So, here is the start of prequel, as promised. This first chapter is set in the 2 month gap between the final episodes. I hope you enjoy! A short opening chapter of what will be an adventure of Penny's pregnancy. s

22/04/2019 05.46am

Penny suddenly woke up, and for the third morning in a row, again found herself dashing to the toilet with uncontrolled nausea. No sooner than she reached the toilet did last nights food come back out. Leonard woke up to the noise, pulled on his robe and headed towards the bathroom door. "You okay in there Penny?"

"I'm f- f..." She couldnt finish before she began to throw up again. Leonard opened the door, picking her hair tie up of the counter and knelt on the floor beside her. When she had finished throwing up, he pulled her hair back into the best ponytail he could manage. A few moments later and she started to throw up again, and he rubbed her back gently, trying to be as comforting as he could. When she sat up again, he handed her a flannel to wipe her mouth, and flushed the toilet. She slumped back against the toilet. "I wish I knew what was going on with me. This is horrible." She complained.

"Let's check if you've got a fever. You're definitely not going to work again."

"I know. I just dont get it, first few hours of the morning I feel awful, then I wanna cram my face with food and then this again in the morning. Ugh.." She sighed.

"I'm sure it's just a sickness bug. It'll pass but. Let's get you back to bed."

"Leonard I'm fine." She sighed. She looked up at him, his face was very serious. "Fine!" She sighed, and followed him out the door and back into bed. Penny climbed back into bed, and once Leonard was satisfied she was tucked in, he went to get her a glass of water and the thermometer. He checked her temperature for her. "Totally normal. That's strange, I wonder what all this sickness is about. Lets just hope you get better soon."

"Yeah, here's to hoping." She smiled sarcastically raising her glass of water before taking a sip. "Go back to sleep Leonard, you've got work."

"Are you sure you'll be fine?"

"I'm fine."

"Alright." Leonard said reluctantly, "But if you need me in the next 2 hours then wake me."

"Dont you worry, I will. Intentional or not." She added. "Love you."

"I love you too Penny."

Later that day


Penny was sat on the edge of the toilet in her pyjamas. A pregnancy test sat on the side of the basin. Penny tapped her foot. Could this 3 minutes go on for any longer, she thought to herself. Then the alarm on her phone began to ring. Penny took a deep breath before standing up and looking st the test. It read Positive. Penny didn't know what to do. She fell to the floor in shock, sitting against the bathtub. "Oh my god." She whispered. "I'm. I'm pregnant? Oh my god Im pregnant!" Leonard knocked on the door.

"You feeling okay Penny? You've been in there awhile? I didnt hear you throw up but.."

Penny pulled herself to her feet and opened the door. She threw herself into Leonard arms and started to smile and cry all at the same time. Once she had finished embracing him, he moved her to arms length. He was smiling. "Glad you're feeling okay. What's going on?"

"You're never gonna believe this Leonard but. I'm pregnant?"

"You're what?"


" And its mine?"

"Of course it's yours you big idiot!" She smiled.

"I thought you didnt want kids?"

"I didnt think I did but. It's happening!" She smiled.

"Oh my god!" Leonard began to cry too, smiling and pulled Penny into a hug. "Were gonna have a baby!"

"We're gonna have a baby Leonard!" Penny leant towards him and kissed him gently. They rested their foreheads against each other, looking into each others eyes.

"I love you Leonard Hofstadter."

"I love you too Penny."