I do not own Totally Spies.


Trent felt cuffs being slapped onto his wrists, but when the person went to bend his hands behind his back.

Nothing happened.

The man tried again.


A large buff man was seeing struggling to put his hands down.

"Are you resisting arrest?" said, the man.

"No" said, Trent. "I'm merely heading back to Whoop on my own"

When that sentence landed, guns were drawn and body's tensed.

Trent then proceeded to yank the cuffs apart and yank them off his wrists through pure brutal strength.

"Don't make us shoot" said, one man, as many clenches the trigger on their guns.

Trent ignored them and continued to walk.

Guns were fired.

However, Bullets and darts bounced harmlessly off his skin.

Everybody was stunned.

Trent continued to walk; they tried the electric net.

He simply turned his hand into a claw and ripped it open.

"I just need to talk to Jerry" said, Trent. "I'm not going to hurt anybody"

He followed the destruction that was caused by his scorpion side back to Whoop, everybody had already given up trying to restrain him after the 5-minute mark, instead they acted like they were restraining him through beams that he could break out of.

It was kind of sad.

Trent entered the trashed building and sat down in Jerry office.

He waited for Jerry to come by.

He ignored the yelling and demands; he would wait all day for Jerry to show up if he had.

Eventually Sam, Clover and Alex showed up.

"Hey, Girls. When is your boss coming?" said, Trent.

All three of their faces changed.

"You know-" began Sam.

"I've known since I transformed into a scorpion for the first time before Spring break" said, Trent. "Just because I wasn't in my right mind doesn't mean I wasn't there. Nice outfits by the way"

"Really? Oh, thanks, Trent" began Clover automatically, before she was levelled with a glare from both Sam and Alex. "What? He's still a total hottie despite the scorpion DNA. He complimented me and I'm going to take it."

Trent smiled at all three of a them, and they went red.

"Okay, he's still cute" said, Sam.

Suddenly they heard. "You shouldn't let yourself by swayed by a pretty face"

They turned to see Jerry coming in, a bit awkwardly.

The old man's face changed when he saw his roof.

Or lack of.

It's going to be so expensive fixing it.

"And the man himself shows up" said, Trent, before he said. "I've got a bone to pick with you"

And everybody tensed.

Jerry straightened his tie and said. "I'm sure whatever it is you want to talk to me about can be done behind a-"

"No" suddenly Trent said firmly surprising all of them. "When I got back together, I got my memories back. I remember it all, Jerry. I remember you taking me to Whoop and strapping me into that machine. I remember being strapped next to a giant scorpion monster and having wire;s everywhere touching. I remember the moment my other half was born. I remember you throwing me out like garbage. I remember that scorpion DNA trying to tear me apart. I got lucky. I didn't ask to be freak, you made me into one."


Cold hard silence.

Everybody turned to look at Jerry.

"Well, he's not wrong" said, Gladis. "Your screw up, turned a perfectly normal young man into a Hybrid"

"W-Well, you see" said, Jerry trying to come up with something. "I'm sure I can fix this"

"Fix this?" said, Trent. "I tried to tell you but you just had to separate me anyway. Now look where that got us. Half the city is destroyed. Somebody could have died. As a spy, aren't you supposed to do everything in your power to prevent a disaster before it happens?"

And Jerry face changed as his own words were thrown back at him.

"So, let's make a deal" said, Trent. "I don't want to be haunted and you want to make sure a threat doesn't become a full-blown disaster. Through my deal, we can both get what we want"


"Go on" said, Jerry.

And then Trent dropped a bomb shell.

"Make me a Whoop agent, it's as simple as that" said, Trent.

Everybody was shocked.

"What?" said, Jerry.

"Isn't it better to turn your greatest threat into your greatest alley?" said, Trent. "You must have cameras everywhere, but yet I don't see you coming at Sam, Clover and Alex with weapons at all hours of the day. I can control my scorpion side and you cannot. Make me a Whoop agent. Or do you have a better idea, because both sides of me are going to give you the king of headaches if you try to separate us again. I don't want to go back to being a loser and my scorpion self doesn't want to die"

More silence.

