Author's Note: Please keep in mind before reading this that I love Speed and Trixie together. I just felt like writing some angst. In the anime Speed often didn't hide his attraction to a pretty girl right in front of Trixie, and it drove me crazy even as a child. That's how I came up with this story. I absolutely love the 2008 Speed Racer Movie, and how it had Speed totally only into Trixie. This is my 4th SR fic here on this site and I hope you enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I do not claim to own Speed Racer or any of the characters.

"Misguided Emotions"

Chapter 1: Wanting Freedom Back

It was a cloudless Thursday, making it the perfect day to push the Mach 5 to its limit. After some very skillful driving, Speed brought the Mach 5 to a stop on the track. He jumped out looking very impressed at what he assumed he achieved. Sparky high fived him, confirming that the young racer had indeed accomplished his fastest time. "I knew it!" Speed yelled happily as he took his helmet off revealing his jet-black hair.

"Man!" Sparky shouted so proud of all their hard work. Tugging on the front of his red baseball cap, which covered his brown hair, he said with excitement, "I didn't know that you could get even better, Speed!"

"Thanks, Pal," Speed said smiling as he tossed his helmet into the Mach 5. He then patted the door of his famous car as if telling it what a good job it had done.

A minute later, the two young men finally calmed down and leaned their backs against the outside of the Mach 5; both knowing the Go Team was better than ever. Feeling the gentle breeze blowing on them, they could still hear a helicopter flying up above. At the same time they both looked up to see it making its rounds through the sky.

"When is she coming down?" Sparky asked watching the small plane circle.

As Speed folded his arms over his chest, his blue eyes squinted while watching Trixie fly her helicopter around in the clear, bright sky. He had to admit to himself that if Trixie could do in a car what she did in a plane, she'd be his toughest competitor. Shaking his head as if not having a clue of why she wasn't attempting to land, Speed unfolded his arms and pushed off the Mach 5. Leaning into the car, he then clicked the button on his radio and said, "Trixie. Why aren't you coming down?"

It was obvious that Trixie was in a very good mood as she responded, "Oh, Speed. You were wonderful! I'll be down in a minute. It's just so beautiful up here today. There's not a cloud in the sky."

Speed tried to answer her as he clicked the button of his radio once again; however, it wouldn't work, and he then realized that her button must have gotten stuck. Suddenly, he heard her start to hum a song, and soon she broke into the words not knowing that Speed and Sparky could hear her loud and clearly.

"Is she singing?" Sparky asked turning to look into the Mach 5 as if he could hear her better that way.

"Yes," Speed said not seeming too enthused as he tried clicking the button again and again before giving up.

"Wait!" Sparky screeched with his eyes wide as he stared at Speed. "You knew she could sing that well?" Between her singing and the driving Speed had just done, Sparky didn't know what to be more excited about.

"Yeah. I knew she could sing," Speed said as if it was no big deal as he pulled himself out of the car. "I've known for a long time now," he added as he lifted his wrist and glanced at his watch. It was around lunch time and he was hungry.

"Speed!" Sparky said grabbing him by his shoulders, "Trixie's got a serious talent!"

"I know."

"Shhh…I've got to hear her hit this high note that's coming up," Sparky said cutting Speed off.

Smiling, Speed watched the amazed expression on his friend's face as Trixie's voice easily hit the high note. Her voice wasn't just strong but very pretty as well.

Sparky shook his head yes in awe at the beautiful sound. "Speed. What I was trying to say is that she should be a professional singer!"

Throwing his head back as he laughed at Sparky, Speed said, "You know how much she loves flying and how involved with racing she is."

Releasing Speed's shoulders, Sparky looked up at the helicopter once again. "I know she loves flying, but I think she's involved with racing because of you."

"No. She's adventurous and loves it," Speed said not listening to Sparky as he listened to Trixie end her song.

Turning back to Speed, Sparky said with a grin on his face, "That was a serious love song, buddy. I think she was singing it for you."

The mechanic's words almost made Speed feel trapped as he looked back up at the helicopter. Images of pretty, friendly girls wanting to be with him flashed through his mind. Being serious with Trixie made getting to know other girls impossible. "Alright. She's getting ready to land," Speed said almost sounding aggravated.

Just after Trixie brought the helicopter down for a smooth landing, Sparky ran up to it with Speed following behind.

"Trixie!" Sparky shouted into the helicopter. "You really belted that song out!"

"What?" she asked surprised as she froze and looked at Sparky.

As Speed neared, he then leaned in towards her. "The button on your radio got stuck. We heard your singing," he said as he clicked on the button.

Embarrassed, Trixie blushed and said, "You both heard me?"

"Yeah, man!" Sparky said still overly happy. "It was awesome!"

"Uh…thanks," Trixie said smiling. "Did you like it too?" she asked her boyfriend; her expression hopeful.

Speed saw the inquisitive look in her eyes and then lifted his hand to push her short, brown hair behind her ear like he had done a hundred times before. He smiled and said, "You know I liked it. The song was a bit serious though."

"Oh, yes," she said rolling her eyes. "Lately you always turn off the love songs that come on the radio."

