Jaehaerys Targaryen sat in his chair and attentively listened to the words of Maester Alwyn. This was his favorite part of the day along with his music lessons. Alone with his Maester, learning about the history of the Realm and how it was run. Sparring with Ser Jaime was a close second, but there was always a chance of trouble then. No, only in the Maester's and Septa's chambers did he ever feel truly safe.

Those amethyst eyes, the only feature he had inherited from his father, were wide as he listened to him retell the history of Daeron's Conquest. The Young Dragon was his favorite Targaryen, he decided.

''...Of course, the Young Dragon's folly would have long-lasting consequences on the Seven Kingdoms.'' The Maester continued.

''Folly!'' Jae cried, outraged. The Maester was telling him about his brilliant victories only a moment earlier! ''What do you mean? He conquered Dorne. He was brilliant!''

The Maester didn't know what he was talking about, Jae decided. He peered at him closely. Maybe he was dornish himself, that would explain it.

Alwyn smiled at Jae's exuberance. He was one of the few people that would smile at him in any way and Jahaerys cherished him for it. ''He defeated Dorne, my Prince, he did not conquer it.''

''What's the difference?'' Jae asked with a frown.

''Conquering something means you keep it. Daeron did not.'' Alwyn pointed out, watching his young ward closely.

''It's not his fault the dornish killed Lord Tyrell like that.'' He grumbled, refusing to accept the Maester's words.

''Isn't it?'' Alwyn asked, one eyebrow raised. ''You can say the dornish did not fight honorably, or you can say Daeron was a fool for expecting them to. He did not consider who he was fighting, and so he lost.''

Jae's brows furrowed as he thought about the Maester's words. Maybe Daeron wasn't his favorite Targaryen. Ser Jaime had told him many times that war was about more than just swords. Maybe that's what he meant.

''So what should he have done, then?'' Jae asked, wondering himself.

''Read the histories and considered that even if Aegon's dragons hadn't made Dorne bow, neither would his swords.'' Maester Alwyn said dryly.

But then the Seven Kingdoms would never become Seven Kingdoms, there would only be Six Kingdoms and that just didn't sound as good. Surely it was better this way. He wondered if even the Maester knew the answer. He was starting to realize even the grown-ups didn't know everything.

He would figure it out. He blocked out the Maester's words as he thought about it but quickly came to amend his silent declaration; he would figure it out, one day.

After about an hour of history lessons, it was time for him to do sums. Jaehaerys was good at them, he could always understand what the Maester was talking about, but it also bored him to no end. Still, he did them dutifully, because it was far better than wandering around the Red Keep. Sometimes he even pretended not to understand just so the lessons would last a bit longer and he could go straight to his music lessons.

When he stepped out of the Maester's chambers, the familiar feeling of dread pooled in his stomach. Ser Jaime was walking behind him, the closest thing Jaehaerys had to a friend, but even he wouldn't be able to protect him from everyone.

Lord Connington had appointed Ser Jaime as his sworn-sword back when he was still little. Jaehaerys knew Ser Jaime was disliked as well and decided to like him for that alone. They had something in common! It took a while for Ser Jaime to stop looking at him like he was a piece of dirt on his shoe, but he did!

One day, after he had drilled the Maester for all the information he could reveal about the end of the Rebellion, he had asked Ser Jaime why he had killed the King.

Jaehaerys didn't know everything but he knew that he was smart – Maester Alwyn always said so – and it made no sense to him. The war was over, the Usurper dead. Why would Ser Jaime want to kill the King.

Ser Jaime stared at him with wide eyes, his face quickly becoming pale. Then he laughed a breathless laugh, both cynical and disbelieving. ''How is it that the first person to ask me that is a eight-year-old boy?'' he asked, but Jaehaerys felt like Ser Jaime was asking himself more than him.

And then Ser Jaime told him a story. It gave Jae nightmare for weeks on end, but he knew Ser Jaime wasn't what all those mean people called him. He was the greatest knight in the Seven Kingdoms, and Jaehaerys made sure to tell him so. It was only right. Those mean people were idiots, he decided, and he would never be like them.

Ser Jaime became much nicer after that, always ready to help Jae and explain things he didn't understand. More than anything, Jae loved to learn how to fight from Ser Jaime. One day he would be big and strong and Viserys wouldn't be able to touch him.

His feet took him to his chambers as quickly as they could. He passed by servants as he walked, all of whom bowed when he passed even if he could see it in their eyes. They were just like all the other mean people.

''Well, well, if it isn't the Bane of Westeros and the Kingslayer.'' A voice Jae was all too familiar with sneered. He looked to the side to find Viserys walking down the hallway towards him, the usual gaggle of squires laughing along at his words. ''What a lovely pair you two make.''

From an early age, Jae knew he hated Viserys. He was mean and cruel and kept saying hurtful things. The worst thing was, Ser Jaime couldn't protect him from it. Jaehaerys had hated the knight the first time it happened, even as Ser Jaime looked on the verge of tears and begged Jaehaerys to forgive him.

