Authors note: As of now I have decided not to continue with a season 6. Perhaps later down the line I might revisit things but as things stand now I have contributed two seasons, forty in total chapters that continue the series from its original 3 season run. I brought my vision forth with a darker but also a sense of wonder to many of the roles. I really do believe that this is the right direction…of course in no way am I saying my vision is the Disney vision, but, it is 2019 so at this point I believe we deserve more open characters and I am a firm believer of love being love and as I end things with this chapter I hope you all have gained something from these stories and even if not I hope you just enjoyed them overall for the essential bits that resonate with the lion within, lol, well that or just the fact that it continues the lion guard. Honestly at this point no idea what other projects I may work on and if that may include other lion guard titles, but, for now with the closing of season 5 I once more wish to thank you all for having joined me from season 4 and see you around. Also given the show had a series finale not labeling this as such, consider it just a season finale and leave it at that…with right from the author, myself whether to include further adventures in the future or leave it be.

CH.20: Bringing forth peace finale

The funeral of the late great King of the Pride Lands was a time that brought the Tree of Life to the Pride Lands. It was a day of loss and celebration for one who had brought light to the Pride Lands. Kion remembered that the last time he had been in the Pride Lands was after the great battle with Mnyanyasaji or as everyone called him…MD. The loss of his father hit him hard and he had found out when Kiara had sought him out.

Baliyo and Chuluun had opted to stay behind and look after things given their cubs were still too young to make the journey safely. Kion was greeted upon arrival by his pregnant sister and Kovu. There were others who came from far and wide to give their regards and to comfort Nala. Kion nods his head to Rani before he sought out his mother.

Nala was holding up well but even he could see his mother was barely keeping it together. The loss of a significant other whom one shared everything with…he wondered how his grandmother had dealt with that loss long ago after Mufasa had been killed.

"Hi mother…how are you doing?" Kion walked over to her and she offered him a sad smile. She had aged a bit but honestly not too much where he could still see that youth that wouldn't leave her.

"I am fine Kion…thank you for coming." They share a moment with a hug before they part. Their hug of course just being the brush of his mane along her neck; still…it helped knowing they were there for one another.

"Of course…he meant the world to me…and…sorry I couldn't come sooner. I know you were wanting us altogether but things got busy at the Tree of Life." He meant it as no excuse because when he thought things had settled down they picked up suddenly and it was all paws on deck.

"Kion, you are a grown lion, you don't need to come running each time an invite comes to hang out. Your father was always proud of the lion you had become and how much you had achieved in your time as King. I mean the day after MD he would always share the story to anyone who would listen how you stared him down and instead of an act of violence you used the roar along with Vitani to drive him away."

Kion smiled a bit and even with his father gone he was certain he would be able to talk to him the same as with his grandfather, but, most importantly just hearing how he spoke of how proud he was of him really made him feel warm.

"Your majesty…it is time." Rafiki had been the one to seek them out and Kion realized that Rafiki had aged quite a bit, he had more grey in his fur and he relied more on his walking stick.

"Please Rafiki it has been quite some time since I went by that, it is Nala." She walks alongside him as they follow after Rafiki.

"I know it hasn't been too long since the battle, but, all the same I keep expecting to see him greeting me with that big smile of his." Kion manages as he fights to keep his voice level.

"Your father knew his time was coming and he wasn't one to fight it. He stayed around long enough to see your sister ascend to the role of Queen and to see you become a King in your own right over at the Tree of Life. Right now your sister is expecting and you are an Uncle so I would think he would be proud of how things have transpired."

Kion felt bad that his father never got to meet Baliyo and Chuluun's little ones, but, the trip alone would be too much for him and honestly Chuluun was quite guarded with her babies to the point that anyone who got too close she would let loose a slight growl.

His father was buried near Pride Rock and Kion recognized so many faces. However one in particular he recognized and he hurried over to where Beshte was. Bunga and the others also spotted him and they went to join him as the friends reunited after what seemed so long.

"Hey guys…wow…it is so great seeing you all. I mean condolences Kion on the loss of your father, even when not a King he was still there to listen and offer advice to those who sought him out. He will be missed."

"Thank you Beshte…and…how have things been for you?" Kion saw Bunga hopping up and down looking for some attention.

"Hey little B don't think I forgot about you!" The two of them smile some but Bunga understands the situation and takes a step back.

"Beshte if you are quite done over here you are needed…oh…hello Kion and his many assorted friends." Kion and the others turn to see Mschiana…someone from the wrong side of things, well, least that is how it was back then.

"Thank you Mschiana, oh, and please show a bit more respect when addressing my friends alright? Remember it is better to be polite to one than to say something rude and be left with that fishy taste."

"Oh yeah that is like the worst…and when it comes back up…" Bunga states causing the others to look away.

"Ugh, fine, I really don't see the point but whatever…" She walks off swinging that backside of hers and Kion lets out a sigh.

"Some things never change huh Beshte? Anyway regarding my question before the Queen of sass walked over-."

