A/N: I also have this up on A03 if people want to continue reading it while I catch up the chapters here. But if not, this is a Zelgan fic with SidLink and MiphaBazz. It will be split into 3 arcs.

I hope you enjoy :3

Reviews are my lifeblood

The Kingdom of Hyrule had been around for hundreds of years. Its first king had ruled it well, allowing it to flourish, and his daughter had saved it from ruin with a Goddess-blessed Hero. The beast that had tried to raze the kingdom to the ground had been slaughtered. This cycle continued in a predictable pattern with the Hyrule Princess and the Hero defeating the monster whenever it reared its head.

King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule XCIV was not about to make the same mistake as his ancestors. Instead of waiting for the Gerudo King to grow in strength and power, he struck the desert people first.

Razing their small town to the ground and scattering the Gerudo tribe to the wind, he took the moons old child back to Castle Town. With its skin still pale and not darkened by the sun to the typical Gerudo bronze, the only indication that the child was not Hylian was its gold eyes and fiery red hair.

King Rhoam passed the child off to a simple ranch family, a position he deemed worthy enough to keep the thirst of power at bay.

King Rhoam was satisfied with his work.

Without the boy in the hands of the Gerudo to poison and corrupt him, the Gerudo King would grow up as a Hylian, never learning of his true destiny. King Rhoam was determined to keep the boy ignorant of his heritage. And if it ever came down to the boy coming into his abilities as the Demon King, the King of Hyrule would snuff out the Gerudo's life before he became too powerful to stop.

Zelda groaned quietly as she listened to Purah blather on about the history between the Kingdom of Hyrule and the Domain of the Zora.

History wasn't really her strong suit, but her Sheikah teacher was insistent she learned it before her time as ruler came to pass.

She was only five, however, so all the ancient talk was boring her. Her current train of thought was on the fact that her father had promised she could go out into the market of Castle Town for the first time. It was the fact that she was deemed old enough to step outside the front doors of the castle that made Zelda buzz with excitement.

As long as she brought Impa, the younger sister to Purah, with her on her excursion.

Despite both of them having their white hairs drawn up into buns, Purah and Impa were not alike in the least. While Purah enjoyed history and the technology that was supposedly created by her race over ten thousand years ago, Impa was more stoic, drawn into her duties as the protector and bodyguard to Zelda.

Heaving another sigh, Zelda dropped her chin into her hand as she began to doodle on her note sheet; crude stick figures of monsters and Zora.

"Are you listening, Princess?" Purah's voice interrupted the blank state her mind had gone into.

Startled, Zelda looked up with wide eyes.

Purah was staring at her expectantly, arms crossed.


"What was the last thing I said?"

Blushing in embarrassment, Zelda looked down at her notes, scanning them over. She didn't know where she had stopped listening.

"Um…there are lots of different subspecies of Zora…?" Zelda mumbled, tapering off at the end.

The look on Purah's face told her she was off base.

"Are you done torturing her yet?" Impa asked, opening the door to the study.

Zelda gasped, hopping out of her seat. "Does that mean we can leave now?"

Impa nodded, smiling as she patted Zelda's head. "Get into some nice clothes."

After Zelda had run off with a high-pitched squeal, Impa looked at Purah who was staring at her in displeasure.

"Don't look at me like that. You're just as soft on her as I am."

Purah snorted, but didn't deny Impa's statement.

"Hey there, little cuccos. Want some breakfast?"

The cuccos fluttered to the spot where seed had been scattered, clucking amongst themselves.

The redhead chuckled at the cuccos. "Good birds."

"Hey, Gan!" a woman called from the window of a house.

"Yeah, mom?"

"Can you also feed the cows and horses?"

"On it!"

Despite only being seven, Ganondorf had wiry arms built from carrying hay bales and heavy feed bags since he was four. He had the tan of a farmer, shoulder-length red hair drawn up into a ponytail to keep it out of his way.

Ganondorf's family owned a farm at the corner of castle Town. Three horses, five cuccos, and two Hateno cows gave them the milk, eggs, and cheese that they sold at the market for a good amount of Rupees.

Ganondorf headed into the barn where the two Hateno cows resided in their stalls, their usually long horns cut in half and smoothed to a rounded point to prevent any possible injury to themselves or their handlers.

Ganondorf patted the noses of both cows. "You guys hungry? I'll get some hay for you."