"We'll, I don't see why not" said, Alex as everybody looked startled. "Besides attacking Mandy, he hasn't really done anything wrong. If Mandy was breathing down your neck and Scorpion DNA was messing with your system. I would have probably attacked too. And the scorpion in him, hadn't seriously hurt anybody either. He's a cute little baby"

"Well, she's not wrong" said, Sam. "Apart from property damage, Trent hasn't serious hurt anybody. He's been this thing for two weeks now and he hasn't hurt anybody"

"Yeah, and plus Trent hasn't done anything that is a deal breaker" said Clover and then everybody looked at her. "What? He can totally hide his scorpion body parts and that's pretty much it. If something happens, he can hide it right?"

"As long as I have a private room to hide in anything happens" said, Trent. "You just need to leave me along for an hour or a few days at a time. You won't see anything gross if you don't want to"

"See" said, Clover. "He gets its"

The other agents and Jerry sweat dropped.

Was looks really that important?

"Well, then Trent. I would like to accept you as a Whoop agent then" said, Jerry. "We can discuss pay and benefits after you're imputed into the system"

"Great because I have all day" said, Trent.

And then he was taken to register for Whoop, he had to smirk when Gladis could only take a hair strand from him because his skin was like titanium which made it impossible to collect skin flake or a part of his nail.

He was loving the new shell, now if only a certain trio of three girls didn't look so heartbroken over a single hair strand missing from his head.

His finger prints were registered and so was his face.

It took two hours to get properly registered and he was given a schedule tailored to when he was back at school.

"Can I go now?" he said, after receiving it.

"Of course. Tata." said, Jerry pressing a button and a wind tunnel sucked him right up.

Trent found that he had mysteriously dropped right back into his room with a thud.

"Thank you, exoskeleton" he said, it didn't hurt.

And then he saw the window that had been broken into had been magically repaired.

He turned and saw his spider, happy and healthy like nothing happened.

Did somebody feed it?

He turned and saw his camera still busted, but then he saw his dead fly bag.

He ran to it and began to shovel it down.

He wiped the bit from his mouth, and walked out, only to meet his sister.

"Big Brother, you know you're not supposed to be there" she immediately scolded.

"Huh?" he said.

"Did you forget your camera exploded in the middle of the night?" she said. "All the electrician are on spring break so we can't get it fixed."


Was that the lie Whoop told his family?

He didn't like the idea of Whoop messing with his family's heads, but at the same time could he look his family in the eye after they saw him at his weakest?

It was a necessary evil but still.

Whoop had way too much power.

"Relax, my spider is still alive in there. I just want to feed it" said, Trent, before he said. "So, what happened after the family tournament? Were your classmates talking about me?"

And Candy went completely red, because they both knew it was so.

Ever since her brother showed up before her class, her popularity had skyrocketed and many had asked about her brother and if they would be seeing him again.

She changed the subject and said. "Brother, did you do something to your skin? It seems newer"

His skin had become fresher looking then before.

And Candy didn't tell him about all the girls who had come knocking including a young woman who was turned away because he wasn't there to let her in.

"Nice of you to notice, I merely washed my face with some soap that was gifted to me," he said, not telling her he had a new skin.

"Really? Can I have some?" said Candy, if her brother skin looked this good without makeup on.

"Sorry, little sis. But it's for my skin only" said, Trent.

And that's when they noticed their mother who had been watching them for god knows how long.

The woman was just stunned by the complete turnaround in the relationship between her two kids.

It was always Trent who was small and being bossed around by his little sister but now Trent won't even let his sister burrow his stuff.

Both Trent and Candy blinked owlishly at the sight of the woman.

"Mother, how long have you been there?" he said.

