Summary: It's been about 6 months since the attack and Anna is ready to start reconnecting. Anna/John

Okay, so this is my first official M story. I know there are probably a million stories similar to this, since there was no showing of the reconnecting of the two on the show. They are also probably better. My muse needed to write this, anyway. I am new to the Downton Abbey universe, so I am just beginning to make my way through all my thoughts and feelings about what we may have missed. It's not super explicit, but I definitely needs to be rated M. I hope you enjoy!


The day had been quite uneventful. Anna had come to enjoy days like that. It kept things calm and reassuring. Since the attack nearly six months ago, days that were calm and routine kept her grounded. Once, she had enjoyed the hustle and bustle of a day that would keep her on her toes. She used to hope for days to throw her off, a kink in the routine to spice things up. But that was the old Anna. The new Anna strived for routines and things to flow as easily as possible.

Pulling her hair out of its bun, she could feel the blonde locks cascading down her back. She picked up her hair brush and combed her hair, before slowly meeting her eyes in the mirror. It was something she didn't often do anymore. She would look in the mirror briefly in the mornings to make sure she looked acceptable for work, but she would never linger. Today, she felt a bit differently. She allowed her eyes to remain on herself for several moments. It was then that she realized there was some pinkness back within her cheeks. A smile crept on her lips. Somewhere in there was the old Anna.

The crack of the cane hitting the floor made Anna involuntarily jump. A small chuckle came out and she shook her head. She knew her husband was home. The two had made the evening's journey back to their cottage together. By the sound of the uneven steps, Anna could tell he would be in the room shortly.

Glancing back up at the mirror, she began to braid her hair into her nightly braid. Then she adjusted the top of her nightgown. From the corner of her eye, she saw the door open. She heard a quiet sound escape John's lips. Her ears strained to try to make out what the sound was, but he was trying to suppress the sound from escaping.

He walked up behind her and Anna watched him through the mirror. His eyes were clouded in lust. It was a look Anna didn't see anymore, not since…. She pushed those thoughts away. A familiar, and yet foreign, feeling came over her in waves. She stepped back slightly so she could be closer to John. John's eyes met hers in the mirror and she could see he realized his expression. Her lips fell into a slight frown when he adjusted his face and the lust was no longer there.

She knew he was trying to be safe for her. It was something she was grateful for in him. He never pushed her and always let her lead any type of intimacy. They had still gained so little back in that department. She missed it; the way their bodies would come together to be one. His touches against her and her touches against him.

John's fingers lightly ran up the sides of her bare arms and made her shudder. She cocked her head to the side and John caressed his lips against the nook of her neck and she moaned. His hands ran back down her arms, before coming around her front and resting on the flatness of her belly. Anna pushed back into his frame and begged for more caresses against her neck. John obliged.

Soon, she could feel his excitement for her pressed against her back. It made her moan even louder. Her breaths were growing harsher and she could feel her heart beginning to race within her chest.

John, however, wavered. She felt as his hands came up to her shoulders and he gently turned her toward him. He lowered his head to her and kissed the top of her head. Anna sat back confused, as he let go of her shoulders and then walked out of their bedroom.

Anna's eyes followed John's frame and her lips curled into a frown. She twisted her lips and debated on whether or not to follow him. Curiosity won over and she stepped out of their bedroom and down the stairs, but John wasn't there.

Turning her head, she saw that the back door was opened. She peeked her head out of the door and saw that John was slowly walking back and forth the narrow area.

"John," she gently called out. John looked up at her and offered her a small smile.

"It's cold out, my darling. I'll be back in shortly."

Anna ignored his words and stepped outside. She stood in front of John so he couldn't continue his brooding and reached out to take his hands.

"Come inside," she insisted. John's hands pulled away from hers and he shook his head.

"In a moment," he replied.

"Please," Anna begged. A cold brush of wind hit them both and Anna's teeth began to chatter.

"You'll catch a chill. Go inside." Anna stepped closer to John and shook her head.

"Only if you come with me. You can warm me up." She bit her lower lip.

"Anna," John's voice caught in his throat. Quickly he cleared it and retrieved his resolve. "I need to be out in the cold for a few moments, but I will join you soon."

Anna's eyes fell down to the strain in his pants and she knew why he felt he needed the cold. Taking a few steps forward, her hand brushed along the tightness. John shivered against her touch and his jaw tightened.

"Or, you could let me help you take care of that," Anna murmured seductively. At this, John gently took her wrist within his hand and pushed it aside.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Anna," he said calmly. "I don't know that you're ready."

