A/N: Sorry for taking so long, y'know the deal. School and stuff really drain my time. Hope you enjoy this and keep giving me ideas and feedback. Thanks for all the support!

Ruby could barely sleep, all she could think about during the night was getting back to her friends. This isn't what kept her up, the aching feeling she got when she considered that she will never see them again is what kept her from getting rest. After about 7 hours of struggling to rest, the thoughts ceased and she slipped into a deep sleep. When she woke up, she was surprised to see Naruto sitting across the room. "N-Naruto?" The boys eyes lit up at the sound of her voice.

"Oh great you're awake!" He smiled "I was worried you had slipped into some kind of coma!" Scratching the back of his neck he got up and walked beside Ruby. "Are you feeling any better?" Ruby tried moving all of her limbs.

"I feel fine for the most part, just tired.." She paused as her stomach growled "..and a little hungry." Laughing she got up and stretched.

Naruto gazed at the young girl and smiled."I know just the place!" Scratching his head. "Are you sure you are okay, you were in pretty bad shape."

"Trust me, I'm fine. Do you have anything other than this gown for me?" Ruby looked around the room.

"Yeah, I actually Sakura had the clothes we found you in repaired. But that big weapon you had is being looked at by my friend Tenten." The boy pulled out the neatly folded black and red outfit, wrapped in a red cape.

Ruby took the clothes but looked at Naruto with a serious glare. "Please make sure your friend doesn't tinker with my precious 'Rose'." He looked a little confused but nodded. "And do you mind?" He blushed and waited for her outside the room.

When the redhead had emerged from the room, Naruto couldn't help but stare at her. The red accents on her black outfit really complimented her hair and the silver rose emblem had only made her eyes even more beautiful. He shook his head and snapped back to reality. "You ready?" The blonde gave a huge smile as she nodded. The two left the hospital and headed to the famous Ichiraku Ramen shop that Naruto had loved so dearly.

On the way there, Ruby had a chance to get a feel of her surroundings. Tons of people roaming the streets, a beautiful blue sky and a giant monument with 5 heads and a 6th being constructed. She began to wonder how she would ever get back to the land she once knew. Before she could beat herself up more, her thoughts had stopped when she caught a whiff of food. She followed the boy under a banner labeled 'Ichiraku' and had a seat next to him.

"This place smells amazing" Ruby inhaled deeply. I'm so hungry.

Naruto smiled and looked at Teuchi "Two bowls of pork miso please!" He nodded and got to work. "If there's anything I love more than being a ninja, it's ramen!" Ruby giggled. "That reminds me, seeing that huge weapon you had makes me wonder how strong you are." The blue eyes of Naruto glew as the food had arrived.

"If you can keep up" Ruby giggles and began to eat. This was the best thing she has ever tasted. She couldn't believe how fast she had eaten but looked over at Naruto who already had a stack of bowls in front of him. "Geez you sure can eat!"

Naruto burped and got up. And pulled his frog purse out. Teuchi waved his hand in refusal. "There's no need, we all owe you a great debt for being the leaf's hero." Ruby raised her eyebrow at him.

"Hero?" She questioned.

"That's a long story for another time." The blonde scratched his head and grinned. "Now, let's go see Tenten and get your thingy back." Ruby followed as they walked towards the weapons shop. "What is that thing anyways?"

The redhead sighed. "It's not a thing! She's got a name. She's my precious Crescent Rose. She's a hybrid of a scythe and a rifleā€¦." she paused "..a Scythle."

The boy was confused, he had never heard of a rifle before. "Rifle? I'm curious, I can't wait to see what you can do."

After arriving to Tenten's weapon shop, Ruby's eyes were glistening at the sight of everything. Drool dripping from her mouth wide open at the amount of tools of battle. Tenten was already examining the massive weapon when she noticed the pair walk in. "Oh great, you're just in time for me to find out how this thing works."

Ruby ran and grabbed her beloved scythe. "No don't touch her like that!" She folded it up and put it on her back. "I'll show you what it can do."

Tenten was shocked. 'This girl is crazy, and really fast' She sighed. "Well fine, but let's go to the training grounds before you hurt somebody."

Naruto got excited, he couldn't wait to spar with this girl from another land. Who knows what he can learn.

A/N: Thanks for reading! I hope to keep updating as I find time to do so. Hopefully soon but y'know how fanfic authors are. Please give feedback and don't be scared to be harsh (yet respectful) Everything is appreciated!