This first chapter focuses on Lincoln and Lynn who are a year older. The same will go for the other sisters as well. Expect swearing, strong sexual situations, and all sorts of drama mixed together. I did this because I wanted to make the universe separate from whatever is showing on TV, social media, etc. That way, to me, the story feels more like my own in a way. As more chapters are added, I will incorporate the rest of the family, other side characters, and a few of my own creations depending on readers' reactions. Additionally, each chapter will be long and detailed because that is just how I write. Hope the experience is worth the time you put in to read it. Comments are always appreciated.

Dealing with Lynn

Lincoln enters his room, or linen closet if you prefer, looking tired and upset. He closes the door behind him without locking it; kick off his shoes, and jumps on his bed. Letting out a huge sigh, he then rubs his face with both hands for about a minute. Suddenly he stops and removes his hands but Lincoln's eyes remain closed.

Upon opening them, Lincoln looks up to the ceiling and lies down on the bed to do his famous fourth wall talk.

"Welcome to the Loud House" Lincoln says with exhaustion "where there is always a line for the bathroom, personal privacy is non-existent, and yours truly is always at the mercy of ten girls. Or should I say nine, after Lori moved out last year to go to college with Boo Boo Bear Santiago".

He stretches and yawns intensely before rolling onto his side and propping his head up with one arm. "That's right folks, the Queen of Mean is gone which was heaven at first, but now that Leni has taken over well… it is nearly lawless around here. The others have taken to doing whatever they want and Leni is too gullible to assert any control. Part of me actually misses Commander Bossy especially since…"

"Hey! WHERE IS THAT WHITE HAIR PUNK!?" an angry voice says while stomps can be heard outside the room.

Lincoln closes his eyes tightly and sits up saying "since Lynn has been on my back for the last three months". He opens his eyes and looks down to the floor. "To this day, I don't know what I did to get on her bad side and I have asked Luna and Luan for help but they refuse to get involved, typical! I think all this crap started on her 14th birthday or around then, or… I DON'T KNOW" he shouts while ruffling through his snow white hair.

Outside the room, Lynn marches to the top step and looks around. "Hey, Lincoln the Loser, where the heck are you!? Our little chat isn't over".

"Dang it if this is still over the laundry mishap from before I am going to just scream". After getting off his bed, a loud banging noise can be heard at the door.

"Open up, I know you're in there. Face me you little bastard. Oh and guess what? It's just you and me here since everyone else is at Lucy's poetry reading so don't expect a rescue" she taunts while repeatedly banging on the door.

"For the love of… IT'S OPEN you psycho bitch" Lincoln says making sure the last part is whispered.

Lynn proceeds to kick the door open, walks inside, and closes it back while still glaring at her brother.

Lincoln folds his arms and looks over his jock of a sister from head to toe. Part of him wants to remain mad at her for giving him so much grief but for some strange reason, Lincoln can't help but notice how sexy she has gotten. In no time at all, Lynn's breasts have gone from a flat pair of A cups to perky C cups not to mention her firm ass and toned legs. Sadly, Lincoln didn't realize he'd been staring at her tits for way too long which Lynn took notice of.

"Why you!" Lynn, being closer than before, punches Lincoln in his right shoulder hard which snaps him back to reality.

"Ow, god, what was that for!?" As Lincoln rubs his arm, Lynn's white sport shirt with a red number one on it sways a bit as she gets ready to hit him again. Her red basketball shorts fitting closely on Lynn's lower body.

"Don't try to act like I didn't see you eye bangin' my boobs you little perv. Christ I never knew I was related to such a freak" said Lynn as she continues to frown at Lincoln.

As he stops rubbing his shoulder, Lincoln stands straight and makes eye contact with his big sister saying "Lynn can we please just end this? I had a rough day at school and I got this test on…" Lincoln is cut off by Lynn making a stopping motion with her right hand.

"Yeah I'm going to stop you right there whip cream. I don't care at all about whatever you got going on and frankly, I am rather disappointed you think that your superior, i.e. me, would let you off the hook that easily" Lynn says as she lowers her hand.

Feeling more annoyance wash over him, Lincoln takes a deep breath and attempts a final plea to patch things up with Lynn. "Oh come on haven't I suffered enough?! Between the daily abuse you've been putting me through and ruining my birthday last month, what do I have to do for you to stop!?"

Lynn takes a step closer to him, their eyes… and lips just inches away from one another, her gaze more piercing than icy wind. Lincoln's eyes widen a bit while he attempts to shallow the lump in his throat.

He watches as the jock's firm yet soft lips open up. "Apologize and mean it. You do that, plus give me fifty dollars, and we are squared" Lynn says with a devilish grin.

