Sitting wrapped up in a blanket, a young woman watches the clouds as they start to darken and signal a storm was approaching fast. The petite woman pulls the blanket closer, trying her best not to panic, whispering to herself that it's just going to rain, and it'll be over before she knows it. The quiet chant to herself was interrupted by movement down at her feet. Her cat had jumped onto the window seat with her. He rested down with his chest out and fluffy black tail wrapped around himself, staring up at her with his bright blue eyes. She stared down to the cat with her pale lavender eyes, forgetting the panic that was just rising inside her. She stretches out her hand like an invitation waiting for approval. The cat stares momentarily and then swiftly made his way up to the inviting hand, rubbing his head against it purring in delight. This calms her, so she pulls the cat more onto her lap and pets his head.

"Shadow, you always know when I'm in distress," the woman mumbles to the cat, scratching underneath the feline's chin and feeling the vibrations of his purrs. She leans her head onto the cool surface of the window. She thinks back at how she'd gotten her fur baby.


"Hinata what are you doing?" A voice calls out to its crouching girlfriend, covering her with his tall shadow frame. "You know you're not well. The last thing you need, is to be out here in this storm."

"But I thought I heard something," she says quietly, sniffing a little, not wanting to miss the sound.


"There! Did you hear that?" She interrupted him, pointing off towards a bush not too far from where she was crouched at.



"Was that a cat?" Her male companion asked while he crouched down beside her, looking at the same bush she was just pointing at.

"I think so."

Hinata got down onto her hands and knees and crawled over to the bushes, peering underneath the leaves to find a black kitten staring straight back at her with the brightest blue eyes. The kitten looks to be only a few weeks old going by how small it is even at the full standing position. The poor thing could still be held in one hand. Hinata took notice of one leg that the kitten wouldn't put full weight on. The young kitten let out another whine in pain, melting Hinata's heart. The poor kitten sounded scared and in pain. This made her go into full save kitten mode, getting flat on her stomach. She gave orders to her boyfriend to retrieve a towel. She reaches for the kitten, ignoring the scratches of the branches and the protest of the kitten. Being careful not to grab the side where the injured leg is, she picks up the kitten. The whines grew louder as she pulls the kitten out fast.

"Its okay, Hinata got you." Hinata cradles the kitten to her chest, whines not ceasing. She tries her best to comfort it as her boyfriend came back with the towel. She gently wraps the kitten into the towel and rushes off to the house to never come back out. She had to cater to the newest member of the family was added.

Flashback Ends

Hinata jerks off the window as a loud rumble roared throughout the apartment, scaring her to death. Shadow, not liking the sudden movement, jumps from Hinata lap, his tail swinging back and forth as he walks away in annoyance off to search for a new spot to lay down at. Hinata's attention turned back towards the windows. The clouds are now full dark gray, making it almost seem like nighttime when its only five in the evening. One hand moves towards her abdomen feeling anxious and sick. The rain started off light then grew stronger as she watches on. Not liking the looks of the scenery in front of her, she quickly secures the blanket around her and moves off the window seat.

Hinata's feet padded along the wooden floors the blanket trailing behind, trying her best to ignore another thunder that roared behind her in anger from the lack of attention that it wasn't giving. Turning the corner, she headed off towards her bedroom to check her phone that she left on the charger. Entering the dimmed room, she could spot a lump in the middle of the bed, meaning Shadow found himself a new spot to rest. While approaching one side of the bed where her phone was charging, a box caught her eye. After walking slowly over to it, she looks over the contents of the box.

The box held knickknacks, books, CDs, and a few clothing items that didn't belong to her. She picks up a black shirt that was sitting on top, holding it out reflecting on the memories that the shirt held. She brings the shirt up to her nose and smells the faint scent of the owner. Even after being washed, she can still smell a hint of him. An image of him flashes in her mind, a smirk planted on his face. A thin smile form, but quickly turned into a frown as the tears started to flow down her cheeks. Pain that she hadn't felt in a while, resurfaced, she didn't want to cope with that discomfort anymore, but it started to take over and she couldn't help the hiccup that came with tears. She fell to the floor, bringing the shirt to her face, the forgotten blanket falling off her shoulders. She cried harder, the feeling of guilt washing over her in knowing the reason that things are the way they are is because of her.

