After a while, when the pain turned numb and she couldn't feel anything anymore, she sat up staring blankly at the floor. She slowly stood up; her legs unsteady from crying for a long time. She stared at the bed where the doctors had covered her brothers' body with a white sheet. They hadn't moved it to the morgue yet, she gently placed her hand on the rail of the bed, her eyes boring to the spot of the bodies head. What was the point? Why did kami take everyone in her family except her? She couldn't live without her support of her family. Without her gramps trying to give her some ancient relic that could give her aid of some sort, without Mama's loving yet kind words, and without Sota being the litter brother who annoyed her even though he was the best little brother she could ask for.

Inuyasha didn't need her either, they always fought and bicker over the smallest things. But he would still have his shard detector, it really didn't need to be her, did it? Kagome was sure the gang would miss her, but eventually they would accept Kikyo into their group. IT as then Kagome felt an invisible pull, tugging on her sleeve. She let the force guide her out of the room and into the hallway. Kagome barely noticed her surroundings as her legs numbly walked. The force led her down the hallway and to the other side of the ward, where large windows were placed to allow the most sunlight in. She stopped and looked at the light coming in. One window was shining brightly, as if the sun itself was right there, like she could reach her hand out and touch it.

The light warmed her skin, Kagome closed her eyes and felt the light soak into her body. For the first time since the accident, she felt safe, whole, and loved. She opened her eyes with determination, she knew she was making the right choice. Shakily, Kagome moved her foot and took one step forward, and then another step knowing she was making the right choice. Kagome was walking towards the light, somehow knowing whatever laid on the other side she could face it.


She stopped in her tracks, and turned around facing the hospital hallway. The voice sounded so familiar but she couldn't believe it. She must be hallucinating, there was no way the owner of the voice could be here. It was then she felt something grasping her hand, she looked down her hand being grasped but couldn't see anything there. Confused, she just stared at her hand, not fully understanding what was going on.

"Kagome," the voice somberly called out to her, it echoed all around filling up her being all at once. Before Kagome could even process what was going on, she was running, breathing heavy she ran like she never ran before. Kagome found herself running to her patient room and could not believe the scene she saw before her. Eri, Yuka, and Ayame were blocking the doorway from the nurse who was frantically calling out for security. Kagome snuck under their arms watching them with fascination how they defended her room. She was even more surprised to see Hojo there, standing by her bed but not very close. He had left some distance to the person who was right beside her, squeezing her hand with everything he had.

Kagome dropped to her knees, tears blurred her vision and all she could see was a mass of silver and red. Inuyasha knelt by her bed side, squeezing her hand, staring intently at her unconscious face. He looked like he was trying to say something but was embarrassed that the people in the room could hear how he felt. With the empty hand he scratched his head and huffed out a sigh.

"Shit," he whispered in a voice low enough that Hojo should not be able to hear but only for Kagome's ears to pick up. Kagome walked closer to Inuyasha and squatted right beside him to hear what he had to say.

"I'm not good with words Kagome, but all I know is you need to come back to m-us" Inuyasha stumbled over his words and he closed his eyes in what appeared to be frustration.

"Sango, Miroku, and Shippo all need you, hell-even Kaede needs you. You need to wake up and come back to village. They're waiting for you." There was commotion at the door way with security showing up and they were attempting to remove Eri, Yuka, and Ayame. Inuyasha stood up to leave her bed side but he whispered something so low that Kagome herself almost missed it. She instantly raised a hand to her mouth and stared at him.

Inuyasha stood up with his back straight and shoulder squared. Security had managed to get the girls out of the door and they came in to remove Inuyasha and Hojo. Inuyasha never bickered with the guards and did not say anything about them grabbing his sleeve and walking him out to the waiting room outside the ward. Kagome watched the commotion leave, barely able to catch her breath. Inuyasha's words danced inside her head, replaying the moment over and over again. She never thought she would hear those words come from his mouth smiling to herself, she sat at the edge of the bed right beside her physical body

'I can't leave,' Kagome thought to herself. 'Even though I have lost some of the people I love the most I still have people who needs me.' It was odd to Kagome to feel tired all of the sudden, but she couldn't keep her eyes open, she fought with all her might to try to stay awake, but all she remembered was blacking out.

