Darkness cascaded over the masterful feast, candles and blazing torches being snuffed out by a simple display of power. Vibrant green flames danced around the once Queen of the Moors, those who held a blade to her where forced aside. The vial woman, whose words were like iron on her fair skin, repeated over and over in her mind.

'Aurora will finally get the love of a real family.' Maleficent eyes glowed a more intense fierce green. 'Tonight, I consider Aurora my own.' The final sentence Queen Ingrith had dared mutter from her foul perfect mouth was the final straw. Maleficent was prepared to listen to no more. The servants cowered, as did the Queen behind her king. Maleficent would be lying if this sight did not please her. Then the world crumbled around her as the King with no warning collapsed, Maleficent having no hand in his sudden condition was as confused as everyone else. The look in Aurora's eyes spoke volumes, a sadness and disappointment she hadn't seen in a long time.

"What have you done?" The stern look of disapproval did not suit Aurora's face, in the darkness a green glow radiated on her face from the power that swirled around Maleficent.

"I've done nothing." Maleficent did not speak of her dismay with such an accusation, instead she watched as tears glided down the young girl's smooth face, her beauty compared to none so easily spoiled by emotion.

"Aurora, we go home now." Maleficent ordered, her voice echoing off the walls, only now the green magic that had enveloped her starting to settle. Her order was disregarded, seemingly betrayed Aurora turned away, believing her Godmother to be the cause of all this misfortune. She ran to the king's aid, kneeling beside her future husband Prince Phillip, face blemished with his own fear and concern. The magic within the air had now subsided, Maleficent could sense Diaval presence beside her as she watched her daughter look up at her in disgust.

"Wake him, wake him please." Aurora pleaded as the moon did its best to provide light into the now haunted hall. Maleficent had no time to ponder over what to do or even her own thoughts, guards approached from all sides, weapons at the ready. Maleficent was not there to fight and she could no longer bare to look upon Aroura, she rose her wings and let them carry her off the ground. At her will Diaval transformed back into a raven, having not forgotten who still stood at her side. His wings flapped more rapidly to keep himself air bound. With a great crash Maleficent burst through the stained-glass window into the open night, the moon was not veiled, the stars shone brightly down upon that bellow. Maleficent took in a deep breath, it was as if a great weight had been lifted and she could again breathe. Her wings effortlessly kept her in the sky, her loyal raven at her side managing to keep up. In that moment she wondered his true thoughts on the events that had just come to pass, did he too deem her to be a mistress of evil and if so, why did he still stand at her side? She stole herself from her thoughts, now being clear of the city, the Moors stretched out just beyond a river ahead of her. The cold waters bellow bellowed, the rapids ripping each other apart, the current strong. Maleficent could sense the trees before they had even reached them, prompting her to quicken her pace. A sudden cry of pain from her left brought her to a halt, her wings kept her place within the sky. Looking down she glimpsed Diaval plummeting towards the roaring river below. She dived without hesitation. Her wings tucked against her to become more streamline. Her eyes never left her friend as the raven edged closer, there was no fight from the bird he fell like a stone, letting the wind control his wings. The water loomed closer, Diaval not yet in her grasp panic threatened to take her. Seconds from impact Maleficent caught the raven. She clutched him to her chest and let her wings stretch out, but it was too late. She crashed into the unforgiving black water, her skin instantly attacked by the cold. The water tugged and pulled at her wings useless in the brutal rapids. She managed to breach the surface only able to take a desperate gasp before being forced back under, her wings dragging her down. Pain exploded in her head and the world went black, flashes of consciousness where unpleasant, her lungs begging to breathe. She felt herself falling, water all around her. Then there was silence. The cold water was now like a blanket, she lay unable to feel her limbs. Not even sure if she still held Diaval to her chest, prompting her to ease her eyes open. Maleficent spotted raven floating in the void beside her, unmoving, eyes closed. She reached out for him, the warmth surrounding them wanting her to do nothing more than close her tired eyes. She reached out seeing her hand in front of her for only a second before the world slipped away and darkness enveloped her.

Her mind was restless, the warmth that she had felt at peace within doing nothing for her thoughts. Distressing visuals plagued her. Aroura looked up at her tears welling within her innocent eyes, a range of emotions to notable. The girl then stepped back into the shadows, replaced by fearful eyes then surrounded Maleficent, faceless foes jabbing at her with blades of iron.

"Stay back!" She threatened feeling the power within her wanting to strike out. The ground beneath her fell away and she was falling, Diaval was falling, the raven at the mercy of elements. She was inches from reaching him when she was snatched back, back up into the sky. Having to watch her friend vanish under black water. Pulled back into a cage Maleficent was alone, she approached the bars the iron glowed red warning her back, her feet bare against the stone floor. She hissed in anger eyes darting around for an escape. Something was missing. Her hand reached up behind her, no feathers brushed under her finger tips, there was no weight on her back. Maleficent dropped to her knees, having had enough with this cruel trick of the mind.

"Tonight, I consider Aurora my own." The words rung clear around Maleficent's Iron prison. Then woman that had spoken them words herself appeared, her royal white gown making her a light in the darkness. The Queen raised an armed crossbow into focus, Maleficent stared at her fate. The trigger was pulled, no arrow flew from the crossbow. A burning within her hand made her look down, she dropped a small ball of iron to the ground, it rolled away from her heading back in the direction of the Queen. However, Maleficent raised her eyes to find the queen gone. Upon the floor where she stood instead lay the ridged corpse of a raven.

Maleficent's eyes snapped open, she sat up abruptly, a pounding in her head warning her to go easy. Her surroundings where unfamiliar making her unease. Smooth branches formed the circular room, each branch working in unison to remain intertwined. She found her hair now draped over he shoulders, and the embellishments of her dress removed. Most obviously she realised she was alone, Diaval not in sight. Maleficent forced herself to her feet, the room span slightly but she remained standing. She didn't need to look to know her wings sat proudly on her back, no matter what the horrific visions she had experienced told her.

"Steady." A stranger's voice spoke, she turned to find a man. This was no man she had seen before. Horns extended from his head, tattoos on his dark skin, amber eyes looked back at her. His large hefty wings rested on his back. Maleficent stood stunned wondering if she was still within her mind.

"You took quite a hit back there." The man smirked attempting to normalise the situation.

"your…" It was rare for Maleficent to be stuck for words, but here in this moment she was unable to form a sentence.

"Like you." He smiled back at her, his smile warm and genuine with no deceit in his eyes. Maleficent had so many questions, about anything and everything. Only one however was at the fore front of her concern.

"You found me?" She took a step towards the stranger with intent.

"Yes." He simply replied as if he knew what she was going to ask next, calmly waiting for her to do so.

"A raven, did you see a raven at my side." Her words where quick and distressed, she did not care to show weakness desperate for a response. The man broke eye contact, his black braided hair slipped over his shoulders having let his head tilt down. He dug his hand down into a small satchel, at this point she noticed his simple clothing, leather and fur crafted to form comfortable but non restricting clothing. The man brought his hand back out the bag, she could hear the sound of sizzling flesh before his hand was in view. Between his thumb and pointer finger sat a ball of iron, the metal burned red, the pain clearly not enough to bother the man. Again, Maleficent was stunned into silence, she recalled her friend falling, not knowing the cause. Here was her answer painfully staring back at her.

Authors Notes

Hope you all will enjoy this rewrite. Love to hear what you all thought of the film and what you wished happened. All i can say for now is more Diaval to come. See you soon.