This is my second theory and headcanon!

Theory #2: Ray's trusty girlfriend


Ok, so as a teenager Ray had a girlfriend (either his 1st or 2nd, can't decide. But I really think it should be his 2nd.) that he told everything to her. And by everything I mean he told and proved to her that he was indestructible. Now I won't give her a name since I can't decide what to name her and it's just a theory. Also my theory about Drex will incorporate a little bit into this as well.


So, when Ray was about 15, he had a girlfriend that he felt really connected to and felt like he could trust. Which is why I think she should be his 2nd girlfriend because a before when he was 14, he felt like he couldn't fully trust his 1st girlfriend. This would end up with the girl breaking up with him a few months after being together.

Anyways, after some time of being together Ray tells and proves to the girl about being indestructible. She promises not to tell anyone. She meets Drex and they both support Ray on the days that he can't deal with his father anymore. When Ray tells her and Drex that he wants to be a superhero, they both love the idea. Eventually Schwoz comes along and he thinks that the girl is a very good girlfriend to Ray (No, this is not the same girlfriend that Schwoz stole from Ray).

Several months later, Ray is 16 now. He and his girlfriend are walking through Swellview Park and the girl tells him that her father got a promotion or a new job (can't decide which one), but it requires him to work in Japan. She and her family were leaving the next day. She doesn't know when she'll ever come back to America. Ray has several feelings build up inside of him, he asks her why she's telling him this now at the last minute than a month ago. She says that knowing him, if she told him a month ago he would be crabby and complain for a month and she didn't want that. She says that she already told Mr. Manchester, Drex, and Schwoz so they would be prepared for Ray to bring out his anger and sadness.

Ray couldn't believe it, they had gotten closer these past few months. Just the other day, they said "I love you" to each other. They were both heartbroken that they have to break up. They agree that no matter how many boyfriends/girlfriends they have they will always love each other the most. She makes Ray promise to her that he will not give up in becoming the superhero that he always told her he wanted to be. She knows that Ray and Drex have a very close friendship, so she tells Ray to include him in some way as well. He promises.

They have a final goodbye kiss and then the girl has to leave to go home, leaving a saddened Ray in the park. Awhile later, Drex finds Ray alone in the park on a bench. They talk about it for awhile then Drex takes Ray home. A few months later Ray fulfills his girlfriend's wish and becomes Captain Man! And when Drex turned 20, he made him his sidekick.

Ray sill remembers his girlfriend that he trusted, and of course he had multiple girlfriends after her, (including Lacey from Saturday Night Lies) but he never had the same connection with them like he did with that girlfriend no matter how hard he tried. This would result in many breakups, most of them by the girl. Ray knew that that one girlfriend would never leave his heart and mind.

This one is a little shorter than the last theory/headcanon, but I hope you enjoyed it. Should I write this into a story? Let me know what you think. Thanks!