Completely dumbfounded by her words, Lincoln takes two steps back and responds, "Why, what, uhhh, fifty dollars?!" His shock face then turns completely angry and he clenches both fists.

"No… this is taking things too far and you are being so cruel right now. I know what this is all about so…" Lincoln takes a deep breath and relaxes himself. Taking a step forward he says, "you win, let's chat about what you think I did".

Lynn raises her eyebrows and places her hands behind her head causing her chest to push out a little. "So you are still running with that defense after all this time huh?" She chuckles slightly "weak sauce bro, weak sauce".

Lincoln rolls his eyes and shakes his head a bit. "It is not a defense, it is the truth and it really hurts that you think I would do something so messed up".

"Lincoln I saw you and further more, you are a guy. Add that in with the fact that you are already a total creep shows that you sniffing my panties would eventually happen" Lynn says while folding her arms and looking cocky as hell.

Making a ticked off beyond all measure face, Lincoln replies "Lynn, IT WAS LAUNDRY DAY and I was doing the laundry of nine different girls. I mean for the love of Ace Savvy, three of them are close to being adults! How was I supposed to know that "those" undies were yours?"

Still not believing her little brother, Lynn expresses it by shaking her head and throwing her arms to the side. "Will you just admit what you did already? I promise I won't beat the crap out of you again or… tell our parents".

"Tell them what?! I didn't do anything wrong and I wasn't smelling them, I mean you know me better than that so please just let it go" Lincoln begs while considering to get on both of his knees.

Her impatience growing, "Alright I've had enough of your lies loser, I think I'll tell mom anyway, especially since you snitched on me about the birthday cake".

"Why wouldn't I say something? Who the hell puts laxatives in a chocolate cake?! I was stuck on the toilet the whole day; Luan kept telling me bathroom jokes! If I didn't find the bottle under your pillow then it'd still be a mystery to this day" Lincoln says as another arm punch is delivered to him. "Ow, quit it already".

"Um let me think about it should I or shouldn't I, hmm… NOPE" Lynn yells making Lincoln fall on his butt. "Do you have any idea how much damage was done to my reputation when I missed my hockey team's championship game?! Gah, what am I saying of course you don't or you don't give two shits because if you did, then you would have came to me like a man rather than run to mommy… like the CRYBABY you truly are!" she yells making Lincoln confused.

While still on the ground, Lincoln tries to understand what Lynn just told him. "Ughhhh, say what? Hockey championship? What does that have to do with me? You were cut from the match; I mean our sisters told me everything".

"You really are a fool, no dumbass… CUT from my team, oh yeah that makes loads of sense keep the best player from the most important showdown. They lied to you super tool, your snitching ass is the reason I was home that day" she says while flashing him a menacing glare.

A look of shear grief falls on our twelve year old boy as the truth of what Lynn says begins to set it. There was something in her fiery stare that made him realize that what he knew before was a lie. All he could do was sit where he was and pulls his legs in closer.

Lynn turns around and takes a few steps away from Lincoln, lifts her head in the air slightly, and does a half turn in his direction. "Well, at least you finally know the trouble you put me in and shrimp…" she turns towards him fully "I hope it really stings".

Snapping out of the grief Lincoln was thrown into, he stands to his feet. "Lynn… I, I didn't know that, ohhh I'm" as Lincoln tries to get the words out, the sound of his bedroom door closing causes him to look up and see he is by himself.

Several minutes pass as Lincoln paces the floor trying to figure out what he can do to fix all of this. The amount of guilt that was weighing down became too much causing him to beat his head with both hands. An idea forms and Lincoln states "PIE! One thing that Lynn can't resist is blueberry pie with strawberry whip cream on top and luckily, there is some left over in the kitchen. I was going to keep it for myself but forget it; I need to make it up to her".

Exiting the room, Lincoln makes his way to the stairs but pauses for a moment as he passes Lynn and Lucy's room. A faint groaning noise can be heard along with a few grunts through their door. Obviously it had to be Lynn since everyone else is gone. His mind quickly returned to his plan as Lincoln made his way down the stairs. In the fridge, he was able to find the pie behind various leftovers of his dad's cooking but the strawberry whip cream wasn't in the usual spot.

"Dang it, Lisa must of rearranged the places we keep all the dessert toppings. For a genius she sure does love to make things difficult for me". After five minutes of searching through the cabinets, the topping was found and added to the peace offering very carefully.

Lincoln races back upstairs eager to finally put this whole… misunderstanding behind him. However in his haste, our boy forgets a simple sign of courtesy that is usually shown before entering another person's bedroom, especially one belonging to a young woman: knocking.

