
Disclaimer:Harry Potter doesn't belong to me.

It was days since he had last seen her. That day in her office he had felt so grateful. She was a brilliant witch and she was letting him have sex with her, share vulnerable moments with him. But after that day, things abruptly came to an end. They had mind blowing sex and then in a matter of minutes she became standoffish. Like a switch had been turned off in her. He left in a fit of rage. That night he couldn't sleep as she was not beside him. The next day was horrible, Draco was snapping at everyone in his way. That was on Monday. Today was Friday, it had been 4 days. She hadn't tried to contact him and the single letter he sent by post came back unopened. He was angry at how easily she was able to get rid of him.

He was trying to remain unaffected but this whole ordeal had turned him into an alcoholic. Today was also the day of the annual ministry ball. Draco was in no mood to go but he knew, being a ministry worker made it mandatory that he make an appearance. So he got ready, threw on a nice suit and flooed to the ministry ballroom. The first person he saw as he entered was his friend Theo. He intended to spend the night drinking and talking rubbish with him. They exchanged greetings and then made their way towards the bar. Once seated, Draco surveyed the hall trying to find Hermione. He reasoned he had to see where she was so that he could avoid her for the rest of the evening. As his eyes swept the room he saw her seated on a table with her friends. But what instantly made anger course through him was the sight of Oliver Wood leaning towards her, muttering something in her ear. After whatever he said, she looked down and the tell tale colour of blush suffused her cheeks. Rage flowed through him, angry red and hot like lava. He had an unexplainable urge to pull Wood from that seat and throw him on the ground.

"They look cozy. I heard they came together today" the voice from his right said.

Draco turned his head to see that Theo was also looking towards Granger and Wood. The woman was with him a few days ago, didn't even read the letter he sent her and was now here with Oliver Wood publicly. He didn't think this ball could get any worse. He spun in his chair and asked the bartender to pour him another glass of whiskey. Theo for his part only raised one of his eyebrow and refrained from commenting. Time for Draco slowed from that moment. He was drinking and watching Granger. She sat at the table till the minister's speech and once the music started playing Wood led them to the dance floor. Her light lavender coloured dress looked good front the front, but from the back it was divine. The curve of her back was on full display and his alcohol addled mind couldn't keep his eyes from staring. In the back of his mind he was sure he was making a fool of himself by continuously staring at Granger. After a dance for whose whole duration Draco wanted to cut off Oliver's hand for straying too low, Granger excused herself and moved towards the washrooms. No rational thought entered his mind but his legs made him follow her on their own accord.

Once he reached the women's bathroom he waited for Hermione to leave the stall. He didn't know what he wanted to say his anger had made his mind blank. Granger left the stall and her eyes widened. She went to the washbasin to wash her hands making eye contact with him through the mirror.

"Hello Malfoy. This is a women's bathroom."

Draco couldn't believe the first thing out of her mouth was this. He stalked towards her crowding her personal space. His hands went outside her arms; caging her in. His front was towards her back, she whirled around her eyes alight with anger.

"Don't you get a hint? Leave me alone Malfoy."

Malfoy couldn't think straight, these days of no contact from her, Granger's standoffish behaviour was too much for him. He wanted to get these feelings out of his mind. So he did the first thing he had thought to do once he saw her today, he kissed her. He could feel her tense up, her lips unmoving. This made him, he didn't know how was that even possible, more angry. He wanted to make her feel as wretched as he felt, so he moved aggressively closer. Not even a hair breadth remained between them. He knew her back must be pressed painfully against the bathroom counter. He was moving his lips relentlessly and after what felt ages, he could sense a little reciprocation from her side. Even though his mind was free falling just from the sensation of her lips on him, his body worked on auto pilot. He was rock hard in his pants and flushed with arousal. Granger's hands had made their way to his chest, she was now pushing him backwards. Their lips disconnected but he couldn't look in her eyes because he was afraid to see anger or worse indifference. So he bent his head and started kissing her neck and shoulders.

"Malfoy, I hate you." Granger hissed.

