Author's Note:

And here begins a multi-chaptered exploration of the relationship Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger. Enjoy!

Warnings: Profanity, Mature Content, Alcohol Consumption... others soon to be added...

I do not own Harry Potter. Unfortunately.

Monday. 3:15pm.

It was the mulled wine, she lamented, that was her downfall.

No… Scratch that.

It was the mulled wine AND some extremely questionable decisions on her part which landed her in this rather unfortunate spiral of self-anguish and torment.

Hermione Jean Granger was a rational witch. Yes indeed, if she could say so herself.

Hermione Jean Granger was an intelligent witch. Yes indeed, Brightest Witch of Her Age according to the Daily Prophet.

Hermione Jean Granger was a passionate witch. That much was obvious.

But oh alas, when it came to matters close to the heart, Hermione Jean Granger could become a bit too passionate …. Especially when it involved the infuriatingly-stubborn, pureblood extraordinaire and self-proclaimed 'God of a Man' one Mr Draco Lucius Malfoy.

Which is why Hermione Granger was currently curled up on her couch in her cozy London flat, eating her favourite margherita pizza and reading 'Sense and Sensibility'. And Godric, did she really need some sense and sensibility last night. And for the most part, whenever she saw Malfoy's face at the Ministry.

Groaning, she closed her eyes and tried to clear her mind.

And no, she was NOT avoiding going to work today because he would be there…No… that would be irresponsible on her part… Rather she was taking a much needed and definitely overdue break from it all.

Yes, yes that was it. And she was feeling a bit sick in the stomach…if that eased the guilt a little.

Inner peace. Yes that's it.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

She just needed a little bit of time for her mind, her body, her soul, her-


Well, that certainly wasn't her inner voice seeking peace and relaxation.


Oh bullocks. Instead that was Ginny.

Fantastic. Wait - Fan-BLOODY-tastic.

Groaning, she hauled herself off the ouch and shuffled over expectantly.


Like a raging ball of fire, Ginny Weasley popped out the Floo and promptly stumbled across the lush carpet of her living room floor.

Darkened wet red hair stuck to her cheeks as Ginny immediately enveloped Hermione in a tight hug.

Dressed in trackies and her baggy Holyhead Harpies jersey she had obviously just finished practise, showered and had flung herself to Hermione's apartment as soon as she could.

Keeping Hermione at arm's length, Ginny pursed her lips and clucked empathetically as she scanned her over head to toe.

"Oh honey...You look like shite 'Mione."

Hermione shrugged and sighed, "I've seen better days Gin…"

"Look 'Mione, I know he's a git but really, I just thought after all this time you've been with him and hell even Harry was liking the smarmy bloke... he wouldn't be a complete and utter piece of thestral shit-,"

Holding up her hand to effectively stop Ginny's righteous tirade, Hermione gestured so the both of them settled onto Hermione's couch and pulled the cashmere blanket over their legs.

Helping herself to a piece of cold pizza, Ginny groaned appreciably as the richness of the tomato sauce and salty rich cheese flooded her tastebuds.

Hermione chuckled listlessly at Ginny's reaction before reaching over to the glass coffee table and snagging herself another slice.

Munching on her now third slice Ginny remarked ruefully, "It was the mulled wine wasn't it?" Before letting out an impressive BURP.


Sneak Peak:


"DAILY PROPHET HERE MR MALFOY...could you clarify your previous statements about Malfoy Enterprises plans to revolutio-..."


Behind the darkened lenses of his sunglasses, Draco felt his lips form their trademark patented Malfoy smirk.

Oh how the tables had turned.

Author's Note:

Thank you so much for reading.

Follow the story for (hopefully) weekly updates.

And always remember: A review a day keeps writer's block away!