Chapter 1:

AN: Here it is, the sequel, sorry about the delay, life got in the way. Though from tomorrow when I finish my last exam for the year I will be on summer break and so I will have plenty of time to write.

So, to explain the structure of this story at times this this story will be very close to cannon, at other times there will be some changes/additions and at other points I will be saying screw cannon and make things completely different which will lead to ripple effects.

The first few, or so, chapters will have a lot of skips so that important events from 2000 to 2005 can be addressed and before getting to late season 2/early season 3.

Hope you like, please let me know what you think.

Unless indicated otherwise assume conversations in Israel take place in Hebrew.

September 2000

For a few weeks Ziva Rivka Gibbs has been in Israel, the place she was born but does not consider to be home, searching for answers about what happened to her biological family. Since coming to Israel Ziva has quickly realised something she has forgotten, Israelis' are not fond of outsiders, and so she had to take steps to start to become an insider; something she was able to do thanks to the cover her father and Uncle Fornell set up for her.

After double, and triple, checking that she has not been followed, and that what she is going to do is secure, Ziva finally decides that she is okay to make a phone call, just as long as the call does not last too long. Using a phone, she brought just to make this phone call Ziva dials the number she knows by heart and waits.

"Yeah," A voice answers, a voice Ziva hasn't heard in weeks, but is really glad to hear.

"Shalom Dad," Ziva says, a slight smile on her face even though she is on lookout for danger, as she feels beyond thrilled to hear her father's voice.

"Ziver," her father, Leroy Jethro Gibbs says, sounding glad to hear her voice, though not many people would be able to tell that. "You callin' to say you found your answers and are coming home?" Gibbs asks curious.

"Not yet," Ziva admits, not at all surprised that her father said that. "Dad, I am calling to say I may not be able to call for a while," Ziva admits.

"Why not? You okay?" Gibbs asks concerned, there being a level of worry to his voice which Ziva can hear.

"I am okay, Dad," Ziva says as she looks around, looking for signs of danger. "I have not been able to get any answers, I am being…. What is the word?" Ziva asks her father.

"Stonewalled," Gibbs guesses as he isn't surprised.

"Yes," Ziva confirms. "I have found a way that might lead to my answers, but it will be difficult, and complicated, and I do not think you will like it," Ziva admits.

"Ziver, I already don't like that you are in Israel alone," Gibbs tells his daughter.

"I know," Ziva admit. "You will like this even less," Ziva admits, knowing that because she knows her father.

"Just tell me, Kid, whatever it is," Gibbs tells his daughter.

"I have signed up to join the Israeli Army, I start basic training tomorrow," Ziva reveals.

"Ziver…" Gibbs starts to say, sounding shocked.

"I know you will worry, but this is the only way I can think of to get answers," Ziva admits. "I can get access Dad and use that access to find answers!" Ziva says and from the passion in his daughter's voice Gibbs realises that he has no chance of talking her out of this, she is too stubborn.

"Be careful, Ziva, you're going down a dangerous road," Gibbs tells his daughter, wishing he could drag her back to America, but he knows he can't she is an adult and he respects her decisions.

"I know, but I have to," Ziva admits.

"I know," Gibbs admits, with a sigh.

"Say hi to everyone for me, Ducky, Uncle Fornell, Diane, Stephanie, tell them I miss them," Ziva requests as she cannot call them, as calling her father was already a huge risk.

"I will, but Kiddo, about Stephanie…." Gibbs starts to say.

"You have broken up," Ziva realises, and she is not at all surprised.

"Yeah," Gibbs confirms.

"I am not surprised, but I am sorry," Ziva tells her father.

"Thanks Kiddo," Gibbs responds.

"I should go, I will call when I can," Ziva tells her father.

"Be careful Ziver, I know you want answers, but don't risk your life to get them," Gibbs tells his daughter.

"I will do my best," Ziva says. "I love you, Dad," Ziva tells her father.

"Love you too, Kid," Gibbs responds, before hanging up.

Once she hangs up the phone Ziva takes out the sim card, breaks the phone which she then drops in one bin, after wiping her prints. Once she has broken the phone Ziva proceeds to rip the sim card into pieces, dropping the pieces into different bins as she takes the long way to where she has been saying.

