So this is it. The last chapter. Thank you for staying with me through this crazy ride. Also, I was too excited for the ending so I had to write two chapters in one week. Hope you enjoy the ending. I don't own Teen Titans.

Chapter 13: Sometimes the end is only the beginning

"Friend Garfield." Kori's gentle voice broke through the fog that was Gar's mind. He had Raven pulled to his chest and sobbed for he didn't know how long. Kori, who had been cradling Raven until he arrived, had rested her head on top of his and cried along with him. It just didn't seem real. Raven couldn't be gone. They had just gotten back together. What about Arella and Mark? What about their future together?

They were so close.

"Friend Garfield." Her voice cut through the air as she gently pulled away, her eyes rimmed green from her tears. Gar shook his head. What if Raven woke up? What if-"We must let Karen and Victor look at her if there is even a small chance she is…" Kori choked and quickly stood up. "I can't."

As quickly as she was gone, Vic kneeled down next to him and placed a calm hand on his shoulder. "Hey Gar. Can I look at her for a second?" What chance as there…Reluctantly-and without taking his eyes off of his wife-Gar loosened his grip on her. Victor gently laid her on the ground and began to run diagnostics on her, scanning her with his arm. The tightness around his eyes said it all.

"She's gone isn't she?" He croaked, no question in his voice. Suddenly, The Beast roared in his head and Garfield exploded. "SHE CAN'T BE GONE!" With unnatural strength, Gar thrust Victor out of his way and began to shake Raven. "RAVEN-PLEASE! I CAN'T LOSE YOU AGAIN! COME BACK! COME BACK! WE NEED YOU! I NEED YOU! I CAN'T DO THIS ALONE-RAE-" Strong arms roped around Gar's chest like iron. "NO-YOU CAN'T…Rae…"

With a unsuccessful thrust of his arms to break free, he crumpled onto the ground, holding Raven gently to his chest. He couldn't breathe…he just "Raven…" Snapping his head up, he finally looked away to see his team and the new Teen Titans staring down at him sadly. His eyes landed on Dick, who was cradling one newborn in each arm. Mark and Arella. They have to know her. He felt Kori slowly loosening her grip on him as she relaxed her arms. "There has to be something…if it was one of you, she could…"

Raven could do this…"DICK! Could you-"

"Way ahead of you." The leader dashed toward the green man and knelt next to him, handing him Arella, who was slightly fussy. Blue eyes met green. "This is going to work."

"It has to."

It had to. Garfield felt his team begin to crowd around them. Raven's power was controlled by emotion and if it was passed down to their children maybe…Karen was the first to place a hand on Raven's cold body, followed by Victor, Kori, and finally Dick. Each Titan held one hand on the sorceress and another on either Gar or the babies.

"Are you sure this will-?" Karen inquired but Gar cut her off.

"It's what Raven would do."

Simply nodding, she caught her husband's eye before looking back down. "Okay. Now what?"

A flicker of hope began to dance in Gar's heart but it hurt too much to let it grow. "Now…" Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, Gar closed his eyes. Slowly opening them, he saw both Arella and Mark staring at him. Mark's green eyes and Arella's violet ones were alert-something beyond anything a natural newborn was capable of doing.

This had to work. For them.

A slight tingle began to work its way up his spine. The air grew still and silence screamed in his ears. Everyone sucked in their breath, anticipation thick in the air.


Gar closed his eyes, focusing on Raven. He pictured her laying on the hospital bed, holding Mark and Arella in her arms, her long violet hair plastered to her face with sweat. She had never looked more beautiful.


Heat permeated from his stomach. Sweat began to pour down his face. His hands began to tremble. Something was happening but he couldn't get his hopes to high. Not yet. Suddenly, his heart twanged as Arella and Mark both gave a sharp, short cry. It was magic. But he couldn't draw it from them. Where could he-

Himself. Raven's power was from emotion. And Garfield's love for Raven was the most powerful emotion in the world.


Suddenly, all the heat left his body. The wind picked up again. The sound of birds filled the air as dawn slowly crept into sky. That's it? Gar popped back open his eyes. Did it-? Raven still lay there like stone.