It's her fault that they aren't together. She pushed him away from the problem that she couldn't bring him into. He didn't need to know the dirty little secret that she was keeping from him. He didn't need to know how she wasn't perfect like he always use to whisper in her ear at night as they made love. He just didn't need to know how she is broken goods and she can't let him be with something so broken when he has so much potential. He needs someone that can match and give him the things that she couldn't give. The cries grew louder matching the sound of the thunder going outside. Not even the shirt crumbled to her face could muffle the hurt and guilt that she felt as the tears wouldn't stop.

She could have gone on longer if a faint ringing didn't take her notice. She peers over the now damped shirt with a hiccup to catch the light of her phone go off. Seconds later a beep goes off lighting up the screen of her phone again, signaling she has received a text message. She didn't move right away. She sniffled and thought more on the past. Minutes went by as she dwelled. Another beep goes off again, lighting up the phone again. Thinking something could be wrong from the constant notifications, she crawls over to her nightstand, knocking Shadow off her lap during the process. She had no idea when the cat had decided to come to her through her cries. She wipes her tearstained face with back of her hand, not really helping with a few tears still slipping down her cheek. She pressed the home button to her iPhone, and nearly drops it as she saw the person that had been trying to reach her. Her eyes scan the content of the text, and she almost slaps her forehead out of forgetfulness. Rechecking the messages, she read them out loud,

"Hey, letting you know I'm on the way over to pick up the box."

"I'm almost there. What's your apartment number?"

Oh, how could she forget the whole reason for feeling cloudy and emotional today was behind the box the whole time. The owner was on the way to reclaim his belongings that was left behind after they separated. She just so happened to find it after moving into her new apartment a few weeks back. A wave of nervousness flooded her body. She wasn't ready to see him, not like this. The whole reason for giving him the stuff back so late, was because she wasn't ready. She didn't know what she would do or say to him. She had blinded him by the sudden break up.

Beep.Another text just came through.

'I'm here. What's your apartment number?"

Hinata jumped to her feet and a wave of emotion came down onto her. She was happy to see him after not seeing him for so long after breaking up, but then the happy turned to guilt, then that to sad. He never did anything wrong, but she felt that she did the right thing and shouldn't let the emotions deter her from what she thought was right.

'Apartment K 213.' She quickly texted back, placing her phone back onto the side table. She paced back and forth, flattening out the invisible wrinkles that was on her shirt. Waiting for a knock to sound throughout the two-bedroom apartment. During the pacing Hinata caught a glimpse of herself making herself pause, she didn't look bad. She was wearing black loose joggers with a lavender tank top. Her hair was in a messing bun, but her bang and loose pieces of hair was stuck to her face. With quick hands she pulled her hair out and comb her fingers through the knotted hair. Checking her eyes next, she flinches with how red and puffy they look from crying. She couldn't do much about that but try to hide them with her overgrown bang.

Knock, knock

Hinata froze in place. 'He really here,' she thought to herself. She couldn't believe that the person she pushed away is outside her front door right now. She took a step back and peer outside her bedroom door where she could see a clear view of her beloved front door. 'Maybe I'm imagining it…" Hinata's mind wanted it to be all a trick that she hadn't received any text from her ex just moments ago.

Knock, Knock

"My mind just can't win." Hinata mumbled to herself.

After a few more seconds that felt like the longest minutes, she finally took steps to the front door. Each step brought more nervousness down into the pit of her stomach. It felt like a war was going off in her, and the nervousness was currently winning. She felt her stomach start to turn and she thought for a second, she would have to run for the bathroom. Taking slow deep breaths, she tried her best to calm down. Reaching out to the door knob another loud thunder roared to life, making her squeak in fear reminding her that it was still there. Almost forgetting that it was raining, and her visitor was previously standing out in the mess, she quickly turns the knob.

She came face to face with her ex, Sasuke Uchiha.

"Hinata," he grunted out.

"Um…Hi, Sa-Sasuke," Hinata whispered out. She didn't look directly at him. Her eyes looked past him to the neighboring door across the hallway.

"Hinata," he called out again with a little more volume to his voice, trying to gain her attention. The extra volume made her flinch and had her eyes avert up to his, wishing she hadn't. He was staring down at her with his deep emotionless onyx eyes. Hinata couldn't take her eyes off his. She felt like a deer caught in headlights. They stared at each other till Hinata lost the staring contest and gave Sasuke a quick scan over, noticing his attire.

He was dressed in his usual business suit, but his usual neat attire was disheveled. His black button up shirt was undone by a couple buttons with no sign of a tie or suit jacket. The shirt was also untucked from his black slacks, sleeves rolled up to his elbow. The shirt looked to be tight against him along with his pants but not as bad as his shirt. Raising an eyebrow, her eyes move back up to his face taking full notice that his jet-black hair was not nice and combed but matted to his face. He was soaked.