As the door opens and makes very little noise, Lincoln attempts to speak but instead is found with his mouth open, eyes widen at the site of Lynn doing intense squat thrusts, completely topless. Her firm C 78 tits bouncing freely as she drops up and down. Since her hands were folded behind her head and her eyes were completely shut due to Lynn's need of focusing completely on her workouts, Lincoln could see everything: the freckles spread across the space between her neck and breasts, the beads of sweat running down her smooth skin, even the small patch of hair in her armpits were somehow attractive. Lincoln finds himself swelling with feelings unfamiliar to him, the young boy's mind races with thoughts about Lynn, they are… naughty, immoral to say the least.

Unfortunately time had moved forward while Lincoln's "private" viewing had reached its end as the final squat thrust was performed. Lynn stretched a bit, eyes still closed, and then bent down grabbing her towel off the ground to wipe off the sweat. As she cleans off her neck very slowly, Lincoln blinks finally and realizes just how dead he was. In a desperate attempt to leave the room undetected, Lincoln takes a back step making a small squeak somehow and Lynn's eyes open as the towel rests on her sweaty body.

Both of them couldn't move, Lynn because of the shock of being stared at by her little brother and Lincoln because of the terror filling up inside him. The same fire that had erupted in her eyes the day all of this started could be seen again. In a calm but stern voice, Lynn breaks the silence and says "Lincoln, I am going to give you two choices, either you turn your back to me in the next three seconds or I gouge your eyes out one by one". She moves the towel to her side and stands ready to cause severe damage.

Moving with such speed that would make the Flash look incredibly slow, Lincoln does a 180 with his hand trembling like an earthquake almost causing the pie to fall. Lynn then proceeds to cover herself but instead of just putting her t-shirt back on, she turns her towel into a makeshift bra which just made her look more sexy than before.

Instead of blowing up at Lincoln as she normally would, Lynn notices how scared he is already and chooses to remain calm. She finishes up covering and speaks, "okay limp dick, turn around and explain why you were peeping on me without even trying to hide properly" Lynn says with her hands on her hips.

Lincoln turning around slowly tries to explain his reasons for just entering Lynn's room like a thief in the night. All our guy could manage to do is stick his arm out with the pie on the plate and say, "I… brought you the last piece of blueberry pie and even put some toppings on it. I know it is your favorite so can we call a truce and just go back to the way we were? Please Lynn…" Lincoln closes the door behind him to show that he is determined to resolve the problem at all cost.

Lynn sees the treat and notices just how hard her brother is trying to make amends. She actually flashes a small smile and relaxes her arms as she walks over to him. Lynn's eyes fall on the food and for once Lincoln feels a sense of calm for the first time since the incident on laundry day. As a smile begins to form on his face, it quickly disappears when the jock smacks the plate out of his hand. With the tasty treat slowly staining the carpet and Lynn's fake smile becoming a look of disdain, Lincoln lowers his arm but his temper rises.

He responds to her rejection, "So, that's a no to the pie?! You could of just said so, I mean knocking the plate out of my hands seems a bit dramatic don't you think?!"

Lynn scoffs "True, but I needed you to realize just how stupid you truly are to think that a sugary bribe could make up for all the trouble you've caused me. Oh and the illegal viewing of my tits just added to the punishment I plan to give you later snow white".

"Well excuse me for trying to make up with you. This… this whole thing is crazy. What is it going to take to put us back to the way we were?" Lincoln feels some tears starting to form in his eyes. "I know you and I aren't that close and all but I… I… miss the old you, the girl who use to look after me when the other kids at school picked on me. The one who only teased me occasionally but still was someone I could depend on to a fault. WHAT HAPPENED TO HER, HUH?" He shouts as his face turns red and snorts his nose a little to keep from looking like a distraught toddler.

Lynn pauses for a moment, takes a long blink, knocks her head around a bit, and licks her lips. "That girl is standing right in front of you Lincoln. She is just waiting for you to take some responsibility…" Lynn throws her hand on Lincoln's shoulder and squeezes it tightly "for sniffing… my… panties!" without any thought he knocks her arm away and clenches his teeth in frustration.

"Lynn I am going to say this for the very last time, I wasn't sniffing them…"

"Then why were they so close to your face? It isn't like you haven't seen a pair before. You live with nine girls pervert".

"Stop calling me that and the reason was due to my misplace curiosity. By that I mean I wanted to know who they belonged too. I've seen many different kinds over the years but never a pair that looked all skimpy, bright purple in color, and has a red heart on the front plus the back".

"Why exactly was it such a mystery?" Lynn pushing for a straight answer while at the same time she starts to come to terms with the mistakes she has made. "My name was on them in red ink!"