"Long enough" she said, before she said. "Trent, I and your father have decided where going for a family walk since you'll be leaving for University tomorrow. We thought it would be a good send-off"



What day was it!?

The last time he checked it was Tuesday and now it had magically become Sunday!

Molting was a god awful thing.

"Okay" he said, "Let me shower and get ready first. Then we'll head out together"

He walked into the bathroom, and came out 20 minutes later heading to his room soaking wet, he put on his rip jeans, white shirt and jacket before finding his family who were rearing to go.

In his mind, it was just going to be another family day out but it was destined not to be normal.

Well, not for his family anyway.

They headed to the limousine parked outside and got in.

The vehicle drove all the way to town where it parked and they all got out.

People were out in full force and there seemed to be several sales going on.

All of them walked towards the nearest place that had the most people and the reaction was immediately when more people caught sight of Trent.

"Oh, my god. Who is that?" said, one girl with her friends.

"What a total hottie" said another.

"Who is that?" said another.

"Who is that beside him?" said one jealous girl.

His parents and little sister were shocked to the core when they realised the commotion was because of Trent, while Trent didn't think about it because he had already become used to it.

However, who knows what his parents were thinking when they heard random young women on the street whispering about how they would like to 'jump that Caramel' regarding their own son.

"Mmm, I would like a taste of him" said a group of ladies.

"Look at those eyes" said, another group.

Please stop. Thought Candy, hearing how so many random strangers were thirsty for her brother.

She glanced at him, thinking he would be as red as a tomato but was surprised to see him perfectly calm and normal.

Trent walked into the middle of his parents and said. "So what are we doing first? Shopping? Food? Getting our hair done?"

And then he realised that, that was all the things Mandy wanted to do.

"What about try something new?" he said.

Both his parents just looked at him, as the lust of girls were still entering their ears.

"What?" he said.

He was completely used to it.

"Son, how long has this been going on for?" said, his father.

"What's being going on?" he said, before he realised what they mean. "Oh, do you mean the catcalls? Since Spring. But you won't get mauled if you constantly remind those around you, who you are to me. Some of the girls who chase after me even see guys as competition. Crazy, huh?"

They both continued to look at him.

Apparently, they didn't know as much as they thought about their own son.

Yes, indeed.

The shopping trip was only two hours but everywhere they turned, eyes were glued onto Trent, from his laughter to him just casually walking.

For the first time, they were witnessing the Trent Mob, and it was incredibly creepy for the rest of his family.

If they sat at a table, a dozen tables would fill up immediately.

If they went into a store, the store would become jam packed seconds later.

If they went down an escalator, people would take pictures as if he was a celebrity.

By the end of the day, Trent did not now that his parents and little sister all agreed to never go out with him again unless they had a crazy amount of body guards with him.

When morning came, Trent was all packed up and headed out.

He gave his mother a kiss and then headed to the limousine while his stuff went ahead.

His vehicle drove off and he looked on his phone to see it was 1:15 in the afternoon, there was no way he was getting up early for a summer debut.

He arrived on campus an hour later, and stepped out of the car.

He breathed the air and began walking.

He saw seen immediately.

"No way" said one girl.

"He's back" said, another.

"And is it me or did he get hotter over the Spring?" said, another.

He saw the three girls and said. "Hi, Ladies"

All three blushed.

"Hi, Trent" They said.

He walked past them and saw Mandy getting yelled at.

"You know what? Screw you!" said, the latest female to be her assistant. "All you've done is yell at me when I'm going the fastest I can. I quit! I should have listened to those Yelp reviews. You're a terrible employer"

And then female stormed off and Mandy went into panic mode.

But then their eyes locked.

Trent looked right through her and then continued walking.

Mandy face exploded.

There was nothing Mandy hated more than being completely ignored.

Especially from somebody who used to carry her bags.

Both Scorpion Trent and Human Trent smiled hearing her angry voice right behind him.

It was good to be back.