There will be Consequences

Act I - Prologue

The birds squawked, the waves below crashed, and the morning air was misty and chilly. It was perfect cover to go dragon hunting, and young Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III knew this. He also knew that he was running out of places to look, for he scratched off nearly thirty areas in his sketchbook. That Night Fury had to be around here somewhere, but where? It couldn't have just escaped and flew off…could it?

Hiccup traced his pencil over his map of Raven Point, closing his eyes and lifting his head in hopes of finding something, anything that resembled a dragon. But like the last twenty seven times, there was nothing but fog and forest. Hiccup sighed and crossed out yet another area, but decided to scribble all over the map in agitation before slamming his book shut and putting it away.

"Oh, how the gods hate me. Some people lose their knife in a mug. No, not me. I managed to lose an entire dragon!" Hiccup complained to himself, scuffing his boot along a boulder and punching a low-hanging tree limb. Only, that limb swung back with a vengeance, striking him back in the face hard enough to make him yelp in pain.

But as soon as Hiccup looked back up to rip the branch from its place, he froze to see that the tree had been knocked down. And judging by the fresh moss still on the tree trunk, it was just recently knocked down. He followed the fallen tree down to a ditch, where a deep groove of mud and uprooted tree roots trailed all the way over a small hill.

Curiously, Hiccup crept down into the groove and approached, and couldn't help but notice deep claw marks on a root sticking out of the ground. These were obvious signs of a dragon, but could they be from the one he was looking for? Surely, the elusive Night Fury would never be this easy to capture.

No sooner had Hiccup peeked over the hill and spitted a large, ebony wing had he gasped and dove back down to hide. He quivered in great fear, but blinked and swallowed that fear. Hiccup slowly looked over the hill again to make sure it was safe, but didn't hesitate to pull out his dagger, just in case.

Wanting to get a closer look, Hiccup scurried down the hill and hid behind a rather conveniently-placed boulder. He inhaled and exhaled deeply, shuffling around the boulder to finally see what he had caught.

And there it was, in all of its deadly, legendary and infamous glory; all tied up in ropes and bolos that were thrown, or rather fired, by a scrawny teenage boy: The Night Fury. Its body was sleek and smooth, its head shape closely resembling that of a Skill, but the rest of its body more closely related to a feline.

"Oh, wow. I-I…I did it. Oh, I did it! This-This fixes everything! Yes!" Hiccup cheered with great joy, even getting close enough to triumphantly place one foot on the dragon's shoulder, "I have brought down this mighty be-!"

Just before Hiccup could finish his speech, the dragon growled and flinch its arm, causing Hiccup to fall back against the boulder in utter shock. He held his dagger in both hands, his breath heaving as he slowly approached the black beast once more. Except now, he exercised more caution because it moved and breathed heavily with life. And if there was life, there could be rage.

The last thing any Viking, young or old, wanted to do, it was face a raging dragon all alone, especially with nothing but a little dagger.

Hiccup's eyes trailed from the dragon's heaving chest all the way up to its face, and it opened its eyes a mere second later. The boy locked eyes with the beast, those hypnotic, venomous eyes of emerald fire and pitch black slits, acting as windows to Hel.

The Night Fury bellowed at the sight of Hiccup's dagger so close to its body, fearing the worst for its life. And yet, it chose not to squirm or struggle in its confines. If anything, Hiccup wondered if the dragon was not only smart enough to realize it wouldn't live much longer, but if it had nothing to live for in the first place.

Breathing deeply once more, Hiccup pushed those thoughts aside and looked away from the dragon's pitiful gaze.

"I'm gonna kill you, dragon. I'm gonna…I'm gonna cut out your heart, and take it to my father. I'm a Viking," Hiccup explained softly, but leaned down and glared at the dragon to emphasize his point, "I am a Viking!"

The dragon bellowed again, sounding much more helpless this time. But no matter how much to dragon pleaded with its growling and staring, Hiccup refused to look away from his target: The heart. One quick stab would be all it takes. He would have acceptance into the whole village, a hot girlfriend, and most importantly, the approval and love of his father.

There was no turning back now, especially with so much on the line.

Hiccup peeked one eye open to ensure his aim, and brought the dagger down with all of his might. Despite the thick hide of scales, the dagger went straight through with ease. The Night Fury let out a high-pitched screech of agony, as its entire body stiffened and its eyes widened like dinner plates.

Blood trickled from the wound and down the dragon's chest, even gushing a little onto Hiccup's hand and forearms. But that didn't matter to the young boy, as he raised the dagger and stabbed the beast again, making sure to get deep enough and stop the heart.

The dragon's head remained still, as its lips parted and blood spilled from its mouth. As a crimson puddle began to form beneath it, the dragon's head finally went limp, as did the rest of its body. Life was draining from it quickly, as Hiccup carved the beast's heart out of its chest. Even more blood stained his hands and sleeves, but he didn't care. This was the ultimate prize that no Viking had ever seen, let alone held. But Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III would be the first. He would be the hero in many stories and legends to come, the bringer of hope, peace and tranquility in troubling times. The one they called "The Night Fury Killer."

Hiccup pulled his animal skin coat to the side, and stowed the faintly-beating heart into the largest pocket he had. It barely fit and there was a waterfall of dragon blood on his right side now, but it mattered little to him now. He had his one-way ticket to fame, glory and respect of his people.

The teenage boy looked back at the lifeless body of ebony scales, as his lips curled into a victorious grin, "I did this."

Don't get me wrong. I love Toothless and his relationship with Hiccup to the bottom of my heart, but I just couldn't get this idea of "what if Hiccup killed Toothless?" out of my head. I'm sure I'm not the only person who thought of this idea, but I'm not trying to copy anyone. I hope you enjoy the story anyway.

Until the next chapter, I'm TRikiD! Bye-bye!