This is the tale of a boy who lost his love, as forbidden as it was, and his last attempt to change the hand Fate has dealt him.

Their love, it was something that neither would ever change, no matter the scorn or hate. But where do we begin with this story…?

Well, like all stories, we start at the beginning…


Lincoln awoke in his cramped room, blankly staring up at the ceiling. He reached under his pillow and dragged out his cellphone, seeing that it was six in the morning. With a heavy sigh, Lincoln decided to get an early start on the morning routine. The snow haired lad threw off his blankets and swung his legs over the edge of his bed. Lincoln stood up and stretched and accidentally banged his fist against the wall.

"Dang it!" he exclaimed.

It was something that occurred every once and awhile, his parents had suggested that he should move out of his room, now at the age of thirteen, his body had grown more, and as such, the converted linen closet was hardly the best place for a growing boy to live in anymore. But Lincoln refused to do so, for more than one reason.

Lincoln grabbed his toothbrush and towel and exited his room. As he walked along the hallway, he stopped. He knew he shouldn't, but Lincoln couldn't help it. The young teen glanced to his right and looked into the empty room. There was nothing left of what made it stand out from the rest of the rooms, Lucy's bed was gone, along with all her macabre items, as well as Lynn's bed and her assortment of sports equipment and paraphernalia.

Looking into this empty room always made Lincoln's heart hurt, compared to the other rooms in this house, which had been marked with the unique personality of the girls who inhabited them, it was foreign and painful to see this room devoid of any personality. Lincoln sighed and continued into the bathroom, washing up and brushing his teeth. After a couple of minutes he found that someone was waiting outside the door.

Luan was there, she was sixteen now, and had the height to go with it. She was kind of beanstalk when she was fourteen, but now, it seems, she was the tallest one in the house. Her braces had finally been removed, and she no longer wore her hair in a ponytail, instead, she let her long amber locks flow down past her shoulders. She was wearing her yellow plaid pajamas, albeit a bigger size of them, and apparently her body finally started to develop making her the third biggest – in a certain upper part of their bodies – in the house, right behind Lori, with Leni being the first.

"Morning, Linc," Luan greeted.

"Hey," he replied.

"You're up early."

Lincoln looked down. "Couldn't sleep much."

Luan looked upon her brother worriedly. "Lincoln…" the young comedienne placed her hand on his shoulder. "You really should tell Mom and Dad, you haven't had a good night's sleep for almost two weeks now…I'm worried, we all are."

It was true, the middle child of the Loud family had bags under his eyes, and looked exhausted most of the time. Lincoln gently brushed his sister's hand away and gave her a small, reassuring smile.

"I'm fine, Luan, really," said Lincoln. "If it gets too bad, I'll talk to Lisa and have her make some kind sleeping drug or something."

Luan didn't seem too convinced by her brother's compromise, but right now, she knew better than to push it. "Okay." Lincoln began walking away, but then Luan called out, "Lincoln, you know…you know you can always talk to us, right? We're family, we're here for you."

Lincoln glanced over his shoulder. "I know."

With that, Luan disappeared into the bathroom. Lincoln felt a bit of annoyance, but knew better than to feel that way. Lori had long since moved to Great Lakes City and was now living with Bobby and going to college. Leni was scouted by a good fashion school while working at Reinger's and was currently studying and living at that School of Fashion Arts. This left both Luna and Luan as the oldest sisters in the house, and as such, the ones who were put in charge.

They had taken their roles seriously, Luna was still the passionate, free spirited, rocker, but she also knew when to turn on the authority when needed, something that Lori made sure Luna knew before leaving. Luan wasn't as strict as Luna, being the bringer of laughter, she often liked being more like a second mother. Luan was still dating Benny, the theater nerd had been good to her, and was there for her a lot. Luna and Sam were just as in love with each other as the day when Luna confessed to her, and more often than not, she would help Luna with looking after the younger Louds, often joking that it was "good practice" for the future, a tease that never failed to make Luna blush like a school girl.


Lincoln watched as the door to Lisa and Lily's room burst open, the toddler of the family, who was now three, was running naked down the hall, giggling and holding something that clearly did not belong to her. Right behind the toddler was Lisa, now six years old, the twins were taller than her, but if Lincoln had to compare, Lisa now stood taller than them at that age, almost to the point that she was at eye height with the twins now.

The middle child of the Loud House rolled his eyes, Lily was about to run past him, that is until Lincoln reached out with his right hand grabbed Lily by the forehead, making her stop. "Lily, what did we say about running through the house, naked?"

"I shouldn't do it!" Lily said happily.

"Uh-huh, and what do you have in your hands?" Lincoln asked.

Lily brought up what looked like a metal cube. "Lisa's toy!"

Lisa skidded to a halt. "That is not a toy! That is a multi-stage, cubic compressor! It's designed to hold vast amounts of energy, and is highly unstable!"

Lincoln raised an eyebrow. "How unstable?"

"Unstable enough not to go running around the house with it!" Lisa stated.

"Oooookaaaay…Lily what's that?!" Lily glanced about the room, Lincoln swiftly nabbed the cube away from Lily before she knew what happened and held it high over his head.

Lily, after noticing that the cube was gone, looked up and saw Lincoln hold it high above his head. "No fair!"

"Lily, it's not a toy, and it belongs to Lisa. You have a lot of toys already," said Lincoln.

"Lisa's are more fun! They go BOOM," said Lily.

"Yeah, that's not really a good thing." Lincoln could tell that the toddler was going to throw a tantrum if he didn't give back the cube. "Tell you what, if you promise not to take or touch any of Lisa's 'toys', then I'll take you somewhere fun this weekend, sound good?"

Lily scrunched her face as if thinking hard, but it only took her a second to come to an answer, "Okay!"

"Good, now go and put some clothes on."

Lily began walking towards her room, but stopped to give Lisa a hug before doing so. The genius of the house sighed in relief as she walked up to her big brother, who then handed the device over to her. "Thank you for your assistance, elder brother."

"No prob, although, you should start thinking about locking that stuff away, or putting it somewhere she can't mess with it," said Lincoln.

"The problem with that is that Lily is craftier than she lets on, perhaps it was due to the – ahem – experiments that I've conducted, or through spending time living with me, that her intuition and intellect has increased," said Lisa.

Lincoln wasn't about to argue that, the youngest child of their family was already walking and speaking clearly faster than most after fourteen months, and now she was doing stuff like this.

