His Corrupted Self Summary: When Spinel attacked his planet, she didn't bring just a rejuvenator but a corruptor as well. He knew she wanted vengeance against his mom. He didn't know she would slash him with the rejuvenator before ripping his gem free and slashing that with the corruptor. Steven is split in two and his gem half doesn't look right. For one, it's red and not pink. For two, it's gained sentience different from his human half. And not the good kind of sentience either. Now Steven is fully human and fighting not just against a rogue gem, but his corrupted self as well.

WARNINGS – Angst, mentions of future non-consensual sex, and Steven suffers as usual

His Corrupted Self Part 6

Fortunately, his dad left the gem-house. Unfortunately, the clicking of the door signaled he was left alone with the other. Nude. Well, except for the towel keeping him hidden. The diamond's words from earlier drifted back into focus. He planned to take his virginity. He and Connie had never… Though Red had promised to wait till their wedding night, here he was sitting practically naked next to him. It was unsettling.

Fear prickled along his skin. No. He couldn't think of that. He couldn't let his world crash and burn like that. He wouldn't! He'd fix everything before their wedding night. A palace couldn't be built overnight, no matter how fast the gems worked. There were only so many Little Homeworld gems, after all. A wedding couldn't be planned in a day, either. Red wouldn't touch him. He had time. Or at least he hoped.

But that wasn't the point. He shook his head. He needed to focus. His friends. The Crystal Gems. Amethyst and her cracked gem. The rejuvenator. He needed answers. But he had to ask carefully. Red was a minefield. Talking to him might end in an explosion.

"Unfortunately," Red presented a shirt from the pile atop the coffee table. "The organic has dreadful taste. A black shirt with a yellow star? Trash."

"I like stars. They're not trash!" He couldn't stop his dumb mouth. He winced and tried to amend. "What's wrong with stars?"

Red actually rolled his eyes and approached. "You'll like diamonds better. Speaking of which," he grabbed the towel, "we need to address your lack of etiquette."

He squawked. Etiquette? The other easily unraveled him from the protective covering. He squeaked, eager to protest but desperately trying to keep his mouth shut. Limbs were yanked up and the shirt stuffed on. Mild irritation flashed. He could dress himself! But then fingers lingered too long and fear snuffed the annoyance.

Timidly, he let the other manhandle him into pants. No underwear? Then he prompted as Red stood. "Etiquette?"

"Yes," As Red bent forwards to swoop him into a one-armed hold Steven caught sight of a wad of fabric on the coffee table. Boxers? Red seriously wasn't gonna let him wear anything beneath his pants? Red continued. "Your current manners are deplorable. You need to address me with my proper titles."


"Dove, you need to call me 'My Diamond' or 'His Radiance.' I'll even allow 'love,' just for you."

"But…" he trailed, blush working its way across his cheeks. "I'm not your servant…"

"And again with the lack of respect." Red hefted him higher and up onto his shoulder. Steven squeaked, rushing to steady himself. "We are not equals. I love you but, as a Diamond, I am superior." When he snorted, deeply insulted, Red added. "Can you summon a sword at will? No? Then I am the protector. I will protect you and keep you safe. You, meanwhile, will stay in the palace. You'll have things to do, don't worry."

Red droned on as he headed for the door, steadily stirring Steven's ire. "You'll be able to cook freely until I find suitable chefs. Can't risk anyone hurting you, especially through food. Perhaps I should have a designated taste tester…? Organics are awfully fragile. It'd be easy to hurt, let alone kill you."

"No one would hurt me!"

"You are my queen." Red deadpanned, opening the door. "Queens are reasonable targets in war. Terminate the queen and you incapacitate the king."

"War…?" Despite the other's snobbish tone, he couldn't help but feel dread.

"Yes, dove." They stepped into afternoon sunlight. "War is what happens when you begin a conquest. Humans are awfully stubborn. They won't accept my leadership so easily thus a war is necessary. Just need to clear a few thousand or two before they recognize my authority."

"But, Red–" The other shot him a glare. Steven backtracked. Right. He had to behave. "But, My Diamond, those are real people! With real lives! They do real things!"

