Luna Knightengale

presents ...

Thrill Seeker

How far would you go to chase the boredom away?


"Exciting world"

I died of boredom.

Literally, I died because my soul was bored with my world and decided to leave. Talk about taking a turnoff off the highway of life. It felt like that too, like falling off a bridge and sinking in water. I couldn't breathe. Suddenly I was yanked out pulled towards a light, and I gasped for air.


The sound of a crying baby fit my ear; it was so close and in tune with my breathing. I gasped, realizing that the crying baby was me. A blurry figure in white held me, and I felt the feeling of being rapped in soft cloth before being passed off again. I ended up in her hands, soft and gentle, my mother. It wasn't just instinct; there was something else a hum that was in rhythm with my own. It wasn't blood but close, run all through me producing a self melody.

Bah dum boom boom

It was the only warning I got before being snatched from my mother's arms.

Hahaha! He laughed holding me in the air like a prize "aren't you just the cutest thing!" He was almost yelling and my little ears hurt. Vaguely I registered that he wasn't speaking English but Japanese "kawaii" instantly activated my translator. I was honestly surprised it still worked, I was more so when the man through me in the air!

Mother rushed to catch me but 'father', I was assuming, caught me no bother.

"My little cherry blossom" he cued

"Dear!" Mother scolded "you can't do that to a baby!" She took me in her arms before punching Father on the head. He laughed it off and grinned at us, I clung on to mother for dear life, Father being a scatterbrain was far too dangerous.

"Um excuse me," the nurse said getting our attention "I'm here for the documentation. Have you decided on a name?"

"Ah yes," Father said standing straighter, he patted my head gentle "Sakura" he said smiling fondly.

"Sakura Haruno"

Konohagakure, the village hidden in the leaves, the first shinobi village and one located in the land of fire. As a village of one of the "Five Great Shinobi Countries," Konohagakure has a "Kage" as its leader known as the "Hokage." As of my birth, there had only been four Hokage, the fourth died young and the once retired third Hokage replaced him.

"The attack of the demon Fox" an event that would forever scar the village. "Long ago a demon Fox attacked a village of Shinobi; it had nine tails one of which could destroy mountains in a single swing. The shinobi rose up to defend their villages. One shinobi faced the demon in mortal combat, he sacrificed his life to capture the beast and seal it away. This shinobi was known as the 'Fourth Hokage'," or so the story goes.

The tale is well known in my previous life. Naruto a child burdened with the job of warden of a demon Fox. Hated by his village that saw only the prisoner he held within, he was neglected by them and longed to be acknowledged. And so he trained hard, formed bonds and eventually become the Hokage, the title was only given to the most powerful shinobi. It was a great story to read, not so great to experience. While I was not reincarnated as Naruto himself, I was reborn as one of his closest friends.

Sakura Haruno could be described with one word. Useless. In a world of shinobi where Ninja techniques are what make a Ninja she had none. While she did learn healing arts and become a "support character" and I use the term loosely. She was never of any use to the plot at all. The one time she was badass was short-lived, and overshadowed by her teammate and love interest, Sasuke literally moments later.

The writer didn't know how to write heroines and Sakura suffered for that, and being reincarnated as her if this world follows the plot set by her old one she was doomed.

Even knowing I had no real advantage in this world, my heart raced with a feeling I had long forgotten. Excitement. In a dangerous world where the slightest misstep spells your doom. A grin blossomed across my face. Zabuza, Orochimaru, Gaara, rogues ninjas, and the Akatsuki and that's not even mentioning the undead army and a God!

This life is bound be exciting. I died because I lose interest in what it took to live, will power. With no conflict or challenge to my life it eventually ended prematurely. Here there was always an enemy to fight, always a task to overcome, always room to grow. You can literally become a God, and that excited me.