No one moved. Gar felt Victor's hand on his shoulder tighten. His sensitive ears picked up Dick suck in his breath as if to stop himself from crying. Slowly, Garfield moved his hand from Raven's shoulder, trailing his fingers up her face and cradled her head. "Rae?" He gently traced his thumb on her check. It was ice cold. Tears began to fill in his eyes. No. No-it should have-but I felt-

"AAAHHHH!" Everyone shrieked, leaping back as Raven let out gasp for air. Gar's brain couldn't compute. What was going on? Blinking rapidly, Gar pulled Arella close to his chest as Victor snatched Mark up into his arms before kneeling back down, his jaw slack.

Then violet eyes met green.

Raven was awake.

"Gar…field?" She blinked a couple times, turning her head slowly to the side. Gar cradled Arella's head into the crook of his arm as he leaned forward. A pale hand trembled as it moved forward to caress his face.

"Raven." The flicker of hope exploded in his heart. It had worked. IT HAD WORKED!

"Garfield." She glanced down and gently ran a finger over Arella's check before looking back over to him. "Gar…I have to tell you something."

"Rae-I-I can't-I just-"

"Garfield... I hate your beard. It looks stupid."

With a watery laugh, Gar thrust his other arm around her, tears streaming down his face. And who said I used humor as a coping mechanism?


"So, I know it has only been three days since everything went down but we have to talk about where we go from here." Dick always had to get right to the point. Gar rolled his eyes as he fed his daughter on the couch next to his old team. The 'Teen Titans' were all on the roof doing some weird team bonding Robin 2.0 had planned for them (which sounded suspiciously like blowing up fireworks) while the Titans all meet up in the living room.

"Dude, seriously! Can't we just relax? We kicked bad guy butt, saved the world, and finally are all home together! Relax-you're harshing Arella's mellow!" Gar laughed as his daughter began to fuss as he took the bottle out of her mouth. His heart fluttered with a small tug as he smiled back down at the little girl in his arms.

Raven rolled her eyes as she slowly rocked side to side with Mark in her arms. "Do you even know what mellow means?"

"Uhh, yeah! It means…yellow aura or something. Do you know what it means?"

"Anyway." Dick smiled at Raven and Gar-even with three years of marriage under their belt and over a decade of living together, some things never change. "You're right, Gar. But we can't ignore the elephant in the room."

"And he doesn't mean turn into an elephant." Raven eyed her husband, her lips quirking ever so slightly. Gar couldn't help but smile. He'd missed this. Bantering with Raven. Being with his friends. His family. Glancing down at her daughter and then over at Mark, he smiled more. Things were finally perfect-

"It's time to move on."

Everyone froze as if Psimon had mind blasted them. Gar instantly snapped his head up, meeting Raven's eyes. She had her mouth slightly open but didn't look surprised. She slightly narrowed her eyes at Gar, signaling for him to listen to what Dick had to say.

Victor let out a low whistle, rubbing his hands together. "Well, you never cease to be consistent. I'll give you that, Bird Man." He got up from his regular seat at the counter and plopped down onto the couch next to Kori, who's eyebrows are scrunched together. He sighed. "But I can't say I'm surprised…Things are different now."

"How? Nothing is different? I…did not expect the Rekma to happen so soon." Kori leaned forward, placing her elbows on her knees and face in her hands. "Why must we leave?"

Suddenly, it clicked. Garfield felt like a lightbulb came on in his head. "You offered me and Rae an out but…this is an out for all of us." His eyes met Dick's. The leader tightened his lips but otherwise let the green man continue. "Trigon and the Brotherhood gave us new lives. New memories. Well, besides Rae and me…which I still don't get but-"

"Because of our bond." Raven sank down next to him, her knee brushing his own. She moved to pull up her hood but stopped, instead brushing her hair out of her face. "Our bond was stronger than just marriage or romantic love. With all that we've been through…plus…" She looked down at their babies as they began to fall asleep. "He knew that if he replaced our memories we would question the gaps. That is way we didn't have memories. But for everyone else he replaced it them with what would have been the natural progression of their lives. The Brotherhood made it as realistic as possible so we wouldn't question it." Raven's face flushed. Understanding her aversion to attention, Gar reached out and grasped her hand as she tucked her head down, pretending to adjust Mark's booties.