"Sorry Kion but I think we are needed over there, but, I will be sure to answer everything later for sure. You are staying for a while right?" Kion nods his head as he and his friends join Beshte for the final passing of his father to the next plane of existence, the place where all great Kings went after they died.

"It is on this day that we send our beloved, our King, our friend to join the great lions of the past so that his spirit may live on and offer council when sought, for his strength to continue to inspire each and every one of us. It is now at this point that we hear from his youngest, so please if you will remain silent a bit longer we will hear from King Kion of the Tree of Life."

Rafiki had finished his speech and Kion made his way over looking at all those who had gathered. However the one whom his eyes went to first was Rani who remained his rock, her guidance and council had been so important to him but he too had leant his support during her trying times. It still was a lot on her not being able to carry his cubs and yet those who he told were also there for Rani and few at the Tree of Life knew anything and if they did they would never say anything to disrupt the way life went on.

"Thank you all for being here. Today we lay to rest a great lion, a great father, a great friend to all. He led the Pride Lands after coming home after having doubted himself to be material worthy enough to rule the lands…and after that he brought into this world along with my mother; me and Kiara. He was the kindest lion there was…always willing to listen no matter the situation or trouble. I will miss him dearly but know that he will be looking on at me from above and as they say, nobody ever leaves…they can always be found within when we need them the most."

Kion can hear the echo of roars and other sounds as the animals let loose their sorrow but also their praise of his speech. Kion shed a tear as he was expected to, and, one that he knew was deserved given the absence he felt in not having his father around.

After that well he shared words with those who knew his father but having lost Zazu in that battle it made it seem like those who knew his father on a long term scale were slowly vanishing. Timon and Pumbaa were absent, much to Bunga's disappointment, but, apparently Timon's health wasn't doing that great and Pumbaa was becoming hard of hearing.

Kion honestly had no idea how old the two were and he often got a questionable look from Bunga when he asked him. Kion sought out his sister while Kovu tended to the guests who had gathered and he was getting into the story of how he first met Simba.

"That was quite the moving speech you gave there…oh…and is there some fur growing there," she moves a paw out to his chin and he laughs.

"Yeah…my mane itself is even growing out, but, kind of taking its sweet time it seems. Also congrats, you know on the pregnancy and such…not too much longer I imagine?"

Kiara shoots him a look and he smiles nervously. "If only that is how pregnancy works, but, no I still have a bit of time it seems. Still…Kovu and I have been talking and if we have twins, we would like you and Rani to have one to raise as your own."

Kion did a double take not sure he heard her correctly. "Uh…come again?" Kion found his sister shaking her head and making a gesture with her head to follow. He did so and they made it to Pride Rock and were both looking down at the others who were milling about catching up and sharing stories of Simba.

"Listen and listen well…I have decided along with Kovu to give you and Rani one of our cubs, if we have twins. You would raise it as your own…and if it is not twins I am sure another animal might be willing to help you out. The point is if you want a family…it is within reach but only if you reach out. I mean if you and Rani are still set on not starting a family by all means do so, I am not trying to force you to make any decision but informing you of what Kovu and I have discussed and the offer is there."

Kion appreciated what his sister was offering but he felt it might be weird raising his own nephew as his own son or rather daughter, niece. Still while he and Rani had both agreed that they were fine without a family for the time being…the option wasn't so bad.

"There is no need to sweat out an answer now…take time to grieve our father and bring this up to Rani when you get back home. I am not set to give birth for a bit anyway and it isn't like we'll be hurt if you decide not to do it. I want you and Rani to be happy little brother…no matter what happens."

Kion nods his head and together they look on at the Pride Lands as their father had done before them. Kion would eventually leave his sister there as he went to check in on the others.

"Kion so good to see you. Sorry about your father. He was the one that had faith in me for being the next in line for the Lion Guard…sorry." Vitani appears to tell Kion but he holds no grudge.

"My father apparently had a keen eye and somehow given the immediacy of the situation without a Lion Guard things could have been bad fast. I am glad again that you are here to lead the Lion Guard, speaking of…how is everyone?"

"Oh…well…everyone is back to working full time. I think that whole bit with MD's army wearing them down only made their determination to patrol and work that much harder. However we are in a time of peace so aside from a few arguments breaking out we haven't had to deal with much. Still I refuse to just let things be…if there is any danger…the Lion Guard is on it."

Kion laughs a little. "Well…don't stretch yourselves out too thin now. Where is Tifu by the way?" He didn't see Vitani's mate with her.

"Oh, um, she went to look for Kiara…or was she going to talk to Nala? Honestly sometimes she talks so fast it is hard to accurately pinpoint which way she is going. She is a bundle of energy keeping me on my toes and I'm not exactly the outgoing type."

Kion knew just how much energy Tifu had but was glad that the two had found one another. Honestly it was as he thought, some were better at being in a relationship while others were just as content on their own…it didn't make them better or worse than one another it was just how life worked out. Kion bade Vitani farewell as she apparently was being called over by Kovu.

