the stresser." Roman said. "And she was seen talking to our deceased victim Oscar yesterday at the mall where we works." Jessica said. "You got an address and a picture?" Roman asked. "Sent." She said. "Lets go." Roman said.

At the house the team runs up to the door and Brianna kicks the door in, "Jamie Wilson, FBI!" Brianna said. Brianna goes through the kitchen, "clear!" She said. "Clear." Roman said as him and Seth looked around the living room. "Clear!" Diamond said looking through the bedrooms. "Clear." Sasha said looking the bathroom. "Guys you need to see this!" Diamond said. The guys walk into the office, "she's already chosen her next victim." Diamond said. "Michael Bell." She said. Roman grabs his phone and calls Jessica, "sir?" She asked. "Jessica where is Michael Bell working today?" He asked. Jessica types in his name, "Starbucks." She said. "That's where she's at. Lets go, Jessica send us the address." He said. "Jamie's mother left her father when she was 2 months old. Her dad never married and he was left to raise her. She got into all kinds of trouble in school. Fights, skipping class, trying to skip school. She's been in trouble with the law since she was a teenager. Long rap sheet." Jessica said. "The anniversary of her dad's passing sent her over the edge." Sasha said. "Must have sent her over the edge to kill people and then cause accidents." Roman said.

Over at Starbucks Michael and Jamie are walking outside when the team pulls up, Jamie grabs Michael and puts a gun to his head. "Jamie, put the gun down!" Roman said. "No!" Jamie said. "Don't do this Jamie. Your dad wouldn't want this." He said. "You don't know anything about me!" Jamie said. "We know your mom left when you were two months old. We know your dad had to raise, you had a troubled childhood and got in trouble in school and the law." Roman said. "Shut-up!" She said. "Come on Jamie put the gun down and let Michael go." Roman said as Dean walked up behind her. "Put the gun down Jamie." Roman said. "Those people deserve to be hurt. They drove the car that killed my father!" She said. "What happened to your father was horrible but there was no reason to injure people who drove the same car that killed your father. Now please Jamie put the gun down." Roman said. "No!" Jamie said. Jamie pointed the gun towards Roman but he shot her in the leg causing her to fall, "we need a medic." Roman said as Dean arrested her. Roman watched them put Jamie in the ambulance as Dean walked over, "you ready to go home?" He asked. "Yeah lets go." He said.

An hour later, Brianna walks into her apartment and Eric looks up, "Hey." She said. "Hey." He said. She sits her bag down and sits down beside him, "look I don't want to do this but I have too." She said. "I know." He said. "Look, I'm gonna do all this and build a case against him at the same time." She said. "How?" He asked. "I don't know but I'm going to." She said. "What do you want to eat?" She asked. "Pizza." He said. "Okay." She said walking into the kitchen

There you go

Written By: Jessica Dawn Newcomb

R&R :) Enjoy