"Don't you think I know when I'm ready?" She countered. "We…we could just help one another. I…I don't know that I am ready for everything, but I am ready for something." Her words were quiet so that the neighbors wouldn't hear what they were speaking about. Anna could only imagine the scandal that would cause.

John's strong hand came up to rest on her cheek and he met her eyes. Watching her gaze closely, he asked, "Are you sure?"

Anna could only nod.

It wasn't long before the two were back into the house and up in their room. Anna's hands grabbed for the waistband of John's pants, but John stilled her movements. He brought her closer to him and pressed his lips against the special spot behind her ear. Then his lips moved up and he whispered into her ear, "You first." His head lifted and their eyes met. Before reaching out to unbutton her gown, his eyes made sure she was okay with it. Anna's head bobbed and she grabbed his hands, taking them to the buttons.

"Please," was all she could allow to escape her lips. Soon, the top buttons were undone and loose around her top. She pushed it off her shoulders and allowed the gown to drop to the floor. She realized in that moment that it was the first time he had seen her completely unclothed since the attack. A nervous knot grew in her throat, but it calmed as John's eyes ran appreciatively over her body.

"You're gorgeous," John muttered, his hands grasped at her hips and he led the two of them back to their bed. Lifting her slightly, he placed her onto the bed and dipped his lips back to her neck. His lips trailed down her shoulder, as his hand ran up her side and rested just below her breasts.

"Is this alright?" He questioned. Anna could only nod. Fire and heat ran through her entire frame. She hadn't realized just how much she had missed this until just now. His hand cupped her breast and her body happily tensed against his hand. She grabbed John's face within her hands and brought his lips to hers.

Pulling apart from their kiss, their foreheads rested on one another. "I love you," she said, before grabbing the edges of his shirt and pulling it over his head.

"Oh, Anna, I love you so much," he replied. Their bare chests touched as they reconnected their lips. Anna parted her lips and slipped her tongue over John's lips to get them to open. Soon her tongue was exploring his mouth and he groaned happily in response. His eagerness spurred her own and soon her hips were rocking against his pants.

"Touch me," she ordered him. John sat up slightly. His eyes never left Anna's, as his hand ran down her chest and to her center. Before teasing her, he watched her carefully to make sure it was okay. Anna eagerly nodded. His hands knew her well and he parted her legs slightly, before allowing his fingers to explore her. Anna moaned and bucked her hips against him. The entire time, John kept his eyes on Anna's face. He watched carefully for any sign to stop, but all he could see was pure bliss on her features. His fingers curled slightly and she nearly screamed.

"Don't stop," she begged and he didn't. Soon, she called out his name and was panting with blushed cheeks. He smiled. It had been too long since he had been able to do that to her. As she came down from her high, John ran his hand back up to her chest and brought his lips down to hers. Anna's hand tugged at his pants and John helped her to ease them off. John didn't even get a chance to say anything before Anna had him in her hands. He nearly swore and his eyes closed.

"It's not going to take much," John told her, his breath hitching in his throat as her delicate hands knew exactly what to do to take him over the edge. He had been right and soon he felt his entire body explode. The wetness covered Anna's hands and he heard her giggle. John opened his eyes to see her happily lying next to him.

"That was easy," Anna teased. John grabbed the flannel next to the bed and quickly wiped up the both of him. He threw the flannel over to the corner and pulled Anna's bare frame into his arms.

"You have adept hands," he told her, holding her close. His eyes closed and he breathed her in. He knew everything wasn't magically fixed now, but this was something wonderful they had both just shared. There had been a time he hadn't thought this would be possible again. He wanted to remember this moment, because he knew it may be a while before they would have another moment like this.

"I…I know things aren't exactly the same," Anna finally said into the air. "I…I want…"

"Shhh," John murmured into her ear. "This was perfect. None of that, Anna. You know I would wait a lifetime for you." Anna turned in his arms so that their chests were touching and reached her hand up to brush one of John's stray hairs off his face.

"I know," she told him. "And I'm grateful, truly." John pressed a kiss against her cheek and he held her tighter.

"I am going to sleep well tonight," he muttered, his eyes growing hazy.

"Me too," Anna replied. She curled her head into his chest and fell into a happy slumber.

The End or Maybe More?

I could possibly see this having another part or two in it. I think it depends on if people would like more. This could definitely could just be seen as a one shot. I don't know. Let me know what you thought about it and if you would like more. Thank you in advance.