It took some time, but Jaehaerys eventually did. Ser Jaime wasn't the one he was really angry at, it was himself. Because he was too weak to defend himself from Viserys and could do nothing to stop him. Ser Jaime made their training harder after but no matter how hard Jaehaerys tried, Viserys was just too big.

They agreed then that Jaehaerys would always run away should he ever run across Viserys and hide. Ser Jaime showed him a couple of entrances into secret passages and Jaehaerys took him from there. He knew nearly all of them by now and it just so happened one was near.

Without wasting a second, he dropped his books and ran off, hoping Ser Jaime would buy him a second or two of a head start. Judging by the shouting behind him, he was right. He ran around a corner, nearly hitting a maid with hands full of linens, and ran on until he reached an alcove. There was a statue of Jaehaerys the Conciliator in it, but what most didn't know was that there was an entrance to the secret passages hidden behind it.

He pulled open the ledge and jumped inside and quietly closed the latch behind him. He stayed in place, careful not to make a sound until he heard Viserys and those stupid squires run by. Only then did he allow himself to breathe freely and crawled further down the passageway.

He had these parts memorize though he knew there was still much more left to explore. He took one turn after another, knowing his location even in the pitch dark.

About fifteen minutes later, he came out of the floor in the Sept, peaking out to see if there was anyone near. Only Ser Jaime was standing there, a wry smile on his face as he leaned casually on one of the pillars of the Sept of the Red Keep. Jae quickly pulled himself out before putting the loose tile back in its place.

''Ready for your music lessons?'' Ser Jaime asked as he pulled away from the pillar.

Jaehaerys straightened his clothes, did his best to clean himself of all the dirt, and nodded.

He had started with his music lessons at first because the Septa had offered and because it was good way to stop Viserys from attacking him. There was a lot of spare time between his lessons with the Maester and his sparring with Ser Jaime and he couldn't well spend all of it barred in his room, reading.

He came to like the lessons, though. He didn't truly appreciate music until he was the one playing and he quickly became adept at playing the harp. The Septa and Ser Jaime both told him his father was very good at it, which only made him like it more. If his father could play the harp, then maybe it wasn't just for girls.

He made his way to the Septa's quarters to find her already waiting for him, a small smile on his face.

''Ready for your lesson?'' she asked and Jaehaerys nodded eagerly. He was close to mastering another song and it was the first time he had learned to sing while he played. In the beginning, his fingers would get all tangled up when he tried to sing along, but now he was close to actually mastering it. He felt giddy at the thought of it. He would be able to play with the best of them soon, he knew.

It was late afternoon before he came out of the Septa's quarters, Ser Jaime wearing that familiar grin on his face. He always had it when it came time for them to spar. He was relentless in his training of Jaehaerys and said it was for his own good, but Jae privately thought Ser Jaime just liked winning.

He felt like he would never be able to beat the knight since Ser Jaime was just too good and too fast and too bloody smart.

They made their way to the outer courtyard. The Red Keeps Master-At-Arms bowed to Jaehaerys when they arrived and quickly moved to help him put on some protective padding and give him a blunted tourney sword.

''So, my Prince, ready to lose again?''

Jaehaerys did not know what to say, so he stuck out his tongue and went on the attack. He slashed to the left, just like Jaime taught him to, trying to keep his balance and set his feet right. Ser Jaime lazily deflected the swing, but then slashed downward with lightning speed. He was aiming to hit Jae's blade just above the crossguard. It always ended up with Jae dropping the sword but he had done it so many times that Jae expected it.

Rather than hold his sword upright, Jae lifted his elbow, pointing the sword downwards. Ser Jaime's blow glanced right off it and Jaehaerys swung side-ways, hitting Ser Jaime's shield on the side. It gave him an opening and Jaehaerys thrust forth at his chest. For a moment, he was full of hope, but then Ser Jaime stepped back and deflected the thrust with ease, laughing all the while. In his eagerness to finally land a blow on Jaime, he'd over-extended and so stumbled forth.

''Oh, the little dragon is learning,'' he cooed as though Jaehaerys was a baby and hit him on the behind with the flat of his blade, knowing it would only make him angrier. But Jaime had told him sometimes men would say things to get under his skin and force him to make a mistake. It worked too many times on him and Jaehaerys swore he would never fall for it again.

So he stood in place, waiting for Jaime to make his first move. Jaime always told him the fight could last as long as he like. Thirty seconds or five hours. Defeat was never a certainty as long as he focused on his footwork and his balance. Privately Jaehaerys was beginning to doubt that since he'd never won before no matter how hard he tried. He'd never admit that to Jaime though.

The two of them went on and on until Jaehaerys was panting from exhaustion and hurting all over from the blows. His right wrist especially hurt. He shuddered to think how he would feel if Jaime wasn't holding back.

Probably nothing, since I'd be dead, he thought ruefully as he took off his padding and trekked back to his chambers. He was so tired, he even forgot to worry about Viserys, but then the man was usually too busy drinking in the evenings to care about Jaehaerys.

His supper was waiting for him in his chambers when he got there. Jaehaerys dug into it with gusto, feeling his tiredness getting to him by the time he was finished.

He reluctantly got into bed. He was so tired, but he knew that now the dreams would come. And Jaehaerys hated those dreams.