So it had begun. Cinder sat behind her desk jotting down another appointment. It would her third for that night. It had been two days since she posted her office hours, and while not steady, she still had a stream of kiddies looking for her help, or at least her soft shoulder to cry upon. She had been forced after the first day to have an open door policy, literately. She had to leave her door open so her prospective clients could approach and ask for an appointment.

It made it a little challenging to work on her first course with the interruptions, but she was managing. She had no idea that so many young adults could need someone to talk to. She began to wonder if it was sick type of comeuppance on the part of Lionheart to so glowingly play her up for the position. That or it was Watts' idea of a joke.

Through it all she had yet to see any sign of her true purpose to be at Beacon. The elusive meeting with Jaune and Emerald. She knew from some recent conversations involving Glynda that there were some issues to be overcome in regards to her helping them. Cinder had no idea what she really meant by "issues" and just took it in stride. Her appointments were adding to the validity of her cover.

"Excuse me Miss Fall." a small voice spoke after an equally small rap on her open door.

"Yes?" she looked up from her day planner. Picking up her pen, yes HER pen. Somehow she had become enamored with its feel and smooth flow with which it wrote. "What can I do for you?"

"I need help." came the soft reply, of the young man who she finally recognized as the student who had approached her several days ago.

"That is what I am here for. Would you like to take a seat?" setting down her pen, she rose from her chair and stepped around her desk.

The young man, basically still a boy shuffled in and took a spot on the couch as close to the door as he could get. Knowing from her books and online course that she needed to give people space she chose to sit in one of her arm chairs. She put on her warmest smile and just waited. It too was advice from what she had read. Don't pressure people, give them time to speak. It was about making them comfortable enough to let their apprehension and insecurities lessen enough; for them to speak as openly as they wished about what was troubling them.

"Would it help if I closed the door?' Cinder asked after a few minutes of dead silence. The young man nodded.

Getting up she made her way over and softly shut and locked her door to prevent any interruptions. A she did so she thought about getting a little "In Session" door hanger or something of the sort, as she was sure someone would come knocking. With that small task done she returned to her seat, and started waiting again.

"There is no hurry, take your time." Another suggestion from her course and books. This job was all about taking time and listening.

"I want to leave Beacon." he finally came out and said.

"And where would rather go to school?"

"No I WANT to leave Beacon, I don't want to be a hunter."

"Oh, I'm sorry I miss understood what you were trying to say." Cinder responded, knowing full well she had miss read the conversation.

"Have you talked to anyone else about this?"

The young man shook his head.

"And have you been feeling like this for sometime?"

The young man nodded.

"I see." Cinder Leaned back in her chair to consider her options on how to proceed. "Would you like to schedule a time to come back to speak with me for a longer period of time?"

"I don't know." was his reply.

"I could look into some options for you?"


"Like how to go about leaving, or getting a leave of absence so you can think about things with out the stress of classes. Things like that. Do you think that would help?"

"I guess."

"How about," she rose from her seat and moved over to her desk, spinning her day planner about so she could check what time slots she had open, "How about tonight at five? It is my last slot for the day and we can talk for as long as you like."


"Yes five tonight."

"I guess."

"What's you name?"

"Randal Talbot."

"Alright Randal," Cinder jotted his name in the spot she had indicated, "I have you down for five, and if there is anything else you want to talk about during our time you can. Okay?"

"Thank you Miss Fall."

"Not a problem my dear." Cinder felt she was going to cavities from using that term so much today.

Randal rose from his seat and walked to the door. Opening it he took a look around the halls before darting away. Cinder sighed, knowing she was now going to have to do some real prep work for her last session of the day. Maybe she could ask Glynda for some information and advice. Straightening up she smoothed her knee length pencil skirt and thought. The Staff handbook should have some information about such things. Turning about she made her way over to her pretty empty book shelf and retrieved the object in question.

Returning her desk she opened it up and started to look through the table of contents. When there came another rap on her door.

"Miss Fall?"

"Yes. How may I help you?" she closed the book and looked up with her most welcoming smile.

"Can I talk to you?" asked a fidgeting young fox faunus woman.

"Of course my dear. Would you like to sit down?


"So what did you want to see me about Miss Belladonna?" professor Goodwitch asked as she entered the room.

"It's about Jaune and Emerald."

