Once upon a time there lived a beautiful under the sea kingdom called Atlantica that is ruled by a wise and kind king that is named king Oak he lives in this beautiful kingdom with his 4 daughters and today is a going to be a special concert in honor of their king.

Before the concert was about to begin king oak came out on a seashell chariot that is being driven by 3 Gorebyss with a krabby slowing following behind him.

King oak: I am really looking forward for this performs Krabby.

Krabby: oh your majesty this will be the finest concert I have ever done and your daughters they will be amazing.

King oak: yes especially my little Misty.

Krabby: yes she has the most beautiful voice if only she will show up for rehearsals once and a while

Fanilly Krabby got to his podium and started to take music sheets out and started the band.

When the music started 4 seashells arrived on stage

Daughter's of Oak

Oh we are the daughters great father who loves us and named us as well.




And than there is the youngtest in her first musical debut. Our fourth sister that we are presenting her to you

To sing a song that Krabby wrote her voice is like a bell and she's sister Mis-.

Once everyone saw the seashell empty everyone was upset and confused but no was more furious then the King

King oak: MISTY!


This is the beginning of the story I hope everyone that reads it loves it and stays tune for more and if anyone has even more ideas for future pokemon and Disney movie stories please feel free to share with me all you have to do is tell me the name of the Disney movie and which poke girl you would like to see have love interest with Ash.