The next morning Ziva reports to basic training and after undergoing a few final assessments Ziva has been shown to where the other new recruits are so they can get their welcome briefing.

"Shalom," A boy about her age says to Ziva as they wait together.

"Shalom," Ziva responds.

"My name is Adam, Adam Eshel," Adam introduces.

"I am Ziva, Ziva Gibbs," Ziva responds, and the two of them shake hands, Ziva not realising that she has just mat someone who will become a true friend.

December 2000

Three months have passed since Ziva joined the Israeli army and ever since the sort for answers has been slow, as she has had to be careful, though Ziva cannot deny that she has enjoyed her training.

Back in DC, Gibbs has been working a lot of uncover missions and since his marriage with Stephanie ended he has met someone, a marine named Ellen Wallace, and in the short time they have known each other she has become very important to Gibbs.

Since Ziva joined the army Gibbs has been able to talk to his little girl a few times, but in those conversations he has not told her about Ellen, even though she means a great deal to Gibbs, so much so that he has told her about Ziva, and their relationship is becoming serious.

As Gibbs has started to work with a great forensic scientist by the name of Abby Scuito he has found that his cases are often finished sooner than they used to be due to the break throughs she discovers. Because of once such breakthrough curtesy of Abby Gibbs finds himself walking into his house pretty early, at least by his standards, on a Thursday night.

As he walks in, instead of going to make dinner Gibbs goes to the cupboard and grabs the menorah, which he puts in the living room window and lights the first candle as he says the prayer Ziva taught him a long ago.

"Happy Hanukkah, Ziver," Gibbs says as he watches the candle burn, wishing his daughter was by his side.

As he stares at the Candle Gibbs, who did not even hear a car pull up, hears a knock on his door and so he heads there, to his surprise Tobias Fornell is standing on the other side.

"ZIver? Has something happened?" Gibbs asks worried, as his heart sinks as he knows that If something happened to Ziva then Fornell would find out first.

"Ziva is fine, at least I haven't heard otherwise," Fornell assures him, not at all surprised by the question.

"Then what are you doing here, Tobias?" Gibbs asks as his friend walks into his house.

"I know what today is, Ziva told me to look out for you, so that's what I am doing," Fornell says, walking in. "You made the food yet?" Fornell asks curious.

"Just about too," Gibbs responds, as he closes the door. While having Fornell at his house for Hanukkah is nowhere as good as having Ziva by his side, it is still a nice surprise.

May 2001

Eight months have passed since Ziva joined the Israeli Army and in that time her father, unknown to her, has gotten engaged, and Ziva has quickly excelled at her training and exercises, being the best in her unit, and several others.

"And once again, you beat everyone," Adam says, playfully nudging Ziva as they walk into the mess hall.

"Well if you made it a challenge I would not have such an easy time," Ziva responds, smirking slightly.

"Pretty sure you're just good," Adman tells her.

"Turai Gibbs," A voice says and Ziva quickly stands at attention.

"Yes Sir," Ziva says.

"At ease," the Senior Officer says and Ziva relaxes. "Tural Gibbs you have a visitor. This visitor is someone very important and you will remember that," The officer informs Ziva.

"Yes Sir," Ziva responds, wondering what is going on, though she cannot help but feel a little worried that her cover has been blown and someone has found out who she is.

"He is waiting in my office," the officer says, before walking away.

"Better you than me, good luck," Adam tells Ziva and she hurries off.

As she jogs from the mess hall to the senior officer's office everything that could possibly happen runs through Ziva's head. She thinks about what she will have to do if her identity has indeed been compromised, something which she already has a plan for; one she hopes she will not have to execute though she is prepared to.

Getting to the office Ziva takes a deep breath and then, mentally preparing for the worse, reaches out and knocks.

"Enter," A voice that is vaguely familiar says.

Feeling almost like she is walking to a firing squad Ziva opens the door and walks in, feeling her drug run cold as she sees who is in the room. Even though it has been over a decade since she has seen him Ziva recognises the person sitting at the desk, and honestly it is the last person she was expecting; Eli David.