Another day was nearly over acting as librarian, when Hermione was called to the principal's office.

Keeping her head held high and her eyes narrowed Hermione stepped into the office of the feared Gerard Argent.

"You wished to speak to me."

"Yes, please sit." The old man looked with a genial look while his eyes were perceptive as ever. In that moment Hermione was reminded of an old coot of a Headmaster who seemed slightly mad and kind, but was a mastermind behind a war. "I must admit I feel honored to have the great war hero sitting before me."

Hermione's professional smile twinged into a wry one, before she tilted her head to the side.

"Imagine my surprise when I heard through my contacts that the American Ministry was sending a new Observer who just happened to be the famed Hermione Granger."

Hermione merely smiled and waited for the old man to get to his point.

"I also heard that you have met with the packs."

"It is needed with my job as an Observer to get to know those I must protect."

His eyes narrowed, "I wouldn't want to get in each other's ways."

Hermione's eyes narrowed and her smile was sharp, "Yes, it would be truly foolish. After all…" Hermione adjust her skirt over her knees as if she had all the time in the world, "It would be ever so stupid for someone to cross me."

Hermione stood, "Is there anything else you wished to speak with me regarding Mr. Argent?"

He leaned back his lips pursed and his white eyebrows pulled down looking upon her contemplatively, "No there was nothing else."

"Then I shall take my leave, I still have work to do before the day is done." With a nod of dismissal, Hermione strode from the office her head held high. She didn't even allow herself to clench her hands at her sides until she was out of sight from his office.

~Time Skip~

She had only been gone for at most five minutes, when Mr Harris had captured her long enough to 'help' him take some things to his car.

However when she returned to the library, where Harris had left the detention students, it was in shambles and she could just make out a scaled tale making its way out of a shattered window in the back.

Quickly she disabled the cameras before repairing the window and fixing the furniture before she enabled it again.

"Hermione! Erica is seizing!"

Hermione rushed down the still haphazard book aisle to find a paralyzed Erica seizing on the ground. Through the gap of missing books, Hermione could just make out another student on the ground.

"Scott stay with Allison and the boy." Scott didn't need any encouragement to stay beside the girl he was in love with, "Stiles, come with me to bring Erica to Derek."

The ride to Derek's warehouse with Stiles in the backseat trying to keep her still was harder than it had seemed at first.

"Why didn't you make Scott come along?"

"Despite me not approving of his relationship with the Argent girl, it would be smarter to leave someone who has the strength to protect behind."

As soon as they arrived at the warehouse, Derek was already at their door.

"She's having an adverse reaction to the paralytic."

Derek pulled Erica into his arms and Stiles and Hermione followed behind him as he went to lay her on a bare thin cot inside the old bus in the warehouse.

"Is she going to die?" Stiles looked worriedly at the girl shaking uncontrollably.

"I don't know."

Hermione raised her wand and ran a diagnostic scan, "Her werewolf genes are trying to fight off the toxins but it looks this the second time she's been paralyzed by this stuff?"

Derek nodded.

"It's like she's having an allergic reaction. A potion to fight off common poisons might help but…"

She stopped as Derek took a hold of Erica's arm and with a crack broke it, Erica letting out a scream.

"What do you think you are doing?"

"Jumpstarting her healing."

"The child is going to be already traumatized as it is. Stupefy." Hermione flicked her wand at Erica who immediately went unconscious. "That's enough!" Derek had begun to make the girl bleed.

Hermione caressed Erica's hair, and even in unconsciousness Erica could sense her turning toward the caress, her nose sniffing for the scent of pack. Hermione smiled down at the girl, she was too young. Shaking her head, Hermione leaned her head against a pole behind her.

~Time Skip~

After they left the warehouse, Stiles got a call from his dad asking for him to pick up some food for him.

Hermione smiled as she watched the Sheriff groan over the healthy choices that Stiles made for him, while she perused the crime board behind him.

"Uncle John, I hope I'm not overstepping my bounds but I did some research into the case myself and I found a connection between them all."

The Sheriff looked up from his box of carrots and celery, "What connection?"

Stiles spoke up, "All the victims so far were on a swim team which Coach Lahey coached."

"Really?" The Sheriff raised his eyebrow, before standing abruptly to get a pile of files from the sideboard in his office. Sorting through them he found the yearbook of Beacon Hills.

"Yes, they were in fact on a championship team." Hermione went around to the front of her uncle's desk.

A ding from Hermione's phone distracted her, looking down she saw a text from Deaton. 'Derek and Scott here. Jackson can swim. Master cannot.'

So that meant the master was not on the swim team. Hermione remembered what Isaac had said about the friend that suddenly stopped coming around and wondered.

"Hey do you have access to all the class lists, like for instance do you have access to the middle school or elementary?"

"Did you think of something?" The Sheriff glanced her way, a feeling of familiarity coming to him at her look of concentration that was so similar to how his wife used to look when she was focused on something.

"I might, but its not fully fleshed out yet."

Stiles turned toward her, "I have my old class photos from then and all the Beacon Hill schools did some sort of class book at the end of the year even in elementary."

"Could we go look at them right now?"

Stiles looked back and forth between his dad and his cousin.

"Go on ahead. I'll be here for awhile." Looking up briefly from the file he made eye contact with Hermione, "If you figure anything out, you'll tell me right."

She nodded and smiled before heading out into the lobby of the police station waiting for Stiles to catch up with her.

"So what's the plan?"

"I think with the process of elimination we might be able to narrow down who was Isaac's friend back then."

"You really think it was him then?" Stiles trotted beside Hermione as she strode outside to her car.

"I feel like there is more to that friend than we might think."