"By the way, I couldn't help but hear a bang come from your room," said Lisa.

"Yeah, sorry, I bumped by fist against the wall, again."

Lisa didn't seem to want to say it, but she decided to broach the subject. "Lincoln…perhaps it is best that you move out of that room. At your current growth rate, that room will no longer serve as a suitable place to inhabit. Perhaps…Perhaps you will reconsider moving into my room?"

Lincoln sighed as he walked towards his room and opened the door. "We've been over this Lisa, me, you, and Lily, it'll be too cramped."

"I have been working on a way to increase the amount space, and with a little reconstruction, I could easily expand the size of my room to accommodate you." Lisa looked down at the floor. "It just seems that…you've been rather lonely since–"

"LISA!" Lincoln growled.

The six-year-old immediately went silent, Lincoln's voice had deepened a little since he hit puberty. His high tone of voice was there whenever he spoke gently and calmly, but when he was angry or serious, it would drop a couple of octaves. It was enough that, whenever she, Lily, or the twins got too rowdy or out of the control, the sound of his voice would make them stop. Luan and Luna would often joke that he finally grew into his "big brother voice".

Lincoln glanced back at his second youngest sister, a look of irritation was present. "I appreciate what you're trying to do, but I'm fine."

Lisa formed a scowl as she glared up at her brother. "No, you are not! You have been sleep depraved for a number of days, you doze off here and there, your lethargic, and depressed! I understand that you and…Lynn…were closer to each other than most of us, but this not healthy!"

Lincoln turned around, standing before his younger sister and making her look up at him. "You have no idea how I feel!"

"I miss her, too," Lisa's eyes watered, "but being the outgoing, energetic girl she was, I doubt that she would want to see you like this!"

"Get out."

Lisa blinked.

"I said, GET. OUT!" Lincoln ordered.

Lincoln took a step forward, which made Lisa take a step back. Lisa started to get skittish, perhaps she had been to brash in the way she spoke. "Lincoln, I only wish–"

"Lisa, either get out of my room, or I'll throw you out!" Lincoln stated once again, taking another step forward and bumping his chest against Lisa.

The six-year-old stumbled backwards, almost falling over, but caught herself before that happened. Once Lincoln was sure she was a safe distance from his door, he slammed and locked it.

Lisa felt a pang of hurt in her chest. Since that day, Lisa had taken a growing interest in the wellbeing of her family, especially Lincoln. He was always there for her, and she wanted to do the same, but the young teen had taken this even harder than anyone in the house.

The slam did not go unheard as Luna bolted into the hallway, she was wearing a purple tank top, and matching panties, her hair had grown out, but only to around her neck. "Yo, what's goin' on?! Lis, you alright?"

Lisa sighed heavily. "I…I might've gone a bit too far when speaking with Lincoln."

The rocker walked over to the young genius and knelt next to her. "You know he loves you, he loves all of us, so don't take it personally. Linc's just hurting."

"I understand…I know he wouldn't do anything to harm us, I just…I just wish to see the old Lincoln again," said Lisa.

Luna glanced towards the closed door. "Me too."

Lisa finally took notice of Luna's garb and groaned in annoyance. "Woman, would you please put on some pants?"

"Be glad I'm wearing anything after getting out of bed," said Luna.

Lisa pinched the bridge of her nose. "How Luan is able to sleep in the same room as you, knowing that you sleep with no undergarments, or clothes, is beyond me."

"Well, for one, we're all girls, not like any of us have something the others don't. And second, we're sisters, how many times have we seen Lincoln walk around in his undies? Besides, maybe you should deal with your own growing nudist before casting judgement little sis."

Lisa was confused by that statement, that is until she saw Lily, once again, dashing out of their room in the buff. "Lily, confound it!"

Breakfast was a little tense that morning, what with the earlier incident, but otherwise it was alright. Lincoln was dropped off at the middle school that he now attend, the same one she attended.

Lincoln met up with Clyde, he had been there for him through this difficult time, and would do his best to console his friend, but no one could understand what he was going through. How could they?

The thirteen-year-old went through his classes, the days were like a blur, his mind only catching parts of the lessons that the teachers were giving. Lincoln was forced to rely on Clyde's impeccable note taking to make sure he didn't fall behind, he hated to put that kind of pressure on his best friend, but, the way he was now, the energy to do much of anything was not there. The only thing that allowed him to stay active was the time he spent hanging out with Clyde, or generally, helping out one of his ten…one of his nine sisters.

The day was just as fleeting as it the one previous, and Lincoln was about to leave for the day, but then he stopped at the corner.

"Hey, you've seen the sorry state 'Larry's' been in lately?"

Lincoln recognized that arrogant tone, it was Chandler. He was popular in elementary school, and, unfortunately, that popularity had followed him into middle school. He quickly gained favor with the popular kids of the school, and earned himself a place among their upper echelons, now he was even more of a jerk than he was before.

"Wait, who's 'Larry'?" another kid asked.

"Ugh, you know who I'm talking about, buck teeth, white hair?"

"Oh, yeah, now I get ya. But, yeah, he looks like death warmed over."

"What happened, he get dumped or something?" Chandler asked.

"No, man, one of his sister's died."

Lincoln tensed up, despite knowing that, the reality was still hard to deal with.

"Really, which one? Didn't he have, like, five of 'em?"

"Nah, I think it was ten."

There was a sputtering noise as Chandler said, "Damn, still can't get over that number. So, which one?"


Lincoln could hear Chandler humming as he was thinking. "Lynn…Lynn…Oh, yeah, wasn't she that jock? Oh well, no real lose there."

Lincoln's hands balled into fists.

"What do you mean?" a boy asked.

"I mean, compared to his other sisters, she wasn't much of a looker from what I remember. I mean, she was flat as a board, and looked like a dude most of the time. I mean did she even have a boyfriend? Probably a lesbo as butch as she was."

"Dude, that's kinda harsh, the chick's dead."

"Like I said, it wasn't one the hotter ones. Now that one, you know, with the guitar, or one of those two blondes, I'd definitely–!"

"CHANDLER!" Lincoln appeared from around the corner, his eyes were narrowed into dangerous slits as his fists trembled with barely contained rage.

Chandler, the redheaded popular boy, and his entourage of three other boys, were all looking at Lincoln. The three boys at least had the decency to look a little ashamed when they saw him, as well as fearful. However, Chandler wasn't even worried, either because he didn't care, or he was just too stupid to notice that Lincoln was one hair trigger away from laying into him.