"Sasuke your wet!" Hinata, forgetting her nervous war that was going on in her stomach, she reaches out to touch the shirt which was indeed soaking wet. "Where is your umbrella?"

"I believe it's in the box of stuff I came to retrieve," he replied, eyes still never leaving her face, ignoring the finger that was poking him in the chest. "Have you been crying?"

"Oh." Hinata tilted her head down to hide her eyes, quickly remembering a navy blue umbrella was in fact in the box. Finger still pressed to his shirt, she quickly withdrew her hand back to her side ignoring his question. "Come in and let me get you a towel."

Hinata turned around to rush back down the hallway she just came from to fetch him a towel from the bathroom. Returning, she found Sasuke not to far from the front door, crouching down and petting Shadow who was walking back and forth constantly rubbing his head across Sasuke's pants leg. He was excited to see his other owner. She watches the pair and remembers how they first didn't like each other, but after a few months of hissing and glares, they became the best of friends. A tiny smile formed on her lips, love seeing Shadow being happy. He was happy with her, but she could see the difference in the way he acted when Sasuke wasn't there. Now with Sasuke here, she could she the old Shadow coming back. She walks up to the two and handed off the towel to Sasuke, not saying anything when he looked up to grab it.

He said his thanks and started off drying his hair.

"Sasuke, you have some shirts that was left behind if you want to change out your soaking shirt," Hinata said to Sasuke, crouching down to floor to pet the happy cat that was walking between the two.

"Yeah, that be cool."

Hinata could feel the tension in the air between them. What should she think? The way the relationship ended was horrible and just to be able to form sentences to each other was a blessing. "I'll be right back."

Hinata went back towards the bedroom to gather up the box that belong to him, leaving out the shirt that she cried on, not wanting to explain a damp shirt. After making her way back to the front of the apartment, she sees Sasuke wasn't by the front door anymore. Glancing over towards the living room, she still didn't see him or Shadow. She places the box onto the couch, and turned around to about call out for him, till she came face to a shirtless Sasuke holding a wet shirt in his hand.

"Sasuke!" Hinata face turned bright red with shock written on her face. "What are you doing?"

"Waiting for a shirt obviously." He walked towards her.

Hinata, not liking the decreasing space between the two, took a couple steps back, bumping into the couch, trying her best not to stare at her ex boyfriend chest. He stopped a few inches from her and bent over, reaching past her for a shirt that was sitting on top, replacing it with the damp shirt. Hinata caught scent of his spicy cologne, and almost whimpered. "What wrong, Hinata? You've clearly seen me in less clothing before. This is nothing new."

"I have no business seeing you shirtless, we aren't together."

"I wonder why," he whispered into her ear giving her chill bumps.

"Sasuke, you know why."

"To be honest I don't know why." He pulled away, standing up full height staring down at her. "I really don't." His voice went cold, seeking information that Hinata wasn't willing to give. Even behind the cold demeanor she could hear the hurt that was hidden in his words. She didn't have the energy to go through another argument with him she was tired emotional and physically.

"Please, can we not go there again?" Hinata pushed off from the couch trying to pass him to get away from the guilt that was building back up and the potential argument that was rearing its ugly little head. Before she could make it pass him, he grasps onto her forearm pulling her back in front of him tighten his grip.

"I want to go there Hi-na-ta." Sounding out each syllable of her name pulling her even closer. Her chest pressing into his naked one. His voice rising with annoyance, with his free hand he grabbed onto her chin forcing her to look at him. Anyone else would have seen rage looking into his eyes right now, but not her she could see anger yes, but she also can see the pain that she caused him. She felt the stinging behind her eyes signaling she was about to cry. This is the last thing she wanted to do.

"Well I don't, Sasuke!" She yelled out. Gaining confidence, she pushed more against his chest not caring how close they were to each other right now. Showing she wasn't about to back down.

"Why?!" Sasuke yelled back matching her tone.

"Why what?"

"Why can't you tell me the truth on why we broke up."

"You already know!"

"Bullshit, you gave me bullshit Hinata." He paused, voice going lower almost cracking. He leaned forward almost touching her forehead with his. "What did I do wrong?" He finally let go of her, pushing his hands into his damp hair. "Please tell me," he whispered.

