Oh look an angsty Cat Blanc one shot that my brain came up with at 10PM to go along with my new profile pic

He'd done it. Hawk Moth was now destroyed. He'd defeated his own father, in his fit of uncertainty.

But it came with a cost. His lady. His Marinette. Now nothing but a statue that with even the slightest touch, could disintegrate her.

And it seemed like everyone else in the city of Paris had been cataclysmed and turned into statues of dust as well. The silence was overwhelming. Usually Parisians were out on the streets, talking about the latest Ladybug stuff.

Not anymore.

Hell, was there even a person alive anymore? Once he'd gotten the blast to the moon (how it got there, he had no clue), the planet started flooding. And there was no way a person could breath underwater unless...

Yep. It was official, Cat Blanc was the last person alive on the planet.

He stayed atop the roof, looking out over the edge, wondering to himself one question...Why?

Why had he destroyed everything? Just over one stupid decision. People hadn't even done anything to provoke him!...

He kept staring, a single tear forming in his eye.

"My lady..." he whispered quietly, although he knew it was no use.

His lady was a dust statue under the water now. Better fate than drowning, he guessed. God, why did he have to just go and cataclysm everything?!

How long had it been since he'd destroyed everything? Cat Blanc had no idea. He'd stopped keeping track of time since his akumatization. But he was alone anyway. No one to talk to.

He missed Plagg. A lot. Despite the kwami's gluttonous behavior, he still found his presence enjoyable. But now, all there was was an empty void known as Earth, excluding Cat Blanc.

Sometimes he considered jumping into the water, but the staff worked as a breathing apparatus. So therefore, he'd be able to breathe underwater. And besides, drowning didn't seem that easy to do anyway.

Sometimes he considered just cataclysming the rest of Paris and then himself. The end of humanity as they'd know it. No more discoveries, no more evolution...just a ball of water from a destroyed moon. Maybe the universe as we know it. But that didn't sound appealing either, especially since no one else was around. No one to help his broken self.

So what was there to do? Sit there and occupy himself.


It wasn't working.

Nothing he could do could entertain him. No humans or Plagg to interact with was truly getting to his head. At least he didn't have to hear Hawk Moth's commands telling him what to do. He hated that bastard, for keeping his mother...

Oh god, now she really was dead.

"I'm sorry," Cat Blanc whispered to no one in particular. "I'm sorry...for all of this. I'm sorry Plagg. Marinette. Mom."

A single tear slid down his cheek, again.

"I will find a way to reverse this," he whispered again, as if taking a vow. Yes. He could fix it.

He was already broken, and besides, if everything was fixed, all would be good again! His lady would be alive, his mother could be healed...

A sort of grin broke out onto his face. The first time he'd smiled in forever.

"I will get everything back to how it was."

He stopped speaking to himself, looking back over the edge, and beginning to quietly sing to himself to distract himself from his thoughts.

But then, he heard it.

"Ch-Chat Noir?!"

His heart jumped. That voice...it sounded so familiar. But the person was wrong. He was not Noir, he was Blanc now. Curiosity got him to turn around, and what he saw pleasantly surprised him.

"My lady?!"

And we all know what happens if we watched the episode. But basically this was just a one shot I made, because I had nothing better to do really.

But yeah, see you guys next upload.