"I did have the notion when you asked to see me." Glynda took a quick look around the room and found the pair both on their backs with their arms wide laying on the floor in the sun.

"I need someone to watch them while I head into town to get some books."

"Some books?"

"Yes some more children style books, to help them learn words."

"I see. I'm sure we can find someone. . ."

"I need a break." was her next request.

"A break? I see."

"I've cooped up with them for almost a week, I need a little time to myself." Blake took a short breath before continuing, "t the camp the nurses would take them every so often so I could do things on my own. It was always just for a couple of hours but, you know."

"It gave you a chance to focus on you."


"I see your point, I'm just not sure how to help you. Can this wait until you've started your sessions with Miss Fall?"

"Maybe, but I could really use this. I need to see my team, and get some things, and stuff."

"Well I'm not sure how else I can help . . ."

"You could take them." Blake responded bluntly.


"They like you." Blake commented, before adding "You got them dressed after the incident, and they haven't shied away from you like they have others. They've shown no aggression towards you either."

"Those are all valid points, but I have classes and duties."

"It'll just be for a couple hours. I promise."

"Again my classes."

"I'm not asking for it to happen today. Just at some point this week, maybe this weekend?"

"Alright Miss Belladonna, I can't promise anything but I'll think about it. Is that okay with you?"


"Good. Aside from needing a break, how have things been?"

"Quiet. Now that I have spare clothes for them, I was thinking of trying the training room again. But I also was thinking of taking them for a walk around campus. Let them get outside."

"Are you sure outside is a good place for them?"

"It wouldn't hurt them."

"I doubt it would, but how would you manage that. I would not suggest a late night stroll."

"If I did take them outside it would be during classes. Fewer people around to distract or aggravate them. Thought you'd like to know just in case of issues."

"I see. How about tomorrow first period after lunch. I have it free and can be available to assist you in this stroll."

"That would be nice."

"So tomorrow afternoon it is then. Should I meet you here?"

"Can we meet you in the garden?"

"If that is what you want. I can do that."

"Thank you."

"Now if there is nothing else. I should be going. I'll see you all tomorrow." with a look about the room and seeing that neither Jaune nor Emerald had moved she nodded to Blake and left.

Blake took a breath and sat down at the table. She looked over her two charges much like Professor Goodwitch had just done. They hadn't move a muscle, and continued to lay bathed in the sun. Turning about she returned to the lesson she had been working on before Glynda had arrived in response to her call.


"Kitsunne, as always it is a pleasure. What can I do for you?" Ozpin greeted the image that appeared on his terminal.

"I have the data from the outside lab. Their reports pretty much confirm what I said with the paternal tests."

"I see. Is there anything else?"

"Their reports are more in depth, but it's pretty much what the tests I ran state. There is the presence of Faunus DNA and another unidentified anomaly contaminating the samples. Though my tests didn't pick up on any anomalies."

"So it is more proof that supports the documentation that we have."

"I would say so." replied Kitsunne.

"Anything else?"

"No, just thought you should know about the reports."

"Thank you."

Kitsunne's face vanished from the screen as the call ended. Ozpin sat back, none of the information they just reviewed added anything to what they already knew. It was in fact useless, and appeared to be a waste of Beacon's time and funding.


"Hi Glynda do you have a moment?" Cinder asked as Glynda's face appeared on her terminal.

"I do, what can I do for you Cinder."

"I've been reading through the handbooks, and the Leave of Absence section makes mention of a form. I was wondering how I might get some of them, just in case any of my clients need them."

"You have copies of all the forms listed in the handbooks on your terminal."

"I do?"

"Yes. This is another thing we apparently overlooked, when asking you to help us out."

"Well those things do happen, so it is understandable; and considering my main purpose for being brought on was not what I am currently doing."

"I know, but still we should have given you a better orientation."

"You said I have the forms on my terminal?"

"Yes. If you look over on the right side of the screen you should see a folder marked Beacon Essentials."

"Yes I see it."

"If you open it there will be a sub-older labeled forms and applications."

Cinder touched the screen and opened the folder to in fact see several sub-folders, but she did find the one in question easily enough.

"Found it. Thank you Glynda."

"If there is anything else feel free to ask any of us."