Hinata confidence deflated instantly hearing his voice crack. There was a moment of silence between them, you could hear a pen drop.

"Sasuke…" Hinata started.

"Just please tell me," his voice interrupted her with another quiet plea.

"I…You need to leave Sasuke."

Hinata turned from him, crossing her arms, trying her hardest not to shake. She couldn't hold it in anymore tears slowly started to flow down her face. Each drop hitting her bare arm. This was the main reason for holding onto the box for so long. She didn't want to reopen the slowly healing wound she inflicted to their relationship. Another thunder roared throughout the apartment, making her loose what little self-control she had left. She let out a loud cry, wishing she was back alone, wishing he would just drop the subject and leave. Arms encircled around her midsection holding onto her tightly. A head rested on her shoulder, arms pulling her even closer. Another cry came out. 'Why was he showing her kindness?' she thought to herself. She didn't deserve this, not one second of it. Though her mind is telling her to move and push him away, she ignores it and let herself enjoy the comfort that she desperately needed.

They didn't say another word to each other. They didn't want to interrupt the moment that was happening between them. Enjoying the warmth and comfort, she leans more into the embrace as her cries started to fade. Sasuke still held on tightly, not wanting to break away fearing she might break down again. She felt his head moving, thinking he was about to move she was ready herself for the cold, so she closes her eyes. She reopens them when she felt something warm touch her neck.

"Sasuke?" She whispered breaking the silence, trying to move her head to find the sensation was coming from Sasuke lips against her neck.

"Don't move," he mumbled against her neck. He slowly pressed his lip back against her neck and slowly leaving a trail of warmth each spot he touched with his lips.

Hinata bit her lip, trying to hold a moan that was desperately trying to leave out.

'Hinata, what are you doing? This can't be happening.' Hinata's conscious shouted in her head. Alarms was ringing loudly in her head telling herself to stop what was happening. She felt a hand grab her cheek this time gently pulling her face to his. Sasuke eyes half lidded, looked down at her then her lips that was currently holding back a moan. A finger trailed to the hostage's lip and tug onto it till it was free.

His face then descended closing in on his focus target. Stopping mid-way, he let out another whisper, "Please, don't move."

He was centimeter away from her lips and Hinata's mind was at war with herself telling her to move away and not let this happen.

Her mind lost the war, Hinata did what he said and didn't move closing her own eyes waiting for contact. Their lips never touch, the moment was ruin by a loud screeching of a pop song.

"Damn it." Sasuke pulled away, reaching for his back pocket to fetch the interrupter, or should Hinata say, life saver. He answers the phone with a what and turn from her, walking back toward the kitchen. She catches the name that saves her from making a huge mistake, Sakura. She didn't know if she should be upset or not, but not trusting herself she puts more distance between them.

She doesn't hear to much of the conversation but can tell Sasuke was annoyed with his tight posture and his quick nonchalant responses. He glances at her and she looks away not wanting to seem to be intruding on his conversation. She busied herself by fixing some books that was on the coffee table.

"Okay, I'm on the way home."

'Home?' Did she hear right? Hinata pauses from fixing her already straighten books and looks back his way to see him putting on the shirt that he grabbed from the box. 'He found someone else already?'

Hinata felt anger rise inside her, forgetting about the moment that they almost had. She can't believe he would dare try to kiss her if he was already seeing another woman. She should be jumping in joy, but she couldn't find an ounce in her to be happy that he finally moved on. After seconds of watching him messing with his phone, she strolled over to the misfortunate box and picked it up quickly, heading towards the owner.

Sasuke looked up in time to have a box force into his hands.

"Leave," was all she said arm back crossed in front of her, fingernails digging into her arm.


"Sasuke, I said leave!" Hinata interrupted him with a shout, "Now."

"But, Hinata-"

"Sasuke, please get the fuck out my apartment now!"

With the clear message that she was pissed, and he overstayed his welcome, he moved towards the door. Not glancing back, he opens the door and paused. Seeing Hinata was ready to shout again, he simply let out a deep breath and closed the door behind him without another word. Hinata walked up and locked it. She turned around and pressed her back to cool surface of the door overthrowing the warmth that she just received. Sliding to the floor, Hinata's mind goes blank. She finally got rid of the troublesome box that been a pain in her side since moving here. She should feel joy, but why did she have tears coming down here face?

"Shouldn't I be happy?" She asked out loud waiting for a response, but knowing she wasn't going to get one.

"Shouldn't I?"

Thank you for reading!

Till next time!



Do not own Characters