Opening up the shades welcoming the morning sun rays into the room. Tara looked outside of her window. Just inspiring the morning view Of Oregon. With Jordan finally gone, Tara felt it was safe to come home and back get back to reality. She had a job to get back to and Thomas and Melinda had school to get back to. Leaving Jax and Abel was the hardest thing she had to do. Mostly because of what they did for her and their family. But Tara and Jax both knew they couldn't live in the past anymore and her life is in Oregon not in Charming anymore, It took a while for Jax to accept it, But he understood why Tara had to get back to Oregon. Tara than heard a knock at her door as she walked away from the window.

" Come in," Tara said as she walked over to her closet and opens it as she grabs her hospital scrubs. Tara looked over her shoulder as she saw Thomas walking in." Hey is your sister up?" Tara asked as she set her clothes on her bed.

" Yeah, Melinda is in the kitchen having a bowl of cereal." Thomas said as he closed the door behind him." Mom, can we talk?" Thomas asked.

" Yeah, of course." Tara answered as she sat down on the edge of her bed as she looked up at her son." What's up?" Tara asked,

Thomas walked over to Tara and sat down next to her." Why are we here?" Thomas questioned getting straight to the point,

Tara chuckled as she shook her head giving Thomas a confused look." What do you mean? This is our home, That's why we are here. Where else should we live? Charming?" Tara asked with a small laugh.

" Yeah, maybe. Dad and Abel took care of Jordan. They did it for us mom. Besides don't you want to be with dad again?" Thomas asked.

" Yeah, of course, I do Thomas, but it's not that simple though," Tara said shaking her head.

" What you talking about? Of course, it's that simple. Mom, dad loves you and you love him. You guys have been apart for fifteen years and most of it was because of Jordan. But now that he is gone. Shouldn't you at least give dad another chance? Our family another chance?" Thomas questioned.

" Honestly, I want to. I would love nothing more than give your father another chance and our family another chance, But it's not that easy and with your father's new old lady. I highly doubt that your father wants me back." Tara said shaking her head,

" Mom, Monica is just an old lady. Doesn't really mean anything. Your dad's true love and true old lady." Thomas said as he leans forward and gave Tara a kiss on the cheek." Just think about mom." Thomas said as he walked out of her room and went to check on Melinda before he got ready for school himself.

Tara groans in frustration as she laid back against the bed and ran her hands over her face, She blew out some air as she knows Thomas has a point. But Tara is just not ready to jump back into it with Jax again. Especially with everything that had happened the last time they were together all those years ago, With all the lies and the cheating, It took Tara fifteen years to get over it and if she decides to get back with Jax again. She is afraid that it's gonna be the same again and she's not sure if her heart can take it anymore.

It's been a few weeks since Tara went back to Oregon with Thomas and Melinda. Even though it was hard watching them leave again. Jax knew it was the right thing to do for now. But he also knows Tara and the rest of his family will becoming back home real soon. After a quick shower and after Jax got dressed. He walked into the kitchen when he noticed Monica was sitting at the table. Monica has been trying to get back with Jax ever since Tara left. But Jax wouldn't let her. He took a deep sigh and walked over to the coffee machine.

Monica looked up." Morning." Monica said as she tried to break the intention between them. That she could feel right now." Where did you sleep last night?" She asked as she took a sip of her coffee.

" On the couch." Jax responded as he turned around and leans back against the sink." Are you supposed to be at work today?" Jax asked as he also took a sip of his coffee.

" Yeah, I am gotta be up at Disoa like an hour." Monica looked down for a moment as she tried to think of something to say." Jax, I..." Monica started to say but Jax interrupted her.

" I got few things to handle at the clubhouse and than I am gonna be heading over to Oregon. For a few days." Jax said as he set coffee cup into the sink and walked out of the kitchen and grabbed his cut when he heard Monica walking out of the kitchen.

" What do you mean? your going to Oregon?" Monica questioned as she crossed her arms over her chest.

" I am going up to Oregon, to spend time with Tara and my kids."

Monica scoffed and shook her head." Why? Tara isn't even your old lady anymore or your wife for that matter and the last time I checked, I am your old lady now or at least I thought I was." Monica said shaking her head.

Jax nods his head for a moment." Yeah, you were my old lady. But let's get real here. You knew this wasn't going to last forever Darlin and you also knew Tara was going to come back and she's still coming back. I know this sounds harsh but you were just temporary." Jax said as he walked towards the door and opens the door when Monica spoke up again.

" So, now what? When your up there in Oregon, playing house with a woman who clearly doesn't want you anymore. What am I supposed to do?" Monica questioned.

" I really don't give a shit. What you do Monica. But I do want you gone, before I get back. You got a few days to leave my house." Jax said as he walked out of his house closing the door behind him. Getting on his Dyna and placing his helmet on. Jax headed towards the clubhouse.

Walking into the clubhouse Jax walked over to Abel and the guys." Let's go to the table." Jax said as he dropped his cell into the box and lit his cigarette walking into the chapel and took a seat at the head of the table. Everyone followed in suit. After Tig closed the doors and sat down, Jax started the morning meeting.

" There's a space available on main street. I want to buy it. I think it's perfect for Tara. She could start her own clinic. I am going meet up with the owner of the space and put down the down payment and then I'm heading up to Oregon for a few days." Jax said as he took a drag from his cigarette.

" Does mom know, your coming?" Abel questioned.

Jax shook his head as he smirks." Nope, this is a surprise visit. I am also coming back and hopefully not alone." Jax said with another smirk.

" Are you sure, Mom is coming back?"

Jax nods his head." Yeah, I am sure. Now I need you to make sure Monica is gone. by the time we get back. I already told Monica that she has a few days to leave, before I come back with your mom and your siblings." Abel nods his head in agreement.

Jax then turn to his other brothers."I am also going need you guys, to handle things here, while I'm gone. Also I need someone to check on Disoa as well along redwoody. Everyone nods in agreement." Okay, now before I head out. Is there anything else?" Jax questioned.

" Yeah, Bobby answered." Uh, Nero reached out. He said something about Wendy wanting to set up a meeting with you." Bobby said shaking his head.

" What for?" Jax questioned.

Bobby shrugged his shoulders." Nero wouldn't say."

Jax sighs deeply taking another drag from his cigarette. He then turn to Abel." You think, you can handle the meeting with Wendy?" He questioned.

" Yeah, no problem." Abel said nodding his head. Abel had already learned that Wendy was his biological mother when he was ten. Both Jax and Tara sat down with Abel and finally told him the truth about Wendy. That was also the last time Tara and Jax saw each other until recently of course.

Jax nods his head once more." Set it up. Anything else?"He questioned. When everyone shook their heads. Jax slammed the gavel down on the table ending the morning church. Walking out of the clubhouse and after he talked to Abel some more. Jax got back on his Dyna and went to handle few things before heading up to Oregon.

Jax put down thirty grand for the down payment for the new space. He bought for Tara. So she could open up her new clinic in a few weeks. Jax also reached out to Nero letting him know, that he's going to be up at Oregon with Tara for a few days. But Abel would meet up with Wendy instead. Ending the call, Jax thought about calling Tara and letting her know that he was on his way up there. But decided surprising her would be better. Starting up his Dyna again, Jax headed towards North towards Oregon. He can't wait to see the look on Tara's face when she sees him. More importantly, Jax can't wait to bring his family home with him, permanently.

So what you think? Happy Reading everyone!!! Also Abel's old lady is coming soon. Probably in the next chapter. Enjoy!!!