AN:: Hiya, Racha-Chan here!!! This is my newest fic "Jailbird." Despite the cheery title, this is a sad fic. It involves some violence....which will be hard for me since I don't like to witness or experience and violent things.

Warnings: Violence, sap, angst, yaoi, we really have to go through this?

Pairings: None in the prologue...

Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ, don't sue me...

They slammed the smashed body into the walls harshly, just to get another laugh off of him before they shoved him into the filthy, grimy hole in the wall. Re-accessing the code to the holding cell, the guards growled and chuckled sinisterly to themselves as they strolled down the hall, apparently tired after herding the saiyan to his imprisonment, the two alien sentinels made their way to the lounge to dine.

Goku sat up wearily, lurching forward suddenly and hacked up a small amount of blood into his broken hand. He sighed and long sigh, a sigh which quickly shifted into a sob, and then came the tears. Was this all some kind of dream? Why couldn't he just wake up? But the pain seemed so real, the blood, the voices, their laughter, their faces; it all seemed so damn real. And Goku came to the horrific realization that it was indeed real. Each and every second that passed by was there. His happy future was gone, diminished to this lowly world that seemed so new and unwelcoming.

But worst of all, she was gone. "Bulma." he whispered. Silver tears drizzled down his face and stained his pale cheeks. His life was in shambles, torn up and spat upon. There was no way out of this mess. Usually good ole Goku could think up some kind of solution to any type of catastrophe, but not right now. The future looked grim and hopeless for him from now on. Goku's masculine frame shuddered as another sob broke through his lungs. He curled up in a ball, trying to contain his body heat to himself seeing that the cell he was in possessed frigid temperatures.

Hundreds of questions raced through his mind. What was going to happen to him? What was he going to do? What was this place? Who were these people? The list was endless. Goku froze immediately when his senses picked up the sound of a scampering rat racing across the floor. He sighed in defeat, for that was what had happened to him. He had been defeated.

The dismal saiyan's eyes trailed along the cracked, battered floor of the dreary imprisonment revealing that it too had seen better days. It was all so dark, dark and eerie. The room smelled of death, giving Goku the impression that he might not make it out of stage one alive. Even more tears glided down the blood stained face, dripping into a noticeable slash dancing across his left cheek as a terrible aching pain developed in his stomach. He was hungry and thirsty, his throat parched from the cold temperatures in the tiny room.

//How?// he thought. How was it possible for the earth's strongest fighter to be taken down in a battle not even worth calling a scrimmage? It all happened so fast, realizing the fact the tired man had been ridiculously outnumbered five to one. But to him that wasn't an excuse. She was to be protected. Although he had tried to protect her hadn't he? Of course he had, but he failed miserably hands down. //I'm a failure!// he screamed at himself. //She died because of me! It's all my fault! If only I had have been there...//

It had all happened on a mysterious mission to the red planet neighboring the earth. Mars, was what she called it. Testing to find traces of water, the villains unsuspectingly attacked. Goku could still remember the sounds of their battle cries and the mind-shattering shrill that escaped her throat just before the horrible brutes massacred her. The visions of her fragile body being thrown against the crimson mountains of the planet and killing her upon impact made Goku mentally scream in agony. All of them, all five of them laughed at the sight of Goku cradling her limp, lifeless body in his arms. But the vague memory that hurt Goku the most was when the tall purple one...Ginyu shot her with his life's energy or ki, blowing her beautiful form to bits.

Goku ran a bruised finger down his scrapped space suit, smearing the semi-dried blood in its wake. Her blood, his blood, and maybe just a little bit of blood from when he punched that short, fat green alien in one of its many eyes, but perhaps-he was too depressed to depict one source from another.

//Maybe I should just kill myself. I can't go on living like this. And they'll probably just murder me anyway.// Goku kicked himself mentally for so much as suggesting suicide to himself. His grandfather Gohan had taught him that in even the toughest of situations, only a coward would give up. But wasn't he a coward already? He had just proved it when he couldn't even protect his own love.

//What would Bulma want me to do?// he asked himself. //She wouldn't want me to give up...// No. He wouldn't die. There was no quitting this. He had to finish what they started and somehow avenge Bulma. He knew there was a way. Even if the chances were one in a million, there was still a chance. //Maybe there's still...a...chance...// Goku's thoughts drifted afar from him as his tired mind and body seduced him into sleep.

AN: Well, any comments? Questions? E-mail me!! Tell me!

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