Welcome, everyone! My celebration starts! Today is the year anniversary of when I started to post stories on this account. Hurray! I think that is worth celebrating, don't you? ;) So today will be a whirl of one-shots and new chapters for both "Echoes" and "The Finding of Cable".

One of my goals for this celebration was to start posting for a new show - one of my favourites, "NCIS: Los Angeles"! This one-shot is very small but there will be another later on today. :) At least it is a sneak peek to what I might do in the future, right?

I forget which episode this is based on, but I included the quotes that inspired it, so I think it will make sense anyway.



Her words still echoed in his head.

He had told her, "You would have made a good mother."

"Thank you," she had said with a small, pleased smile. "I hope that I have been."

He froze, the depth of what she had said sinking into his mind and heart.

Hetty smiled again, then nodded toward the door. "Have a good night, Mr. Callen." She deliberately went to retrieve her coat and purse from the hook, too high for her to reach without a stool. G smiled at the familiar sight. As she pulled on the jacket he made a sudden decision.

"Are you doing anything tonight?" he asked.

Hetty turned and looked at him, raising one eyebrow. "Are you asking me something in particular?"

"Could I take you out for dinner?"

She smiled again, this time both pleased and surprised.

"I would be delighted. And I know just the bar."

G grinned while he shook his head. "I was thinking of something a little different."


An hour later, he was helping her have a seat at a restaurants - the kind with live string quartets, waiters with bow ties, and fresh flowers. Of course, it would not come cheap, but it would be worth it. He had no doubt seeing how Hetty's face glowed as she looked around. Thanks to her large wardrobe at work, they were both dressed to the nines. All around them were politicians, lovebirds, elites - and then there was the two of them, laughing and talking. They were not the cream of the crop - at least not in the society columns. They were simply the best that NCIS had to offer the city of Los Angeles. But tonight, away from the office and secluded for the curious eyes of others, they were something more. Anyone looking at them would have seen a mother and son.

And tonight, that was what they were.


That was just a mini one-shot that I had wanted to bring to life. I hope that you enjoyed!

Later on today, more mini stories. Keep your eyes open, my friends!