"Yeah. Then we kissed after she grabbed me by my shirt and said to me, "Kiss me my fair lover," her voice was seductive when she said it to me. Jerry, I felt fireworks and it was like a big RUSH when she kissed me!"

Someone is knocking on the door three times.

"Come in," Jerry said.

Phoebe is coming into Jerry's apartment.

"Hey Kramer, I think I forgot something."

"Oh yeah," Kramer just remembered. He digs in his pants pocket and pulls out Phoebe's panties. He then hands it too her.

"Thanks," she said then leans in giving Kramer a kiss on the lips. "Last night was great," she said in a seductive voice.

"Until next time amore," Kramer replied.

Phoebe smiles. "So cute," she says then tickles Kramer on his stomach. Kramer is laughing out of control.

"Okay, I got to go. Bye Jerry," Phoebe leaves the apartment.

"Did you two have sex?"

"We sure did. SHE'S A FREAK IN THE SHEETS JERRY! Anyways, I gotta get going, later Jerry."

George comes into the apartment.

"Hey George," Kramer said.

"Hey Kramer," George replied.

"So Jerry, how was your date with Monique? Marlene?" George forgetting Monica's name.

"It's Monica, and the date was great. I'm head over heels for her."

"Sounds like you two got a lot in common," George assumed.

"Besides us being Jewish, we're both neat freaks. And get this, she's a chef."

"Love a woman who knows how to cook!" George claps his hands together due to loving the fact that Monica is a chef.

"She also looks like Meryl, the woman who pretended to be my wife to be apart of my dry cleaning discount."

"Really?" George said.

"Yeah," Jerry replied.

"Does she have a twin sister?" George asked.

"No, she doesn't. She has an older brother, Ross, the same doctor that is currently dating Elaine. Anyways, enough about my date, I was your date with Rapunzel? Rochelle?" Jerry forgetting Rachel's name.

"Its Rachel. You have the nerve to get on me for forgetting Monica's name when you're forgetting Rachel's name." George said.

"You're right, I'm sorry," Jerry replied.

"My date with Rachel went well and we will be going on another date soon."

"Great. Now that I lost the bet, I have to pay up fifty dollars to Kramer," Jerry disappointed.

George pauses for a second. "Bet, what bet?" he asked.

"Me and Kramer made a bet. I bet Kramer that last night would be your only date with Rachel, and Kramer bet me that you would still be dating her," Jerry explained.

"You bet fifty dollars on me that I would only date Rachel for one night?!" George freaking out.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't think it would work between you too!" Jerry said.

"Well its a good thing you lost since I'm still dating her! This is karma back on you Jerry, KARMA!" George is angry with Jerry.

Kramer slides back into Jerry's apartment.

"Hey, I forgot something," Kramer has his hand out as he remembered that Jerry owes him fifty dollars.

Jerry rolls his eyes. "Alright," he said. Jerry gets his wallet out and gives Kramer fifty dollars.

"Pleasure doing business with you Mr. Seinfeld," Kramer said.

"Yeah, yeah, now please go on your merry way," Jerry replied.

A week later, Jerry and Monica have their second date together at her place. After dessert, they both go to Monica's living room to sit on the couch.

"Dinner and dessert was great," Jerry said.

"Thank you," Monica replied.

"You know you should come out with your own cook book," Jerry recommended.

"Really?" Monica said.

"Absolutely, especially since you're such a wonderful chef. You're chef skills and your cleanliness turn me on." Jerry said.

"You saying those things are turning me on," Monica replied.

"You know what will turn me on, us kissing face to face," Jerry said.

Jerry and Monica slowly kiss each other on the lips. All of a sudden, someone knocks on the door, as Jerry and Monica stopped kissing.

"I'll" get it," Monica gets up to go open the door. At the door, its Richard, Monica's ex-boyfriend. Monica was surprised to see Richard at her door unannounced.

"Richard… what are you doing here?"

"Hello Monica, you're looking well."

"Thanks.. you're not."

"Monica, I haven't stop thinking about you since our break up. Surely there has to be another way for this relationship to work."

