Don't own nothing. But i do own the idea for the story.

The kingdom of Lucis was burning. Hundreds of citizens were fleeing from their homes, away from the heat and falling buildings. They scrambled for the borders, hoping that the fires will not reach them. A lone figure was knocked to the ground by a frantic group, making them drop their cargo.

The figure cursed before swooping down and grabbing the bundle, careful of damaging anything. Peeking in the figure sighed in relief before going back to the task at hand.

'Must get to border.' They thought as the crowds began to grow crazed in their escape. Gathering magic into their core the figure warped out from the crowd and into a deserted alley.

The bundled cradled in their arms began to stir, a soft whimper echoing through the quiet alley. The figure carefully shushed the bundle before warping once more, this time near the border of Lucis.

'This is as far as I can go.' They thought, feeling the magic in their body begin to fade. Placing the bundle down the figure peeled the blanket back to reveal bright blue eyes gazing back at them.

"I'm sorry your Majesty, but this is for the best." From their pocket they pulled out a ring and placed it in the babe's hand. "Lucis is not safe for you anymore, until it is the ring will bring you back to reclaim your title as Queen." The figure coughed into their gloved hand.

Golden eyes watched as the baby brought the ring up to their mouth and chuckled as the ring was chewed on. Petting the growing tuff of black hair the figure gazed out to the burning city with a frown on their face.

"Hopefully the people of the other world are kind to you as the ones here are." Nodding the figure stood and stretched their bones. Gathering the last of their magic the figure reached out into the air and ripped a hole through the dimensions.

Picking up the chid they placed them in to the portal and sighed.

"Good luck, your Majesty. May the gods watch over you in your times of need." They closed the portal with more effort then opening it.

Once gone the figure breathed deeply before collapsing to the ground and falling unconscious from the strain.

Paris,France was quiet for once. The usually bustling city was at peace for the moment, the people enjoying the summer breeze and sipping on wine. A particular couple could be seen walking through the empty side-walk, a depressing air around them.

The male, a large hunk of a man who towered over the smaller, comforted the upset woman as they left the clinic. They were informed by the doctor that they couldn't have children, after trying for three years.

The couple had given up hope on ever having a child when a noise startled them. The woman turned toward the noise, curious while her husband seemed a bit wary of it. The two approached the alley were it originated, hoping it wasn't a raccoon when the smaller of the duo squealed and raced inside, startling the other. "Wait Sabine-" He stopped short at seeing what his wife cradled to her chest.

It was a babe, covered in a dark blue blanket and staring at them in awe.

"Why is there a child out here all alone?" The woman, Sabine, shrugged as she cooed over the baby, who merely blinked before cooing back.

The man scratched the back of his head in confusion. "What do we do with them?" Sabine threw a glare at her husband.

"We adopt them of course."

"But what if they have a family-"

"They wouldn't have left them abandoned in some alley-" Just as the words left her mouth a letter tumbled from the blankets and fluttered to the ground. The two glanced at each other before the man picked it up and opened it.

Clearing his throat the man began to speak:

"Dear whomever, If you're reading this letter then that means you have found a very important bundle. Why is it important? Well that bundle you hold is the current heir of the kingdom Lucis, it's queen.

The city is in shambles at the start of this letter so I'll be brief. The heir's name is Marinette Lucis Caelum, she is three months old. Seeing as the enemy that had destroyed the capital is still alive it was best that the child be sent off to another plane.

It was my idea that lead her to being in your care, for I had talked with the astrals and they had told me to send her off to another world that would need her more than the current kingdom. Do not think we abandoned her, the current king had been killed and the queen as well, leaving only her alive.

Once we re-build the powers will summon her back home, but until then she will remain in your care. Treat her as any other child, do not pamper her to much or inflate her ego. She isn't like the rest of the normal child, she has the power of the Kings in her blood so any strange things can be blamed on that.

I don't have much time for more details, so I hope you believe the words written on this paper and take care of Marinette, she's our last hope."

-Signed by Marshal Wolfgang.

The man looked up from the letter to watch his wife gently rock the baby,Marinette, in her arms and softly hum to calm her.

"This letter makes no sense, Kings? Magic? Sounds like a prank to me." Sabine looked over to her husband, a gentle smile on her face.

"Even if it isn't true, we still get a wonderful child to raise Tom." The man sighed as she snatched the letter from him and fold it up.

"We'll register her under our care and get the necessary documents." She pocketed the letter and walked out of the alley, Tom following after her. "We're gonna adopt her? Just like that?"

"Yes, I've always wanted a baby girl."

Marinette Dupain-Cheng always thought she was a strange child. With her wild black hair and glowing blue eyes, she made the students and even some teachers a bit nervous to be around her.

The eight-year old felt alone as she sat on the swings, watching the other children run around and play. None wanted to associate with the weirdo who talks to thin air and makes things disappear.

Marinette didn't mind the whispers, keeping an indifferent look on her face as she walked the halls of the elementary school.

Once school ended she would race home to do her chores, do homework, then warp herself to a field of flowers to play with the boy she sees in her dreams. He never tells her his name, but seems to know hers.

The two would play, and talk for hours before her mother calls her for dinner, then at bedtime they talk more in her dreams. Marinette loved to hear the boy talk of tales of Kings, of powerful cities and magical beasts.

She longed to go there someday, to see why the thought of an unknown world made her crave it.

She also wanted to meet the boy personally, and learn his name.

Once she turned fourteen however, everything seemed to change.

"What a strange creature, are you perhaps a fairy?" Marinette asked as she set the little black box to the side.

The floating red being blinked at her before smiling as she giggled. "No silly, I'm a kwami." The teen frowned at that.

"So you aren't magical?" The giggling grew slightly before the sprite spoke.

"I may not be a fairy, but I am magical. My name's Tikki and you Marinette have been chosen to be the new miraculous wielder." Her eyebrows raised at the notion. "Miraculous? Is that the name of the jewel?" Tikki nodded as Marinette put on the earrings.

The miraculous hummed along with the Ring she had on her finger as they connected.

"To transform, all you have to say is 'Tikki, Spots on.' To remove the transformation you say 'Spots off.' " Her head spun from the magic gathering that she nearly missed what the kwami said.

"Spots on?" The magic reacted. It rushed around her in a flurry of red before she was standing alone in her room, covered in what appeared to be red coloured armour. (Think of the armour the Kingdom Hearts character Aqua wears, only without the mask and coloured red with black spots.)

Not seeing Tikki anywhere she assumed the sprite had been sucked into her earrings. "Now what am I supposed to do?" The thought of causing mayhem was tempting, but the voice of the newscaster caught her attention.

"Huh, looks like my Monday wont suck after all." Climbing out of her room up to her balcony she wondered how she was going to get to the destination when she remembered warping.

Materializing the Sword of the Wise Marinette carefully aimed before throwing the weapon foreword. It hit another roof several feet away. "Really need a better way around." She warped to the sword and repeated the process over again until she reached her destination.

Switching the Sword of the Wise for The Axe of the Conqueror, she readied herself to face her first challenge.

And surprisingly finished with ease. Marinette eyed the black butterfly before looking down at the yo-yo attached to her hip. "Cool." Using it she caught the insect and cleansed it from the evil coating it.

She hummed as the magic inside her burst out and fixed all the damage done with the fighting. Marinette dodged past the reporters and headed on back home to take a nap.