Chapter 20 We'll Make It A Happy Ending

~A Month Later~

Draco and Harry once again found themselves sitting in their occasional common room, in the room of requirement, joined by their friends.

They both enjoyed being able to think of them as "their" friends.

If someone had told either of them that Draco and Blaise would be friends with Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Neville, Dean and Seamus a year ago, they would've all laughed. But here they were.

Draco and Harry were once again lazing on a couch. Draco had finally all recovered from the poison, since his lungs had taken a long while to recover fully, but the couple still prefered to take it easy.

"I can't believe it's Christmas soon," Ginny said dreamy.

She was sitting in a purple armchair with Luna, on the floor, in front of her, making thousands little braids in the blond short hair.

"Yeah, maybe I should start planning what Christmas gifts to get..." Ron said.

"You haven't bought any yet!?" Ginny exclaimed.

Ron shook his head a bit sheepishly, and scratched his neck.

"I haven't bought that many yet, either," Harry said. "There's been so much else going on."

It was true.

The trials for Theo, Daphne and Marcus had been a tough time for both Harry and Draco. Harry supported Draco throughout the whole time, and Draco openly accepted the shoulder to lean on. The three students were now in Azkaban, and they would stay there for some years. Since their murder had failed, and they were still so young, they got a milder punishment.

While all this had been going on, Draco had still been recovering. He occasionally had trouble breathing and coughed a lot, especially when being outside in the cold for too long.

Harry had been told, by Draco, about the visit from his parents. Harry was also very relieved that they were going into hiding so that Draco didn't have to fight against them.

Draco had been happy to receive a letter from his parents only a week ago, saying that they were in the safe house. Draco still didn't know exactly where they were, but it was reassuring to know that they were safe.

The dark side was still growing, and the attacks around the country had increased somewhat. Both Draco and Harry knew that soon the war would be at their doorstep; but for now they enjoyed being young, happy and together. Draco was definite that they would get through the war together. Either they would die together or survive together, but he strongly believed that neither of them would get through it alone.

"Well, good thing we have another Hogsmeade weekend before break," Hermione said.

She sat on another sofa snuggled up next to Baise. Draco had almost pushed his boyfriend down in the snow when Harry dared to actually be surprised when they revealed that they were dating. He had sent oh so many hints to Harry about Hermione and Blaise fancying each other, but sometimes his boyfriend just couldn't be more oblivious.

"Yeah, we can have a last butterbeer together at The Three Broomsticks, before going home for break," Seamus said.

"I think Harry and I'll have to pass," Draco said with a smirk.

"Why?" Harry asked, turning in his boyfriend's arms to look at him in the eyes.

"Well…" Draco said with gleaming eyes. "I still haven't taken you out on that date."

Draco kissed Harry temple and smiled. Harry felt his heart make a little skip.

"Oh, come on guy's! You're going to have all the time in the world being mushy together under break. You'll stay here together after all," Seamus said.

"Yeah, can't you offer at least a afternoon to take a butterbeer with your friends?" Dean asked.

"Uhm, hello? We're here right now. 'Offering a afternoon to be with our friends'," Harry said.

"Yes, but you're still being mushy…" Ron mumbled.

"Sorry, you'll have to book a new appointment to have a butterbeer with The Boy Who Lived," Draco said with a smirk.

Harry pouted and glared towards his boyfriend.

"Don't call me that," Harry muttered. "If you call me that, well soon see you in that pink hair."

"Sorry love," Draco said and kissed Harry's unruly hair.

"Please keep calling him that Draco," Blaise said in a snicker.

Draco threw a pillow at him.

"I can see it in front of me," Hermione said. "Draco: The Pygmy Puff Boy."

Everybody laughed at that, even Draco couldn't pretend to be mad.

"Now that I think of it… another way to piss of my father," Draco said. "Maybe it's worth a try."

"We'll all die before we see you in pink hair Draco," Harry said. "We all know you aren't really considering it."

"Why are you threatening me with it then," Draco said teasingly.

"Well it's better than using 'no sex for a week', since we still haven't done it," Harry mumbled so only Draco could hear.

"Maybe we'll fix that on our date?" Draco whispered back into Harry's ear.

"Perhaps…" Harry said, trying to resist a shudder.

Draco smiled and kissed Harry, before turning his attention back to their friends.

The End.

Authors note:

You know, for a long time I've looked forward to ending this fanfic. NOT because I didn't like it, just… I got so many other fanfiction ideas I want to write. But I can't have to many fanfics going at the same time.

With this said… I'm surprised to be able to honestly say that I'm a bit sad.

I mean, I've been working on this for a while. It's the absolute FIRST fanfiction I started., and it's a bit hard to let it go. I've gone through a few minor writing blocks but it's been fun writing this anyway.

But no story can keep going forever.

I still might write a Sequel. IF I do that, I will upload the first chapter from the sequel to this fanfic, so readers to this one can check out the sequel if they want to. I don't promise that there will be a sequel. I still don't know.

But for now this is goodbye.

I have another Drarry fanfic called "Listen To My Heartbeat" (a WIP) that you can check out if you want to ^^

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