"I'm sorry, but I really don't think there is a future for us."

"Can I at least come in so we can talk?"

"This is not a good time Richard."

Richard tilt his head to the right. He sees Jerry sitting on the couch.

"Oh, I see you have already moved on from me," Richard disappointed.

"No, that's not true. Listen, this is really not a good time right now, so can I please call you later?" Monica asked.

"Okay. By the way, the guy you're dating, is he some comedian?" Richard asked.

"Yeah, that's Jerry Seinfeld," Monica replied.

"Oh I was thinking that was Gilbert Gottfried," Richard then walks away.

"Monica stands and stares at Richard due to mistaking Jerry for Gilbert Gottfried. She then closes the door behind her and sits back on the couch with Jerry.

"Is everything alright?" Jerry asked.

Monica smiles at Jerry, acting as if she is perfectly fine. "Oh yeah sure."

"Should I leave? I mean we can do this another time so you can talk to your ex-boyfriend."

"That's sweet, but I'll" call him later. He is still having a hard time after our break up."

"So what was the reason for the both of you to break up? He's gay, isn't he?" Jerry guessed.

Monica giggles. "No, he's not gay."

"He's afraid of commitment?" Jerry guessed again.

"No. He's not afraid of commitment nor is he gay," Monica replied.

"You sure he's not gay?" Jerry questioning her. "With that porn star mustache, he's gotta be coming out of the closet eventually."

Monica explains. "Trust me, he's straight. The reason why we broke up is because I want children, but he does not."

Jerry is shocked and says nothing.

The next day, Jerry and George are at Jerry's apartment talking about his second date with Monica.

"So how was your second date with Monica last night? Ah see, I remembered her name."

"You deserve a gold star for that," Jerry sarcastically replied. "Anyways, it was great. We had dinner, dessert, after dessert, we sat on her couch on the living room, we slowly leaned in and kissed each other until her ex-boyfriend showed up," he explained.

"Ex-boyfriend, huh?" George asked.

"Yeah. Get this, Monica told me the reason why they broke up was because Richard does not want children, but she does."

"Yikes," George said.

"Now I have to break up with her."

"Why?" George asked.

"Because I don't want children either! I can't picture myself being a father! I'm just like Richard! I'm the Richard 2.0!" Jerry freaking out.

"But I thought you said you like her?" George assumed.

"I do, but what's the point of being together if she wants children, but I don't," Jerry replied.

"Just offer to have kids with her so you won't lose her, despite you not wanting kids," George suggested.

"That's what Richard did, but she wants to have kids with a man who wants the same thing, not because he has to," Jerry replied.

"Yeah, you're gonna have to break up with her," George agreed with Jerry.

The next scene, Rachel and Phoebe are with Monica at her apartment.

"So how was your night with Mr. Seinfeld?" Rachel asked.

"It was fine until Richard showed up," Monica replied.

"Richard was here last night?" Rachel asked.

"Sounds like he still hasn't gotten over you," Phoebe assumed.

"He hasn't. We talked last night after the date with Jerry. Maybe this was a mistake," Monica having second thoughts.

"Honey, you can't let Richard get to you like that," Rachel said.

"We all love Richard, but its best that he tries to move on from you. Besides, you're dating Jerry Seinfeld for crying out loud!" Phoebe bursting with excitement.

Monica also bursting with excitement. "I know!"

Joey and Chandler walk in. Monica quickly turns her head and confronts both of them.

"Hey, you two," she said.

"Are we in trouble?" Joey asked.

"Please don't kick our asses, please don't kick our asses," Chandler's hands up in defense while backing up in front of Joey.

"What happened to taking Richard to the game the other night?" Monica asked.

"He went to the game with us, but he didn't have a great time," Chandler replied.

"Yeah, the entire time he kept talking about you constantly, nothing basketball related at all," Joey added.

"Well did you go take him to the strip club after the game?" Monica asked.

"We did, but he was sad like he lost a best friend. Even one of the strippers gave him a lap dance, but he kept talking about you again," Chandler explained.