It was like this wherever Kion went…a brief exchange and condolences before he had to push on or they had to do something else. He made it an extra point to hear everyone out…no matter if they rambled or if the conversation fell…silent. It was great being back in the Pride Lands but while it would always be his home…it was not his home at the same time.

So many memories were flooding his conscious line of thinking but all he really wanted to do was head home and take a bit of a patrol to clear his mind and look forward to the night. Rani often patrolled during the evening so not much had changed in that regard.

"Well now…it is getting close to your departure again is it now?" Kion turned to see Rafiki. He nods his head solemnly knowing that this might be the last time he is here for a while.

"Yeah, I mean I know I should stay…but…I do really need to get back. It was great seeing everyone again and I do wish I could have caught up with Kovu or visited some of my old favorite places when I was younger…"

"I understand Kion…so much has changed since last you were here. However just because you do not see this as your home anymore…does not mean you should put it in the past…but rather come visit, your mother misses you."

Kion laughs but realizes the truth in this. Looking around he realizes with a glance just how things used to be…in fact…not much has changed with the Pride Lands…just those who now inhabit it. He notices that Rafiki has already left and standing where he was happened to be Rani, her eyes saying what his heart was telling him.

"Let the others know we are leaving Rani…or…maybe I should. Thank you for being there for me today." He watches her smile and she walks over to him.

"Kion…that is what being in a relationship means. So…what did your sister have to tell you?" Kion thought about telling her here and now, but, today had already been a long day and they had spent a good deal of time getting here. Perhaps he may put this news aside till tomorrow so they can approach it with a fresh perspective rather than have it be on the day of his father's passing.

"I will tell you…but…perhaps another day, for now, if I am going to put in some patrol we will need to get the others and get going." Kion left her with that knowing she would badger him till they got home. Kion sought out his friends and they hugged it out with Beshte before departing. Kion heard a bit about what Beshte was up to and he told him they would stay in touch. This is what friends told one another and he meant to keep in touch the best he could.

They were given a farewell of sorts and Kion and his friends took one last look. Much of the day was already starting to leave and they headed out intent to make it back to the Tree of Life before the sun fully set. Kion knew that his friends barely spoke and perhaps it was for the best as each of them were lost in their own mortality knowing that someday they too would face such a fate and what would they leave behind for their offspring.

Kion can hear a distant rumble above them and he urges them to hurry before the storm kicks in. He and Rani stick close to one another through it all…a duo that reminded him so much of his parents though with his parents they didn't really find each other till they were adults. He was thankful that he and Rani had grown into their romance when it mattered most.

Upon arriving at the Tree of Life everyone went their separate ways and Kion watched as Rani left him alone. He knew that she would be patrolling soon and he was doing a solo patrol as there was something he needed to do. "Father…I have no idea if you are up there, but, I miss you and I promise that I will do all I can to make you proud."

Kion honestly didn't expect to hear anything back but it was important for him to get this off his chest and he cleared his mind or at least attempted to gather them to form coherent thoughts.

"So much has transpired in the times since I became King. I have faced many hardships and had to handle a few shady characters, each of whom wanted to rule through their own means. I realize that I am not quite done being King…and…that there might be even more threats ahead, but, I am drawing upon what I learned from you…and I hope that I can keep within that line and never falter or lose my place.

"Kiara may or may not have twins and she even offered to give Rani and me one of them to raise as our own, going to bring it up tomorrow to Rani and see what she says. I did say I was ok though with her not being able to give me a family, that she is family enough…but perhaps it is just as important having other options available. I do love her and she deserves to know…and even if she does say no that is fine with me because she is all I will ever need. Oh and aside from that everyone here is moving on with the circle of life at their own pace…each finding their way, you'd like it here. We will talk soon…father…and yes I know…don't be in a rush to join you. Goodbye."

Kion felt the first trickle of rain and he bowed his head as he walked off to find Rani before she went on patrol. He was back home where he belonged and no matter what the future held or brought them…they would face it together as they always have.


Authors note: A tad bit shorter than most but I wanted to finalize things and honestly it felt better coming from Kion. As I mentioned the series already had a series finale so no point in really putting it up. As of now I am practically burned out and putting all five chapters up today, most having already been typed up…was a tad bit…well…a lot. I have sidelined a few of my stories to bring this to a proper close and as to the future if and whenever there would be a season 6…I am back and forth, but, it may not be for a while but I will be sure to refresh my memory should the time come. The new year has already arrived for some and for others it is still ticking along…hard to say what 2020 will bring but I am pretty sure the Lion Guard is set at three seasons and we should be content it had that many. I do wish though for the community to still fight for equality and get more lion guard characters in the search parameters, it will help greatly with other writers. Otherwise I hope you all enjoyed and while not exactly what a lot of you go for Lion Guard wise…I am proud of my work and my involvement in putting up work in the proper category, the only category for Lion Guard material…that being the cartoon one with the show itself over being in the Lion King section. I will treasure the pairings I made in here along with original characters, some of whom other writers gave me name wise to go off of. LGBTQ characters should be celebrated in works and Disney should be emboldened by so many of us to take that stance…so on that note I fade out.