"I will." Cinder disconnected the call and started to look through the folder that was now open on her desktop. It was organized and well laid out, allowing her to find what she was looking for without an issue. Opening up the document up she centered it on her desktop and read through it. It was pretty straight forward and she was sure she could fill it out properly if it was needed. Leaving it open she prepared for her first appointment of the day.


It had taken her sometime but Glynda had finally found information on Emerald Sustrai's family; and Ozpin was currently reviewing those documents. The last known record was from fifteen years ago. A newspaper clipping was attached. The headline was simple; Grimm Attack. Reading through the article it detailed an isolated attack on a small transport just outside the gates of Mantle. There had been six passengers, a huntsman and the driver. Everyone had died in the incident. There was a list of names at the bottom of the clipping.

"Opal Sustrai" Ozpin read aloud.

Moving the clipping aside he looked over the other document. It was another clipping, this time about an child abduction. This one had two names. That of a single mother Opal Sustrai, and her missing daughter Emerald Sustrai. Ozpin sat back in his chair.

"It seems you were made an orphan my poor girl."

Leaning forward he closed the file and opened the email program on his terminal. Finding the contact he wanted he typed a quick message and hit send. He didn't expect a reply right away considering that office hours were basically over, and that lawyers even those on retainer often picked and choose what they responded to and went. Ozpin sat back again.

"Let's see if making you a ward of Beacon offers you a better future shall we."


Cinder was once again reviewing her life choices. After having gone through three separate appoints all dealing with broken hearts; she was just about to stab someone in the heart. Of course she couldn't do that so she sat there as they cried, one them actually have the gall to really use her shoulder; as she intoned "there there." until it was all flushed from their systems. It was after the crying breakdowns that they each had come to the realization that it wasn't the end of the world.

Setting her suit jacket over the back of her desk chair, knowing it would need to be laundered, she prepared for her last appointment of the day. Randal Talbot.

He arrived shortly before five and she bid him inside. Again he took the seat closest to the door. Moving from behind her desk Cinder closed the door and took a seat in one of the arm chairs. She waited to see if he wanted to start the conversation, but he just sat in silence.

"So you mentioned you are thinking of leaving Beacon."


"Can you tell me why?"

"I just don't want to be here anymore."

"Well that is a valid reason."


"Yes, if you feel uncomfortable someplace, and it is upsetting for you to be there, then you have every right to want to leave."

"So I can just go?"

"No I said you had the right to WANT to leave, not that you can just go."


"Does your team, or your family know that you don't want to be here?"


"Why is that?"

"I haven't told them."

"I can understand that, but wouldn't it be good to tell them?"


"Why do you feel you can't?"

"Team would be mad, and my mom she's hurting."

"Well you can understand why your team would be mad."


"Do you feel they would be so mad that they couldn't understand your feelings?"

"Sort of."

"What about your mom, you said she was hurting. What did you mean?"

"She's upset about something that happened."

"Do you want to tell me more?"

"Not really."

"So why did you come to attend Beacon?"

"My dad."

"So your dad?"

"He was a hunter. I wanted to be like him."

"You said was. Is that the reason your mom is hurting? Because your dad is gone?"

"He's not gone, he's dead!"

"I'm sorry for your loss." She wasn't really, but she did have play the part of being sympathetic. "Is that the reason you want to leave Beacon? You don't want to end up like your dad?"


"I see." Cinder was getting into water well above her head. Her books and course never even touched on the subject of grief or loss. "Do you feel leaving would change anything?"

"I'd have more time with my mom."

"Well we can arrange that without you having to actually leave."

"I really don't like it here anymore. I really want to go."

"Then I can help you in that case as well, I just need to understand your reasons." Cinder leaned forward in her chair, "But you need to be honest with me about what you are feeling and why. Can you do that?"

"I think so."

"Okay, so because your dad has died, you have no interest in becoming a hunter. Am I right?"


"So what would you like to do if not be a hunter?"

"Maybe an accountant. I like numbers."

"There aren't many numbers involved with being hunter are there?" she chuckled.

"No, not really." it was the first time a smile showed up on the young man since he had entered her office.

"So what about your team?"

"They'll be mad."

"That is understandable, but do you think they'll be any less mad if you just leave without talking to them?"


"So maybe, just maybe you could talk to them before you make the final decision."

"They'll be mad."