"Hey, 'Larry'," said Chandler in a mocking tone.

"You have a lot of balls talking shit about my sisters behind my back," Lincoln stated.

"Geez, Larry, take a chill pill or something, I'm sorry." His voice was so condescending that it was painful to hear. "But you can't say that most of what I said wasn't true, I mean, your wannabe rock star of a sister is gay, not like I couldn't be wrong with Lynn. Plus, she was flat."

"You don't know a damn thing about Lynn! Now take that back or –!"

"Or what?" Chandler dared to interrupt.

The three boys started to get into a defensive formation, putting themselves out in front of Chandler. As bad as they felt about what Chandler was saying, even they wouldn't go against him, lest they fall from his good graces. Hey, they still had a few more years of middle school and high school with this jack off, better not to rock the boat.

Lincoln slid off his backpack and let it hit the ground. He released the tension in his muscles, remembering the lessons he was once taught by someone he cared about deeply.

"Don't go into a fight all tensed up, don't lock up any part of yourself. Remain loose, remain fluid. Be water."


"Water can take any shape it wants, pour it into a cup, it becomes a cup, pour it into a bowl, it becomes the bowl. Water can flow, stream, and crash."

"You know you just ripped that off from Bruce Lee, right?"

"Duh! He's one of the greatest martial artists of all time! And for the record, I wasn't 'ripping off' I was quoting him. Still, he had a point. Just be water Linc."

Lincoln took a few deep breathes, in and out, in and out. He widened his stance and brought up his fists, lowering his center of gravity as he prepared to attack. The boys seemed to be a little intimidated by the way Lincoln was standing, as far as they knew, the Loud boy had never boasted that he was taking any martial arts classes, and it was widely known that he and Clyde weren't the most athletic boys in their class. That being said, a lot can change, especially when you talk shit about someone's dead relative.

"What are you guys waiting for? Just kick his ass already, I wanna get home to play some games before it gets late," Chandler goaded.

The first boy, with black hair, broke from the group and threw a punch. Lincoln could see it, even in his sleep deprived state, someone like this was going to be child's play. Lincoln caught the boy's arm, he then threw out a kick to his legs, knocking the boy off balance. The snow haired teen then pulled back and threw the black haired boy onto his back, using his own momentum. The halls echoed with a loud smack as he landed against the linoleum floor. The boy let out a wheezing gasp as the wind was knocked out of him.

The other two boys, even Chandler, were taken by surprise at Lincoln's display.

"The fuck?!" the blonde haired boy exclaimed.

"It was just a lucky shot," said Chandler. "Go on!"

Lincoln was more than happy to show them that that wasn't just luck. The blonde haired boy came up next, throwing punches left and right. Lincoln's scrawny build didn't allow much in the area of strength, but it made him nimble, and fast. The uncoordinated strikes of the blonde boy made Lincoln back up, but he noticed something during the exchange, he didn't bother to watch his legs.

The Loud boy ducked under the blonde's right punch, crouching low, and struck the side of his opponent's knee with his fist. The blonde yelped in pain as he collapsed to one knee, allowing Lincoln to strike him from behind with a double handed hammer blow to the back his head. The blonde went down hard, striking face first against the floor as he rolled about in pain and clutching at his face.

The brown haired boy was the only one left, and he was visibly afraid. Lincoln had just downed two out of three of them, and he didn't even look tired. The middle Loud child slowly approached the last of Chandler's "bodyguards", his eyes darting about as the brown haired boy tried to figure out what he could do.

Unfortunately, his hesitation allowed Lincoln to move in quickly and deliver a swift kick to his family jewels. The brown haired boy released a high pitched squeal before fully collapsing onto the floor, cupping his manhood as tears fell from his eyes.

However, Chandler took that moment and came in to strike Lincoln in the face, throwing Lincoln against the lockers. Chandler began wailing on Lincoln, hitting him in the stomach, the head, anywhere he thought he could make the kid hurt. Lincoln had his arms raised, protecting his head as much as he could, he was literally against the wall.

"Not going to lie, Linc. You're not always going be able to control the way a fight goes, sometimes some asshole will end up getting a luck shot in, and that's all it takes sometimes to turn it against you."

"What do you do then?"

"Depends. If you're fighting multiple guys, unless you can find some way around them, you're pretty much fucked. But, in those cases, it's not uncalled for to play dirty. Street rules bitch!"

Lincoln weathered the blows, looking for his opening. Chandler mistook Lincoln's patience for weakness, and because of that, the redhead decided to wind up his next punch.

What an idiot.

Lincoln charged forward, ramming his forehead into Chandler's face. There was small cracking sound upon impact, and Chandler could now taste blood. The redhead's nose was visibly broken as blood began to pore from the nostrils. Lincoln didn't stop, he delivered two left jabs into Chandler's face, followed up by a right straight punch, one left hook to his right side, and followed up by a right uppercut.

Chandler was thrown to the opposite wall from the force of the swift combo, but Lincoln didn't stop. He kicked out Chandler's knee, making him kneel before him. Lincoln kicked straight for Chandler's groin, hard. The redhead let out a strained scream as he was about to fall forward, but Lincoln caught the jerky teen by his hair and made him stay up.

"If I ever hear you talk about any of my sisters like you just did, I'll personally end you !" Lincoln threatened. "Tell me you understand!"


Lincoln scowled harder as he asked, "What's my name?"



"L-L-Lincoln," said Chandler in a timid voice.

Lincoln said nothing else as he released Chandler and let him fall to the floor. The thirteen-year-old huffed and panted from the ordeal, his hands shook from the aftermath of the adrenaline that coursed through his body during the fight. He took a moment to survey his work, it was probably overkill, and he was assuredly going to get in trouble for this. But he didn't really care.

Then Lincoln noticed that he had an audience, most of the kids had gathered in the hallway at both ends, having watched most of the fight. In the crowd he spotted his friends, Zach, Liam, Rusty, Clyde, and Stella, all of whom were staring at Lincoln with wide eyes full of shock and awe.

At that moment a teacher managed to get through the wall of middle schoolers and took in the scene, four boys on the floor, and only one standing.

