Uh. I have no idea where to start but..no wait, I got it. My name is Gumball Watterson, and you're my journal. Mom told me I could write down my thoughts and stuff down here so...yeah. I'm 12 years old, and I'm a blue cat. That's basically it. But I kinda want to write something specific down right now, so I'll get to it.

You see, my parents always make me take this sort of medicine. For some strange reason, they always rip off the tab on it, so I have no idea what it is. Maybe soon I'll find out. I hope I do. I've been wondering about it ever since I was four. Huh, I've actually been taking it since four...maybe even before that!

Hmm... Maybe if I write down what it does to me, I might figure it out.

Alright. Whenever I take the tablets, I don't feel anything at first, but later my mood kinda rises up for no reason. Huh, I actually never gave that a second thought until now. Guess you can learn new things when you take a closer look.

Wait. My mom's calling me from the living room. Looks like it's for another dose of whatever that thing is.

Give me a sec.

Alright I'm back. You may not have noticed that I was gone for a while though. I was. Anyway, continuing on the subject of those pills. I don't like the taste of them. Also, I am required to take them to school as well. I guess they must be really important.

Once, I asked Darwin if he ever heard of any sort of medicine like this, but apparently he hasn't. I also asked Anais, but she also didn't know. I have a feeling she definitely does, but just doesn't want to tell me.

One day I'll find out. I just know it.

Wait, oh great. It's getting really late. I guess I lost track of time there...yeah, I was trying to search up what that medicine was without anyone knowing. I was so close, but now I gotta get ready for bed so yeah. Cya tomorrow!

Out of journal

Gumball Watterson mentally swore for not being faster to finding out. He was SO close! Maybe I'll have a second chance tomorrow. Gumball thought as he brushed his teeth. I won't be complete without knowing.

Cold water splashed into his blue furred face. It was just like the water Gumball took with his "medication".

A rough surface was rubbed all over his face and the blue cat squeezed his eyes shut. When he was certain there were no more water drops on his fur, he placed the towel back.

Gumball walked back into the bedroom, giving a quick "Good night." to Anais and Darwin. The blue cat lied down on his bunk and pulled the blanket over him. The light in the room slowly faded until there was only moonlight in the room.

The blue cat didn't drift off to sleep yet though. He was still irritated that he didn't find out what he was taking. So he was feeling rather rebellious.

Tomorrow, Gumball vowed. I won't take the medication with me.