Looking in the mirror a pair of green eyes stared back. Pink hair formed bangs over my large forehead. I wasn't bad looking, in fact, I was cute thank God. I suspected it was out of jealousy of my good looks that the other girls picked on my one flaw.

The first thing I should do is build up my body strength, I decided. Being as badass as Rock Lee couldn't hurt any, well nothing but my muscles anyway. I should also study spells or Fuinjutsu the art of sealing. Those are the only things I can do while my chakra coils are developing. I had already learned Japanese back when I like my others thought they would go to Japan. I had gotten bored with the idea not long after learning the language and having no one to talk to.

If this world follows the story then I'll be placed on team seven. The first task is beating Kakashi sensei. I wonder if I should change the plan if only a little. it would be boring if things stay the same.

Lost in thought I walked out of my room and downstairs where my parents sat in the living room. Father, Kizashi Haruno was an odd man, having dreamy and dull pink hair styled in the form of cherry blossom. His sideburns flowed into his angular mustache. He always wore casual kimono shirts and pants when off duty. You'd always know if his home because he was loud. Though I couldn't help think it was a facade to cover something.

"Hahaha!" Father laughed, no doubt at his own joke.

"Dear that wasn't funny in the slightest, having your clothes destroyed in such a way is just heartbreaking." Mother reprimanded him as usual. She was a tall, fair-skinned woman with shoulder-length blond hair her bang combed down the center of her forehead. Her green eyes frowned at father with disapproval. She always wore a dress with slits on both sides and a long pants underneath. without fail it would have the Haruno circles even though we were from a shinobi clan.

Shinobi clans are a huge family of shinobi that have there own specialty, Ninja art. They function as a unit in the village so far there only the three of us, and we don't specialize in anything. We were a simple civilian family.

Bum boom boom boom bum boom boom

Like the sound of drums that was also how I knew when father was nearby, there would be the sound of drums. Based on his mood the tempo might change but it always sounds like drums at a festival whenever he's home. Like I said, loud. Mother was more like flutes the faster the tempo the more irritated she is, it wasn't fast which means she not actually mad at father's words.

Ever since I could remember I've been able to hear these sounds I dubbed it "Soul Music" since it reflected their mood more than anything.

Father down at me as I approached.

"Well if it isn't my little cherry blossom" she scooped me into his arms, I immediately become to protest. Of course, it went ignored.

"What you been up to?" He grinned at my pouting face "I haven't seen you studying."

He hadn't been home often enough for him to know I wasn't studying, which meant someone had to have told him. Mother's soul begun to play a Mary tone giving her away.

"I already finished," I explained. Father rose a brow.

"You learned all the kanji and how to read them?" He didn't sound convinced.

"I also know how to count to 1000," I said innocently keeping my eyes wide. "And how to add and subtract." His eyes narrowed just a fraction for a second, I almost didn't notice but his drums become to slow in rhythmic beats. Mother's soul also slowed dangerously. Was I missing something? I get that I'm young but Konoha isn't short on child prodigies. Father busted into laughter.

"Oh is that right my little girls is a genius is she" he laughed again and patted my hair. "She gonna become a smarty pant like her mother!"

"Of course she is!" Mother said, "I can't have her become a knucklehead like you." Father laughed harder at that tears pricked his eyes.

I poured and crawled out of his lap, I ran to the doorway and put on my shoes.

"Sakura wear are you going" mother called after me.

"Out!" I called back, "be back before sunset" and with that, I ran out the door and down the street. My mind raced as I thought of father's drums, even though he was laughing it never once chanced tone. Slow, soft and deadly serious. A shiver ran through me "fear" but even that was thrilling, everything seems so much more enjoyable than boredom.

This is so exciting! if I do die in this world, it won't be from boredom that's for sure.

Hello my little Night Walkers. Luna here. Thank you for reading my story. Its a "isekai" story that i wanted to tell for a bit. It also happen to my first story, so its guaranteed to be bad.

Art by A2T will draw.

Until next time. Night song!