Dick merely nodded, knowing she was done talking. "She's right. Trigon wanted us to be separated because he knew that together we would beat him. And for you, Victor, and Kori-" He gestured toward his teammates. "It was easier to accept that this wasn't real. That there was more to the world. It was harder for Karen and myself because we wanted to accept our lives. We enjoyed them. I still enjoy…" He glanced back at Kori, then awkwardly looked away. Taking a breath, he looked back at his friends. "Gar, you subconsciously missed Raven-whether you realized it or not. Vic-you and Kori both hated your circumstances." Glancing at Raven, he shrugged his shoulders. "And you had pregnancy brain."

"At least I have a brain." She muttered under her breath, glaring at her leader. Gar chuckled to himself and squeezed her hand.

"But you're right Gar. This is an out. For all of us." Dick stood up, walked toward the glass wall and turned to face his team. He paused, swallowing hard. Gar fought the urge to choke up as well. Was this the last time for him to address his team in their home as the Titans? "No one in the world got back their memories. Those that do have any memory of us can't tell anyone because no one would believe them. There are vague traces left but the damage is done. The Titans don't exist anymore."

Frustrated, Karen groaned and rubbed her face with both hands. "So you're telling me that no one will EVER remember all the times that we saved the world?"

"Dudes! That's so unfair!"

Everyone nodded in frustration before going silent. Looking around, Gar realized that he wasn't the only one. Whoever spoke next…

"Everything is going to change." Kori whispered, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

Dick nodded, slowly walking over to her. Placing a hand on her shoulder, he sighed. "It already has. But sometimes with change we just have to accept it." Kori gazed up into his eyes, uncertainty filling her face. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. As she slowly released her breath, she opened her eyes and looked back up at him. Blinking twice, she gave a curt nod and abruptly thrust herself up. Dick stumbled back, confusion riddling his face.

"I have the announcement." Kori stated, turning to face her friends. "I have been approached."

The team glanced at one another. Finally, Karen took the bait "Approached by what?"

Kori lifted her chin, resolute. "Approached by the League."


"No way."

"You gotta be sh-"

"Language, Sparky!"

Only Dick didn't say a word. He had an odd look on his face. Cocking his head to the side, he let one corner of his mouth turn up into a smile. Kori only looked at him in the face. "The Justice League?" Kori gave one dip of her head. Dick's one-sided smile deepened. Gar felt Kori's anticipation on his next words. The moment seemed to stretch for an eternity. Finally, just as Gar couldn't take it anymore and was about to spout something about Kori being out of Dick's league, the vigilante smiled fully. "Congratulations."

The air seemed to deflate as everyone leapt up, talking all at once and hugging Kori. She began to tell everyone how after the battle, Batman pulled her aside to tell her she had 'the potential' and to give it some thought. Just as Gar released his friend from a congratulatory hug, he glanced back to see Raven sitting on the couch, away from the celebration. Cocking his head to the side, he raised an eyebrow. The corners of her mouth merely twitched as she shook her head. Still the same as ever. Gar gave her a small nod and walked over to the crib set up in the room. He took Mark from her and placed him and Arella in the crib before taking her hand and pulling her to the group.

Raven gingerly gave Kori a hug, still sore from dying and coming back to life. Kori furrowed her brow. "Friend Raven, I know that we have been through so much and that for the longest of times we were the only girls and are like sisters-you are much more of a sister than Blackfire to me-and then Karen came and it was the best of times and now I am leaving you, especially in your time of need with the twins and-"

"I love you too, Kori." Raven's face instantly went red and she did tug at her hood but didn't pull it up. Since telling Dick how much she loved everyone (and then telling Garfield she loved him, which he still loved to rib her about how awkward she was about it) she had told each Titan show she felt-but that didn't make it any less uncomfortable to her.

Clapping her hands, Kori rushed to crush Raven in a hug but one millimeter away froze, thought deeply about it for a second, then opted to give her a peck on the forehead instead. Turning back to her friends to allow Raven a moment to compose herself, she looked at Victor and Karen. "And what of you? What shall you do? Karen and Victor, you both had lives outside of the Titans since we lost our memories. What will you do?"