The cows continued chewing their cud as Ganondorf grabbed a bale of hay from against the side wall. He took off the string holding it together before spreading the hay between the two.

"No fighting now."

Someone tapped Ganondorf on the arm and he looked to his side to see a five-year-old blond waving at him.

"Oh, good morning, Link."

Good morning, Link signed.

Link reached up to Ganondorf's chest so he always had to look up to the redhead. His hair was shorter than Ganondorf's, but he managed to tame it into a stubby ponytail. He had blue eyes that reminded Ganondorf of the sapphire gemstones he had seen in the market, brought down from the mines in Death Mountain.

Link's family was a half mile away from Ganondorf's family farm. Instead of livestock, his family owned a crop farm; they grew endura carrots, hearty radishes and truffles, and Hylian rice. They owned two horse used to plow the fields between seasons.

Link and Ganondorf had been friends for nearly two years. Ganondorf hadn't really meant to become friends with the blond but the blond had decided that they were going to be friends because Ganondorf had protected Link from some bullies.

He hadn't even done that much; just stood behind Link and crossed his arms in a challenge, daring the bullies to continue what they were doing.

Needless to say the bullies had cowered at the sight of the tall Hylian and fled. They never bothered Link again since Link always hung around Ganondorf.

Need help? Link asked, grinning at the taller male.

Ganondorf gave a nod. "Sure. I was just about to feed the horses."

Link perked up at the statement. He loved horses and horses seemed to like him; he was like a weird horse whisperer.

I want to help! Let me help!

With a chuckle, Ganondorf returned to the stable where he hefted two bales of hay on both shoulders.

"You want to help, go grab that bag of oats."

Link saluted then ran over to grab the large oat bag, grabbing it and beginning to drag it after Ganondorf.

Ganondorf glanced at the blond struggling to drag the eighty pound bag and snorted at the sight.

Dumping both bales of hay over the fence that contained the horses, Ganondorf cut the string then loosened the hay.

"There you go, guys."

Link finally managed to drag the bag over to Ganondorf, huffing. He leaned on his knees to catch his breath.

Got the…bag…

With a roll of his eyes, Ganondorf opened the bag and poured the oats into the trough. "Good job."

Link grinned before his ears pricked up at the chattering he heard. He trotted off towards the noise to see what it was all about. Peeking around the corner of a house, Link gasped at the sight of Princess Zelda coming down the road with a tall, intimidating Sheikah woman behind her.

"What are you gawking at?" Ganondorf asked, coming up beside Link.

Link made a bunch of frantic motions that didn't even qualify as a sentence, let alone Hylian Sign Language before he pointed.

Ganondorf followed Link's finger and gave a choked gasp. "Th-the princess!"

I know!

Ganondorf and Link watched as Princess Zelda dawdled at several stalls of food or trinkets, observing the items in awe.

After a bit, Ganondorf backed up and grabbed onto the downspout of the house they were hiding beside, pulling it to test its hold.

Link grabbed Ganondorf's shirt. What are you doing?

"Getting a better look," Ganondorf grunted, clambering up to the roof.

Link grabbed his hair as he watched Ganondorf leave before he peeked around the house once more, watching as Princess Zelda grew closer to their position.

Spanning the roof he was on to another roof across the road was a thick rope. Carefully, Ganondorf crawled across the rope until he reached the middle where he sat down, holding onto the rope for support.

Now he had a bird's eye view of Princess Zelda walking down the street.

Ganondorf leaned a bit so he could get a better look.

The rope vibrated with the shift in weight and Ganondorf squawked as he lost his balance, falling off the rope.

Impa put an arm in front of Zelda when she heard the squawk, pulling the princess back as someone face planted several feet in front of them.

Zelda looked around the Sheikah's arm, watching as the male rolled over before siting up.

Ganondorf groaned as he rubbed his face, making sure nothing was broken and his nose wasn't bleeding.

He stiffened when he saw both the Sheikah and Zelda staring at him.

Scrambling to his feet, Ganondorf gave a quick bow before taking off.

Zelda frowned, shoulders slumping as the redhead bolted. She hadn't even gotten to ask the boy if he was all right.

"Come along, Zelda," Impa murmured. "Do you want to make a flower crown for your father?"

Zelda's mood lifted at the suggestion, all thoughts of the strange boy gone from her mind, and she nodded excitedly. "Yeah!"