Lincoln rode at the back of Vanzilla, Lola, Lana, Lucy, and Lisa had opted to walk home, leaving Luna and Luan to pick up Lincoln. Of course, when they arrived, they were immediately brought to the principal's office where they were told about the fight that had happened. Thankfully, the two oldest Loud children managed to convince the principal that Lincoln was taking the death of their sister harder than the rest of them.

And, coincidentally, one of the students who was an avid vlogger, had his phone recording the entire incident from when Chandler was bad mouthing their sister, all the way to where Lincoln waylaid them. After seeing and hearing that, Luna and Luan were actually proud of their little brother, and at the same time, sorry that they couldn't get in on that action.

Regardless, Lincoln was going to be suspended for a week due to their policy on fighting, and since one of Chandler's goons threw the first punch, it would be ruled as self-defense, plus the damning video and audio would not help Chandler or his friends' case.

The ride home was silent, Luan took a moment look at her little brother through the rearview mirror. He had a few bruises, but the nurse didn't see that he was too bad, in all honesty, the guys he fought looked worse.

Luna looked at the rearview as well, she then sighed and said, "Bro, let me just say, I'm proud of you for kicking that pissant's ass. But, you can't be doing that again. Luan and I managed to convince your principal to let you off because…well… you know. We'll back you up when we get home and tell Mom and Dad, but, try not do go off like that again."

"He had it coming one way or another. He's been an asshole since elementary school, and then he goes and talks shit about Lynn like that! She's…dead…! If he ever does that again I'm gonna –!"

"You're 'gonna' nothing!" Luna stated. "One fight is bad, but understandable. If you kick Chandler's ass like that again, or do it worse, then this excuse isn't going to fly!"

Lincoln crossed his arms and muttered, "I didn't need you to make an excuse for me…"

"Ugh." Luna groaned as she gripped the steering wheel hard.

Luan put her hand on Luna's shoulder, trying to convince her to calm down. The rocker released a sigh, she didn't need to drive angry, plus, it wasn't like she could blame her little brother for what he did. Luna noticed, probably before most of their siblings, how close Lynn and Lincoln where.

Compared to the others, the age gap between Lynn and Lincoln wasn't as big as the others, so it was only natural that they'd gravitate towards each other more. Although, when Lincoln got older, their closeness kind of faded, and Luna ended up being closer to him. However, while Luna and Lincoln were close, a year or two ago, the dynamic between Lincoln and Lynn seemed to change. They were hanging out more, Lynn was acting nicer towards Lincoln, defending him more, and Lincoln was the same.

Their time spent together seemed like less of a hassle for Lincoln, and more like something he looked forward to. It was probably during their time alone that Lynn taught Lincoln how to fight like he did. There were times when Luna would come home and find the two of them passed out on the couch, sometimes Lincoln would be lying next to Lynn, an arm draped around her, or Lynn would be resting her head on his lap, or vice versa.

Luan, Lori, Luna, and Leni had taken a lot of pictures of these moments, finding it cute. Leni had pointed out a while back that, from the pictures, that Lynn and Lincoln looked like they were boyfriend and girlfriend. That had earned the ditzy blonde a round of disturbed looks from her sisters.

"What?" Leni asked.

"Leni, please don't joke like that. They're, literally, our little brother and sister," said Lori.

"I know, but, you can't say that they'd totes make a cute couple from looking at these?"

"Dude, just, no. I don't want to think about my sibs secretly banging each other," said Luna.

"Eew! Luna! Seriously, don't put those thoughts in my head!"

"Yeah, Luna, I incest you not bring that up! Ha, ha, geddit?"

A lot of groans and eye rolls followed.

"I'm just saying, you know, if they weren't our brother and sister, that they'd be cute together," Leni clarified.

They had asked that Leni never joke like that, as cute as those moments they captured were, incest was not something they wanted to contemplate. But, objectively speaking, the girls did agree that if Lincoln and Lynn weren't blood related that, yes, they did make a cute couple.

For some reason, that memory kept playing in Luna's mind more and more lately. She didn't want to think about it, but the more she ignored it, the more it would insist on making itself known. Luna just couldn't, she didn't want to think that her comic book loving little brother and her sports obsessed little sister, were secretly lovers.

Although, as hard as all of them were taking it, Lincoln was devastated. Luna and Lori, even their parents, attributed this due to their growing closeness. Luna thought that it was so unfair, those two were more often than not at odds with each other, and just when they were starting to be like best friends, fate went and tore them apart.

Luna, briefly, let herself think about how she'd feel if Sam died. Fear gripped her heart and followed by an almost overwhelming sadness formed inside her. She quickly quashed those thoughts, reminding herself that Sam was alive and well, and made a note to call her later. Unfortunately, this still didn't quell the nagging thought in her head, if anything, it just made it worse. If what Luna just felt was similar to what Lincoln was feeling then maybe…

"Hey," said Lincoln. "Do you…Do you mind if we go see her?"

Luna and Luan looked to each other.

"You sure about this, Linc?" Luan asked.

Lincoln nodded.

Luan looked back at Luna, leaving the decision up to her. Luna wasn't about to deny that request. She put on the blinker and headed to where their sister was resting. It took a few minutes, but the three siblings eventually made it to Royal Woods Cemetery. They drove through the lot until they came to the area where they had, not too long ago, buried their sister. All three exited Vanzilla, but Lincoln stopped and asked, "Do you guys mind if I go and see her, alone?"

"Sure, go on little bro," said Luna.

"We'll be right here," said Luan.

Lincoln smiled as his sisters and made the lone walk. The graveyard was silent, all but for the cold air that rustled the trees and grass. It was February, the last leg of winter, and soon spring would come, nature would awaken from its cold sleep and with it, new life would come.

The snow haired boy walked through the rows of headstones, having memorized the location by heart, making it so that even if had gone blind, he would never forget where she was. After a minute and a half, Lincoln found her.

The gray, marble headstone that was etched with the words, "Linda 'Lynn' Loud Jr. She lived life to the fullest and never looked back. Erected in loving memory by her loving family."

Lincoln stood there before the headstone, hands tucked away in his jacket pockets as he stared down at the cold stone. "Hey…Lynn. Not sure if you saw…but I kicked Chandler's ass today." The snow haired boy knelt before the headstone. "He was saying all this crappy stuff about you, but what did he know? What did any of them know?! I know who you are…were…"

Lincoln reached out and touched the headstone. "I miss you…I really…really miss you…" tears began to flow from his eyes, a heavy lump formed in his throat as he struggled to get his words out. "It's not fair…you…you should be here! N-Not me! It's…It's my fault…you're not here…and it's…m-my fault!"