Lincoln responds to that statement with much enthusiasm since now he finds an opportunity to finally get back on Lynn's good side. "You… you see!? That's the thing; the name on the back was so small in print that I couldn't read it. So I moved it closer to my face to see better. Not that is matters but I thought those undies belonged to Leni or maybe Luna, heck Luan was even on my list. The word stun doesn't do the state of mind that I was in any justice after seeing your name. Then, you came in and well… you know the rest" Lincoln says with great sadness.

Lynn's eyes widen as she realizes that this entire situation was made up due to an overreaction on her part. She had blamed Lincoln for nothing, tormented him over something she imagined, and caused her own unhappiness.

Backing away from him, she walks over to her bed and sits down, tears begin streaming down her face.

A mixture of relief and grief swirled within Lincoln as he stood there watching his big sister doing something he'd never seen before. In his mind, Lynn had always been one of the toughest people he knew. Well all of his sisters were tough in their own way, the jock however was not the type to shed tears. Even when Lynn broke her arm in three different places last year, not once did she cry. Lincoln is now seeing Lynn's rare, vulnerable side and for some reason he felt a strange attraction to her. Thoughts began to fill his head but he of course couldn't act on any of them, those things should never be done by siblings Lincoln thought. His train of thought was interrupted by Lynn saying "What are you still doing here punch bag?! Get out, leave me alone!"

Lincoln knew leaving Lynn like this would come back to haunt him so he stood his ground, walked over to the bed, and sat down next to her, closely.

Lincoln turns to her as she still cries in silence, Lynn's towel bra slightly coming loose. Ignoring the desire to touch her smooth skin, he instead tries to break the silence.

"So…" Lincoln attempting to cheer her up, "penny for your thoughts?"

Lynn turns to the right to meet his gaze, eyes still watery "What… what are you doing?"

"Trying to cheer up my sis. Is it working?"

"No… well kinda… I mean, why are you being nice to me? I've treated you so badly and for what, something I tricked myself into believing. I'm such an idiot" Lynn says while turning away.

"You aren't an idiot, you just made a mistake, sure it put me in your crosshairs for over five months, but… well at least you and I are okay".

Turning her head slightly back but not looking at him, she wipes some of her tears "Okay? How could you actually say that? Everything that I've done to you and all the stuff I did. Lincoln I almost knocked out all your teeth that day…"

"We don't need to talk about that, my jaw still stings a bit when I think about it. Guess that's what I get for being curious" he says chuckling a bit.

"This isn't funny Lincoln, I really messed you up, gave you a nosebleed, god it took five of our sisters to pull me off you!" she said while looking at him with sad eyes. This made Lincoln want to hold her and let her know that everything was alright but something told him that words would not be enough.

Taking a deep breath, Lincoln realizes a compromise needs to be made, "How's this, I'll forgive you of everything you did to me…" he looks deeply into her eyes and smiles "if you forgive me for telling on you. I know that your teammates have been on your back, calling you names, picking fights". Lynn's eyes widen for a second but then return to normal as she wipes the rest of her tears away.

"So you know about all of that… for some reason I'm not surprised. Who told you?"

"Their younger siblings, some of them are in my class and they kept talking about how they would make their Ace pay. Didn't take me long to figure out it was you who they were talking about. Plus I noticed how pissed you were coming home each day, not to mention the scars on your sides… and knuckles".

"They're not that bad but don't tell the others or Mom and Dad, it won't help. Please, do that for me?"

"I won't say anything" finally the air has been cleared between the two Louds but yet there hearts still felt unsatisfied. Lincoln could feel this especially as Lynn looked more and more appealing now that she is calm. Those thoughts began to fill Lincoln's mind which caused him to actually blush. Lynn of course noticed and looked away while Lincoln came back to his senses, even though it was too late. Feeling the atmosphere getting heated, Lincoln tries to make a subtle escape before "things" happen.

"Um, okay! So now that we are back to being close, I'll give you your space and clean up the pie. You're okay right? Right so let me just…" as Lincoln begins to get off the bed, Lynn grabs his left wrist while looking down at her lap. This makes Lincoln worry but also very eager. He looks back to Lynn while halfway stood up "uh Lynn… you kinda got me held here, pretty tight actually. Could you ease up a bit? Lynn?"

The jock found herself taking a few deep breaths and rubbed a few of her fingers on his wrist. "Now, you aren't going to just up and leave me alone, not like this right?" Lynn's head rises to show her face bright red, her eyes filled with a longing that could pierce any heart. Lincoln saw this and could not bring himself to try and pull away. He sat back down on the bed, with Lynn's hand on top of his.

"Tell me Lincoln, why were you so shocked when you saw my name on the panties?"

