Hello Readers! I apologize for not having a new chapter up sooner, in fact, this one might not even come out the day I'm writing this sadly. I have hit a block with chapter 2 where I have the first act written and the Third act is planned out in my mind but that dirty second act is blocked from my mind. So, I'm making this special sequence for almost no reason. Expect maybe another one involving Louise or maybe a full chapter in the coming days, Enjoy!

Darkness, and whispers.

Often signs of evil and mystery, but for myself the were the making of a good world view. Within a forgotten realm I sit waiting for challengers, on a throne of bone and souls I- "Hey Mim!"

I dropped my pencil in surprise and Shock. "What are doing in the attic? Playing with colorful ponies?"

"Go away asshole," I replied to my awful brother.

"Oh no, I see you're just writing your dark and brooding fanfiction about yourself. How about I take it!" He snatched my book and ran but I just held my hand out and waited for it to force its way out his grip and back into my hand. "What the-" and like I predicted it came back.

"Wow, little bro you way overuse magic. What even was that." My non-genius brother asked while scratching his head in annoyance.

"It was a ring with an attraction spell of my own magic grafted to a book and a weak protection spell to keep it from destruction," I said with a scientific nod.

"That seems like overkill."

"Well if you love something and want to protect it, you put a ring on it." I shrugged "I'm sure you will understand someday big brother Brimir but if not you will come to regret it."

"Whatever Mr. Darkness and Whispers,"

'How did he get it back?' I thought as I chased him into the next room.