"Here's what I think you could do." Cinder stood up and moved to her desk. Moving around it she took a seat. Reaching up she turned her terminal so it was partially facing Randal. "I have two forms here, both of which I can fill out for you."


"Come here and I'll show them to you." Randal stood and shuffled over standing at the far side of her desk. "This first one is for a leave of absence. I could fill this out so you can spend time with your mom, and talk with her about how you feel about being here at Beacon. After which you could return if you so choose."

"Okay. What about the second one?"

"That is a request to un-enroll. It would mean you'd leave Beacon for good; but" she held up her finger to make her point, "IF you decide that you wanted to become a hunter at a later date you'd have to reapply and go through initiation, and classes that you've already completed. You'd also end up on a new team."

"I doubt I'd want to go through all that again."

"So how about we get you some time off to spend with your mom, after which if you still don't want to be a hunter; I'll fill out this other form for you. Sound like a plan?"

"It does but what about my team?"

"I could help you talk to them," she looked Randal in his brown eyes, "but only after you are sure you don't want to come back to Beacon."

"So maybe time to think about it with my mom?"

"That sounds like a good idea to me. So shall we fill out this first form?"


Cinder couldn't believe she was actual trying to talk a young man out of dropping out of a hunter academy. She should be in fact getting the kid to leave, to quit. One less hunter to worry about down the line. She spent the next fifteen minutes going over the form with Randal. Typing in the needed information including her reasons why she felt he should be allowed the time away. The whole process made her look like a very professional and caring person. She felt sick inside. Once done, printed and signed by herself, with her pen; she handed it to Randal.

"Now you will have to present this to Professor Goodwitch so she can give it to the headmaster for his approval."

"So it can be denied?"

"It can, but it is doubtful. I feel the Headmaster is a very considerate person." she felt like she was going to throw up. Giving praise to the man that was her enemy.

"Okay, if you say so."

"Would you like to have another appointment?"

"No, not right now."

"Alright then. Just remember if you need to talk I am here."

"I will thank you Miss Fall."

After Randal left with his completed form, Cinder felt like slamming her head into the surface of her desk. She racked her brain as to why she was doing things like this. Why was she being helpful and kind? It was so out of character for her that it was making her mind numb with frustration. How was this all happening? She placed her face in her hands and sighed.

"Long day?"

"You could say that." Cinder replied as she dropped her hands and was looking at Glynda Goodwitch standing at her office door.

"I wanted to stop by for one reason but now I have a second as well."

"And those are?"

"Well firstly it's been decided that you should meet Jaune and Emerald."

"Really?" this was the first news that had Cinder actually truly excited since her tenure at Beacon had started, "When?"

"Tomorrow afternoon, during first period. I will be escorting them and Miss Belladonna on a walk through the gardens. You should join us."

"First period after lunch?" Cinder glanced down at her day planner; she had nothing scheduled. "I can be there, and the second reason?"

"To thank you for helping Mr. Talbot. I have his form and can make sure it is granted."

"You're welcome?" Cinder really didn't know how to reply to that statement; as she'd been kicking herself about the outcome of that appointment before Glynda had come to see her.

"Are you hungry?"

"Famished." it wasn't a lie, she had skipped lunch, and was feeling it now.

"Join us for supper."


"Peter and myself."

"What about Professor Oobleck?"

"He has a speaking engagement at the museum. So he wont be joining us."

"That's a pity." Cinder commented even though it wasn't. She had no interest about being around a man who mistrusted her so easily and readily. Even though he was right to do so, it just irked her.


The rest of the night passed with out incident or issue. Blake slumbered securely under the watch of her two charges, as like every night since being rejoined with their Blake; they lay at the foot of her bed in their altered forms.

Cinder also slept peacefully, having drifted off excited about the prospect of finally meeting Jaune and Emerald. She knew that was only the first step in securing the pair for her queen, but it made the idea of going through another day of appointments all the more bearable.

At this hour only Ozpin was awake. Busy reading and rereading the response he had received from Beacon's lawyer. He was impressed with the quick reply, but not so with the contents of the lengthy response.

"So it would not be as easy as I hoped." he commented to the empty office. "Not only do we have to prove who you are, but also we have to show that there is no one else capable to taking care of; and that only matters if you are under age or deemed as mentally incompetent."