"All the more reason to conquer them. They may prove useful. I'll start here and expand. The more land I take, the more quality gems I can make."

"But…" his stomach churned.

The diamond spoke lightly of wiping real, human lives. Sure, he had already shattered one gem. But that was a demonstration. And yeah, he had threatened to kill on multiple accounts, but… But he couldn't be serious! His gem couldn't be so ruthless. Because then that would mean this was only the beginning of what would be a downward spiral. Hundreds, if not thousands of lives would be lost. All because of him. All because of his gem half.

This is my fault. Realization clicked. If he had just–just–just what he didn't know. But if he had been more of something, then maybe all of this wouldn't have happened. Maybe if he had been more careful. Or if Spinel hadn't shown up. Or if his mom hadn't given Spinel a reason to show up. Just… he exhaled through his nose, slumping.

The diamond shifted the hold so he could lean his weight partially against the side of his horned head. "Dove?"

"It's nothing." He lied. "Just thinking."

"...Penny for your thoughts?"

"They're not interesting." He waved, dismissive. Red carried him down a seemingly random path.

"Share them anyway."

The tone lilted and he caught onto the implicit command. Share. "W-well… I'm just. Thinking."


"You won't like it."

Red hummed. "Manners."

"You won't like it, My Diamond."

"Tell me anyway."

"Well…" his cheeks puffed. They turned a corner. Sunlight streamed through the blue sky. They continued to walk until the sounds of crashes and the scent of smoke crept into awareness. The demolition. All his hard work building Little Homeworld tossed like trash. He sighed. "Well, I feel bad."



"Tell me more."

He bit his lip. Weight shifted up and down as the diamond walked. Steady and smooth, but still a bit rough. Various houses in states of disrepair passed them. Some had crumbling walls. Others were scattered with holes: the structures clearly picked apart for specific materials. Gems of various colors could be seen carrying various rocks and dirt, quietly avoiding looking at the two of them. A beat passed.

He whined. "Do I have to?"


"Fine." He huffed and gestured around them. "I don't like this. Any of this."

"Neither do I. That's why I'm rebuilding. We'll have a splendid palace. Oh, you should see the blueprints, love, they're exquisite. We'll have beautiful stained windows, painted murals, sculpted walls, and oh the engravings! Every knob will have my symbol. You'll be amazed."

He groaned. "That's not what I meant and you know it." The sparks in Red's eyes dimmed to a dull glare. They paused at a crossroad, Red giving a cursory glance over gems uprooting the terrain. Steven hastened to add. "My Diamond."

The stare softened as Red refocused on him. "I'm doing this for you."

"But I don't want any of this!" He couldn't help but burst. The working gems looked their way, wary, before Red shot them down with a glare. They returned to shoveling dirt or burning human decorations. "I don't want–"

"You deserve this." The diamond cut him off, fangs seeming to sharpen as he scowled. The small horns atop his hairline glittered as they grew a centimeter. "You know you need this. So let me do this for you."

"But I–"

"You must be hungry." Red asserted, voice raking along the lower pitches of his range. "Otherwise you would remember your manners."

"Sorry." Steven studied his dangling feet, mumbling. "My Diamond."

His cheeks heated as he felt the weight of foreign eyes. When he lifted his gaze, the Little Homeworld gems had paused, expressions tight with concern. Some looked ready to speak. But he shook his head minutely, not wanting another life to be lost. They simmered but stayed silent. When the diamond looked their way, they resumed work.

"Soldiers." Red approached the digging gems, halting at the edge of the hole. The nephrites and quartzs snapped into salutes. He zeroed on a nephrite with braided pigtails. "Soldier." His irises glowed. "Fetch your Queen breakfast. Ensure the food is of high quality."

Her single eye twitched as she jerked her head in assent. "Of course, My Diamond. Steven, do you–"

"My Queen." Red corrected, irises flashing. "He is your queen. So act as such."

"Y-yes…" The pigtailed nephrite faltered, salute loosening. Then she straightened with a firm line to her mouth and narrowed eye. "My Queen, what would you like?"

"Oh! Um…" Steven looked to the diamond. When the other looked at him, expectant, he blinked. Red was letting him choose? But wasn't he supposed to be a monster…? "C-could I have a protein shake? And maybe a salad…?"

