A/N: Thanks to some helpful advice from a reviewer, TakingN0tes, I am completely revising this story. I hope the revisions will improve the story, making it easier to read and more interesting.

*A New Dawn*

All Akiseta wanted was a life of relative peace. Ever since she came to Skyrim, strife had been a constant companion to her. She fought hard to earn the peace she wanted, though her reach as Dragonborn had limits. The war continued, but less viciously then it had been before, and Whiterun was safe from the conflicts. Akiseta had made sure of that.

And Alduin was no more. With the help of long-dead heroes of old, she defeated The World-Eater in a decisive battle in Sovngarde. After his demise, many dragons agreed to listen to her wishes, and follow Paarthurnax and the Way of the Voice. This put an end to the Dragon Crisis, and Akiseta was happy to pursue a calm life: exploring when she felt the need to get out of the city, with little to trouble her but bandits and dangerous animals.

Until vampires attacked Whiterun. In broad daylight.

The attack had been so unexpected. The day had been like any other day. Sunny, fair weather, and just a slight nip in the air. After spending some time with Lucia at the park, she decided to go pay Adrianne a visit while Lucia played with friends. As she had neared her home, she heard screaming.

A small group of four vampires had entered the city, three engaging the guards by the gate, and one cornering Adrianne by her forge. A decent smith she may have been, but no match for a vampire.

Armed with her Skyforge Steel dagger, kept at her side for emergencies, she called upon her Whirlwind Sprint shout to carry her over to the forge, and plunged the dagger into the vampire's throat. She then helped the guards dispatch the rest. After assuring that no one was badly hurt, Akiesta examined the scene with a guard while the other guard kept curious on-lookers at bay.

"First the war breaks out, then dragons return to Tamriel. Now vampires attacking in broad daylight! The world's gone mad." The guard said gruffly, shaking his head.

Akiseta looked down at the vampire corpses. She'd dealt with them before, in hidden areas in the wilderness, or sometimes fending off a roadside attack at night. But for them to attack a city, in broad daylight? It sent a cold shiver down her spine.

What if Lucia had gotten hurt? Akiseta couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to her little girl. She was Akiseta's pride and joy, the most important thing in her life. She wouldn't let anything happen to her little girl. She couldn't.

She examined the bodies again. She'd seen how vampires whom hadn't fed in some time looked. These vampires didn't look to be starved. So why attack the city? "This doesn't make any sense." She muttered.

"You know, I heard from some travelers that the Dawnguard is being reformed." The guard told her.

"The Dawnguard? What's that?"

"A group of vampire hunters or something, hold up in an old fort near Riften. Maybe they would know what brought this on." The guard suggested.

"Maybe." Akiseta agreed. If this Dawnguard didn't know why this happened, maybe they could help her find out. This attack was far too unsettling to be random.

Going to her house, she packed her backpack with everything she would need, then dressed herself in her armour. She had made it out of dragon scales, earned from besting several of them in battle. Her current blade was made of dragon bones, earned in the same manner.

She did it not as a symbol of pride, but to honor the dragons. Their misguided view had forced her hand to battle them. Argonian she was by birth, but she had a dragon's soul. They were kin.

As she readied to leave, she was approached by Lucia.

"Mama, are you going somewhere?"

"Yes I am, my little flower."

"Where are you going?"

"To try and figure out who was behind the attack at the gate."

"I don't understand why anyone would attack Whiterun."

"I don't either. That's why I'm going to figure it out."

"Promise you'll be careful?"

"I swear, I'll be careful."

Akiseta gave her daughter a strong hug. She hated leaving her, but she had to figure this out. She went to find Lydia at Jorrvaskr. Her housecarl was in the main hall, reading a book. She was also a couple months along in her pregnancy. Akiseta filled her in on the situation, and asked that her and Farkas keep an eye on Lucia while she was away.

"Please be careful, Akiseta." Lydia urged.

"I'll be the very soul of caution, my friend. I'll return as soon as I can." Akiseta assured her. She appreciated her friend's concerns.

Biding Lydia farewell, she approached the carriage driver near the stables. He greeted her with a smile.

"Ah, hello Akiseta. Where do you want to go today?"

"Riften. With haste."