"We'll go a bit outside the castle gates, but not too far. Monsters lurk in numbers in Hyrule Field."

"Okay." Zelda followed Impa closely, eager to make something she knew her father would cherish.

"Daddy, daddy!"

Rhoam's hair and beard were long and white. A gold crown with Hyrule's royal symbol of a bird with wings spread adorned his head. He wore the royal clothes of a king, the Triforce attached to his belt.

"There you are, my little blossom!" Rhoam kneeled down, opening his arms for Zelda as she ran towards him. Once she had leapt into his arms, he spun her around. "Did you enjoy your time in town today?"

"Mm-hm!" Zelda nodded, grinning as she pointed to Impa who was carrying the flower crown she had made. "I made a flower crown out of those pretty flowers you always talk about!"

Rhoam hummed as he held Zelda in one arm so he could take the flower crown the Sheikah offered him. "Ahh, the Silent Princess….your mother loved these…"

Zelda frowned as she looked down. Her mother had passed from an illness when she had been two. Zelda didn't remember much about her other than the drawings Rhoam had done of her and the fact that she smelled like the Silent Princess: crisp and earthy like the scent of dirt after rainfall.

Rhoam smiled, setting the crown on his head before ruffling Zelda's head. "I love it. Thank you."

Zelda giggled, throwing her arms around Rhoam's neck. "I'm glad!"

Ten Years Later

"Hey, Link! Where are you, you lazy bastard?!" Ganondorf looked around as he searched for his wayward friend who had mysteriously disappeared.

Link had offered to help Ganondorf with his chores so they could go hang out quicker but now Ganondorf couldn't even find a hair of the blond.

"Where did that idiot go?" Ganondorf muttered, setting his hands on his hips as he glanced around the cucco's yard for a sign of Link.

"Hey, Gan!"

Looking to his right, Ganondorf saw Zelda coming towards him dressed a casual outfit of dark trousers and a long-sleeved blue shirt. Her blonde hair was long, falling past the middle of her back.

Somehow when they had been kids, Zelda had inserted herself into Ganondorf and Link's circle. Having the Princes as their friend was nerve-wracking at first, but the two had eventually adjusted to her presence. And she was proficient at ditching her Sheikah guards.

"Good morning, Zelda."

"You done with your chores yet?" Zelda asked. "We can go shield surfing at Rauru Hillside."

"Not yet. I lost Link; he was supposed to be clearing out the stables. It looks clean but I can't figure out where he disappeared to."

"I can help. Two heads are better than one."

Ganondorf rolled his eyes, smirking as he ruffled her hair. "Whatever you say, Princess."

Zelda swatted Ganondorf's hand away and he held his hands up in surrender. She pouted at him before heading into the stable to search for Link.

He was probably asleep somewhere Ganondorf hadn't thought to look.

While Ganondorf continued his search in the pasture, Zelda searched the stable. After a bit of looking and shifting through hay, she found a familiar tuft of blond hair buried under the hay of a stall.

Careful not to wake him, Zelda went outside to get Ganondorf and they both returned to stare at Link sleeping in the hay.

"Ah, yes, the Link in his natural habitat," Ganondorf murmured.

Zelda snorted, covering her mouth so she wouldn't laugh and accidentally wake Link.

Ganondorf suddenly grinned maliciously. "I got his arms."

Zelda clapped her hands, realizing Ganondorf's plan. "I'll get his legs."

Together, they picked up Link and carried him outside to the nearest water trough.

Slowly swinging him side to side, Ganondorf and Zelda tossed the blond into the trough.

Link landed in the water with a splash, the cold quickly waking him up and soaking his clothes. Link flailed a bit before he managed to get halfway out of the trough, scowling at his laughing friends.

Not funny!

"It was extremely funny," Ganondorf snorted.

"That's what you get for sleeping on the job," Zelda said. "Maybe you won't do it again."

Link pouted as he climbed out of the trough, taking off his shoes and dumping the water out of them.

A melody floated out of the open window of one of the castle turrets.

Ganondorf looked towards the sound, a pang of nostalgia hitting him.

"They're playing it again."

"The organ?" Zelda asked, following Ganondorf's gaze. "Father plays it around this time."

I prefer an ocarina, Link signed as he wrung out his shirt.