He thought of asking her why she brought up all of that again but figured he should just answer honestly. "Easy, you hate girl stuff, whether it's clothes, makeup or music. Never thought you'd pick out something so…what's the word, exotic?" Lincoln said with a scoff.

"Well Mom picked it out for me and gave it to me as a secret birthday present. I kept it from the others so they wouldn't make such a big deal about some clothing and I did wear it a few times on these dates I had. Long story short, the guys didn't think I was girly enough" Lynn said in a sad voice. "But it's whatever, now I think it was for the best that I got rejected" she says as her thumb works its way across the top of Lincoln's hand.

"Um, I guess so. I'm sure the right guy is just around the corner, heh" Lincoln gulps a little as his heart races. Lynn stops rubbing his hand but doesn't remove it.

"Lincoln, I… I think that guy may be in this room" Lynn slides closer to him, and her eyes turn lustful. "Since we've been talking about my underwear, you wanna see'em?" Lincoln began blinking rather rapidly as the bold statements made by his big sister were absorbed. He had no clue what to do but given the obvious circumstances, Lincoln tried to calm down the heated moment, even though Ms. Athletic would not be denied.

"Okay… I think we may be getting into a weird… situation here so let's just…" Lincoln is left silenced as Lynn presses her forehead against his own; her left hand now on Lincoln's left thigh.

"Will you just stop already? I know you want me and I want you so why try to ignore what is happening here?"

"Because we are brother and sister! I admit I've thought some stuff about you but we can't, we shouldn't… what…what if this turns into a massive mistake?" He says with his eyes half close, his left hand moving to Lynn's left hip while his right hand grips the sheets of the bed.

"Hmm, then you can blame me for everything and I promise to take responsibility if anybody finds out. And I mean anybody" Lynn pushes in a little further as her right hand rests on his lower back. "Kiss me"

So Lincoln closes his eyes and gives into the feeling within his heart and the one swelling in his pants. The kiss the two shared was… surprisingly sweet and the soft feel to Lynn's lips made Lincoln gush with pleasure. The subtle sounds of their lips dancing with one another aroused both of them but Lynn proceeded to take things farther by rubbing Lincoln's crotch.

Lincoln moans as the kiss is broken, temporary of course, while his breathing grows. In a seductive voice Lynn says, "Geez little bro, didn't take you very long to get into this, I bet your rock hard down here…" she starts rubbing faster as the texture from the jeans make him groan more.

"Well…. I can't help it, it feels really good" Lincoln eyes are still closed as he focuses on the pleasure. "How are you so good at this?"

Lynn smiles as she enjoys the compliments, "Don't worry about the how, just let big sis take care of you. I'm gonna unzip you, I need to feel "junior" in the palm of my hand, ok?" Lincoln eyes open and he looks at her, nodding his head as Lincoln's left hand starts to caress Lynn's left ass cheek.

She chuckles a little as Lynn frees Lincoln's cock from its prison "I have to say, I'm glad you stop resisting. I've been really stressed out lately and I can't think of a better way to shake it off. Above everything else, it's good to know that you're into me" Lynn pulls his dick out through the hole and begins running her thumb around the head. "Man junior here has sure grown up since last I saw him, oh and we got a… little leak here. Getting excited baby?" she says teasingly.

Lynn begins stroking Lincoln's hardened cock at a medium speed as she speaks into his ear "you know, if you want me to do something special for you or see something of mine, all you got to do is ask…"

Lincoln, still consumed by the pleasure, already knows what he wants from the jock. Gently squeezing her ass, Lincoln leans against Lynn's body saying "your… boobs… I want to see" Before Lynn can respond, Lincoln pulls her in for a deep kiss causing both to blush and the tomboy moans for the first time with great delight.

Upon separating, Lynn eyes glaze over and she releases "junior" to undue the towel around her chest. "Mmhmm, wish granted" it comes off and once again the lovely C cups are here for Linc's viewing pleasure. "Well, what do you think?" Lynn puts her arms behind her back so they can be seen clearly. "I know they aren't as big as Leni's but…" Lincoln interrupts.

"Lynn don't compare yourself to her or anybody, you are great just the way you are, and…" Lincoln licks his lips slightly and decides to grab both breasts "these boobs are too tasty already!" Lincoln finds himself groping her very hard due to them being so ridiculously soft and firm. His usual timid and evasive self had completely vanished and in place of it, a young man who just wanted to feel good.

Lynn moans softly as waves of pleasure echo through her body as the man with the plan continues rubbing her mounds of flesh. "Linc… you're… being kinda rough, and I love it!" She grabs back his dick with her left hand and rubs it more to try matching the satisfaction growing within her.

"Gaw, squeeze me harder Linc, harder! Rough just feels right for me, don't forget my nipples… I want to feel your tongue".