"Certainly, My Queen." Nephrite nodded, much softer than before. "Any dessert? Like a pastry?"

He frowned. Why would he want any pastries for breakfast? That was an unhealthy way of eating that he used to love, sure. But not anymore! He was trying to be healthier. So why would he want–

"Or maybe some fresh bread from the local pastry shop? My Queen."

When Red shifted beneath him with a heavy exhale, he realized he needed to hurry up and decide. "Uh, yeah. Sure! That works for me. Thank you."

"Very well, My Queen. Breakfast will be brought right away."

"Good." Red spoke for him. "We'll be waiting in the plaza. Oh. And soldier? " Red lifted a finger as she bowed and made to leave. "Do not try to play me for a fool."

She dipped her head. "Of course, My Diamond."


She snapped out of the bow and sprinted towards town. Steven had half a second to realize Nephrite had been trying to tell him something before Red turned to another nephrite.

"Soldier. Find your Queen's organic. He ran off somewhere and needs to be contained. Ensure he is put on the outskirts of demolition."

The nephrite in question, one with a ponytail, snapped into a salute. "Yes, My Diamond."

Hold on. Organic? Steven jolted. "Wait! My dad needs to eat too. Can you please bring him something?" The surface he sat on heated and Steven realized the cause was Red's temper flaring. He tacked on. "B-but after you relocate him. Is… is that okay, uh, My Diamond?"

The temperature cooled. "Permission granted, dove. Dismissed, soldier."


As Nephrite left, he tried not to let irritation show. Permission granted? What a jerk. But at least his dad would have food. He must've been hungry, especially if he hadn't eaten dinner the night before. The night of the proposal. He shuddered.

When was the wedding gonna be, anyway? Obviously not soon. He should have time. And more than enough chances to fix this. Just needed to contact his dad to contact Connie. She'd know what to do. And maybe the Off-Colors? Lars wasn't a gem, so the diamond orders shouldn't affect him. But how to get to–

–Spacetries. Stars he was an idiot. The pigtailed nephrite had been trying to suggest talking to Lars! As Steven filtered the conversation through his head with this new perspective, he realized Red must've caught on. Why else would the diamond threaten Nephrite? Or maybe he was lucky and Red only said that stuff about fools as a precaution. ...No. Not likely. He chewed the inside of his cheek. Red had long since walked away from the digging site. More demolished houses passed by them as they headed for the center of Little Homeworld.

"When's the wedding anyway, My Diamond?" Steven mindlessly kicked his legs from where he was perched atop Red's shoulder. "Next year?"

"Oh no," Red chuckled. If he weren't a murderer the sound would've been charming. "Little love..."

"...the wedding's this weekend."

Notes: Heh heh! You all waited so patiently for one month... only to wind up with another cliffhanger, oops!

But hey! If you have a Discord then you outta join my Steven-cest Server! I spend all my time there. That, and many members help me brainstorm ideas for what should or could happen next in this story! AUs and story ideas are plenty in that server. The link to the server is on my Archive of Our Own fanfic of the same name. (FFNet won't let me share links) Or you could Private Message me and we'll figure something out!

Shia Rephic: Whew! *fans self* Red is only gonna get more and more forward as time goes on!

Star-eyed-anime-lover: Red is SUCH a dom, ahaha. Connie will appear eventually. She's a smart cookie, though, so she'll prolly try to help save Steven in subtle ways. Guess you gotta wait and see~ But awww, I'm so glad you love to re-read the story! Hearing that gives me the warm and fuzzies, heh. And oof, the wedding night sure gonna be a wild ride! Aww yoou re-read my fic? So sweet! Man, it'd be awesome if you have a Discord cause then you could join my Steven-cest server! There's lots of people there who like to talk story ideas. But thank youuu! I love your comments.

Wolfspirit2996: Woof is right! There WILL be really bad chapters, especially the wedding night, so please take breaks! If it ever gets too intense then it's always okay to walk away!

S0714: Yes! Another chapter. I'm glad you liked Chapter 5!

Thank you for reading, favoriting, following, and/or reviewing! Helps motivate me.