He thought this would be the end of it. She would shove him backwards and would call her perfect gryffindor friends to hex him till the end of times. But he was wrong because she did none of that. Instead she slid her hands lower and grabbed his belt buckle. Whatever blood was still left elsewhere in his body rushed towards his already hard cock, swelling it further. This made it positively painful until she unlooped the belt, opened the button and slid down the zipper. He was too stunned to speak lest she decide to run away again. She got his cock in her hands and pumped it twice. Groans from his lips escaped his mouth and echoed in the empty bathroom.

From then onwards no words were exchanged. They followed a rhythm they had set sleeping together. Draco's hand moved up the slit in her dress to find her lacy knickers which he promptly got her rid off. Her hands were pumping him in a motion that had him reciting polyjuice potion's ingredients so that he didn't come like a randy teenager. His hands continued their journey towards her clit, finding it wet. He inserted a finger in her and rubbed her clit in the same pace as she rubbed her cock. Once Draco knew she was ready to take his dick, he removed her hands and impaled her on his cock. They both moaned simultaneously, filthy words falling from his lips. He was pushing inside her in a controlled manner, but Granger like always wanted more. So she started rising a little and moving downwards the moment he snapped his hips upwards. This combined effort had him seeing stars. Her cunt was as tight as always, milking his cock. Draco's one hand was at her waist supporting her while the other was toying with her nipple, the one he had unclothed by pushing her gown down. Whimpers and moans were falling from Granger's lips. Draco could see the flush rising through her chest, indicating that she was close. He sped up his thrusts, and Granger stilled, her mouth open as she came. Her walls fluttered around his cock pulling his orgasm through him. He groaned his face nestled in her neck. Utter bliss, he felt utter bliss.

Then he heard the soft sobbing sounds coming from Granger. He went into panic, thinking he had hurt her in some way. He raised his eyes to look into her face. Her eyes were closed and two tear steaks were running down her cheeks.

" Shh, Granger don't cry tell me whats wrong."

She moved her head sideways telling him no. Her legs unlocked from his waist and she stood on the bathroom floor. She started to correct her appearance.

"This like everytime, was a mistake. We want different things Draco, this was a bad idea." she sniffed.

Seeing her cry made his heart ache.

"What do you want Granger? Because I am ready to give you everything."

With a heavy heart he conceded he wanted her happy. He couldn't trap her if she didn't want to continue this.

" I will leave you alone if you want to end this, I could keep fucking you if you want to continue this or I could take you on dates if you want to upgrade it. " he declared laying all his cards flat on the table.

She was looking at him with wide eyes.

"You don't really mean it do you? I can't have a relationship with you if you feel coerced into it."

His broken heart felt alive again. Maybe they had misunderstood each other. She didn't want to go back a step, she wanted to take the next step. He was sure his face lit up.

"Granger, I had wanted to ask you out for days. That day in your office I had even gathered the nerves to ask you out on a date to this bloody gala."

She looked suprised and even a little uncertain.

"Really. I always thought this was only physical for you."

Draco finally felt relieved they both were victims of unspoken words.

"And I always thought something more would push you you even open the letter I sent you." he asked.

"No. I didn't, I was wallowing with a broken heart." Hermione was no longer crying bit instead looked like she was holding back a smile.

"I asked you out, to this ball even after your display on Monday. I didn't want to lose you without even trying" Draco intoned.

He stepped forward and encased her into his arms. Her head rested on his chest and warmth flooded him. This was real, Hermione Granger was with him and wanted him.

"So, what do you say to dinner tomorrow? " he asked.

She lifted her head, her face split into a grin.

"Yes." she answered and placed a soft kiss on his mouth. Before he could get lost in the kiss he pulled back.

"Also I need to tell Wood to back off, now that we are dating" he said in a serious tone.

"We came here as friends Draco. Honestly don't you know he is engaged to Katie bell." Granger now outright laughed and slapped him playfully on his chest.

Well, now that he thought about it he did read something about his engagement in the prophet a week ago. Danger averted he shrugged and bent down to continue with what she had started, kissing her with fervour.

Author's Note: Hope you enjoyed this story. Please review. Reviews make make heart soar. Quarantined at home I might be tempted to publish another story.