The young teen sniffled as he continued. "I miss it all…the sound of your voice…that gross sweaty smell after you worked out…how outgoing you were…how we…we used to kiss." Lincoln rubbed his nose and swallowed the lump. "I wanted to keep going…I wanted to see where we ended up…together. Was this some punishment? Are we being punished for how we felt about each other?……I had the chance to stop it, but I didn't, I wanted this…and now…" Lincoln chuckled. "You know, as much as Stella says she wants to stay friends with all of us, I think she's been looking at me more. She checks on me just as much as Clyde, but…there won't be anyone else like you…"

Lincoln stood up and removed his hand from his lover's headstone. "I'll come and see you again…"

Lincoln made the walk back to his sisters, both of which noticed the red puffiness of his eyes. Luna and Luan couldn't help but start crying too, both sister's brought their brother into a group hug, where all three of them were able to share in their grief together.

When they arrived home, Lincoln was grounded, obviously. Luna and Luan managed to explain what had happened and showed them the footage of what occurred, thanks to this, Lincoln's grounding was only for a day, and with both parents smiling proudly at their son defending the honor of his sisters.

Night fell soon after, dinner was eaten, and everyone had gone to bed. Except for Lincoln, once again, his ability to sleep peacefully was preventing him from getting any actual sleep. The nightmares of that incident plagued him, combined with his regret, it made for very restless nights.


Lincoln missed the nights that Lynn would sneak into his room and cuddle up next to him, sometimes she spoon him, but, despite her statements to the contrary, she liked it when Lincoln spooned her. He missed the smell of her shampoo from her hair, and how it would sometimes linger on his pillow after she'd left.


He missed how, as embarrassing as it was, the two of them would…explore each other. They hadn't crossed the forbidden line yet, but, they came close a number of times during the Lynn's visits to his room. A touch would lead to groping, groping would then lead to kissing, and kissing would then lead to the two of them stripping down to their underwear and–


The young teen snapped awake as he sat up in his bed, he quickly came to regret this action as his forehead struck against something making him fall back down as he clutched as his sore forehead, it was then that someone else fell next to him doing the same.

When the blurriness of his eyes began to clear, Lincoln began to see who it was. Long black hair, long bangs, a black shirt with black and white pajama pants, this was definitely Lucy.

"Lucy, what are you doing?"

"Ugh, trying to wake you up," she answered.

Lincoln felt around for his cellphone, grabbed it, and then turned it on. "Luce, it's two in the morning, why the hell did you wake me up so early?"

Lucy sat on her knees as she rubbed her forehead. "It's not as if you're going to school tomorrow."


"Anyways, there's something important I need to discuss with you."

Lincoln groaned as he turned away from her. "If it's help with a poem or creative writing, I'll help you out tomorrow when you get back from school…go back to bed."

Lucy grabbed Lincoln's left shoulder and forced him to turn towards her. "It's not about a poem, or story. It's about how we can get Lynn back!"

Lincoln shot back up as he gave his little sister a scrutinizing look. "Lucy, please don't joke about something like that."

"I'm not joking about anything. I mean it, there is a way to bring Lynn back to life…but…it's dangerous," said Lucy.

Lincoln narrowed his gaze and asked, "How?"

Lucy maneuvered herself off of his bed and waved her hand for him to follow. Lincoln quickly followed after her, exiting his room and headed towards the pull down stairs to the attic. Ever since Lynn's death, Lucy refused to stay in the room she and Lynn shared in life, so, she took up residence in the attic. With Lisa's help, they managed to make the attic better insulated against the cold for the winter time, allowing Lucy to stay there. Their parents were worried about this arrangement, seeing as how their already gothic daughter was always thinking about death, the macabre, and occult, unpleasant thoughts would enter their heads, and the heads of the other Loud siblings.

Lincoln headed up the stairs and into the attic, closing the stairs door once he did. Inside, the room was lit by a lamp, Lucy's bed and coffin were off to one side of the room, her collection of literature occupied another side of the attic close to Lucy's bed, while her pet bat, Fangs, roosted up in the rafters. A number of items were taken out of the attic to accommodate its new tenant, some things were put in storage, others were placed in the garage, and others were just pushed to the far end of the attic.

Lincoln noticed that there were many boxes opened around Lucy's bed, along with a number of books that Lincoln didn't recognize. "Okay, you said we can bring her back, how?"

Lucy walked over to her bed and, after moving her coffin, bade Lincoln to come over. The middle child did as he was asked and sat on the bed across from Lucy. The dark haired girl opened up a book and showed Lincoln a page that had seven images. One looked like a knight with a sword, another was a man holding a spear, the third was an bowman, the fourth looked like a wizard, the fifth looked like a killer, the sixth a charioteer, and the seventh a monster. All seven of them surrounded something that looked like a chalice.

"What is this?" Lincoln asked.

"Every so many years, there is an item of great magical power that appears in our world. It's called the Holy Grail," Lucy explained.

"Wait, are you talking about the holy grail from the Bible?"

Lucy shook her head. "No, not that one, although, they may be the same anyway. But, the one I am speaking of, is a near omnipotent magical artifact that has the power to grant any wish a person desires, nothing is impossible for it, time, space, not even death is beyond its grasp."

"So…you're saying that this can bring Lynn back, if this is real, how do we get it?" Lincoln asked, still skeptical.

Lucy could sense his skepticism, which she couldn't blame him for it. "It's not as simple as finding it. When this item appears, seven mages are chosen to fight for this item, they are called Masters. The seven Masters summon seven Servants – Heroic Spirits – to fight as their proxies. The last Master and Servant standing in this Holy Grail War, earns the right to make their wish upon it."

"Masters, Servants, Heroic Spirits…Lucy, what are you getting at?" Lincoln asked desperately.

Lucy sighed. "Sigh. I want us to enter into this Grail War, you and me, Lincoln. Together, we'll fight the other six Masters and obtain the Grail. However, before that, I need to awaken the magic inside you, as I did myself."

"Okay, Luce, I am really in no mood for pretend! Jesus, why did I even think for one second that –!"

Lincoln's words died in his mouth as he watched Lucy's right hand glow purple. With a flick of her wrist, the dark haired girl vanished from his sight. Lincoln reached out to the spot were she was, feeling around for her, the spot where she sat was still warm, so she wasn't a ghost.