Not answering her, Speed took her hand and helped her out of the helicopter.

The three of them started to move towards the Mach 5 as Sparky continued on about what he had just discovered about Trixie. "Trixie," he said walking backwards in front of her. "You should try to make it as a singer."

"I don't think so," she said though flattered just before she giggled.

"Why not?" Sparky asked losing his smile. "You're a lot better than half of the people on the radio."

"Thanks, Sparky. But I only sing for fun," she said touched that her friend was so impressed. Speed had been excited the first time he heard her too, but racing always came first. Trixie didn't mind though because she never dreamed of being a professional singer. She didn't like being the center of attention, and she liked the adventure of being in races too much. Plus, to her there was nothing better than the feeling of flying, besides maybe singing in the sky.

"Shoot," Sparky said turning around as they got to the Mach 5. "I think it's time that you got discovered."

"Discovered?" Speed asked as if his mechanic was crazy. "Trixie doesn't have time for that. Do you, Trixie?" he asked opening the door of the Mach 5 for her.

"No. You keep me busy enough," she said winking at Speed as she got into the car.

Speed took that wink for granted as he jumped behind the wheel next to her.


That night Speed sat on the wicker swing in his backyard listening to the music playing over the little radio on the patio table. He turned his head to it when he heard a certain love song come on. It was the same song Trixie had sung that day in her helicopter. Smiling, he realized that Sparky was right about Trixie singing better than some of the people on the radio because her voice was way better than the person singing now.

Speed listened intently to the words of the song. They were serious and expressed how much love someone felt for someone else. Love was something he felt for Trixie, but now he had to wonder if it was more like how a friend loved a friend. He knew that she loved him and sometimes it astounded him because he never knew that someone could love someone else that much. It was as if he could do no wrong in her eyes.

After thinking hard about their relationship, he began to think that they were moving too fast. Though she had never let him down in the past, he wondered if she was really the one for him. It had been so long since he had given someone else a chance. What if he stayed with Trixie and missed the person he was supposed to be with? Almost every time he helped Inspector Detector a girl would be involved in the case; wanting to date him. However, he couldn't because of Trixie. Maybe it was time that he did something about that. Twenty suddenly seemed way too young not to experiment with other people.

"I have to change things," Speed said so sure he was right as he stood up from the swing. He walked over to the radio and turned the song off; not wanting to hear the serious words of it anymore. "I know what I'll do," he said snapping his fingers as he thought it out loud. "I'm going to tell Trixie that we have to slow down because I want to see other people." Speed then paced back in forth for a few seconds thinking, Why wouldn't she be happy with that? We'd both have our freedom back, we could still be friends, and she could still help me with my racing.


Friday at the track Trixie caught Speed watching her more than a few times. She didn't say anything to him even though she was secretly flattered. When he had told her they needed to talk, her heart skipped a beat because something in his eyes had said it was very serious. Letting her mind run wild, she wondered if he was going to pop the question. After all, they had been going out for a long time now and they got along so well. A dreamy smile appeared on her face when she thought about how absolutely perfect they were together. She couldn't help but think that maybe he planned on having their talk at a fancy restaurant or during a walk along the beach. Oh, I love him so much, she thought happily; seeing his sky, blue eyes in her mind clearly.

"Trixie...Trixie," Speed said pulling her out of her thoughts; bringing her back to where they were both standing in the garage by the track.

"Oh, Speed," she said blushing as she smiled affectionately at him. "Did you decide where we'll have"

"What?" he asked looking confused. He then put his hands in his pockets and said, "Oh...uh...can I just talk to you here?"

Trixie looked around the garage knowing it was far from romantic, but if he couldn't wait to pop the question that sure was fine with her. "Oh, okay," she said seeing how nervous he was.

Letting out a deep breath, he then held his hand out to her. Smiling, Trixie took his hand and let him lead her into the very small office in the garage. Once in the paneled office, he released her hand and motioned for her to sit down on one of the chairs against the wall. As she sat down, he remained standing in front of her.

"I have something serious to say to you," he said as his eyes met hers. Looking at her sweet face, he almost chickened out.

"Yes?" Trixie said as her green eyes sparkled back at his.

Speed pulled his eyes away from hers as he cleared his throat. "This is gonna be harder than I thought," he said under his breath.

Trixie heard him and said in a soothing voice, "Just say it, Speed. I'm listening."

"Okay," Speed said looking at her once again. "You know we have been going out for a long time."

"Yes," she said smiling. Going out with him had been wonderful and his being cute was a plus.

"Trixie," he said turning away from her as he began to pace. "Not to sound like a jerk, but I know you noticed that a few girls have been interested in me in the past."

Remaining calm, Trixie shook her head yes. She had felt like strangling those girls at those times, but at the end of the day, Speed always ended up with her.

"I just want you to know that I've never seen any of them behind your back," he said as if he had been tempted.

Happily, Trixie thought to herself, I'm so glad you're happy with me, Speed. She knew he knew the fun they had had together, and reading each other's minds had been easy for each of them, too. Just a simple smile or touch said so much. They really were ideal together.