Ganondorf snorted while Zelda said, "Lyres are my personal favorite. There's something about their noise that soothes me."

Ganondorf shook his head, crossing his arms. He continued to gaze at the castle.

Zelda watched him before grinning. "Do you want to see the organ?"

Ganondorf whipped his head around to stare at Zelda in surprise. "What? Really?"

We can go in the castle?! Link signed excitedly.

Zelda nodded, waving them to follow her.

Ganondorf and Link grinned at each other as they followed after her.

"The organ's in a small room off the library," Zelda said as she led the two into a side door. "It's an old organ; been in our family for generations."

"I bet it's beautiful," Ganondorf murmured, staring at the décor and paintings of Hyrule's royal family's ancestors hanging along the walls.

"Dad keeps it well polished!" Zelda glanced back at Ganondorf and Link only to snap, "Link!"

Ganondorf slowed to a stop, glancing behind him to see Link holding a pot above his head.

"What are you doing?" Ganondorf asked.

Link glanced around as if to make sure Ganondorf was indeed asking him before he held the pot under his arm so he could sign Looking for Rupees?

"Why would a Rupee be in a pot?"

"Those are antiques!" Zelda hissed. "Break them, I break you."

Link pouted, setting the pot down where he had found it.

"Hands in your pockets."

Link stuffed his hands in his pockets, shoulders slumping in defeat.

Satisfied, Zelda continued leading the two to the room where the organ was held.

It stood against the far wall, mahogany wood gleaming in the sunlight streaming in through the open window. A red carpet lead to the organ's seat, border decorated gold.

A gilded carving of the Triforce loomed above the organ.

Ganondorf slowly approached the organ, running his hand along the side then pressing a few keys.

It was perfectly tuned.

Sitting at the seat, Ganondorf began to play a slow, somber tune.

"I didn't know he could play," Zelda murmured.

Link shrugged. Me either.

As they continued to watch him, Zelda swore she saw someone else sitting in Ganondorf's place.

An older man with short hair and strange clothes, a cape draped around his shoulders.

She blinked and the vision was gone.

Ganondorf was still playing the strange tune but he soon stopped when a sharp pain pierced his head. With a hiss, he rested his forehead in his hands, a discordant tune ringing out when his elbows hit the organ keys.

"Ganondorf?" Zelda asked. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Ganondorf hissed, lifting his head.

The headache was gone as quickly as it had come.


Do you want to go home? Link asked.

Ganondorf shook his head. "I'm fine. I don't want to miss out on shield surfing."

Zelda gave a hum, sharing a look with Link.

Once they were certain Ganondorf was indeed all right, the three headed to Rauru Hillside to shield surf; Ganondorf snagged a knight's shield from an unsuspecting trainee as they passed him on their way through Hyrule Forest Park.

It took a while to reach the hillside and by the time they could see it in the distance, Zelda took off running ahead of the boys.

Making a game of it, the two chased after her and all three raced each other to the top of the hill.

Ganondorf reached the hilltop first, slapping his hand on the ground to claim his victory.

"No…no fair!" Zelda panted, both her and Link leaning on their knees to catch their breath. "You're obnoxiously tall!"

Yeah! Link protested. You cover more ground.

Ganondorf rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"When I'm Queen, I'm gonna….outlaw tallness!"

"You can't outlaw someone being tall. It's an involuntary thing; no one can control their height."

"W-well…I'll outlaw…uh…"

While Zelda tried to think of a comeback, Link snuck behind Ganondorf and got onto his hands and knees. He caught Zelda's gaze, giving a thumbs up.

Zelda grinned, drawing herself up to her full height. "Well, there is an advantage to being short."

Ganondorf raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"We can do this!" She shoved her hands into Ganondorf's chest, knocking him back.

His legs hit Link's side and, unable to right himself, he crashed onto the ground with a grunt.

Link got up and he and Zelda high-fived.

"You're so going to regret that," Ganondorf muttered as he climbed to his feet. He grabbed Zelda, holding her against his chest, arm around her waist. "Now what are you going to do, Princess?"

"Oh, no!" Zelda swooned dramatically, hand going to her forehead. "The monster has ahold of me! Whatever shall I do?"

Link perked up, glancing around quickly before snatching up a nearby tree branch. Puffing up his chest to appear larger, Link pointed the branch at Ganondorf.

I'll save you, Princess! Release her, you fiend!