"Impressive, yes?"

"GAH!" Lincoln yelped as he backed up to the headboard, now finding that Lucy had somehow gotten behind him. "H-How did – when did you?!"

"Turns out I was more in tune with my Magic Circuits than I would've thought. I was doing that without knowing it was magic for years now," said Lucy.

Lincoln was somehow not completely surprise that Lucy's ability to suddenly appear out of nowhere was due to some supernatural ability, because despite how many times he would check the rooms, somehow, someway, Lucy always managed to appear as if she was there the entire time.

"H-How did you learn that?"

"Great Grandmother Harriet." Lucy turned the pages of the book and showed that the name inside the book read "Harriet Loud". "Great Grandmother came from a long line of mages, she gathered information and materials needed to participate in the Holy Grail War, but she never got around to it. Life happened, but she never stopped gathering information, all the way until her death."

Lincoln couldn't believe it, their family was descendant from mages, magic users, magic was real. "I…I can't believe this…wow…!" Lincoln took a moment to gather his thoughts. "So, you're saying we could do this, we could enter this War and fight to get the Grail. Where is it?"

Lucy smiled as she went to one of the boxes and pulled out another tome. "Great Grandmother may have had the gift of clairvoyance. Up until now, all the Holy Grail Wars have taken place in Europe, with the last one having taken place in Japan. Now, all signs are pointing to North America hosting the next Grail War, more specifically, the United States. And the spot that she predicted the Grail would appear, was right here in Royal Woods."

Lincoln was starting to get excited, the wish granting item was going to appear, practically, in their own backyard, it was so close, which meant Lynn could be brought back. "Okay…Okay, so what do we have to do?!"

Lucy raised her hand in a stopping motion. "Lincoln, I would be remised if I didn't tell you that this…this will be dangerous."

Lincoln looked at her with confusion. "But it's like a game right?"

"No, my dear brother, it is not a game. Something with that much power, something that can only be grasped by the last one standing. Such power has seen much bloodshed. There's a reason why it's called the Holy Grail War. People have died fighting over this. There's two ways of winning, either you defeat the other Master's Servant, or, you kill their Master, both are acceptable ways of winning, including surrender. If we do this, Lincoln, we'll be wading into a battle filled with bloodshed, we'll be entering a world from which there's no turning back. Knowing this, are you prepared to take that leap?"

Lucy edged herself closer to Lincoln. "Are you prepared to take the life of another person if it meant getting Lynn back?"

Time seemed to slow in that moment. A battle that wagered the lives of those who participated, death and destruction were assured to whom so ever joined in this Grail War, a seven way battle royal where there would be no allies, only enemies. The only way to get this all-powerful item, was to kill everyone who stood in your way. Was Lincoln ready to do that? Was he ready to kill another person if it meant he could bring back the person he loved?

"I…I…don't know, Lucy," Lincoln answered.

"I expected more from the boy who was in love with our sister," Lucy accused.

Lincoln's eyes widened with shock. "W-W-WHAT?!"

Lucy crossed her arms and sat crossed legged. "You don't think I didn't notice? All the times Lynn would sneak out of our room, and return later with a stupidly happy grin on her face? The way you two stayed close to each other, the blushes? The small intimate moments? The others may not have an eye for the forbidden, but I do. I know you and Lynn were in love with each other, Lincoln Loud. That's why her death hurts you more than the rest of our family, because, for you, you didn't just lose a close sister. You lost your lover."

Lincoln started to cry, and yet, he smiled. "Heh…I guess it was stupid of us to think we could hide it forever…but I'm also kind of happy that someone knows…" Lucy crawled towards Lincoln and hugged him tight. "You're not…afraid of me? Or disgusted?"

Lucy pulled back and looked Lincoln in the eye, relatively speaking. "There is beauty in the forbidden, Lincoln. What I saw between you two, was beautiful. It was not born of lust, but of love, a love that neither of you were sure of until you both jumped in together. The world may not approve, the rest of our family wouldn't, but you'd needn't ever fear that of me." Lucy rested her head against her brother's chest and sighed calmly. "And no, I am not afraid of you, or your touch."

Lincoln felt some of the weight inside himself become lighter in this moment, he hugged Lucy tightly against him. This whole time he had no one to confide in about his feelings for Lynn, or what they shared, about how much more he was hurting than anyone else in the house, but here this person was, Lucy.

"I hurt the same way as you do, Lynn wasn't just my roommate, or just my sister, she was my best friend, and I want her back. So, I'll ask you again, Lincoln. For the one who was your lover, for the person that you wished to share your life with, for my friend. Are you prepared to go to war to bring her back? " Lucy asked.

Lincoln thought, he thought about Lynn, all their intimate moments, all the fun times as just siblings, all the secret dates they went on, all of it culminated in his heart and mind. And then, he thought about the accident, how she was robbed from him, from their family. It wasn't fair, no it just wasn't fair. But now, it seems Fate has decided to give Lincoln a chance to undo what was done, to right the wrong Fate itself had made. And all he had to, was battle six other people, six strangers who were willing to kill for what they wanted. There was only one chance to make this happen, the odds of something like this occurring so close to home were one in a trillion.


Lucy looked up at her brother. "Yes, what?"

"I am…I'm willing to do whatever it takes to bring her back," said Lincoln with finality. "How do we start?"

Lucy smiled, she knew she could count on her brother. The young sorceress backed away and got off the bed, she walked over to the same box and showed Lincoln a large chunk of stone that had some strange markings on it.

"First, we need to awaken your Magical Circuits. Great Grandmother Harriet sealed them a long time ago, but she wrote down how to release that lock."

"How long will it take?" Lincoln asked.

"The process will only take a couple of minutes, after that, you're going to feel feverish for a day. Do you remember way back when I came down with something and had to stay home from school?"

Lincoln did remember that day, Lucy had a high temperature, but no one else in the house got sick. She wasn't sneezing or coughing, just ran a high fever. Their parents were going to take her to see a doctor, but then it broke, they still took her in, but as far as the doctors could tell, she was fine. "So that's why…"

"Yes. After that, I'll need to train you. We have six months before the Grail War begins, if Great Grandmother's notes are accurate. Just a little before then, we'll summon our Servant with this catalyst." Lucy pointed to the stone in her hand.

"You still haven't told me, what is a 'Servant' or 'Heroic Spirit'?"