Responding to Lynn's needs, his mouth starts to suck on her pinkish nipples. Losing control, Lynn's moans grow very loud and Lincoln can feel her arms wrap around his head "yes… yes, yes right there, swirl that tongue. Ohhhhh you're making me so hot baby bro".

Lincoln didn't even care that what he was doing is immoral or the fact that he began seeing Lynn as more than a sister. Her bosom felt amazing, the taste, the firmness, even the unwashed smell coming from her armpits kept him aroused. Lincoln wanted to explore inside Lynn's shorts next but part of him was still a bit nervous. That feeling would soon be erased by Lynn wanting to "make up" for all the trouble she caused Lincoln.

Still breastfeeding, he moves both hands to Lynn's tight ass getting two full handfuls. The jock runs her tongue all over her mouth and decides it's time to put something into it.

"Hmmm, hey Linc…ugh…gaw your mouth feels good. Hold up a sec…" Lincoln hears her and pulls off her breasts, sitting back a little but still slightly dazed. Lynn stands up and moves in front of him while Lincoln sits fully erect. "I have to say you are getting me worked up so, how's about we take this… to a new level? I… got a bit of a surprise for you; pull off my shorts would you?"

Lincoln realized where this was leading to but honestly if he backed down now, Lynn would probably break all his bones, starting with the one between Lincoln's legs. Leaning forward, he undues the red strings and puts his thumbs inside the waistband, beginning to pull wondering what surprise the jock had for him. "Be sure to go slow, take in all that you see" she says while giggling a little.

Continuing to strip Lynn, he sees a familiar color of purple appearing which brought back bad memories. Lincoln paused as a feeling of worry replaces the sexual pleasure that filled his body. The temptation of giving up on what the two began started to grow but a sudden burst of energy pushed him to just pull the shorts down in one move. Lincoln sits back on the bed in deep thought, still fully erect and staring at the red heart design. He was young but our boy knew what was waiting behind the delicate fabric.

Sensing the mood has been slightly ruined, Lynn tries to remedy things "Ugh, look I know this… I mean the last time you saw these well, a conflict may have happened between us…"

Lincoln snaps out of his trance and gives Lynn the best "are you serious" look ever made. "You really didn't just say all of that. A conflict… may have…."

She pulls off the shorts from her ankles and tosses them to the side "alright what happened was horrible and I am so sorry which is why I'm going to make it up to you" Lynn moves closer to Lincoln, bends forward unbuckling his pants. He gulps as the fire in his crotch is ignited making Lynn wet her lips in eager anticipation. Lincoln's jeans are tugged off bit by bit and reveals he isn't even wearing underwear. Madam Jock throws the pants behind her and smirks while spreading his legs.

"No undies… looks like you were expecting this" Lynn gets to her knees and starts jacking him off again "you know for a 12 year old your sack is a pretty good size, like two golf balls. Little advice, stay hairless down here; let's girls know your open for business".

Panting hard and fast, Lincoln gets enveloped again in pleasure "gah, so what are you going to do now with me? Hmmm your hands feel so great". Whatever was going to happen next was completely welcomed by the man.

Both of their eyes met and Lynn gives a seductive look "what do you say about your big sis putting this meat stick in her mouth and giving…it…a nice…long…. lick?" Lynn runs her tongue around the edge of her mouth with her face meters away from Lincoln's swollen cock.

Without even a second thought he just nods with a bright red blush across his cheeks.

"Alright baby boy but just let me know when you feel the need to "erupt" if you catch my meaning. I want you to save your juices for the final play" Lynn puts her tender lips around the tip of his cock while licking it. She moves her head down slowly; savoring the natural flavors of her brother's unwashed manhood.

A new sensation is opened to Lincoln and while he watches the tough girl bobbing up and down. Lynn does not do anything to hide the slurping sounds coming from her mouth or running the tongue up and down the shaft. Lincoln's dick glistens from the amounts of saliva coating it along with his testicles warming from her surprisingly soft touch.

"Lynn…Lynn…. aww, you're really, really good at this, where'd you learn this stuff?" every moan in Lincoln's voice made the jock more and more aroused.

She takes a moment from her sucking to tease him, "stuff… let me instruct you on the proper words to say, what I am doing to you now" taking a quick lick up it "it's called a blowjob, understand? Blow…job… can you say that for me baby boy? Make sure to be loud too" Lynn returns to her work and pushes herself to deepthroat his bulging hard-on. The result is her hands moving onto Lincoln's thighs and Lynn's firm ass arching in the air.