"Hah! You think a scrawny hero like you could possible hope to stand up to the might of me, the Dark Lord?"

"Save me, brave hero!"

Ganondorf leaned down to grab a nearby branch so he could brandish it at Link.

The two began to smack the sticks against each other, Ganondorf moving forward while Link moved back before Ganondorf backed up as Link pushed forward.

Zelda played the damsel in distress, swooning at the right moments and cheering Link on.

This continued for a while before a sharp pain pierced Ganondorf's chest as if he had been stabbed. He stopped with a grunt, dropping the stick.

Link paused, eyes widening in concern.

Zelda twisted to look at Ganondorf. "Gan? You okay?"

Ganondorf rubbed his chest as he released Zelda. The pain had come and gone as quickly as his headache earlier. "Y-yeah. We'll finish this duel later, hero!"

Ganondorf shook a fist at Link before swinging an invisible cloak like he was doing a disappearing act.

Link rolled his eyes at the dramatics. Shield surfing?

"Right." Zelda nodded. "How are we doing this?"

"We'll all stand on it." Ganondorf set the shield face down on the grass. "I'll be in the middle. Link, you're in the front. Zelda, the rear."

"This doesn't seem entirely safe," Zelda muttered as they all got into their positions. The three of them barely managed to squeeze onto the shield.

"Generally, it's a one-person deal. But where's the fun in that?" Ganondorf grinned as he set his foot on the ground, pushing off to send them sliding down the bumpy hillside.

Zelda squeaked in alarm, gripping Ganondorf's waist for dear life while the taller male laughed.

With minimal steering, the trio managed to avoid clipping any trees they passed.

The edge of the shield caught on a stone, sending the three tumbling to the bottom of the slope.

Link and Ganondorf were laughing breathlessly while Zelda appeared grateful to just be alive.

"Who's up for round two?"

Link shot his hand up immediately.

"No, no!" Zelda made a crossing motion with her arms as she shook her head. "Once was enough for me."

Ganondorf grunted. "Then what do you want to do, Princess?"

"How about we just…cloud watch?"

Ganondorf made a face while Link nodded ecstatically.

As the two laid on their backs, Ganondorf heaved a sigh as he laid between them, staring up at the fluffy white clouds drifting lazily across the blue sky.

Zelda pointed at a cloud. "I see a Blupee! See the ears?"

Link squinted at where she was pointing before he nodded. Then he pointed a cloud. I see a bird. It has a long neck and big bill.

"A heron?"

Link shook his head. Not sure.

Ganondorf stared at the clouds the two had pointed to, squinting and tilting his head side to side. He couldn't see what they saw. All he saw were blobs. Fat, cloud blobs.

He sighed.

Perhaps he lacked imagination.

I see a dragon. See, it looks like it's sitting on a mountain.

"Oh, I see!" Zelda clapped her hands before she looked at Ganondorf. "What do you see, Gan?"

"Huh, me?" Ganondorf blushed as he struggled to find a shape in the clouds. "Um…I see...a Chuchu?"

He pointed to one of the blobs and Link and Zelda stared at it.

"Well, it does look Chuchu-ish," Zelda admitted.

Link nodded. He then pointed to another cloud. Looks like two dudes fighting over something!

Ganondorf stared at the clouds that Link was pointing to. He could kind of see two figures locked in combat. Ganondorf grunted as another headache struck him. He grit his teeth and closed his eyes, a bolt of lightning flashing behind his eyelids.

There was a sharp smell of blood and Ganondorf could hear the drip, dripping of something. See the ripples the drips caused.

An incarnation of my hatred shall ever follow your kind, dooming them to wander a blood-soaked sea of darkness for all time!


Ganondorf gasped, opening his eyes and looking beside him. Zelda and Link were both gazing at him in concern.

You okay? Link asked.

Ganondorf rubbed his head and nodded. "Yeah. I think I just need a rest."

"Okay. We'll tell you when we're ready to go."

"Thanks." Ganondorf threw an arm over his eyes to shield them from the sun.

After a few beats of silence, he asked, "Do you think we'll be friends forever?"

Link and Zelda glanced at each other, not sure where the question had suddenly come from.

"Of course we'll be friends forever," Zelda murmured. "We'll always be friends."

Forever and ever, Link added.

A faint smile crossed Ganondorf's face. "I'm glad."