"Yeah, what man goes to a strip club and still can't cheer up?" Joey asked.

"I know, right?" Chandler agreeing with Joey.

Later that night, Ross and Elaine are back at her apartment enjoying each other's company.

"Nice place you got have here Elaine."

"Thank you Dr. Geller, Ph. D," Elaine said seductively then whispering "Ph. D" in Ross' right ear while smiling.

"Still loving it!" Ross filled with excitement. "You know I uh, want to thank you for hearing where I'm coming from with the whole me and Rachel on a break fiasco."

"Oh sure, no problem."

"I mean I still can't believe Rachel has the audacity to think I'm the bad guy. She's the one who suggested that we quote, "go on a break" unquote." Ross frustrated.

"I know I'm going to need a break," Elaine is starting to lose her patience. She face palms when Ross continues talking about Rachel.

"Who does she think she is? She acts like I can't tell the difference between going on a break and when not going on a break."

"Okay Ross.. can we take a break, no pun intended, from talking about Rachel please?"

"You're right, I'm sorry. Let's focus on you and me."

Someone is knocking on Elaine's door.

"I'm sorry Ross, let me see who it is," Elaine gets up to open her door. Her ex-boyfriend, David Puddy is standing at the door.

Elaine is surprised. "David, what are you doing here?" she asked.

"Hey Elaine, you still thinking about me? Because I still miss you."

"No, I have not been thinking about nor do I miss you. I told you that we are officially over."

"Why do we talk about it like two grown adults in your apartment."

"Sorry, now is not a good time."

Puddy then notices Ross. "Who's he?" he asked.

"That is Dr. Ross Geller, Ph. D," Elaine replied.

"Oh really? Hey buddy, you're dating my ex-girl?!" Puddy walks in and confronts Ross.

"Uh, yes I am," Ross replied.

Elaine introduces Ross to Puddy. "Ross, this David Puddy, my ex-boyfriend. David, this is Ross."

"Nice to meet you," Ross has his hand out to shake Puddy's hand.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Puddy giving Ross a warning. Ross is now feeling nervous.

"You think you're better than me, especially when you're a doctor too?" Puddy asked.

Ross laughs a little. "Uh, I don't think I'm better than anybody."

"You think you're better than me now that you have my ex-girl?"

"Listen pal, whatever happened between you and Elaine is over. She's moved on and now she is dating me," Ross standing up to Puddy.

"David, please leave Ross alone."

"Stay out of this Elaine, this is grown men talking," Puddy replied. He then walks a little closer towards Ross. "Hopefully you'll" have a speedy recovery doctor because you're about to experience some pain once I'm done with you."

"NO! NOT THE FACE! NOT THE FACE!" Ross screams;using his hands to cover his face from getting hit.

The next day at Monk's, Jerry and George are having lunch.

"So tonight's the night you break up with Monica?" George asked.

"Yeah, I'm not prepared for this," Jerry replied.

"I haven't seen you so madly in love with a woman since Jeannie," George said.

"You're right about that," Jerry replied.

A woman who looks like Cynthia, Elaine's friend, walks in to Monk's. Jerry and George notice her.

"Hey, isn't that Cynthia, one of Elaine's friends?" Jerry asked.

"Yeah. Hey Cynthia!" George called.

"Who's Cynthia? Sweetheart, my name is Janice."

"Oh sorry. You look exactly like this woman I met before. Do you happen to have a twin sister?" George asked.

"Oh no. I'm the only the child," Janice then laughs.

Jerry and George face each other. They both have disgusted looks on their faces because of Janice's annoying laugh.

"Anyways, have you seen a guy named Chandler? He was supposed to meet me at Central Perk."

"He's probably hiding from you," Jerry being sarcastic.

Janice laughs again. "You're funny. You must be some comedian," Janice then hits Jerry hard on his left shoulder. Jerry looks at her as he did not understand why she would hit him so hard.

"Well you two have a nice day," Janice walks out of Monk's.

"That woman can hit hard," Jerry said.

"She looks exactly like Cynthia, but its not her. Its the same thing with Monica. She looks like Meryl, but its not Meryl you're dating," George replied.

