This story is completely written (and has been for a couple of years now) but I'm not planning to add to it until next year. I want to focus on editing Onside, Fairytales, Reputation, and Figure It Out so I can get those fully posted. But I shared the prologue on Tumblr for K's birthday and have been asked to add it here and on AO3, so people can find it more easily.

I hope you enjoy.

Killian had refused the first time the offer had been made to him.

He had refused the year after that, and the one after that too.

He was the lead singer of one of the most popular bands in the country. He didn't need to use cheap gimmicks to boost his fanbase and increase their sales. The Rogers did that well enough as it was.

The fourth-year the offer was made to him, it was his friend's wife that had suggested he at least sit and watch a few of the episodes from previous seasons before he rejected it again.

Killian had rolled his eyes as Mary-Margret forced both himself and David into the lounge one evening, armed with the remote control. She'd been good enough to provide them with enough pizza to kill a small child and plenty of beer too. So at least he could get drunk while she was forcing all of that cheesiness on him. It was probably the only way he'd ever willingly sit and watch the show.

Killian and David were already huffing in their seats as the opening credits began to play. While he'd never seen a full episode of the show, Killian had been at his parents' house while his mother had been watching before. So he recognised that opening music. It was every bit as cringe-worthy as he imagined the actual show to be.

David spent most of the original interviews mocking the contestants, much to his wife's annoyance. There were a couple of names the two of them recognised, but most of the so-called celebrities Killian had never even heard of before. Which cemented his resolve to reject the offer once again, and to inform his agent to continue doing so until his dying day.

It was only when the interviews were over, and the main part of the show began, that Killian found himself sitting up and taking notice of what was happening on screen.

The sequins and the low-cut shirts were not helping the overall tacky vibe of the show. But the moment she stepped out onto the stage, he found himself forgetting all of his complaints about garish costumes and too much fake tan.

"Who is that?" he asked, not exactly expecting a reply.

"That is Emma Swan," Mary-Margret replied smugly. "She's one of the professionals on the show. She's been with it for a few years now, and in my honest opinion, she's the best of the best. I know she's won a ton of professional awards but I can't remember what they're for."

"She's stunning," Killian mumbled, as he watched her glide gracefully around the empty floor while the bumbling oaf that she was paired with tried to keep up.

"Stunning enough to accept that offer?" Mary-Margret teased knowingly.

Her friend had a type, and while she didn't know Emma Swan personally, Mary-Margret was certain that the professional would fit it perfectly.

Killian felt his face flame bright red as he downed what was left of his bottle of beer. He didn't want to admit it, because he knew that David would never let him live it down, but Mary-Margret was definitely on to something.

Emma Swan just might be stunning enough to finally make Killian consider accepting that offer.

Thanks for reading.