"Aaaahhh… this…Lynn you're giving me… a bl…blow-…job…mmmhm… blowjob!" He shouts as the strength in his arms begin to fail causing Lincoln to lean back a bit still breathing heavily. The mixture of the sloshing noises with Lynn's groaning filled the room. The jock never lost the speed or stamina she had which was too be expected due to the usual amounts of energy Lynn always possessed.

The tingling sensation inside his dick now grew into an intense vibration. This could only mean one thing which made our boy gain some of his composure back. "Hey…I…Lynn, c-could slow up a bit, it….gaw… feels like something is coming. S-stop…aaahh" Noticing Lynn hasn't heard him, Lincoln gently grabs the top of her head to try and stop her motioning. Due to the porn she has been viewing in secret, Ms. Athlete took this motion as indignation to suck harder which she attempted. Lincoln had to pull on her hair to get her to release "junior".

Lynn pulls off him with a bit of saliva running down her chin, "nice work bro, I knew you would take control" she says with a smile as she stands to her feet.

"Wait, what?" Linc still panting a little as he sits up on the verge of exploding. "Are you telling me you ignored me when I said…" a confused look plastered on his face. "Why would you do that?"

"Well obviously I need you to become the right guy for me. See, you are a boy at least age wise but for me, a man, a real man, will only suffice. Lynn Loud will only accept the best quality of man, understand?"

Briefly pondering what Lynn told him, Lincoln connects the dots and takes off his shirt. "Yeah, I…hm, you don't want a guy who gets pushed around so easily but rather one that takes charge". Feeling a rush of courage, his eyes meet with hers "I think I know what you want to do next so, you ready for the final play?"

"Always and you get the honor of removing this infamous piece of clothing" Lynn snaps the sides playfully. "Think you can handle that stincoln?"

"Not that much different from pulling off your shorts and seriously, name calling? I thought we were pass that especially since we've been doing all this "hands-on" training".

"Just because you and I are into each other doesn't mean I'm going to go easy on you from now on. Besides, I know you love it when I tease you and so does "junior" since he keeps twitching" Lynn points to it in a cocky tone.

"Whatever jock strap, you can keep acting all high and mighty, but I can tell you want this as much as me. Maybe even a little more" Lincoln trying to match her wit.

"Well duh, how else am I going to make up for all the messed up stuff I've done to you? I mean I want to give my first time to you because…well… I love you Lincoln and my heart" she points to the heart design on the panties' front "belongs to you".

Hearing the sincerity in her voice, Lincoln grabs Lynn by her hips and pulls her closer. He takes hold of each side of the underwear and looks up at her "I love you too and I'm glad you aren't angry anymore". Lincoln smiles, pulls down the fabric, and the tomboy's snatch is finally revealed. With that simple act, all of the bad memories associated with those undies disappeared. The white haired kid stared at the small patch of brown hair which was right above what looked like puffy sideways lips. Lynn kicked away the underwear from around her feet while trying to act un-phased but was secretly embarrassed.

"So what is next sis?"

Lynn puts her hands on his shoulders and pushes him down gently on the bed. "Now you sit back and get ready for the ride of your life lil' bro" she stands over him positioning for the last round. "Remember, we aren't stopping til' I feel your white sauce. Be the man I know you are". Lynn squats down at a moderate speed and for a strange reason; their privates are a perfect fit for each other. But of course, every first penetration comes with some pain.

"Aaaahhh…ooohhh, that's, that is a new feeling…definitely worse then I broke my leg but I can manage, wooooo". Lynn's entire crotch erupted with the fury of a volcano while trying to hide the momentary discomfort from Lincoln.

"Lynn…the word tight doesn't begin to describe how it feels down there. Also, it feels like something is…running down my dick". Lynn already knew what that fluid was but she couldn't tell her boy toy what it actually is.

"Don't…worry about it, that stuff will make the humping go easier. I'm going to start now so get ready to make me sweat" Lynn adjusts her body from a squat position and rests her tits on Lincoln's hairless torso. Their faces nearly touching, the jock moves her well toned hips up and then back down, gradually working into a steady rhythm. "There we go, now we got something going, pain is gone and I'm feeling so…good. How about you Linc?"

Laying there as she grinds on him, a whole new world of possibilities has been opened to Lincoln once again. He doesn't know how to respond to these new feelings as his cock meshed in her pussy. Lynn's heavy breathing causes Lincoln to grab her ass and start thrusting upwards.

"Oooohhhh… I see you are finally…. aww… getting into it. Yeah just keep pumping me up…mhmm… don't stop". Lynn's voice, in those view moments, had become the softest it ever was or ever has been. Lincoln couldn't believe that this was Lynn Loud who was making these noises. He had always remembered how pushy, mean, and just plain aggressive she always was but now, the only thing Lincoln saw was a girl, a girl in need of his love.