"We're living in a world full of dopplegangers," Jerry said.

"It looks like it my friend," George replied. "Janice's laugh however, oh my god! Who is she, a wannabee Fran Drescher?"

Elaine walks in and sits with the guys at the table.

"Hey," Elaine said.

"Hey," both Jerry and George replied.

"So how your night with Dr. Ross Geller, Ph. D?" Jerry asked.

"It was fine at first until he kept talking about his ex-girlfriend Rachel and the whole "we were on a break" crap that drove me nuts. To make things worse, David shows up at my apartment," Elaine explained.

"Puddy was at your place last night?" Jerry asked.

"Yeah. He wants us to get back together and when he saw Ross, he confronted him to the point David was going to hurt him."

"So what did Puddy do?" Jerry asked.

"He was about to punch him, but I quickly grabbed David's arm, turned him around, and pushed him out of my apartment."

"So Ross' ex-girlfriend is Rachel, Rachel Green?" George curiously asked.

"Yeah, you know her?" Elaine asked.

"Know her, I'm dating her. She told me about the "on the break" crap ,and Ross ended up having a one-night stand behind her back with a hot girl from the copy place. George snickering and then says "What a jerk."

"George, Rachel is the one who wanted the break up, not Ross. He thought their relationship was over I mean when someone wants a break from the other person, that means the relationship is done," Elaine explained.

"Oh please I'm not buying that. Jerry tell her that's ridiculous."

"I think Elaine is right. If someone wants a break from you, that officially means the relationship is a done deal. Besides, it sounds like Ross was drunk when he had the one-night stand, its not like he wanted to purposely do it behind Rachel's back."

"Cheating is cheating, regardless if the person did it on purpose or not," George said.

"I think you're just saying that to be on Rachel's good side," Jerry being suspicious.

"What does she see in you anyway?" Elaine wondering.

"She said I remind her of Ross since we're both neurotic and whiny," George replied.

"Yeah that sounds about right," Jerry said.

Kramer walks in and sits next to Jerry at the table.

"Hey," Kramer said.

"Where have you been? We haven't seen you in days," Jerry said.

"I've been spending time with Phoebe," Kramer replied.

"Who's Phoebe?" Elaine asked.

"His lady friend," George answered.

"She's more than a lady friend, she's my lover. She's an awesome guitar player and she's one heck of a tickler. We have been spending the most time back at my place making all kinds of L-O-V-E," Kramer said.

Later that night, someone knocks on Monica's apartment door three times. Monica goes to the door to see who it is. Jerry is at the door.

"Hey Jerry," Monica happy to see him.

"We need to talk," Jerry replied.

Monica could tell something was wrong. "Sure, come on in."

"Is everything alright?" she asked.

"Monica, I am madly in love with you and dating you has been great-," Monica cuts off Jerry.

"Let me guess, you're breaking up with me."

"I'm sorry, but I'm just like Richard. I don't want to have kids, so I thought it was best to come to your place and tell you in person."

Monica looking sad and disappointed. "I appreciate you for that. I wish there was another way for this to work out."

"Can we still be friends?" Jerry smiles.

Monica smiles back. "I would like that."

"If you want to see my stand-up, I'll" get you free tickets."

"Really? You would do that for me?"

"Of course."

Monica continues to smile while glazing into Jerry's eyes. She thought it was thoughtful of Jerry to get her free tickets to his stand-up.

"Oh what the hell," Monica said. She then leans in giving Jerry a passionate kiss.

"Could we be friends with benefits?" Jerry smiles.

Monica giggles. "Maybe," she replied. Monica and Jerry kiss again.

Moving on to the next scene, a month later, George and Jerry are talking at Jerry's apartment.

"So how ya holding up since your breakup with Monica?" George wondered.

"I think I'll" be fine. We're still friends and I would make sure to get her free tickets to my stand-up. I also asked her if we could be friends with benefits?"

"Why did she say?" George asked.

"She gave me a maybe," Jerry replied.

"Jerry, you sly devil you," George said.

Elaine comes in the apartment.

