Disclaimer: I own nothing except for my OC Evangeline and any alterations to the original storyline plot her presence creates to various readers amusement everywhere across the globe during these dark and grim days.

Rorschach's Legend Chapter 1

No criminal prowling the city is safe when Rorschach is patrolling the streets at night. All think that they can evade him, that the police will finally catch up with him, but they are wrong. It's 1979, two years after the Keene Act was enacted and he's still going strong, pushing buttons and causing the government no ends of grief and headaches with his independent vigilante acts.

In his eyes where the government has failed, on these streets, Rorschach has become judge, jury, and executioner.

In his minds eye there's no other way to handle chaos in the face of all this corruption.

A potential carjacker in the lower corners of Brooklyn discovers this the hard way.

When a thug tries to commit carjacking on a single mother making a late night run to the grocery store Rorschach quickly puts a stop to that nonsense. The way he laid on punishment to this guy, well…let's just say he'll need to learn how to work with his nondominant hand anymore.

The night isn't over for Rorschach. Not until the sun awakens the people and they come crawling out of their homes to continue with routines in their mediocre and condescending lives.

Rorschach nearly missed it, but when he was passing by what appears to be a dark and vacant alleyway another perp tests their luck. The pressure was so light that Rorschach almost didn't feel the pressure in his pocket.

In pure reflex Rorschach wheels around on the heels of his boots, but the pickpocket, upon discovering nothing of value in the coat pocket and realizing they'd been discovered, flee deeper into the alley before he can apprehend them.

Without an ounce of hesitation Rorschach breaks into pursuit.

The thief doesn't get far, only halfway into the alleyway when Rorschach nabs them.

Rorschach has a vicelike grip on the collar of their own jacket. Spinning them around Rorschach prepares to land a punch to the face but freezes mere inches from doing so.

Rigid, eyes wide underneath his face Rorschach study's the person that just tried to rob him.

So occupied with teaching this punk a lesson he hadn't taken into account the actual size of this person.

For an instant for Rorschach it seems like an image of the late Blair Roche was staring up at him.

This visage disperses replaced with someone else.

What's in front of him is a kid, a girl that can't be more than 11 years old.

Small for her age, wearing raggedy and patched clothing slightly too big for her, hands, neck, and face covered with specks of dirt and grime, and hair tied up in a messy ponytail, the little girl glowers up at him in defiance and an open challenge. This child stands no chance against him yet she's fully prepared to fight him head on even in face of his known reputation on the streets.

Much to Rorschach's surprise he finds this endearing. Also, the brief look into the past with Blair Roche, the child he unfortunately failed to save all those years ago, makes him think twice about what he almost just did. In fact all thoughts of that exit from his head.

Easing his grip on his back yet not letting go, Rorschach said "Girl, what's your name?"

Eyes narrowed, she said "What's it to you?"

"Name," repeated Rorschach, sharply, giving her a light shake.

Huffing, she said "Evangeline."

"Evangeline," said Rorschach, testing out the name. "Tell me, Evangeline, are you alone out here?"

"Yes," admits Evangeline, grudgingly. "They're gone. They all are."

Rorschach stands there staring at her, ink blots on his mask shifting into different patterns as he appears to consider her. The intensity behind it makes Evangeline uncomfortable.

Rorschach releases Evangeline's neck instead extending an outstretched hand palm upwards to her.

"Come with me. I'll take you somewhere safe," said Rorschach.

Evangeline's eyes travel back and forth between his face and offered hand in suspicion. Rorschach surmises it's been a while since anyone has offered to ever help her from the goodness of their heart. She has a right to be cautious, but there's no need with him.

Evangeline begins to reach out and then retracts it a second later.

"It's all right," said Rorschach, speaking softer in order to seem more approachable.

This time when Evangeline reaches out her own hand she doesn't pull away, placing her smaller palm in his.

A connection is undoubtedly made this evening. Only time will show where it will lead them.

Authors Note:

I hope you all like this one! I certainly did while writing it for your vast enjoyment! ;D

I've been meaning to get back to this one for a while and only now I've managed to find time and inspiration for it. I'm very satisfied and happy about it.

Right now during this epidemic with the coronavirus that's impacting every nation in the entire world we really do need find whatever sources we possibly can in order to lighten our spirits. Especially those who are unfortunately stuck sick or those locked in self isolation in order to prevent both contraction and spread of the illness. For those of us who have the abilities to do this we have a duty to keep up morale and that's exactly what I wholeheartedly desire these new stories and updates concocted during this time do for you.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm very satisfied and happy about it.

I recently put up some other works I've put out at titled Morning Star, Secret Of Bristol Cove, Predators Redemption, Rava's Journey, Princess Of The Forest, A Revolutionary Romance, Aunt, Fantine Tezla: Hot Wheels Acceleracers, Green Lantern Odette Dupree: First Flight, Magic And the Brave Little Toaster 1, Lavinia: Princess Of Edelweiss, Rorschach's Legend, Watchmen Meets Avengers: The Newest Defender, The 8thLoser, Naomi Poldark: Mistress Of Nampara, Serenity: End Guardian To The Moors, Dido Cruger: Power Rangers SPD, The True Catwoman Of Gotham, Green Lantern Odette Dupree: First Flight, and Nuala: The White Lioness. I highly recommend them. ;D

By the way, Morning Star, Rorschach's Legend, Aunt, Mandalorian: The 2ndFoundling, Eira Byrnison, and Watchmen Meets Avengers: The Newest Defender, Rava's Journey, Princess Of The Forest, Green Lantern Odette Dupree: First Flight, and The True Catwoman Of Gotham, are some of the best newest additions to my profile. If you're a fan of the Golden Compass and Watchmen which are the new series on HBO then you will love these. Then if you haven't saw them yet then I recommend that you check it out. Since there are still just recently uploaded I really would enjoy hearing other peoples thoughts on the subject matter so far. So feel free to do so if you have the time.

I have other grand news! I was a patron at New York Comic Con 2019! Ah! I'd been dying to go for years and now I had the opportunity. The Jokers from Impractical Jokers have been here along with Tom Hiddleston and so many others. Over those few days I actually got my picture taken with a couple of other actors/actresses and some really great panels. It really is so exciting there. This is an opportunity of a lifetime so there's no way in hell that I was going to waste a single second of it. No one ever should with something like this. Ever! ;D

For future preferences I highly recommend that you all keep an eye out for when tickets for New York Comic Con are available for purchase again for next year. This is a huge event and you should jump on it whenever you have the chance. Unfortunately this year it appears like Comic Con might be skipped not just in New York, but also in all it's regular places during the course of scheduled events. I think we all know the reason for it is plain as day.

The coronavirus.

Can't exactly blame with how dreadful things are getting in escalation and the fact that places like the Javits Center in New York have been temporarily converted into makeshift hospitals in order to deal with the overflow of people contracting infections from this rapidly spreading virus that might as well be called a plague at this point. Let's keep fingers crossed that an aim is to have this pass us before then so things can get back on track. If it is then New York Comic Con might be exactly what people need in order to lighten their spirits after all this darkness. Stay safe everyone and long to eventually see you there.