Lucy explained as much as she could. The Heroic Spirits were spirits of those from history or legend, their heroic deeds and feats recorded into the Throne of Heroes, making them eligible to be summoned as Servants to fight on the mage's behalf during the Holy Grail War. These spirits could be almost anyone from history, or from ancient legends, and each one would need to be summoned to one of the seven classes of Saber, Lancer, Archer, Rider, Assassin, Caster, and Berserker.

She went on stating that the spirits could only be summoned into one of the seven classes, there was no repeating of any one class at any point in time. Many figures from history and legend can fit into any one of the seven classes depending on their deeds and which classes have already been summoned.

"Some summons don't require a catalyst, but then it's pretty much a luck of the draw to what kind of Servant you're summoning. But with one, you're guaranteed a powerful Servant, especially with this. A piece of the Round Table," said Lucy.

Lincoln looked at the rock again, the words registering in his head. "Whoa, wait, hold up. You're saying that's a piece of the Round Table? As in, King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table?! That table?!"

Lucy nodded.

Lincoln now looked upon the rock with reverence.

"With this, we're guaranteed to be able to summon one of the Knights of the Round Table. Including King Arthur himself," Lucy explained. "For he too sat at the table, and proclaimed that all were equal who sat before it. Our chances of summoning one as a Saber, Archer, or Lancer are also higher, as all of them were proficient as swordsmen, jousters, and bowmen!"

Lincoln was liking their odds now, King Arthur and his knights are some of the most widely known, and famous, heroes around the world. The noble king and his kingdom of Camelot, fighting to keep peace in their land. How could they not get someone strong?

"Quick question, is awakening these 'Magic Circuits'…painful?" Lincoln asked.


"You're hesitation says otherwise."

Ronnie Anne lied awake in her bed, it was Saturday and it was late in the night. Her digital clock showed that it was one in the morning, and yet, the young Latina couldn't stop feeling restless tonight. To be honest, she hadn't felt that good since she found out that Lynn Loud Jr. died. The entire Casagrande family was called to the funeral, with Bobby consoling Lori, as well as Ronnie Anne's mother doing the same for Mrs. Loud.

Ronnie Anne tried to do the same for Lincoln, after all, she was his friend and at one point her crush, but the young man was like a ghost, a hollow shell. It saddened Ronnie Anne to see her friend in such a state, she knew that both Lincoln and Lynn were getting closer over these past two years, the video chats showed her that much, as Lynn would sometimes interject into their conversations.

However, their video calls, texting, or just calling in general, went mostly unreciprocated. Ronnie Anne worried about Lincoln, and because of that worry, she had asked Bobby to take her back to Royal Woods. Lori decided it was a good idea, as she too wanted to see her family. When Ronnie Anne saw him face to face after a week, it looked like he was acting semi like his old self, but Ronnie Anne could tell that the boy was not alright.

She asked some of his sisters to give her a call and give her some updates on him, they understood, she was worried about him, like they all were. Now, here she lied, staring up at her ceiling, contemplating exactly what she could do to bring back her old friend.

"Ronnie Anne, you alright?"

The Latina glanced to her right and smiled. Next to her was her best friend, and girl whom she had developed a deep relationship with, Sid Chang. The freckled faced girl looked upon her with worry, but Ronnie Anne just wore her smile.

"I'm fine…sorta," she answered.

"Still thinking about Lincoln…do I have competition?" Syd asked coyly.

Ronnie Anne smirked and dove at Sid, lying atop her and making the half-Chinese girl look deep into Ronnie Anne's chestnut colored eyes. "You know it's not like that, at least not anymore it isn't."

"There's the girl who got freaky with me a couple of hours ago," Sid replied.


"Wow, that's the pot calling the kettle black."

Ronnie Anne thought for a moment and shrugged. "Touché." The Latina slid down a little and rested her head on Sid's chest. "But, yeah, I am thinking about him. It's just not fair, Sid, Lincoln's a great guy, and to just lose one of his siblings like that…I can't even imagine what that feels like."

Sid stroked the back of Ronnie Anne's head as she shivered. "I know, I don't even want to think about that with Adelaide, but…it's not like we can go back in time and stop that accident from happening. Or…well…nah, we can't. Question, is what happened to Lincoln's sister what helped you to take the leap with me?"

Ronnie Anne smiled sadly. "I know it's terrible reason, but…knowing that life can just end for you just like that…I didn't want to have any regrets, so…yeah, I wanted to tell you how I felt, no matter if it destroyed our friendship."

Sid smiled. "I'm glad you did take that leap. You know I've liked spending time with you, and yeah, we've messed around a couple of times before now. But now, it feels nice to have be official. If you want, maybe we could name our kid in honor of Lincoln's sister?"

Ronnie Anne raised her eyebrow. "Wow, 'our kid', looking ahead there aren't ya?"

Sid blushed as she began to fidget. "I…well…I just, you know, it's a thought…sorry."

Ronnie Anne slid up and kissed Sid on the cheek. "It's fine with me, I honestly don't mind seeing myself with you in the future. Just promise me you won't start acting like Bobby or Lori, I got enough of that stuff when they were around each other."

"Awww, you don't want be my Boo-Boo Bear?" Sid asked in a cheesy voice.

Ronnie Anne deadpanned. "Yeah, no, you are not calling me that." Ronnie Anne looked back at her clock and sighed. "You'd better head back up to your room, don't want your parents to worry."

Sid's face fell upon hearing that. "You still want to tell them, right? About us?"

"I just need some time, I don't think they'd be angry or disappointed, I mean, they seemed alright around Luna during Christmas and Thanksgiving, but then again, it wasn't their own family member. I'll put out some feelers and see how they take it," said Ronnie Anne. "What about you're folks?"

"Mom and Dad never really talked to me about that kind of stuff, I mean, I've crushed hard on the boys from '12 is Midnight', especially Yoon Kwan, so I guess they just thought that I was into them, but, you know."

"Guess we both got some work to do."

Sid kissed Ronnie Anne on her forehead and climbed got out of Ronnie Anne's bed. She opened the window, smiled, and then made her way up the fire escape. Ronnie Anne smiled as she rolled onto the side of the pillow were Sid was sleeping, her scent was still present.

Ronnie Anne felt the call of nature and groaned as she got out of the bed and went to the bathroom. On her way to her room, she noticed a strange glow coming from inside. Ronnie Anne, curious, cautiously walked through the door, her desk drawer was glowing yellow, why though, she did not know.

