A/N: Good evening, everyone! I decided to update this story a day earlier. Sorry it's kinda short; it wasn't this short when I was typing it. Next chapter will probably be longer. No idea. Well, enjoy! I'll get to work on the next one soon-ish.

Alone: The Saga
Chapter Three: Making Sure

Morning had risen across town, the very time GIR had dreaded. Dib had made him promise to check the base for any sign of Master, but he doubted he was there.

"It's just to make sure, GIR…" the boy had said. And the little defective SIR unit had to remember that. For he believed, though he tried not to, otherwise.

He woke up before anyone else in the household, in Dib's room, and just sat there in the corner his friend, and Gaz, did up for him, his cyan optics glancing about as he twiddled his thumbs. Mostly, he kept his eyes trained on the hump in Dib's bed under the covers. That way, he didn't feel so alone in this room. But, in a way, he still did.

Master left us. You realize that, don't you?

The tiny defective SIR unit ignored his own voice, laced with malice, this time around.

Returning to base will be pointless. He will not be there.

GIR still refused to say a single word. It was just to make sure. It was just to make sure. It was just to ma -

He's just going to leave you there. Must you always be so disgustingly trusting?

And that's when GIR started crying, softly hiccuping. The noise made the bump in the bed stir, and Dib poked his head out from under the covers. "Mmn.. huh? is it time already..?" he slurred, before he blurrily saw the tiny bot's eyes.

Full of pain and misery, and tears.

"Woah, hey hey," he, at full alert, quickly got out of bed, grabbed and put on his glasses, and headed GIR's way, crouching down to his level, "why are you crying?"

The bot continued to sob. For a while, Dib suspected he wasn't going to get any answers, before GIR took a deep, shaky breath. "Yous gon' leave me there…"

And Dib's heart broke again. He reached out for the bot. "No. I won't. That I can promise."

We shall see.

GIR simply nodded, ignoring the boy's outstretched hand. It wasn't going to work. He needed Mastah. Dib seemed to realize that, as his hand fell to his side. "Right.. okay, so.. follow me."

That way, GIR could keep an eye on Dib at all times. It was brilliant. The bot seemed to pick up on this, and smiled just a tiny bit before he got up, wiping the tears away. Dib started out the door, GIR trailing him.

After several minutes, the two reached Zim's base of operations. GIR stayed behind Dib, who looked nervous at all the gnomes staring at him now. All they had to do was cross the deadly front yard.

Dib took a deep breath. "Here we go…" and scooped the bot up before he rushed for the door, avoiding nearly all the lasers. GIR simply let himself be carried. Several feet before they reached the door, Dib hopped into the air and kicked the door nearly off its hinges, stumbling inside with GIR still tucked in his arms.

He put the bot down, and bit his lip as he looked around. There were some cobwebs, and gathering dust around. Zim would never let that happen. GIR called out for his master, mouth cupped.

No answer.

The cyan bot's antenna drooped.

I told you it was pointless.

Dib, however, wasn't giving up. He looked to the toilet and rushed there, GIR noticing and promptly following. Instead of flushing himself down into the bowels of Zim's base, he called instead. "ZIM?!"

Still no response. And, even though they weren't exactly friends, Dib couldn't help feeling worried about the small Irken.

GIR flashed red for a moment, and made an about face towards the ceiling, narrowing his optics. "Computer," his duty voice called, "search for Master."

"Searching," the Computer barked out, as Dib just now turned around, eyebrows raised. And then he looked down. He was still in his pajamas. Oh well.

GIR stared emotionlessly at the monitor that had been pulled down to show them the progress in the search. Dib noticed the emotionless stare, and bit his lip.

"Search complete. Zim is not here," the Computer seemed to know what was coming next.

"What good are you?" GIR coldly reprimanded, his voice still authoritative. However, he was still blue.

And even with expectations, the Computer was stunned into silence. And so was Dib, who stared at the unit slackjawed. At least, until said unit dropped to the floor and started sobbing. "'m sorry! you not useless!" his high-pitched voice was back and both were happy to hear it.

Though the Computer barely showed it.

Dib collected GIR into his arms, and the little bot did not struggle. "Don't worry. I'll find him. We'll find him."

GIR slowly nodded, a little content that at least one thought was incorrect. And then the boy exited the home, closing the half-broken door shut.

A/N: aND THERE WE GO! some angst... totally wasn't tearing up as I wrote this, no sirree. Welp, leave your thoughts, comments and other things before you leave. I love hearing them! see you possibly next Friday or Saturday!