"Hey," Elaine said.

"Hey," both Jerry and George replied.

"What are you guys up to?" Elaine wondered.

"Jerry was just telling me that him and Monica maybe friends with benefits," George replied.

"I thought you said she wanted kids?" Elaine asked Jerry.

"She does, but if were friends with benefits, she'll" possibly get it out of her system and then move on to a man who want kids just like her," Jerry having it all figured out.

Kramer and Phoebe are walking into the apartment while holding hands.

"Hey guys," Kramer said.

"Hey Kramer," George, Elaine, and Jerry all replied.

"Usually I would slide right into this apartment, but not when I'm holding hands with a lovely lady by my side," Kramer said. Phoebe is flattered.

"Elaine, this is Phoebe," Kramer said.

They both exchange a handshake. "Nice to meet you Elaine. You are beautiful by the way," Phoebe said.

"Oh well thank you, so are you," Elaine replied.

"Jerry and George, you guys obviously know Phoebe," Kramer said.

"I wish I didn't know her," George replied.

"Are you still upset about me saying you would be the perfect elf for Christmas?" Phoebe asked.

Elaine couldn't help but laugh.

Phoebe is walking towards George with her arms out. "Come here, come here and get your big boy hug from Phoebe."

George is backing away from her. "What are you doing?" he asked.

"Auntie Phoebe is going to give you a hug," she replied.

"Get away from me. Keep your hug, I don't want your stinkin' hug!" George yelled.

Phoebe gives George a big hug and picks him up. After that, she goes back and stands next to Kramer. Kramer has something to share with the gang.

"Well I have an announcement to make. Me and Phoebe..."

Kramer and Phoebe both say it at the same time. "We're getting married!"

George, Elaine, and Jerry are all shocked.

"You two are getting married?!" George yelled.

"Don't you think you're moving too fast I mean the both of you have been dating for a month now," Jerry said.

"We know were rushing into this, but we are madly head over heels for each other," Kramer said.

"Yeah, Kramer is my soulmate," Phoebe replied. "Check out this wedding ring, isn't it bad ass? I can't wait to become Mrs. Phoebe Buffay Kramer... "It has a nice ring to it! Get it, Phoebe Buffay Kramer and I'm wearing an actual wedding ring."

Jerry, George, Elaine, and Kramer all laugh as they get the joke.

"So since you two are getting married, does that mean you're going to move in with Phoebe?" Jerry asked Kramer.

"Actually I asked Phoebe to move in with me. No worries Jerry, your buddy is not going anywhere!"

"Oh I am so happy," Jerry being sarcastic.

Newman runs into the apartment. He finally found Kramer. "Kramer there you are, where have you been? I haven't seen you in days."

"Sorry about that Newman. I've been hanging with this lady. Newman meet Phoebe, Phoebe this is Newman."

Newman took her hand, then leaned down to kiss it. "Enchanted to meet you madam."

"Getting kissed on my hand and being referred to as madam? I could get used to this," Phoebe said.

"Hey Newman I'm glad you're here. I just told the gang that me and Phoebe are getting married."

Newman is shocked and freaks out. "You're getting married? Oh no, Kramer you can't get married."

"Why not when I'm in love?"

"Because if you get married, it will be the end of our friendship."

"What are you talking about?"

"When two people get married, it means they'll" be spending the most time together, while their friends will be forgotten. Madam Phoebe I'm sorry, but I can't allow you to marry my friend! I WON'T ALLOW IT!"

"Hey! Hey! HEY! NEWMAN CALM DOWN!" Kramer then digs in his pants pocket and pulls out Drake's coffee cake.

"Newman! Look what I got! You want Drake's coffee cake! GO GET IT BOY!" Kramer runs to the door and opens it. He throws Drake's coffee cake out in the hallway and Newman runs after it. Kramer closes the door behind Newman.

"Sorry about that everyone, Newman isn't himself when he is hungry and freaks out. Drake's coffee cake always does the trick," Kramer said.

"I bet if you give him a Snickers, you'll" get the exact same results," Jerry replied.

To be continued.