What would have happened if someone had talked bad about Korosensei? (This takes part in a scenario where nobody knows Izuku was part of the 3-E, because everyone actually minded their own business for once).

If one were to ask around, nobody would be able to tell how it had really happened. They were all chilling out in the dorms, there was no way of telling something was about to happen.

But it did. And they all saw it.

Izuku was sitting on the couch alongside Shouto, and the green haired boy was excitedly explaining the dual quirk user about a quirk he had just discovered from one of his latest trips to the mall. Shouto was listening wholeheartedly, a contempt smile - an almost invisible one, but it was there - on his face.

The rest of the class was there as well, each one of them minding their own business - like it rarely happened in that building - and generally having some fun after being nearly killed by Aizawa-sensei during their combat training that evening. So, in general terms, it was a normal evening in Class 1-A's dorm at Heights Alliance.

At some point, someone - probably Denki or Hanta - turned on the TV, and the news channel Izuku had been watching that morning before anyone else was awake appeared on the screen. It would have gone unnoticed, and the channel would have probably been changed without further delay, but something on the report was strange.

"Hey, could you turn up the volume?" asked Hitoshi, who was looking interested at the video streaming on the TV.

The headlines said 'BREAKING NEWS: SECRET ANTIMATTER RESEARCH FACILITY DISMANTLED', and the video showed just that. It was an ordinary looking building, if you ignored the lots of yellow tape surrounding it.

Izuku's form remained relaxed - he was really good at forcing his body to not tense - but he stopped talking. So it was finally out, huh? It had took them long enough, the facility had been dismantled for two days now, normally they were quicker with that kind of thing. Probably Karasuma-sensei pulling some strings so it would be linked to the team's disappearance. To Izuku's disappearance.

"What's that?" asked Kyouka, raising an eyebrow as she put away her guitar, obviously founding the news more interesting.

"Antimatter?" muttered Ojiro. "Where have I heard of that?"

He wasn't the only one. Muttering started to spread around the room, each one of them trying to remember where had they heard of antimatter before. Izuku remained silent, which stranged the ones around him. The green haired boy was usually al over the place with stuff like that.

"Oh, I remember! It was that thing that destroyed the moon last year!" Eijirou's face lit up, as he and the rest of the class went through a realisation phase.

"Yeah! They said the monster was made of antimatter, right?" and thus the pandemonium began.

Izuku just watched from the sidelines, not getting into the conversation even when he was sure he knew more about the topic than all of them together. Shouto looked at him with concern. Was his friend and love interest - though that Izuku wouldn't know - alright?

"Oh, and you guys remember the story of that classroom? The one tasked to kill the monster?" added Mina, who was still watching the news. For the second time, Izuku willed his body to remain relaxed.

"Yes! I heard they were brainwashed by him, no offense Shinsou, but in the end they broke out of whatever spell he had them under and killed him!"

"I for one am glad they did. Wouldn't be able to feel safe if that monster was still alive." and then something changed in Izuku's eyes, because he finally tensed, and looked straight into Denki's eyes.

"Dude! That was cold." said Hanta, and everyone laughed. Like their classmate hadn't just wished someone's death. Like he hadn't just said he was glad someone had been killed by teenagers.

"Just stating my thoughts. He was a monster, and I think it was a good thing he died. I mean, what do you think he did to those kinds during that year?"

"And what would you know?" for the first time in the conversation, Izuku spoke up. And everybody listened to his voice, dripping out of his mouth like steel.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, what the hell would you know about what happened to them last year." Izuku didn't need to yell. Everyone was looking at him in silence. "You don't know what happened. You don't know all the things he did. All the things he taught to that class. You don't know of all the times he stuck his neck for them, all the times he did everything in his power and even more to help them. You don't know the impact he had on those kids. He taught them to use their bloodlust for good, that revenge was never the right path. He taught them to always have a second blade in life. He taught this quirkless boy that he was not useless, that he was not just a Deku." his voice was wavering, his whole body trembling as he spoke, everyone else frozen in their places as they realized what he was talking about. "He was the first one to say that I could be a hero. He was the one that stopped me from following someone's advice and taking a dive of a rooftop." at that Katsuki's eyes went wide, and his whole body went still. He had not... had he really...?


"He was the best god damn teacher we've ever had! He was the one that turned us from a bunch of useless losers to what we are today! I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him! Korosensei didn't destroy the moon, he was framed! And he wasn't evil! He wasn't going to destroy Earth either! He was just trying his best to fulfil a promise he made, and everyone just blamed him, and called us unstable kids when we tried to tell them the truth! He was...!" Izuku's breath was caught on his throat for a moment. "He was the one that made us have a purpose. We had a bond, assassins, and their target. The strongest bond we could've ever had." he took a shaky breath before looking at Denki again. "So don't you dare calling him a monster, or saying he's better off dead again. Because if you do, and I hear of it, it will take a lot more than Recovery Girl to have you on your feet again." and with that, he stormed off, not letting anyone say anything to him.

Ok, there it is. I just couldn't stop thinking about it, and then I had to write it. Hope you all liked it!