Chapter V – Dumbldoor JS

"So where is he at the moment? His office?" Lily spoke looking around unsure what to honestly think about this situation.

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good," James said, checking the map he received from the Weasley twins.

"What is the- what is that?"

In sync the marauders reply, "It's the marauders map"

"Lets go"
"Alright professor"

The group walked together to Albus Dumbdores office, Professor Lupin knocked on his door. It opened widely. "Ah, Remus, to what do I owe this pleasure?
"Well Albus, we have a time travelling mishap in our hands"
"How so? It does seem you have a few allies with you at this time"

"You want to ask if you can all stay for the year? Of course u can!" He continued as his eyes twinkled in the light.

Sirius moans, "does that involve doing work if so…"

James buts in, "Padfoot, you don't do work normally anyway"

"I do my work!"

"When?" Remus cuts in

Professor Lupin continues speaking to Albus while the three were mucking around talking about them, "Si- Albus, what will happen to our world? We've already changed their future"

"Well it's an alternate timeline?"

Remus says, interrupting them, " Ever heard of the many worlds theory?"

"Oh, yes! The timeline splits with every choice you make!" exchaimed Lily who was until this point being practically ignored.

Sirius and James eventually stopped arguing, "isn't that a bit of a children's fantasy?"

"It's extremely true now. I personally have no recollection of any of this, even though my past self is here."

"Yeah i guess, what do we do now?" Sirius speaks, with that two seconds later Dumbldore with the turn of his wand. The macarena began to play, himself beginning to dance, James joining in as well as Sirius.

Lily, Remus and Professor Lupin step out of the office and close the door behind them carefully. Two seconds later the silence was interrupted by Sirius yelling out, himself slamming open the door and closing it behind him hiding behind Lily.

"They have ruined the macarena!"
"Well you ruined it in first year, pads" Remus spoke

Sirius stood there looking around noticing a shady figure approaching them in all black.


"Wait where?"

James overheard sirius yell out and opened the door to see him

"This better not be a joke Pads" Sirius pointed over towards the figure, james screamed quite girly.

"I don't think that's a dementor" Professor spoke "plus its too short for a dementor" Remus butted in

"Yeah sirius"

Malfoy walked past the ground his robe pulled up on his head, he hadn't long pranked Harry when he found him walking towards class.

Professor Lupin noticed Malfoy walking past, " thats 10 points from Slytherin"


Soon after Lupin had handed the group each, a timetable showing their classes.
"And who are they?" Draco was still there watching the group.
Sirius seems pissed, "Are you serious?"

"No you are" James chuckled

"They are transfer students, now get a move on or its detention"
"No we aren't-" James covered Sirius's mouth before he had finished speaking."Yes, we are".
Still, Dumbledore was in his office dancing, but he had remembered to inform all teachers of the group's mysterious arrival. Remus still had the book with him which he kept on him in a small shoulder bag.