Karen patted her hair as she locked eyes with her husband. Vic gave a small smile and pulled Karen with one arm into his side. "Well, seeing as the band is breaking up-and seeing how happy Raven and Grass Stain are with their babies…we were thinking of maybe trying to start a family."

"EEEEEEPPPPPP!" Kori shrieked at the top of her lungs, crushing the couple into a bone-shattering hug that she wanted to give Raven. "Congratulations dear ones! This makes me most joyful! Shall I sing-"

"NOOOOO!" Everyone cried out at once, causing the alien princess to giggle.

As Kori released them, Karen gasped for air before smiling back at her friends. "Well…not exactly sure how that will work but we were thinking of going back to New York-Sparky, we are NOT living with your father-and I'll work on finishing my PhD and we can try the normal life. Though, we still gotta go to Bludhaven."

Victor balked, glancing down at his wife. "What? Why?"

With a slight shrug of her shoulders, Karen crossed her arms and looked at him with narrowed eyes. "Dick is right about one thing-I did have a life I enjoyed. I can't just drop everything and go live with you, baby. I have school to do, plus…I left Mal on such bad terms. I gotta smooth things over with him. He is so protective and a good guy and besides you trying to kill him he seemed to be really accepting of you, Vic."

The cybernetic man paused, scrunching his mouth to the side. Gar knew that look. That was the look he gave the T-Ship whenever he felt that he could fix it-and then everything would explode. Before his buddy could say something stupid (which Gar found ironic since it was usually him that said stupid stuff) Gar leapt between the two, roping an arm around each one's shoulders. "Hey-why not let him in on the hero buzz! He is a coach right? These knock-off Titans need a Guardian or something, right?" He looked between his two friends, his fang poking out of his lip as he grinned with raised eyebrows. Karen and Victor seemed to have a silent conversation with their eyes before nodding.

"That is actually a good plan, BB." Victor ruffled his hair, causing Gar to roll his eyes.

"Seriously dude? I'm not a little kid anymore! I'm taller than everyone but you!"

"Whatever you say, Jolly Green Lumber Jack."

"Come on-I shaved! What more do you want from me?!"

Before the argument could go any farther, Karen slapped a hand on both their mouths with a smirk. "What about you, oh wise leader? Have any plans?

Everyone stilled, looking at him. Gar had to resist the urge to glance at Kori. In the corner of his eye, he saw Raven place a calming hand on her arm. Instantly, the room seemed to dial back a few degrees. Gar bit his lip to resist smiling at Raven using her empathic abilities on everyone. No one realized how keyed up they were-included the green man. Dick raised an eyebrow at Raven before turning toward everyone.

"I'm going back to Bludhaven. Oracle and I have done a lot of good there. Though we have done a lot of good here, we aren't need here anymore. And…we are…" He glanced at Kori, a shadow crossed his face. "Getting married this fall." Rubbing the back of his head, he walked over toward his ex-girlfriend. Raven tightened her grip on the alien princess. Garfield knew that move-she was being protective of Kori's feelings. Dick stopped in front of the women. "Kori, I know I already apologized but it doesn't seem enough-"

Suddenly, Kori punched Dick in the shoulder, a small smile on her face. "Call us the even." She gently shifted to brush Raven's hand off of her arm as she took a step forward. "Richard Grayson-your reasoning for an apology-though accepted and appreciated-are not necessary. You are in love. You are following your heart-which is what my people do."

"Ahhhhh." Victor said, cupping his hands next to his face, causing Karen to elbow him in the ribs. "Oww-girl! Your elbows are made of steel!"

"What about you two?" Karen rolled her eyes, trying to let Dick and Kori have their moment. "Going back to LA or Detroit?"

"We are NEVER living in Detroit." Gar thrust his hands in the air, causing Raven to shake her head but slightly smile. "But…we…" Haven't exactly talked about it. He linked eyes with Raven and tucked his lips into his mouth. Raven blinked twice. That was one thing that had changed since they became a couple-they could have a whole conversation without even saying a word.

Raven walked forward, gripping her cloak awkwardly in her hands. "This is our home. And if there was one thing that was missing in our younger years-it was guidance. So, where are going to stay here and work with the new team."

