A/N: This story is also the result of a challenge on the Harmony & Co. Facebook group. It's a mini sage, no more than 100 words. H/Hr obviously. I'll say AU.

Snape finished reading out the article from Witch Weekly and sneered at Harry "Not very good at relationships are you?"

The article was actually correct since secretly, Hermione WAS Harry's girlfriend. However, Harry had had it with Snape. He figured if he could get Snape to attack him, then not even Dumbledore could save him.

"Actually sir, I have a great inspiration, my parents." Snape went white as Harry continued. "She was friends with a complete jerk until he insulted her. She fell in love with a much better man, my father, and married him."

Snape's wand came up. "Crucio!"

A/N: Well short and sweet(?) exactly 100 words. :) I hope you liked it, please review.