"Lynn…I'm…I think junior needs to…unload. I can feel something coming out and…ngggh… it's hot". The final play was about to be made and Lynn was more than ready to receive his incoming delivery.

"Okay, that's great…shhgh…perfect because…I'm close too Linc…I just need you to say…you want to cum in my pussy. Say that for me baby boy". Both of them drenched in sweat at this point as their juices are about to be mixed together.

"I…I…want to cum in Lynn's pussy but won't…gah…that make you…pregnant" he says making her eyes widen since Lynn thought Lincoln didn't know about all of that.

"No, don't worry about it. Today I'm safe so just shoot your cum into me". She takes a brief break from grinding Lincoln and plants a sweet kiss. Looking lovingly in his eyes "you have my permission" and goes back to pounding his throbbing manhood.

Lincoln knew some things about sex but certain terms were still lost to him. For some reason when she said "safe", Lincoln believed Lynn was using a sport analogy so he just went along with it.

"Aaaagh….aaaahhh…almost there, mhmm, I'm almost…"

"Nnnngahh…me too Linc…together…I want us to cum together, don't care if there's a mess".

With that said, the jock and white top smash their bodies against one another using intense speed, the collective moaning could be heard from outside the house. Speaking in unison, "I'M CUMMING" following the release of enough sperm and love juice to fill a medium size cup. Lynn lies on top of Lincoln, panting heavily and sweating on him for at least a minute before pulling herself off. The sensation of the two siblings' privates disconnecting resembled that of pulling gooey taffy apart after it sat in the sun too long.

Lynn lies beside him and decides to scoop some of the jizz out of her pussy. The tomboy moves the small amount on her two fingers up to her nose, taking a whiff. "Whoa, smells like mayonnaise. I wonder how it tastes…" Lynn licks it up and immediately regrets that decision "eck, tastes like uncooked cookie dough or glue!"

Lincoln can't help but chuckle at Lynn and turns his head towards her "pretty sure since that came from my dick that means it probably isn't meant for snacking". Lincoln laughs more causing Lynn to pout and want to punch him in the arm. But that was the old Lynn and the new one didn't want to ruin the moment so she laughed along with him.

Turning on her side towards Lincoln, Lynn rests her hand on her brother's stomach, caressing it slowly. "Hey Linc, tell me how you know about pregnancy because I figured that 12 year old guys would only care about video games and movies".

"One word or, rather name: Lisa".

"LISA! I'm afraid to ask why our five year old little sister gave you the sex talk".

"Lynn, its Lisa; the same girl who constantly takes DNA samples from us without our permission oh and let's not forget about the tracking devices".

"So true, but how did you two end up discussing baby making?" Lynn propped herself up on one arm looking at him with curiosity; her hand still rubbing Lincoln's stomach.

"All I remember is Lisa coming into my room talking about how primates constantly desire to breed and before I know it, she's talking about a woman's sexual reproduction".

"That's, weird of course but as you said, it's Lisa. Anyways, um, this whole thing was nice, actually I'm glad we did this and hope this isn't just a one time thing. Unless that is what you want…" Lynn sounding rather nervous as she awaits Lincoln's response.

"Well it wouldn't be very manly of me to just end things like this now would it? But, does this mean you and I are a couple?"

"I…think so, just not a normal couple. But don't think about all the specifics now and just enjoy what we've created here". Lynn flashes a smile at her new boy toy, leaning in to kiss his cheek, then again, and again while her hand moves down to Lincoln's limp cock.

"Lynn cou-, Lynn come on don't…"

"Don't what? You know you love my kisses and besides…" she grabs his dick and starts rubbing "I'm still horny baby".

"How is that even poss-…" Lincoln is cut off due to Lynn kissing him on the mouth trying to get the guy excited but time was not on their side. Lincoln broke the kiss after hearing the horn from the family van. He sits up quickly and sees the time is 6pm on Lynn's football clock…and that she was still jacking him off. "For the love of-, Lynn STOP the family is back and we need to clean this place up!" Managing to free himself from her grasp, Lincoln hops off the bed and quickly scrambles for his pants.

Chuckling a little, Lynn throws him his shirt "don't worry, I'll handle it but you better hurry up. I can hear the twins fighting". Lincoln gets dressed and rushes for the door, half way through the exit Lynn calls to him "hey pervert, till next time".

He smiles back at her as the door closes, returning to his room just in time. Lynn drags the stained sheet off the bed and notices the pie still splattered on the carpet. "Uhghh Lucy is never going to get off my back about that. The amount of stress this will cause me…hmmmf guess I'll have to see my boyfriend in the morning about it" she says with a sly smile.