Speed stopped pacing and then sat down in the chair next to her. Nervously he pulled off his yellow gloves and his eyes began to examine them.

"Speed," Trixie said softly. "If you have something to say to me, just say it."

"Okay," he said lifting his eyes to hers as he shoved the gloves into the back pocket of his pants. After waiting a few seconds, he finally opened his mouth and said, "I...I think we should each start seeing other people."

The office became completely silent as they each practically stopped breathing. "What?" Trixie whispered feeling her heart drop as she told her self that she had to have misunderstood him.

Speed let out a breath as he stood up in front of her one again. "I really think we need to take a break from each other and see what it's like seeing other people."

Trixie hoped she was dreaming, but crushed, she knew she was wide-awake. Feeling tears start to flood her eyes, she mumbled, "I guess I can't always read your mind after all."

Speed hadn't understood what she said as he watched her turn her face away from his. Kneeling down in front of her, he gently turned her face back to his with his hand on her cheek. "Trixie," he said gently, seeing her teary eyes. "We're just too young to be tied down to each other."

Trixie knew he was making an excuse. "What have I done wrong?" she whispered sadly.

Speed watched the tears roll out of her eyes and remembered why he had dreaded this conversation. Moving closer to her, he hugged her. Holding her close, he whispered, "You have done absolutely nothing wrong. You have been a wonderful girlfriend."

Her arms didn't wrap around him as he held her trying to console her because she felt as if she couldn't move. It was almost like she couldn't breathe as she realized that everything she had ever dreamt of having with him wasn't possible anymore.

Releasing her, Speed looked at her to see that she looked as white as a ghost. "Trixie. Are you okay?" Tears were streaming down her face but she wasn't crying out loud. "Answer me, honey," he asked gently pushing her hair behind her ears.

The young girl was very surprised that he would still call her honey. Her eyes met his and she asked, "Are you already seeing someone else?"

"No. I promise," Speed said truthfully as he stared into her eyes.

Her heart sank as she wondered if it had been very hard for him to be faithful to her. How long had he been tired of being stuck with her? Wishing she could die, she turned away from him. Then suddenly, even though her brain felt like it had stopped functioning correctly, she thought she'd use reverse physiology on him. Clearing her throat, she said, "So if you see other people...then I guess you know I will too." She had no desire at all to see anyone else, but she hoped it might make him change his mind about wanting to see other people. Wouldn't the thought of her with someone else drive him crazy?

He stood again and looked at her before answering her. "I know. I want you to see other people," he said with a positive attitude; not wanting to hold her back.

Trixie stared up at him feeling even worse than before. He wasn't jealous at all of the thought of her with someone else. It was obvious that he had made up his mind to free himself of her and she felt as if she was slowly going out of her mind as she tried to imagine not being his girlfriend.

To Speed she looked to be in a daze and because she didn't answer, he asked, "Trixie. Are you okay?"

Trixie looked at him with a stupefied look on her face. Am I okay! she thought hurting so much. Don't you know you're my world! She had shaped her whole existence around him. Looking down at the floor because she didn't want him to see her lips quivering, she said, "I just didn't expect this at all."

Feeling horrible about his decision, Speed kept telling him self that he couldn't change his mind because he'd regret it if he didn't give him self a chance with someone else no matter how dejected Trixie looked now. "Trixie." he said not moving, "I want us to remain friends."

She had never imagined that she'd be getting the we can still be friends line from him. Devastated, she slowly lifted from the chair to stand up. She had to get out of there before she got down on her knees and begged him not to break up with her.

Speed noticed that she looked sick as one of her hands held her stomach. "Maybe you should sit back down," he said concerned; moving towards her.

"No," she whispered not looking at him. "I just need some fresh air."

Walking out of the office, Trixie headed to her helicopter feeling like she could collapse. She had never experienced this type of unbearable pain before. It was a let down she never expected at all. A minute later, she was sitting in the helicopter not even remembering getting into it. Putting her face in her hands, she began to cry brokenheartedly; making her body shake. All she could wonder was why Speed didn't want her anymore since she had loved him like he was the last man on earth. Doesn't everything we've been through mean anything to him? she thought in pain. Losing him now felt like she was losing everything. Evidentially, him losing her left him feeling like he wasn't losing much.

Still in the garage, Speed stared outside as he ran his hands through his hair. It had broken his heart to see Trixie so upset but he had been determined to break it off with her. Still, he thought she didn't deserve to feel as miserable as she looked.

Walking over to the garage door, Speed stared out at her helicopter knowing she was in it since he had heard its door close. Because the sun was shining directly on the window of the helicopter, he couldn't see her in it. He hoped she wasn't going to fly as he remembered how despondent she had looked when she left the office. "She's tough. She'll be alright," he whispered trying to convince himself that he shouldn't feel as badly as he did.

Please don't hunt me down and kill me for this, (lol) but even as a child I found that Speed fell all over pretty girls right in front of Trixie and it drove me crazy. When I wrote this I guess you could say I was thinking of the saying, 'You never know what you've got till it's gone.'

Thanks for reading, Jen