The young Latina opened the drawer and saw a rock, but it wasn't just any rock. It was one that she had gotten from her father after the divorce. A friend of his found this strange rock that had weird markings on it, her father knew that she liked strange objects and sent it to her. Ronnie Anne had kept the rock as not just a reminder of her father, but also because it felt like it gave it strength somehow.

Now that same rock was glowing, the markings giving off a strange aura that resonated with Ronnie Anne. While she was being mesmerized by the light, Ronnie Anne didn't notice that her Abuela, Rosa Casagrande, was right behind her.

"Ronnie Anne, what is going on?!" she asked.

The teenage girl whipped around in a panic. "Abuela, I-I don't…my lucky rock just started glowing! I swear, I didn't do anything!"

Rosa walked over to the rock, she stared directly at it as her brow furrowed. The elderly woman waved her hand over it in circles as she spoke aloud, "Duerme ahora, descansa. Duerme ahora, descansa. Estar en paz" Rosa continued this chant as she waved her hand in small circles above the stone, and after a minute of this, the rock's glow began to fade away, the humming and energy finally stopped.

Ronnie Anne didn't know what she just witnessed or heard, she knew her grandmother was into the mystical and supernatural stuff, but this was different. "Abuela…w-what did you do?"

"I simply asked it to rest and to be at peace." Rosa carefully grabbed the rock and then looked at Ronnie Anne. "Mija, where did you get this?"

"It was a gift from my Dad, he found it while in Peru and sent it to me, I've always kept it around, but it never glowed!"

Rosa looked back at the rock and hummed in contemplation. "I was wondering why I felt a strange energy in this house for all these years, I thought it was just because you, your brother, and my little Maria came back. Now I see it was due to this, and you say it just now started to do this?"

Ronnie Anne nodded vigorously. "What is going on, Abuela?"

The older Hispanic woman's eyes shifted between her granddaughter and the rock, with a reluctant sigh, Rosa said, "Come, there is something I need to show you."

Ronnie Anne, confused, decided to follow her Abuela. The two of them walked out of the apartment and down the stairs. The two of them ended up in the laundry room, Rosa then headed to the hole in the wall that was refashioned into a private activity room for the tenants of the building. The elderly woman stopped and then turned around to face Ronnie Anne.

"Mija, I need to know now. Because, what I am about to show you is a family secret, one that I have kept even from your Abuelo. Are you sure you want to see?" Rosa asked.

Ronnie Anne could tell her grandmother was serious, she looked down upon her with eyes of scrutiny, waiting for the answer. Ronnie Anne was not one to back down from danger, she always faced a problem head on, and she would be damned if she chickened out now.

"I want to see," said Ronnie Anne.

Rosa nodded and waved for Ronnie Anne to follow. Once inside the room, Rosa moved the rug and placed her hand on the floor. She spoke in a low tone, and then, glowing lines etched themselves into the concrete, which then descended into stairs that lead further down. Ronnie Anne kept her cool as best she could, knowing full well that there was probably more craziness to come. The two Hispanic women walked down the stairs and into a small tunnel that lead to a wooden door at the end.

Rosa opened the door and showed Ronnie Anne some kind of workshop. Inside were different items, some she was sure were used in her grandmother's "remedies" or whenever she did her magic, voodoo, stuff. Rosa walked over to one of the benches and placed the rock on the table. She brought over a stool and had Ronnie Anne sit on it while Rosa sat on another.

"Mija, my side of the family comes from a long lineage of bruja's. Witches, or what you young people call today, mages," said Rosa.

"What?!" Ronnie Anne exclaimed.

"Of course, my family hasn't practiced for some time, but I've been fascinated by the mystical arts since I was a little girl. I know that there are some scary uses for magic, but I wanted to show that it could do some good. Even if it was small. Ever since you arrived, I felt that you had the gift as well, and it seems that this rock was the proof."

Ronnie Anne looked at the rock and asked, "What is it?"

"A piece of a very ancient, very divine place. I don't know how it wound up in Peru, but you are lucky to have it." Rosa turned her attention back to her granddaughter. "Ronnie Anne, I know you are saddened by the death of your friend's sister, and I can see that its been troubling you for days now."

Ronnie Anne looked down at the floor. "I just don't think it's fair. Something like that shouldn't happen, not to Lincoln, and not to Lynn! If there was a way to take it back, I'd do it!"

Rosa seemed hesitant to bring it up, but knew that this would continue to bother Ronnie Anne. "What if I told you there was a way to reverse what Fate has brought about?"

"What do you mean?"

"Soon, there will be a battle waged for something called the Holy Grail. It grants the winner one wish, whatever it may be."

Ronnie Anne jumped off the stool and looked up at her grandmother with wide eyes. "Y-You're serious?! You're not pulling my leg?!"

"No, Mija, I am not. There is such an item. However, getting it will not be easy. There will be six others who will want it as well, for there can only be seven participants. You will need to summon a mighty being to fight at your side, a Heroic Spirit, this spirit will protect you, and fight the others who try to get in your way. This is a battle to the death, there can only be one winner. I don't tell you this so that you can just blindly enter, Ronalda, I want you to know the risks involved. If you wish to enter, I will help you prepare as best I can, but make sure that this is something that you truly wish to endeavor, knowing that your life is on the line."

Ronnie Anne thought about this, a seven way battle to the death to obtain a wish granting item. The best case scenario is that she wins and makes the wish to bring back her former crush's beloved sister. Some would call her a fool for going to such lengths, but Ronnie Anne wasn't some heartless girl, if there was one thing you could count on her for, it was to stick by and help her friends in a pinch. Lincoln was hurting, his family was hurting, and with Lori and Bobby together, that made Lincoln her family too, and you never turn your back on family.

"I want to do it, how do we start this?!" Ronnie Anne asked with determination.

Rosa wasn't sure if she did the right thing this day, but her granddaughter was strong and resourceful, plus, the card reading she did regarding Lincoln and Ronnie Anne foretold of something dark coming, something that would require the two of them to keep it from rising.

"Very well, I'll help you awaken your magic, and once we've done that, we'll use this stone to summon your Heroic Spirit," said Rosa.

"What kind of 'spirit' will it be?" Ronnie Anne asked.

"It can be anyone depending the catalyst. A figure from history, a hero of legend or from a fairytale. However, with this stone…" Rosa smiled. "The spirit that we'll summon will be quite powerful."