Ozpin sat back and picked up his mug. He took a sip of the cooled contents. Setting the mug back down he once again leaned forward and considered the contents of the reply.

"The first I believe and probable, the last one not so much." Ozpin sat back once again and continued to think on the matter for sometime; before he himself retired to bed.


The morning flew by for Blake as it did for Cinder. Having scheduled a few more appointments, for the following few days Cinder was watching the clock. She'd have a busy afternoon, but the prospect of finally, starting her interactions with her queen's children were overriding the dread she had been feeling when she was jotting down names in her day planner. Rising from her seat she prepared for her meet up.

Blake was ushering her charges out the door, as Cinder closed up her office. The trip through the hallways of Beacon was quick, with few students around. Again like the other time she had taken Emerald and Jaune out, those students not in class were either in the cafeteria, or study hall. Exiting the main door they made their way towards the gardens, to find Professor Goodwitch waiting for them.

"No issues?"

"None." replied Blake.

"I hope you don't mind I've asked Miss Fall to join us. She should be here shortly?"

"Miss Fall, the new counselor, why?"

"She will be working with you, Jaune and Emerald soon, so I figured she should at least meet them prior, and also; to test the waters."


"Yes. To see if there will possibly any issues with her interacting with them."

"To see if they like her, you mean."

"Exactly." Glynda confirmed, before adding. "Ah, here she is now. Miss Fall."

"Professor Goodwitch." the raven haired amber eyed woman return the greeting as she approached.

"Miss Fall." Blake like wise greeted as Jaune and Emerald hung back behind her.

"I take it you are Miss Belladonna."


"And these must be Jaune and Emerald."

"They are."

Jaune had taken a protective step before Emerald at the approach of the strange woman. Blake noticed the pair seemed a little uneasy with the inclusion of this woman they had never met. Cinder also noticed the motion, and took a small step back to give them more room.

"Jaune. Emerald. I'm Miss fall. It is a pleasure to finally meet you." she greeted the pair, leaning forward ever so slightly with for at once a true warm smile.

"Hi." Jaune greeted back, as Emerald stood silent. Unbeknownst to Glynda and Blake; the pair could smell something on this new woman. Something that had them uneasy.

Not knowing if Blake or Glynda could see it, Cinder took another step back. She knew she had to play this safe. She knew she couldn't afford them taking a dislike to her. If they did it would ruin the plan to bring them under the influence of her mistress. Blake and Glynda both noticed however. Blake taking a small step to the side to be more in front of her companions. Glynda making a mental note that the whole plan to help Jaune and Emerald may have to be started over with someone new. Which was a pity seeing as how popular Miss Fall was becoming with the students.

"Shall we?" Glynda asked as she inclined her head towards the gardens.

"It is a beautiful day for it." remarked Cinder as she took a place near Glynda and slightly even further away from her targets.

Blake stepped in behind the pair of adults with Jaune and Emerald lagging just a couple of steps behind her. As they walked they made small talk. Obvious questions about how things were going. Was she keeping up with her studies. Where Emerald or Jaune in need of anything. Cinder even spoke up with a suggestion that she could take time in the mornings to take care any errands the pair needed done. Blake thanked her and made mention of the remedial books she would like to have.

As they walked Jaune and Emerald allowed their sense to take in all the smells, sounds and sights of the beautiful; expansive place. They could easily detect the various scents of flowers, and hear the buzz of insects. In all their time surviving in the wilds, they had never come across a place so peaceful; but still the off scent of the woman accompanying them played with their memories. She smelled of ash and grimm; and to them grimm needed to be destroyed. They did not act on that impulse however. Only if she made a threatening move towards Blake would they react.

As they walked Cinder still noticing the distance Emerald and Jaune were keeping from her; reached out to her parasite. Her queen and Watts had both told her it would affect them. Cinder was just not sure how. The pair flinched. They felt as if something was calling to them. Something from the one the new one; black haired woman. They felt like they should resist it, but it was calming. Cinder could see the effect. The pair were closing. Her heart quickened. Was it really working to pacify them.

Blake noticed that Jaune and Emerald were coming closer. As did Glynda, who wrote it off as the pair having grown accustomed to Cinder's presence. Blake too had the same inclination. It was only Cinder who knew the truth of the matter. Their grimm sides were reacting in a positive way. The parasite was working and this meant the plan could and should work.