There was not telling in how long Kagome was "asleep", but when she awoke and saw the ceiling of the hospital above her, she wanted to get up and run to everyone. To her dismay, she was still intubated with oxygen and IV hookups attached to her. Her monitors started to beep attracting the attention if nurse walking by. The nurse had a huge smile on her face gently lowered Kagome's hands from her face.

"Kagome, you're awake! I'm surprised you woke up this early on in your hospital stay." The nurse checked Kagome's fluids and recorded her vitals. Kagome couldn't say anything but watched the nurse, trying to telepathically put the thought into the nurse's mind that she wants to see her friends. The nurse hung the clipboard back on the footboard of the bed and gave a soft smile.

"I'll talk with the doctor to see if we can remove the intubation," She walked to the door before turning around playfully. "But, no promises on it though!"

Kagome stared at the ceiling until it got too boring and she watched the TV for a while until she got bored watching that too. It felt like it was taking forever for the doctor to come in. Eventually, the doctor did show up and he removed the intubation from her. She still had to have the heart monitor and IV in until she had more strength. It was another few hours before the same nurse Momozono, came back in, grinning from ear to ear.

"Kagome, we have this head nurse that wouldn't allow any of your friends in the other day. She was on shift earlier but has now finally left. I will allow you to see the one friend who's been waiting to see you." She said with a blush, she turned around and ran out to the hallway. There was some whispered exchange between the nurse and the guest, it went quiet for a moment before the guest appeared to Kagome at the doorway.

Inuyasha stood awkwardly at the door for a moment, until Kagome gave him a weak smile and waved her hand to have him walk over. He slowly walked over and his eyes looked her over. He was looking over all of her injuries and the machines attached to her. Inuyasha stood by the bed but still far way enough that she couldn't reach him even if she tried.

"How are you feeling?" He nervously asked as he eyed the IV in her arm, and the heart monitor. Kagome could see how unsure he was over the contraptions.

"Much better now," Kagome softly replied, she tried to speak quietly, she felt if she spoke any louder it would seem like she was shouting into the quiet void of her room. "How did you even know I was here?"

Inuyasha shifted his weight and folded his arms across his chest, tucking his hands into the sleeves of his suikan. The baseball cap he was wearing covered the dog ears atop his head.

"Keh, the kid with the same metal contraption as you were at your home. He said he was sent by your friends to see if I was at your house. He told me what happened and he led me here to see you." Inuyasha murmured as he looked at the ground now, he was obviously feeling uncomfortable explaining the situation to Kagome, but it warmed her heart knowing that her friends in the present sent Hojo to look for Inuyasha. He might appear 'yakuza' like to them but they still knew he needed to be here with her.

Kagome smiled gently at Inuyasha as she whispered, "I'm glad you came. I was scared of being left behind by my family, and even though they didn't survive, I will carry on their legacy with the support of my friends from the present, and you, and the gang from the past." She looked down at her hands, feeling the tears starting to well up in her eyes

A flash of red came around her, Inuyasha locked his arms around Kagome, careful not to hurt her.

"Inuyasha?" Kagome's voice broke as she started to cry, her hands tightly balled the fire rat robe. She was shocked to see him actually hugging her. Normally, she'd be screaming on the inside with excitement over the fact that he was hugging her, but she was relieved with the comfort he was giving her.

"Idiot," he whispered as he shifted his arms, he didn't let go of Kagome, he let his hand gently rest on the side of her arms, leaving just enough room so they can face each other.

"No matter where you go, I will always find you, it doesn't matter if it's this life or the next. I'll make sure to be with you, and that's a promise." Inuyasha boldly declared as he stared into her eyes, there was no uncertainty in his amber eyes. Kagome couldn't say anything back, tears streamed down her face as she leaned into his chest.

They stayed like that for a while, he would not let her go. It was as if he knew by letting go, she would crumble apart. Kagome new for the first little while things would be hard for her to recover physically and grieve for her family. With Inuyasha by her side she knew she could face it head on, and knowing this made her happy that she didn't go.

The End.