Garfield's heart soared-and before he could stop himself he tackled his wife into a hug. He felt her buckle under his arms but she gently wrapped her arms around his torso. Pulling away, Gar felt his fang poke out of his lower lip-something he knew drove Raven insane but in a good way. "Okay-so I was thinking, let's paint the babies room circus theme. 'm thinking…Big top! Bright colors! Dancing animals! All the works."

"Umm, pass."

"WHAT? Ahh, come on Rae-you know you want to!"

"I already live in a circus. I don't need to be reminded of it every day."

With a laugh, Gar opened his mouth to retort when suddenly his heart tightened. Wait. Is this our last time as a team? Are the Titans really about to end? "So…is this it? Are the Titans over?" Gar felt a strange roll of emotions all at one. Could he and Raven really stay here without his family? He was excited to move forward with his life and start to raise his family but…

"Well, we aren't leaving right this moment." Karen's wings flitted slightly in agitation, sadness etched on her face.

"Friend Karen is correct!" The alien princess floated up a few inches over the floor as she glided to the middle of the group. "This is not the Rekma. Our time as a team and the Titans may be over…but our friendship will never end." She gave everyone a warm smile which reached her eyes.

The air felt a bit lighter. The churning storm in Gar's stomach slowly began to still.

"Well now, that's just corny." Vic chuckled, wrapping an arm around the princess' shoulders. Before he could control himself, Garfield let out a laugh, followed by Karen, Dick, and even a small chuckle from Raven.

Kori frowned, cocking her head to the side. "Please-what does corn have to do with our friendship?"

Everyone began to talk at once, Dick explaining to Kori what corny meant while Karen reprimanded the cybernetic man for ruining a moment. Gar turned toward his wife, noticing a small frown on her usually stoic face. "Rae?"

Turning slowly away from the team, she quietly walked toward the glass wall, facing the city. The sound of their teammates laughing and the strange explosions from the rooftop training the new Teen Titans faded into the background as Gar slowly stood next to her. Raven crossed her arms, fixing her gaze outside the window. "Glad you shaved that beard. But your five o'clock shadow looks…appealing." Gar knew this tactic-Raven was diverting the topic to avoid talking about what was really bothering her. He did it all the time.

Wiggling his eyebrows at her, he chuckled. "I can keep it if Mama likes it."

"Don't ever call me that again."

"Yeah-I heard it right after I said it…"

Sighing, she turned toward him, locking her violet eyes with his. "Everything is about to change. It's just-" She gestured behind her toward their friends. "My powers are gone. I got my power from Trigon…so he could be gone for good."

"But something in your gut tells you that he will come back." Garfield nodded at her, taking her hand into his. He glanced back at his friends, who were now sitting around the kitchen table, deep in discussion about if Starfire should change her superhero name for the League. His heart ached at the scene but turned toward his future. "Your powers will return-but that doesn't mean he will return."

Raven let one corner of her mouth turn up as she kindly narrowed her eyes at him. "That is one thing I appreciate about you. Your optimism knows no bounds." Her small smile instantly fell from her face. "But if he does come back, he could try to manipulate me. Or Arella or Mark. He might-"

"That's not going to happen! We are together and nothing is going to separate us." He looked back at his old team, seeing them laughing and chatting. Dick glanced their way and raised an eyebrow as if to say, 'Do you need to get a room?' Gar felt a tug in his stomach-though this time it wasn't one of dread but one of hope. "Not while the Titans have anything to say about it."

As the sun broke through the clouds, it rested on Raven as she broke into a real smile. Garfield's heart leapt as his face imitated hers. Despite being half-demon, she looked like an angel to him. He raised her hand to his lips and gently placed a kiss on it. As she blushed, Gar pulled her toward their children. He stopped at the crib, smiling down at his sleeping children. Garfield felt his smile grow as she glanced back up and waved at his friends at the table. "Hey! Who wants to go get some pizza?"

And that was all she wrote! Wow-can't believe that the story is over! Thank you again for following my story all the way through and staying with me through all the drama and my grammatical errors. I hope you enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it! Please let me know what you thought of the ending. It felt right to have the team move on-there is a time in everyone's life where things change but that doesn't mean it is bad. Change can be good and those that you love will always be there for you. Thank you again for your comments, favorites, follows, and most of all for reading this journey. Hope you are all blessed!